Remembering Sunday.

By Leviismyheichou

19.7K 290 123

"Hello bitches you've reached the answering machine of Alex Gaskarth leave me a message and if your sexy enou... More

Remembering Sunday.
Expelled Hurt & New Beginnings.
First Day's First Kisses & Another Beating.
First Date's Lies & Promises.
Boyfriends Weirdness & More Lies.
Don't Trust Jack Alone In Your Mom's Room.
House Party's Love you's & Second First Kisses.
I love You's Anger & Hiding.
Hurt Cocked blocked & Signed? Part One.
Well I Guess I'll Go Home Now...
I Will Always Remember Sunday.
Unlabled Vodka Pitty & Stacey *Bonus Chapter One Of Three*

Hurt Cocked blocked & Signed? Part Two.

1.2K 17 33
By Leviismyheichou

The crowd was clearing out and the guys were packing there equipment away, the few tiny words I managed to get from Alex were that we would talk later, I'm glad I needed the space I needed to think this thought in my head ? he knows how can he know. 

"Hi my names name's John Robertson I'm from the label your the bands merch girl right?" I hadn't even noticed the guy sat beside me on the barstool's he dident look like a record company guy, he looked early twenty's causally dressed like he blended in why did I expect suits limos and body gurards.  

"Hi I'm Ella I'm really good friends with the guys Rian Is practically my brother" He nodded at me extending his hand witch I shook firmly keeping eye contact and praying for the best, his phone buzzed in his pocket and he picked it up looking at the screen and standing. 

"I really wanted to speak with the guys personally but I have an emergency can I trust you to give the guys a message for me?" I nodded quickly hoping to god that was good news. 

"I want you to give them this envelope it contains a copy of our contract for them to look through and a meeting time and place to talk signing them up" My heat bounced in my chest THEY DID IT, Ive never been so happy I lunged out at the guy and pulled him into the biggest hug Ive ever gave anyone he seemed a little weirded out at first, but hugged back with a smile on his face. 

"Oh and one more thing tell Alex that whoever motivated him to write that song is the reason All Time Low is going to be a star" He pressed the envelope into my waiting hands and took off out the door leaving me with the best news Ive ever heard. 

I ran out to the back parking lot bolting right for the guys, they all stood around the van putting the equipment back, Alex saw me running and almost dropped the amp he was carrying.

"WHAT THE FUCK ELLA" I smacked into the back of Jack tackling us both to the floor, the biggest smile ever on my face, Alex grabbed my arm and pulled me up clearly looking worried about me, I couldn't contain it anymore I held the envelope out to Zack and just blurted the news. 

"YOU DID IT HOPELESS RECORDS WANT'S TO SIGN YOU" Zack ripped open the envelope and held up the contract all four boys gathering around to look at it everyone was in shock, Alex took me tightly in his arms and screamed out. 

"WE'VE DONE IT" Then the celebrations started I hugged each one of the guys and then Kara saying well done to each one, they deserved this immensely, then they made me recount to them how it happened how he approached me and how he had to leave. 

"The meeting is set for Tuesday will you come?" I shook my head at Alex a big smile on my face. 

"You couldn't keep me away if you tried" He picked me up in his arms and our lips connected everything about earlier forgotten, but not for long. 

After a lot of dancing and shouting in the parking lot we decided to head back to Alex's empty house for celebrations, that was the last thing I wanted, me and Alex needed to talk badly. 

"Congrats Rian I always knew you could do it" He pulled me into a big hug my head resting on his chest. 

"Not without you Ella, your the one who told me to take up drumming, your the one who pushed me into joining the band when the guys offered me, without you I wouldn't be here and I will always love you for that" I knew his message had two meaning's he just told me He loved me again still after everything that's happened. 

"We gonna meet back at the house guys?" Rian nodded grabbing Kara and steeing her to his car, we all got in the van me and Alex riding on the backseat, he got in first and I laid down with my head in his lap and a smile on my face. 

"I'm so proud of you lex you have everything you ever dreamed of" I smiled at him I don't think Ive ever been happier in my entire life and this isn't even happening to me, this was the best day ever. 

"Couldn't have done it without you Ella your my everything, like the guy said without the person who inspired me to write that song I wouldn't have been signed" Tears started to well up in my eyes, he truly meant it didn't he, I was his everything and he was my everything, just like I'm my dads everything, I thought back to the last time he hit me what he said to me. 


"COME OUT COME OUT WHERE EVER YOU ARE" Every word out of his mouth caused more soundless tears to roll down my face, I was biting down on my hand to stop myself from screaming, he hit me and he kicked me and he just wouldn't stop, I was halled up in the under the stairs cupboard, listening to his footsteps pace around up and down up and down. 

"ELLA SWEETHEART COME OUT DADDY ONLY WANTS TO LOOK AT YOUR PRETTY LITTLE FACE" I bit down harder on my hand praying he would would leave me alone praying he would stay away, then my lucky break happened, I heard his feet on the stairs above me I waited till I heard him on the very top and I bolted out of the cupboard now clutching my hands to my sore rips, I didn't look back I kept running, and running I ran thought the front door clutching my sides and heard him behind me his footsteps stopped and the sound of his evil voice bombed out. 



I recoiled from Alex's touch bolting upright in my seat, he tried to reach out to me but I declined him, I cant get close to him I'm no good, Ill ruin everything for him, just like I did to my dad. 

For the rest of the journey he sat staring at me like I was criminally insane, we pulled up into his drive way and I jumped out of the car, he followed me and opened up the door to his house, I just needed to sit and cry get all my emotions out, I ran upstairs to his bedroom and collapsed on his bed in a pool of tears two sets of footsteps sprung against the floor boards to Alex's bedroom both there weights sinking down on the bed, there arms wrapping around my shoulders, I opened my eyes and looked straight forward focusing on a picture of me and Alex he kept on his bedside table, he looked so happy, how is that possible all I do is ruin everything its all my fault without thinking I just blurted everything out. 

"He pushed me to the ground and he just kept kicking me and he just kept chanting, I WILL END THIS I WILL END THIS, he said he has to finish what he started" I cried harder the tears falling down my face fast, I laid down on the bed Alex laying beside me Rian standing up and looking down on me, I was exhausted all I wanted to do was sleep. 

"I know Ella I'm so sorry you cant stay with him anymore tomorrow were going to get your stuff and your living here with me" I sighed deeply in his arms letting the tears dry up letting everything go, I felt safe now, I let myself drift off as Rian and Alex talked, I slipped in and out of continuousnes, finally waking up to the sound of an empty house Alex staring down at me with concern on his face. 

"I'm so sorry Ella" He Lent down and placed a kiss on my wet cheek, his eyes were puffy and red from where he had been crying, he held me tighter placing my head in his chest. 

"Everything will be okay you'll never see him again, Ill get your stuff everything will be fine" He babbled to me tyring to console me, I cant let him do that my dad will only hurt him I have to go for myself I cant get him hurt, with a plan in my mind I felt my eyelids get heavy again, drifting back off to sleep. 

"I love you Ella" I blinked back some more tears, everything I love gets hurt everything I love either dies or hurts me I cant add him to the list, love doesn't exist not to me. 

"I don't believe in love Alex" I mumbled my last words and fell asleep in his arms. 

(Ah well this went crapper than I anticipated well its like 2:06am so I'm going to post it anyways and then edit it later, Only two chapters left one Alex Pov and then from Ella's Pov. THEN SEQUEL TIME HELL YEAH *DANCES*)

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