Marriage With The Soldier (Ja...

By carltonwalshyfan18

31.6K 898 50

A young girl was forced into an arranged marriage with Jacob Seed, by her parents but what she didn't expect... More

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Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21 (Last Chapter)

Chapter 2

2K 55 1
By carltonwalshyfan18

The next morning Dianna woke Alexa up and made her get dressed in a beautiful dress. It made her curious on why her mother was so concerned on what she wore, despite questioning her, Alexa didn't get any answers.

She joined Gina and her father in the living room, just as she was about to sit down, there was a knock on the door and Dianna got excited. "They are here, Alexa get the door" she ordered rushing into the kitchen.

Alexa opened the door and saw a smiling Joseph Seed and a not so smiling Jacob Seed. "Father, Jacob Welcome. Come on in please" Alexa greeted them, opening the door wide enough for the two men to walk in. She escorted them into the living room where her family was waiting, they all greet the two brothers and made them take a seat on the couch.

"My children, it's so wonderful to see you all. I hope everyone is well?" Joseph smiled at each of them. "Thank you Father, we are all doing great thank you" Tom replied back. Joseph looked at Gina and gave her a big smile, "Gina sweetie, how are you doing?" Joseph asked and Gina smiled back. "I'm doing well thank you Father" she replied back and started blushing. Joseph then turned to Alexa who was sitting on a chair by the fireplace near Jacob, "you look dashing Alexa?" Joseph complimented.

"Thank you Father" Alexa replied back. She then ended up making eye contact with Jacob, his blue eyes were breath taking and his little smirk made her hot and she started blushing.

"It's such an honour to have you and Jacob here Father" Tom broke the silence and Joseph nodded as a thank you. Joseph looked like he didn't want to waste any time with whatever this visit was about, "Alexa my child, todays visit was entirely about coming here with an offer for you". Alexa looked at him confused, she looked back at her parents who were smiling at her and had a look that told her a story.

"I know my big brother will get very cross with me and I know you will not accept my offer but unfortunately I'm not here to accept a No from you or Jacob" Joseph began talking, Jacob looked at him with raised eyebrows, "I've spoken with your parents and they've accepted everything already". Alexa made eye contact with her father and then looked back at Joseph as he continued. "This comes out of as a surprise for you all but I've come here to ask for your hand in marriage" Alexa froze at Joseph's words, her eyes were fixed on him as he stared at her back. "Who am I actually getting married to Father?" Alexa asked. "My brother Jacob" Joseph replied and Jacob started coughing.

Alexa froze again, watching Jacob respond to the whole conversation. "We never agreed to something like this Joseph, what are you on about?" Jacob asked with a low voice, "she's still a child. I'm an old man, what are you saying?". Joseph raised his hand to his brother, stopping him from talking any further, "this isn't up for discussion Jacob, I told you I'm not accepting a no as an answer". Alexa couldn't take it anymore, she got up from her seat and looked at her parents, "how can you both do something like this behind my back? What have I done to you both? I've done everything you wanted and this is how you repay me?". Without letting her parents answer back, she stormed into her bedroom and Gina followed her.

"A word Joseph" Jacob stood up and walked outside to the front yard. Joseph followed from behind, "Jacob I know what you are going to say but this isn't up for discussion". "Are you insane?" Jacob simply asked, "she's a bloody child. Plus what makes you think I want to marry at this age? I'm not at the age anymore to have a wife, let alone a family".

"Nonsense Jacob. Your age should never stop you from having a family, don't talk rubbish to me. This is what god has planned for you, don't push it away" Joseph placed his hand on Jacob's shoulder and smiled, "you deserve to have a family. You deserve to be a husband and you deserve to be a father. Now go back inside, go to Alexa and speak to her".


Alexa cried into her pillow while Gina rubbed her back, comforting her big sister. She was just as speechless as Alexa, she didn't know what to say or what to do, all she could do was comfort her sister by being there next to her. There was a knock on the door, Gina looked as the door opened and Jacob peaked inside. She stood up, approached the door and opened it wider for Jacob to walk in. "Alexa, Jacob's here" she called out to her big sister.

Alexa lifted her head and wiped away her tears before sitting up on the bed. "Come in Jacob" she said with a soft voice. Gina walked out, closing the door behind her and re-joining her parents and Joseph in the living room.

Alexa patted on her bed, telling Jacob to take a seat which he took straight away. He leaned down, elbows on his legs and hands together, the room was silent for a while. She looked at Jacob, examining his scars on his arms, face and neck before breaking the silence. "You didn't know about this did you?" Jacob looked up at her and shook his head, "It's all just come as a shock to me, I didn't mean to run off like that". Jacob sighed before turning his body to face her, "listen kid, I didn't know anything about this and I'm against it just as much as you are but Joseph is very pushy, he won't leave you or me alone until we accept this marriage".

Alexa looked down at the bed, "I don't want to hurt your feelings Jacob but there is a huge age gap between us". "You don't think I know that? I told Joseph that too. His stubborn and doesn't accept it" Jacob responded back.

The room went silent again, they both stared down at the ground before looking up at each other. "You have a very hard job at Eden's Gate. Training people, training wolves, last thing you need is to worry about marriage" Alexa gave him a half smile before looking down at the ground again. "Yeah no kidding, but I guess if we really are meant to be, than you become my number one priority kid" Jacob responded, "I'll have to protect you more than my siblings".

Jacob stood up from the bed and looked at Alexa, "look I've been through heaps of heart breaks and I'm honestly use to rejections. Make a decision and share it with us when you're ready". He walked out the room to leave Alexa alone to make a decision. He joined everyone in the living room, letting them know on what was happening.

Gina had waited in her own bedroom for Jacob to leave, she joined her sister again and took a seat on the bed beside her. Alexa looked up at her still really confused, "I don't know what to say or do Gina. Nothing makes sense anymore". "What does your heart say?" Gina asked tilting her head to the side. Alexa shrugged her shoulders in a 'I don't know' way and looked down at her hands. "I'll leave you to think about it" Gina stood up and left the bedroom as well.


Twenty minutes later, Alexa joined everyone back in the living room, sitting down back in the same chair that was near Jacob. Everyone except Jacob, looked at her curiously and hopeful that she would say yes. Jacob on the other hand was getting himself ready for another rejection, his hands were already fisted and he had an angry look while staring down at the ground.

"Well my child? What do you say?" Joseph asked her hopeful. She looked at him and slightly smirked, "firstly I just want to apologise for storming out like that. All of this is a huge surprise for me but I've made my decision". Jacob looked up at her, waiting for her to say no, she looked at him as well and gave her answer. "I'll marry Jacob but only if he is willing to marry me" she responded and there was a sudden relief in the room. Jacob looked at her with a surprised look, his fisted hand opened and he took in a deep breath.

"Well brother?" Joseph snapped him out of his thoughts. Jacob nodded and gave a quiet yes, enough for everyone to hear it slightly.

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