His Tattooed Heart (Deleting...

By sanskrutixoxo

167K 5.1K 747

Olivia Knight has the 'perfect' life. The 'perfect' looks, the 'perfect' grades and even the 'perfect' boyfr... More

Chapter 1: Finding Out
Chapter 2: Bowling With The Boyfriend.
Chapter 3: Moving Out And Surprises
Chapter 4: Flashbacks
Chapter 5: Little One
Chapter 6: Confessions
Chapter 7: Bonding
Chapter 8: His Story
Rant + Update Schedule.
Chapter 9: Jealousy
Chapter 10: Secrets
Chapter 11: Illegal Fights And Trolley Races
Chapter 12: Oh Brother
Chapter 14: Constellations and almost kisses.
Chapter 15: Pretty Boy
Chapter 16: Teary eyed and dry throat

Chapter-13 : Wild Ones.

6.1K 232 48
By sanskrutixoxo

'The sun loved the moon so much that he died every night to let her breathe'

So the starting of the chapter was a little hard for me to write, seeing as I have no interest in the game, neither do it watch t, neither is it played in my country. But nonetheless, with research I tried my best to write it. Please forgive me if there any any errors in the facts.

Happy reading <3

Chapter 13:

I was standing in the bleachers, dressed in black and gold and looking out at the field waiting for the game to start. The bleachers on both the sides were filled with students and parents, it wasn't the final match it was the first one and people liked to show their support for their school. Maybe I'm the only one who lacks the school spirit. The crowd buzzed with energy as the huge banner of our school came out and the school band started playing our school song. We all watched on as our football team came tearing through the banner with my brother in the front.

We all got up on our feet and cheered for them and clapped.

"Damn I love this energy!" Stevie said as he looked out at the field.

"Same! It's so amazing!" Farrah agreed.

I nodded and smiled as I looked onto the field for Carter. He came onto the field and looked in the crowd for someone. Thinking it was me, I smiled and stood up straighter but Carter seemed to have found who he was looking for on one of the lower benches as he followed the team.

I frowned, confused. Maybe it was just his coach or something. I shrugged and took my eyes off of him. As soon as I did, my eyes met with someone's green orbs and he smiled in satisfaction and my own smile mirrored his. The new quarterback of our team now seemed to get even more pumped as he hooted and walked over to the coach who seemed to be giving the boys some last minute pep talk.

"So the linebacker or the QB?" Farrah asked as the opposition team, who looked quite tough if you ask me, came out on the field.

"What?" I looked at her confused, "ofcourse I'll pick my boyfriend."

She smiled at me like she knew a secret I didn't know, "sure sure whatever you say love."

"Farrah..." I said warningly.

"Just look at it this way Liv, 'Carivia' is like The Titanic, it's a ship that's going to sink but 'Nolivia' on the other hand.." Se left the sentence hanging.

"The Titanic was a cruise you bum."

"Doesn't matter. The theory still applies." She said nonchalantly and I rolled my eyes. There was no way I was going to be listening to her nonsense theories. Plus, what kind of crappy names are Nolivia and Carivia.

I shook my head and moved my attention back towards the game. The players were now standing in position and the whistle blew, signalling the start of the game. Jai got the ball and he immediately ran then threw the ball to Nick.

He caught it easily and he went flying through the field, looking for an open player. Watching his play was much better than watching a professional play. For such a tall guy, he moved along the field and through players with ease. He stopped midway and his arm went back before his wrist snapped forward as his threw. His eyes didn't leave the ball as it went above the heads of some players before making it's way into a players hand. His posture relaxed and he hooted before running forward.

I've always watched football games. My dad loved football and my brothers loved football but until now, I never really found it interesting. But now I do. Watching Nick play was absolutely majestic and I was in awe.

We won the match with a lead of 4 points, the last touchdown scored by Carter and no sooner had the crowd erupted with cheers than they ran out to greet the players. I stayed rooted to my spot but my face had the biggest smile on my face because my boyfriend, had shown my brother and best friend that he was infact an amazing player and I couldn't be more proud of him.

"Livvy you coming?" Stevie asked.

"Yeah." I nodded and shook my head to get out of my daze and instead of going to the field, we went to the locker rooms.

The boys had already reached and me and Farrah waited outside on the bench, whereas Stevie screamed and went in.

"You're coming to the party right?" Farrah asked as she bumped her shoulder with mine.

I shrugged, "I don't think so, Carter isn't coming so I might not either."

"Oh come on Livvy, since when have you been the girl who needed a guy to accompany her anywhere? And whenever he's at a party he's gone. So it doesn't matter."

"Still." I sighed.

"Olivia you're coming and I'm not taking no for an answer. Why is he not coming anyway? He should totally be there today since he scored the winning touchdown."

"He said he had to visit some distant relative of his."

"I think Darcy's coming to the party." She looked at me suspiciously. I knew she wasn't accusing me and I know what she was getting at but I trusted Carter so I wasn't going to doubt him.

"She's not going with him. Can you stop with the questioning now?"

"You know I'm just worried Livvy, it just seems fishy." A solemn expression took over her face.

"Yeah well it's not." At the exact time, the locker room opened and the commotion filled the empty corridor.

I looked for Carter and as I saw him, I threw myself in his arms, hugging him tight. "That was so good baby! I'm so proud of you."

"Thanks love." He kissed my forehead and smiled down at me. "I'm glad I finally showed your brother that I was better than he gave me credit for."

I just gave him a small smile in return. I've never like how much my brother and Carter fought and I always used to stay out of it.

"Are you going to the party today?" Carter asked as he put his arm around my shoulder and moved me away from the crowd and toward the front door before I could even wish Jai and the other players.

"Yeah why?" I looked up at him.

"Uh well I don't think you should. You know with me not going and everything, there'll be no one to look after you babe."

"I can take care of myself Carter." I muttered.

"Yes but I don't want you to go Liv." He demanded.

I gulped and looked away, "fine."

"Thanks love. Do you want me to drop you home?" He asked and opened the door for me.

"No I promised Farrah I'll take her home."

"Okay." He nodded and kissed my cheek. "I love you." He smiled and got in the car before driving away.

I didn't know why he did not want me at the party, he wasn't going to be there anyway. But him not wanting me to go just fuelled my desire to go and I had set my mind. I was going to go.


"Yeahhhhhh babyyyy!" Screamed Farrah as I got out of the house. It seemed that she was already drunk. Farrah was wild like that. She one went into the Central Park and sat on any random person's lap as a prank. She almost broke one couple up. It was bad.

"Calm down Far." I said as I got in the back seat. "Steve who let gave her the liquor before the party?"

"She found some in my father's stash. Sorry Liv." He looked at me sheepishly before starting to drive.

Throughout the drive, Farrah belted out song lyrics and when she got bored of that, she opened her window and made faces at people. It was quite entertaining to watch.

We finally reached the house and I sighed when I looked at the stereotypical high school party seen. 'Here we go again.' I thought as we made our way through the front door and into the house.

I looked around at the masses of people, grinding at the hip music that was playing. The living room was a lot bigger than normal. Actually this whole house was bigger than the other houses where the parties usually were but I wasn't complaining. It seemed like everyone was there and I pointed towards the kitchen to Stevie before making my way there.

The kitchen is always the first place I went to whenever I was at a party. It usually has a lot less people and the only beverages that weren't tampered with were found here. I went to a lot of parties yes, but I hardly ever got drunk. The taste disgusted me the first time I tried it and I haven't had the guts to after it was done. I opened the refrigerator and got out a coke.

"You came alone?" I turned around to see Darcy looking at me with confusion.

"Yeah. Carter said he went to visit a distant relative." I said with a small smile. Seeing the look of confusion on her face made me rethink his story. Now even I was finding it hard to believe.

She quickly masked the confusion and she smiled, "yeah yeah he was going to go. But where are your friends Olivia? You shouldn't have come alone."

"Chill mom, I've come here with Stevie and Farrah." I laughed.

She smacked my arm and shook her head, "only looking out for you."

"I can look out for myself, people need to stop telling me that."

"Yeah no." Another voice said as it came to stand next to me. Jai took me under his arm and messed up my hair.

"Hey! It took me half an hour to get it like that." I frowned as I tried to get my hair back to normal.

He laughed and shook his head, "where's Carter?"

"He's gone to visit a distant relative." Jai's eyes immediately shot to Darcy and he frowned slightly.

I didn't need Jai's over-protectiveness tonight. "I'm going to go find Stevie and Farrah."

I walked away.

~~~~~NICK'S POV~~~~~

I made my way through the masses of people with a red solo cup in my hand. I raised it to my lips and finished the remnants of the bitter liquid before I put the cup in the dustbin at the corner.

I leaned against the wall and looked at the scene in front of me. It was a usual for me. These parties. But I knew something was different tonight. I knew something was going to happen and I still hadn't decided it if was going to be good for me or not.

"Hi there handsome. You look bored." Said a scantily dressed blonde chick as she made her way towards me and clung on to my arms like her life depended on it.

"Too bad I'm not." I said and shrugged my arm away from her. Obviously it wasn't enough for her because she kept trying to grab it again.

"Listen," I said a little to loudly this time, "I want to be left alone and I really don't want girls like you hanging on me. So go away."

"Fine. Asshole." She said and left, her heels clicking against the marble floor. Even I had class, I didn't bang anything with legs on it. I breathed in deeply before I decided that I needed fresh air and I was about to make my way towards the staircase when I saw Olivia coming out of the kitchen. She had on really tight black jeans and a white muscle tee with a black cross on it. She looked good. She looked around for a while before her eyes lit up and she went over towards her friends. She smiled and I don't know why but that made me smile as well. I looked at her one last time before I decided to go upstairs.

The music was loud enough to make the ground on the first floor vibrate as well. I knew going to the rooms in the front would be useless since they'd be occupied so I went to the one in the end.

I turned the knob and it opened with ease but as soon as I heard the noise in the room I knew it was occupied as well.

"I'm sorry I didn't-" I started to say but stopped short when I saw who the guy was.

"You fucker." I growled and the guy covered himself with the blanket.

"Look man I can explain."

"You're such a freaking low life scumbag! You don't deserve such an amazing girl. I'll deal with you later." I slammed the door shut and clenched my fist. God he was such an asshole. How could he even do that to her? I was going to fuck up his life but first I needed to take her away from here. Before she saw what her 'amazing' boyfriend had been upto.

She had a right to know ofcourse she did. But I didn't want to see her hurt. Not in front of everyone. The same people who were probably laughing behind her back as they had all known what the asshat was doing. So I dashed down the stairs and looked around frantically for her.

At last, I found the brown eyed girl who looked up at me with so much innocence that I nearly broke down and told her.

"Liv you need to come with me." I said and I don't know maybe it was the intensity in my voice or what, but she looked at my face intently for a minute before nodding at me. "Lets go." She said.

I smiled gratefully at her and let out a relieved sigh. I put my hand on the small of her back and led her away from heart back.

The way she trusted me without even doubting my actions once made me promise myself one thing, I was always going to keep this girl safe.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~AUTHOR'S NOTE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I hope you guys liked this chapter and if you did, please don't forget to VOTE, COMMENT AND FOLLOW <3

Thank you, I love you loads.



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