Me and you always|| Lara Jean...

By EmareeH

27K 357 155

This is my own version of To All The Boys I've Loved Before... after the ski trip. This story instantly star... More

1~ Sisters Help
2~ Lunch with...
3~ Peters POV
4~ Worried
5~ When Checking up on you... (pt.1)
5.5~ Turns into fighting... (pt.2)
6~ Parental Advice
7~ Rumors
7.5~ Rumors (pt.2)

3~ Bad Day

2.4K 29 3
By EmareeH

Well it's Monday... the first day back to school since break but also the day Peter explains to me what happened the night on the ski trip with him and Gen. I hope everything goes well, it is the first day back so what could go wrong, right?

Peter texted me late last night asking when I wanted to talk and if I wanted him to pick Kitty and I up in the morning but I told him that Chris and Lucas were going to take us and that we should talk at lunch. It's 20 till 8 when Chris texts me saying that her a Lucas were here, so I tell Kitty to hurry and get her bag so we can go. She walks to the table, grabs her bag and walks out to the car with me, when we get in we are both greeted by Lucas, "Morning ladies, are we all ready to go?" Kitty gives a little giggle while I tell him yes.

The car ride was a little quiet, only because Kitty was in the car, but when we stopped in front of her school we all said a quick goodbye to her and sped off because school starts in like 10 minutes and it will take another 5 minutes to get there. While Lucas drives and listens of course Chris asks me all kinds of questions about how lunch went with Peter and my family on Saturday. I tell me everything including the kiss he gave me and how I'm afraid that my feelings towards him may block my judgment towards him. They both agreed and told me that me feeling this way is to be expected, especially because for the most part our relationship was fake and of course my feelings would affect my judgment on him. And Yes both of them know our relationship was fake, I tried for a while but I couldn't keep it from them forever so I told them like a day before the ski trip. But anyways after they told me this I started to feel better about this whole thing and ready to get this talk with Peter over with.

After we got to school and walked inside people were staring and talking about me but I tried not to pay attention. Lucas and I went our separate way from Chris a couple minutes before the bell rang because we both have 1st, 2nd and 3rd period together and Chris likes to stall as long as possible so she can be late to class. The bell just rang but before we go to class we both need to stop at our lockers for our notebooks so we go to Lucas's first because it's closer and on the way to mine. While we're walking to my locker I have my head down because I know people are still staring at me, I just don't know why then Lucas says "Lara Jean, what are people staring at?" I look at him and shake my head, "I think their looking at me but I honestly have no clue as to why." When we get to my locker the late bell rings but we see a group of people surrounding my locker and laughing at whatever is there which starts to worry me so I walk up to my locker. I'm surrounded by a group of people and they all go quiet and just look at me as I read the bold capital words on my locker, "IT'S ALWAYS THE ONES YOU LEAST EXPECT!"

I gasp and just stand there feeling like I can't move from my embarrassment then Chris walks up and rips the paper off and looks at everyone then at me, I look at her and take a quick look at everyone else then shove my way through the crowd as I start to cry a little because I can't be here right now with everyone talking about me and spreading rumors that aren't true. I'm walking to the office while Chris and Lucas stay close behind me. Then I stop dead in my tracks because what I'm looking at breaks my heart, Gen and Peter are right outside the school but that's not it... their kissing, well so much for our talk later. I hurry and turn away while taking and deep breath when Chris and Lucas ketch up to me and see what I was looking at. They both hug me and say their sorry but I just push them both off and say it's fine because we weren't for sure going to get back together. Chris looks at me like I'm crazy, "LJ that right there is NOT fine!" I look at her, "well what do you want me to do Chris, I'm not the boss of them and I can't tell them what they can or can't do!" I yell as a tear slips down my face. Chris gives Lucas a look and he says "Oh no, no, no I'm staying out of this okay!? This isn't any of my business so I'm just gonna go to class. Lara Jean I'm sorry and I hope things get better but I'm here if you need me okay?" I nod and give him a hug and watch him walk down the hall until he disappears. I turn towards Chris to see that she isn't here anymore so I turn toward the doors leading outside and see Chris making her way to Gen and Peter and I start to panic and run after her but I'm too late, by the time I get out there she's already yelling. "What the hell is the matter with you two, huh??" Gen and Peter break apart and both look at me, Gen with a smirk and Peter looks worried. "I mean really..." Chris goes on but I don't stay to listen instead I just turn around and walk towards the office when I hear Peter call my name but I keep walking till he stops and walks up to me then Gen walks past us and gives me the most fakest smile I've ever seen. Then we hear the passing bell ring. Chris is still behind me when peter starts to talk. "Woah, woah, are you okay, what happened?" He says in a panicked tone. I look at him and I'm filled with rage and say, "You didn't even say it wasn't true, you're just going to let everyone think that we had sex in the hot tub when you know we didn't!? I bet you're happy the video got leaked!" He looks at me with worry and confusion but I just turn around and keep walking, I don't care that people are looking at me and Peter or that I've caused a scene because I'm so angry right now.

I'm walking off while kinda wishing Chris and Lucas were with me but I know she's just giving me my space. I turn back around when Peter starts to talk, "HEY, EVERYBODY LISTEN UP!! Okay not that it's anybody's business but nothing happened in that hot tub! So if I hear anyone talking about Lara Jean or anything having to do with that video I'm gonna kick all your asses, you got that!?" I start to walk away again when Peter calls my name and stops me, "Hey, Covey I'm sorry this happened but I had no idea, I mean if I knew who did this then..." "Well I know who did this and so should you!" "Okay okay just let me talk to her and try..." "No, this is a battle I need to handle on my own." I give him a serious look. "Can we still talk after all of this?" "I don't think that's a good idea Peter, I'm sorry but I can't deal with this right now. I'm just gonna need some space, okay?" I tell him then I walk off. I soon find Gen in the girls bathroom and ask her why she would do something like this.. " the matter with you, are you insane!? "I don't know what you're talking about." She looks at me with a smirk on her face "Don't play dumb with me Gen, I just don't get why you had to do this?" I tell her "Listen okay, you ruined me, you kissed and took the boy that I liked!" She yells. "That was 7th grade Gen and it was toughness, why can't you get over that!?" "Well it wasn't toughness to me Lara Jean, you were my best friend and best friends don't do that to one another!" She yells to me and she storms out of the bathroom.

I sit in the bathroom until lunch then just leave and walk home. Peter calls and texts me a few times but I just ignore them, I kinda feel bad for what I said to him about how I can't deal with him right now but I need space and time to think.

I get home, go to my room and plop down on my bed. Then I call Gogo and rant to her about everything that happened today. Then I wait anxiously until Daddy gets home to explain everything to him too.

*I'm sorry if this is bad. I do admit that it was a little rushed. So sorry again. Hope you like it though😂😭🙃*

*let me know your thoughts or how I can improve or make my story better!!*

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