Percy Jackson and the Chaos A...

By Krineko

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This is DISCONTINUED! I will never write a new chapter for this. If you read this and like it then check out... More

Chaper I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Sneak peak
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Thank You Guys!!!!
Author's Note
Chapter VI
Sneak Peak II
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII part 1
Chapter VIII Part 2
Important A/N
My Fan-fiction Plans
The Poll Ended!!!!
Author's Note
Sorry Not A Chapter
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter IX

2.4K 25 13
By Krineko

(Hi. Well before we get to the chapter I'm just gonna say that yes I'm continuing. I also wanna say that if you think I'm gonna be posting chapters non-stop then you're wrong. Let's face it. I'm probably gonna finish this in like 20 years.)
(See what I wrote above? Anyone wanna guess when I typed it?) Anyone? Well guess what. I typed it on January 6 2019. I really do wonder if I am even able to continue)
(You see that above? Yeah that was October... honestly idk when I'll finish this one chapter. The hardest part is that I don't even remember what I wrote so I have to go back and cringe through all of my writing. Sadly I had also lost interest PJ and only recently started getting back into it. Hopefully my writing is a lot better than before.)

Percy's/Oseus's POV

After finding a ship that I never knew existed, we flew directly to Earth. Technically we teleported close to Earth but we still flew the rest of the way there.

I was seriously bored. It had only been a few hours and I had run out of things to do. I've played all the games we had and had begun to turn to movies for entertainment.

I was in the middle of watching The Little Mermaid when Stunova went on the intercom

"We'll be landing in a few minutes so get ready to leave the ship!" Stunova shouted over the speaker.


The time had finally come, I paused my movie and went to collect my things.

Just like before there wasn't that many things to take so I was ready to go pretty quickly.

I started heading out of the room only for the ship to suddenly lurch forward.

I tumbled to the floor, struggling to get back up.

"What's going on?" The ship lurched forward again and started making weird sounds.

Frightened, I started crawling towards the door before it was yanked open. Standing there was Ficono. He looked down at me and then proceeded to grab my arm and drag me out of the room.

I was finally able to get back in my feet and run towards the nearest exit. "What's happening." I yelled over the sounds of the ship.

"Apparently the ship's landing mechanics are broken." He yelled back. "And we're running low on fuel!"

"What? I thought this was your guys' ship! How is it breaking down?"

"Who said it was ours?" He replied. "We found it broken and Stunova decided to fix it! Blame Stunova not me."

At that moment, the ship crashed into something making us both face plant onto the ground.

We got up as quickly as we could through the trembling of the ship and continued running.

As we turned the corner, we found Stunova at the exit.

"What are you doing!" Ficono yelled. "Open the door!"

"Oh wow, why didn't I think of that." She said sarcastically. She then tried opening the door. It was jammed shut.

"Oh no. The door isn't opening. You got any more smart ideas?"

Ficono didn't respond.

"Yeah, that's what I thought."

"Guys move aside."

I summoned my sword and slashed through the door. Ficono then bent the metal door so that it was open. The wind instantly exploded into the ship.

I looked out only to see mountains and trees. I realize that there was no way I could survive if I jumped out.

"How do we get out!"

"Figure that out yourself." Then Ficono and Stunova both disappeared. Only a fading voice could be heard.

"If you can't survive this then you can't survive what's to come." With that I was alone on a crashing spacecraft.

"Oh yeah great. Leave the hard stuff to me." Again I looked out just for the spaceship to crash into another mountain. The impact sent me flying out the ship.

For a second I saw my life flashing before me, everything that happened to me whether good or bad. It took the incoming trees to wake me up.

I was trying my best to think of ideas to get me out of this situation but all if them seemed impossible. My grip tighten on my sword as I realized the reality of the situation. I wasn't going to survive. The best case scenario was that I died instantly the moment I hit the ground.

My eyes instantly went to my sword. If I threw this right before I landed I could survive. The sword had a 10 second cooldown before being able to teleport to it again and had to have touch my hand within 3 seconds. If I messed this up I'd be just like a stepped on grape.

I tried my best to focus on the ground and prepare to throw my sword. My hands started getting sweaty as I knew that my life depended on this sword.

As the ground got closer, soon it was just a matter of seconds until impact. That's went it slipped. The sword, my own lifeline, fell out of my hands and started tumbling to the ground.

I messed up. I had 3 seconds to get the sword as close to the ground as I could.


Once again I felt the leather grip of the sword that had slipped away from me 3 seconds ago. This time it didn't leave my hand.

As quickly as I could, I braced for impact, covering my head as best as I could.

The next second, I came into contact with the trees. To some extent, the trees helped cushion the fall. It was until I hit the ground that the pain became noticeable and I was knocked out.

When I came to, Stunova was tending t to my injuries.

"Thanks for letting me deal with that." My words spewed with sarcasm. "It was so fun falling from that height."

"Really? I would've thought that you would be yelling at us." Her words had just as much sarcasm as mine did.

"You guys really couldn't have helped me? Even just a little?" I groaned.

Ficono stepped in,"If we had helped you, you wouldn't have learned anything from it."

I sighed. I guess his reasoning did make a little sense. I wouldn't have thought to use my sword to prevent myself from dying if not for that experience.

"Fine." I tried my best to sit up before falling miserable back down from the pain.

"Woah there." Stunova gently held me down. "Your injuries aren't minor. You have a lot of broken bones. Just rest for now."

I agreed and fell to sleep hoping to have a dreamless sleep. Of course my wishes weren't granted.

It was weird. For one, it wasn't like most dreams. I could actually move. There also wasn't anything to see, just pitch black. It was quiet, peaceful even. That was until I heard yelling. My own voice. It came from behind me. I turned only to come face to face with myself.

I saw myself as if it was like a whole different person. He was different though. He looked older, sadder, alone. I tried walking towards him but he stayed the same distance away. Soon I gave up and just watched him.

He got up from his spot and started walking towards a cliff. I followed and actually got closer. I went and looked over the cliff. There were people down there and they were fighting some kind of large pitch black monster.

They seemed to have been winning until the monster pulled out a spear from out of nowhere. That's when the other Percy summoned a sword. I didn't recognize it. It has a design on its hilt looking like waves crashing into each other and the metal looked to be some kind of celestial gold.

Before I could finish observing, older Percy threw his sword down into the fight and teleported.

Wanting to follow, I also tried summoning my sword before realizing that I no longer had my watch. I understood that I couldn't get down and sat down to watch the fight.

Right when older Percy was about to get hit, the dream faded away.

I opened my eyes to see that I was no longer in a forest but instead in a bathtub. I got out of the bathtub to find that my body had healed from its injuries.

I dried myself and found a pair of clothes feeling better than ever. I stepped out and found Stunova eating some food while Ficono was sleeping.

"Oh look who's awake." She said with a grin.

"Yeah and I feel better than ever. Where are we by the way."

Ficono, awake now replied. "We're at a hotel in New York. It was quite hard getting you in here without the employees getting too suspicious by the way."

"Oh really? Was it harder than free falling out of a crashing spacecraft? No? Yeah didn't think so." Feeling bad, I thanked them both for taking care of me while I was out.

"So how long have I've been sleeping?"

"Uhhh about 4 days." Stunova responded. "It was actually quite lucky that you woke up right now."

"Why is that?"

"Because," Stunova said mysteriously. "We have to do something very important right now."

"And what is that?"

"It time to eat."

Annnnnnnnd finished. That was hard. Took me how long? A year? Idk. Thank you all for the comments. Hope you guys liked this chapter. See you guys again next year!

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