[Detroit: Become Human] Conno...

By Xia_The_Writer_

128K 4.3K 5.9K

"My name is Connor, I'm the Android sent by Cyberlife. I am a Deviant Hunter, a machine. Nothing more. I care... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
I'm not dead
Preview of Chapter 28

Chapter 21

2.8K 114 170
By Xia_The_Writer_

Isaiah 9:6
"For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace."

"What the hell was that??" You asked, looking at the trio. The building right next to yours suddenly exploded, and it of course took you by surprise.

"Did someone farted? Please don't tell me someone farted."

You looked at the owner of the unfamiliar voice. It was a man, or rather...an android. He seemed lost and strangely....happy..? Judging by that smile of his.

"Who are....you?" Kara asked the question that's been bothering you all.

"Oh, yeah. I'm supposed to introduce myself so that you don't refer me as a man who makes lame fart jokes huh?" He chuckled, scratching his head. "My name is Scott. What's up?"

"You don't just come in here casually right after an explosion and just say, 'what's up'. What do you want?" Luther said, already not liking this dood.

"Hey, hey. It's not an everyday thing, ya know? Be grateful for that at least."

"How can I be grateful for an explosion?"

"What exactly do you want?" You immediately brought out your gun (Connor gave you. He thinks that the pocket knife wouldn't help you at all) and pointed at him.

"Woah, woah, woah. Slow down there, pretty lady." He said, grinning. You have no idea if this guy is even sane or not. "Listen, I'm not going to do anything harmful. I'm just going to be clear to y'all. I'm just an android who has no idea where to go. Alright?" Scott said, seemingly pretty chill despite the fact that theres a gun pointing at his head.

You narrowed your eyes, and he simply smiled at you.

"Lookie here, I love conversation and all, but not when a gun is aiming at me."

"Buddy, listen." You started, "I don't care if you love conversation, but I do care about the fact that I'm going to pull the trigger if you don't tell us the real reason why you're here."

"Yikes, you sure are one feisty woman. I like it." He said, smirking.

"Does it look like I care about your taste for women?"

"Gee, you on your period or something?"

"You did not just ask a girl that..." Kara mumbled to herself, holding Alice close. She disliked the fact that Scotty here is charismatic. Too charismatic.

"Listen. Scott, right? You--"

"Hey!!" You all looked back to see Simon. "Are you all o.......kay....?" He stared at the newcomer. He was confused. "Uh....you are...?"

"Hello, my boy!" Scott greeted Simon as if he's his son. "My name is Scott! Please, if you do, control your girlfriend here!"

"Uhm..excuse me?"

"I don't know why you want to be excused, but I guess I'll excuse you." You are so close to put a bullet in his skull.

"....what are you doing here?" Simon said. Connor and Clover arrived as well.

"Who's he?" Clover asked, Simon looked at her.

"I was just about to ask him, so kindly shut up." Clover simply put her hands up, as if she's surprised at the fact that Simon just snapped at her. You wouldn't lie, you were surprised as well. Did something happened back there?

Connor didn't care about the two. He immediately went beside you checking if you were okay. In all honesty, you liked this Connor than the one you knew before, though you were uncomfortable. You weren't used to this side of Connor. Is this what happens if Connor's a deviant? If you would've known, you would've tried to make him into one a long time ago.

"Are you okay?" Connor asked, ignoring the fact that you are pointing a gun at the new android. He's probably proud of you.

"I'll fine as soon as this guy answers my questions." You mumbled.

"Woah, my bad. Is this guy not your boyfriend?" Scott pointed at Simon, "My bad. That's why you're so pissed off. So I'm going to guess now that that's your boyfriend?" He pointed at Connor. You are so done with him right now.

"Why don't we all just calm down?" Clover said. Most of you didn't liked the idea, but agreed anyways. You know why? He didn't seem fazed at the fact that he's being threatened. Scott simply grinned.

"That's what I'm talking about. Listen. Like I said, I'm just an android who have no idea where to go. I found this place, and I thought it's empty, so I came and planned to stay for the night!"

"Look, we want to believe you...but you came after an explosion just occurred. How should we trust you?" Kara reasoned, taking a step forward. Scott looked at her confusedly, as if he wasn't expecting that from her.

"Uh...didn't you know??" He asked, looking at all of you. You all looked at each other, before staring at him. "Okay...I'll just assume that you didn't."

"What is it?" You asked.

"They're planning to demolish the abandoned, old buildings. They're going to do the same with this one in two weeks." Those words made all of you suddenly worked up.

".... What...?" You asked, hoping that what he said wasn't just a hallucination.

"Yeah. They're going to destroy this building. I thought you guys knew..."

Immediately, Kara started packing. "We have been to leave this place then! We can't stay here much longer."

"That's right, they might check this place. If we're not hurry enough, they might catch us." Simon gathered the rest around and began to plan where to go next. After all, it's not like you're going to stay in a building that's going to get destroyed.

"Where are we going now?" Alice asked, fidgeting.

"How about to (Y/n)'s house?" Clover suggested, Luther simply shook his head at her. You sighed.

"No use. My house is being monitored by the government. I'm wanted after all." Clover seemed sullen after what you said. You were a little suspicious about her suggestion, though. She of all people should know about this. Could she forgot about it?

"I suggest going to someone you know. They might help you." Scott said, seemingly relaxed despite the fact that he's sitting on the cold, hard floor.

Who asked for this guy's opinion?

You seriously can't tell if he is really an android or not. He's too.....airheaded...

"We can't bother them. We'll ended up bringing them trouble." Connor said. You silently agreed with him. You can't go and rely on someone when you're going to cause them trouble. Who doesn't get in trouble trying to hide a 'criminal'?

"He's right. Plus, I doubt they'll help us." Simon said, exhaling loudly.

"Then where are you going then?" Scott said, tilting his head.

"We could work better if you close your mouth for an hour." Connor said, narrowing his eyes into a glare. Scott simply put his hands up. Connor turned back, with his arms crossed. Frustrated. One of the few emotions you got from Connor.

"What are we going to do now?" Simon said.

"Are there any other places we could go??" Clover asked. Everyone brainstormed, but with no ideas. Suddenly, however, Kara looked up.

"Connor, what happened to the abandoned building where you found us?"

"The building was monitored. We found a dead body, but other than that, there's nothing else. As of now, there's no one there from what I know of." Kara smiled.

"We could go there, the police won't be there, since they checked it already. Plus, I don't think they'd think that (Y/n) would hide in there." Kara suggested, but Luther disagreed.

"I know that there's this crazy android there, and I'm not going to let you be with him again."

"Ralph is good though! He helped us escape!" Alice said.

"He escaped from the officer that was guarding him, so we're safe. However, the house that you're talking about is in the middle of a busy street." Connor said, siding with Luther.

"We could go to my old master's house. It's far away from humans, and it'll be safe."

"The whole thing burned down, Luther." Kara said, furrowing her eyebrows.

"The basement is fire proof, we could stay there. If you're worrying about Zlatko, then he's dead. Remember?"

"Wait, Zlatko? I heard they found his body, and are going to investigate it. I don't remember when. It was a few days ago when I heard it though, they could be done with the investigation, but on the other hand, they could still be there." Simon said, shaking his head. "We have to go to the abandoned building. We can go there at night, when there's less people." Simon suggested.

"That'll be too risky. The investigation is probably over. We should go to where Luther suggested." Connor said.

"Hold on, hold on." Scott stood up. "Before y'all fight, can't you just cast a vote? Majority wins, alright?"

"What if there's a tie? There's eight of us here."

"Who said he's coming?" Luther pointed at the newcomer. Scott seemed offended.

"He has to." Connor sighed, even though he didn't the idea. "He knows where we are, or where we're planning to go. If he were to get caught, there's a chance he'll tell them where we are." Scott seemed even more offended.

"Well, I never!" Scott said, putting a hand on his chest. "You all have that little trust on me?" Everyone ignored him.

"Well, joining or not, he's not going to vote." Scott was even more offended.

"Voting is fair, I suppose. Whatever is the outcome, no one shall hold grudges against one another, understood?" Everyone nodded in agreement, and Luther cleared his throat. "I of course am going to choose the old mansion. It's discreet and safe. There's a chance that the investigation is already over."

"I agree. It's be safer for us to stay there." Connor said.

"I vote for the abandoned house. Like Simon said, we can sneak into it at night." Kara said.

"I want to go there, too. Ralph could still be there and he could help us." Alice sided with Kara. Simon nodded in agreement.

"I'll have to go with the mansion. It's safe, and if the investigation is still going on, we could always just camp out and wait for them to finish. Going in a busy street is too dangerous. There could be hidden surveillance cameras." Clover reasoned.

So Luther, Connor, and Clover chose Zlatko's mansion.

Kara, Alice, and Simon chose the abandoned building.

It was a tie, and now it's up to you to break it.

"Well, (Y/n)? Which one do you choose?" Clover asked. Connor looked at you, and you looked away.

Zlatko's house is very safe and discreet, you'll less likely be found out, however...they're probably still investigating about it....

The abandoned building is clear from police, but it's more risky......

Which one will you choose?

Whose side are you on? Please choose!

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