Just One More Kiss (Book 1) |...

By hollandoverload

425K 6.9K 8.6K

Y/N (your name) and Tom Holland have been best friends since the beginning. You were born June 2, 1996 exactl... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25 (End)
Thank You/Milestones
100k Announcement!

Chapter 16

12K 204 158
By hollandoverload

| What ifs and Why can't hold back the greatest things that could happen in our lives. |

Flashbacks are italicized.

You were super overwhelmed by what Tom had told you. You were speechless. He embraced you for a long time and didn't let go until you did. You felt safe. Even though everyone had lied to you about the extent of your injuries, you were mad. They were trying to help you get past it without your knowledge. You kept telling yourself that will hugging Tom. 

"I am glad that you told me Tom. Please don't think that I am mad at you because I am not. Just super overwhelmed."

"I understand. I didn't want to keep lying to you about it and it was hurting me inside."

The two of you just stayed there for a while longer. About 30 minutes passed and you still were in his arms. For some weird reason you felt like you couldn't move. Like you should stay here forever and nothing bad would happen.


"Yes darling?"

"What if I didn't wake up? Or if I hadn't woken up yet? What would have you done?" You lifted your head to looked into his big brown eyes.

"I would still be there sitting next to you everyday until you woke up. I would never have left your side because you are the most important person in my life and I couldn't spend a day without you."

"But you would have spent your life with a person that couldn't do anything except is there almost dead. You would have wasted..." Before you could finish your sentence he was already answering you.

"I wouldn't have wasted my life because I would have been with the person that I loved with all my heart." You started to cry. He really did love you. Even if you were going to be asleep forever he was right there with you. 

"I love you so much you know that." 

"Yes princess I do and I love you way more that you know." He was smiling and then you realized that you had been sitting there for about an hour. 

"Hey I am getting kinda hungry let's go get something to eat." 

"Alright let me change since I am still in my costume." You had just realized that he was in his Spiderman suit the entire time and you were crying on it. Oops. Well it will dry. 

"Oh no. I was crying on it. Babe you should..."

"It's fine. It's fine. Don't worry about it. It will dry. It's just water."

"Okay. Well are you ready?"

"Yes. Where do you want to go? We can't text Haz where we are going."

"Okay. Ummm. How about that coffee shop downtown? We can meet him there!" 

"Alright let's go then!" You two walk to Tom's car and call Haz to tell him where you were going. You decided not to tell him and see if he could figure out that you and Tom were dating now. You got to the coffee shop and found a parking spot. It was a little ways away from the shop so you walked. You had rolled your ankle leaving Tom's trailer, which wasn't a surprise since you were really clumsy. 

"Your ankle is bothering you isn't it?"

"Maybe a little." You didn't want him to bother about it. 

"I'll give you a piggy back ride."

"I am okay babe. Honest."

"No you are not. You also need to stay off of it if it is bothering you so it can babe better for tomorrow." He made a good point. You had to do a few more fight scenes tomorrow and there was a lot of running involved. "Come on. It isn't that far from here."

"Okay I guess." You jumped on his back and he carried you the rest of the way. You were thankful for him because your ankle really was bothering you pretty bad. 

"We are here my queen!" You jumped off and Tom held the door for you.

"Thank you kind sir." He grabbed your hand once he was in the door. 

"Why don't you go find us a table and I will get you coffee and a sandwich." Harrison walks in and see us immediately. 

"Hey! I was about to go find a table for us. Want to come with me?" 

"Sure why not." He was excited to see the two of you even though he saw you about 3 hours ago. You really like coffee. You kinda had an addiction to it. Maybe that's why when Tom gets up to order all he has to say is... "Y/N's order". It was sweet that they knew my order. I wouldn't be surprised if it was a button on the ordering tablet. 

"So whatcha been up to today since we haven't seen you all day."

"It has only been 3 hours Y/N and good. I had to go to a lunch thing with my family. It was kinda weird though because well I don't know. It was just weird and awkward." You laughed and continued to talk until Tom came back with your coffee and sandwich. He came over to sit by you instead of Harrison this time.

"Wait why aren't you sitting buy me? I feel offended that you aren't sitting by me."

"Maybe I just wanted to sit by my girl today and not you. Don't take offense. You always sit by me."

"Tom why don't you pick me? I am your best friend. What the heck!" When you were around 12 you and Trey, the Holland boys, and Harrison would all play football or another game together. 

"His lose love. Your with me!" Haz said to you as you were playfully pouting over Tom's choice on his team. You walk over to Haz and jump on his back and he carries you around. 

"Because Y/N everybody knows that if you have Trey on your team you are going to win. Anyways haz would have done the same thing."

"No I would not have." You could hear the playful sarcasm in his voice which was fine but it was Tom we were talking about.

"Don't change the subject mister. I thought we were friends that pick each other first." You were saying all of the playfully and not from the heart. You knew that it was just a game. "How dare you betray the princess!"

"Well my princess you are wrong about that."

"Why would I be wrong. You picked my brother over me and now I am on Haz's team."

"What's so bad about my team?" Haz interrupt the two of you conversation. 

"Oh. Nothing is wrong. I love being on your team Haz." You gave him a hug from his back since he was still carrying you around. "This means war Holland."

"Alright princess. Let's do this!"

He runs up behind you and grabs you from Haz.


"I am coming love. Don't worry I will rescue you!" He runs after you and grabs your feet.  You feel like you are going to be pulled apart. You pretend to pass out so the boys get worried and will set you down.

"Y/N! Oh no I think we killed her from pulling her apart to hard!" Tom was geniunally worried for you.

"BOO!" You jump up from where you were laying.

"Oh my god Y/N! Why did you do that?!" They both looked pretty mad and then they both smiled at each other.

"Why are you smiling? You are mad at me remember that is it nothing else." You know that they were plotting something through their eye contact.

"We are princess don't worry this won't hurt. It will only make you laugh."

They immediately start tickling you. You are extremely ticklish and they knew where your most ticklish spots were. You were dying of laughter and rolling around in the grass.

"Okay. Okay. I can't take anymore. Stop please. Stop!" You were laughing so much that it made them laugh too. You loved your best friends so much, but you knew not to double cross them after that. 

"Ok. Whatever. I get to sit by her next time." You smiled thinking that Harrison has still not caught on to your relationship yet." 

"Haz, do you notice anything different?" Tom was going to make him figure it out. You wouldn't be able to keep it from him much longer because you were so excited about telling him.

"No you two are just being really weird and clingy at the moment. Haven't you been with each other all day today. You two should be sick of each other at this point." You laughed when he said that and Tom was looking at you with puppy eyes. You looked into his deep brown eyes and fell into a trance. He leaned in and you started to as well then it happened. The kiss. 

You totally forgot that Harrison didn't know yet and you kissed Tom passionately but soon realized that you were in a public place with your other best friend across the table. Harrison looked so shocked. 

"Oh yeah. We forgot to tell you that we are together now!" Tom finally spoke up.

What if Harrison doesn't take this as well as we hope?

"Why can't we control ourselves in public and not passionately kiss in front of everyone?


Word Count: 1549

A/N: So my plan to have this finished is not working out. I was hoping to have this done by now but we are getting there slowly. Hope to be done in the next 2-3 weeks. I am trying to write as many chapters as I can at the moment but I also have to spend time with my family. Sorry if you are impatient. I am getting there. So yeah. Hope your life is going good and chapters will be published as soon as I get the written. Vote and Comment!

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