Not Loved, or Not Found

Da Bethel_4444

47.3K 896 145

A mother gone. A father done. Brothers Harry and Marcel are forgotten behind the leftovers of a bakery. Twen... Altro

Warnings and Characters
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14 Teaser

Chapter 3

3.6K 78 0
Da Bethel_4444

Harry P.O.V.:
Wow! Mister Niall is super duper nice! He took Marcy and I into the bakery and said we could get anything we wanted! Marcel asked if we could both get apples and guess what? Mister Niall said yes we could and then he asked if we would like a sandwich or soup or a drink to go with it! I really wanted a glass of apple juice so I tugged in Marcel's shirt to tell him. He turned to me and asked what I needed so I pointed to the apple juice. He nodded and smiled and then he turned back to Mister Niall and told him that I wanted apple juice and that he didn't need anything else. He asked Marcel if he was sure because he could have anything on the menu that he wanted. Marcel paused for a moment, I know he really wanted a hot chocolate because that is his absolute favorite drink when it gets cold outside, but I think he was to shy to ask for it. I decided that I should ask Mister Niall for it since he has been so nice to us. I haven't spoken a word since Mummy died, but someone is being nice to us since then and Marcel wants something to drink, I know it! We haven't drank anything good like apple juice or hot chocolate in six years! That is forever according to my clock! I decided I could try to ask for Marcel. I walked up to Mister Niall who was waiting next to us in line and tugged on his shirt sleeve. He asked me what I needed so I tugged his sleeve some more and motioned him to me so I could whisper in his ear. He smiled and bent down to me, I got next to his ear and whispered "Marcel's favorite drink when it is cold is hot chocolate. Could you please order him one to drink please?" He smiled and me and told me "Of course I will Harry, it is my pleasure!"
I can't believe it! He said yes! That is the first time an adult has told me yes in six years! Marcel says yes to me, but he is my brother and is looking out for me and I know he would do anything for me. I looked up at him and had the biggest grin on my face, he smiled down at me and winked at me. Then it was our turn to order. The lad asked him what she could do for us and Mister Niall told her our order, "Hello, we'll take two apples, one chocolate doughnut, one small apple juice, one small coffee, and one small hot chocolate please."
Marcel looked up at him and then back to me. He asked me "Did you tell him to order me a hot chocolate?" I nodded yes with a proud smile on my face. "Harry," he started, "you shouldn't ask for so much, we don't know if he is trying to be mean or if he is just going to throw everything away in front of us like dad used to," I looked down and started frowning. Mister Niall said yes though, I never thought about that though. He could be like dad, what is he is lying, he could take us to the classifier and start beating us. I started backing away from Mister Niall and hid behind Marcel. Mister Niall noticed and asked us what's wrong? Marcel looked at him worriedly, and I stared at him with my eyes wide. Marcel took his arm and slid me behind him more like when dad used to beat us. Mister Niall realized that we were getting scared of him and bent down with a sad smile. He put his hand out to us and said, "I won't hurt you. I told you that when I found you and I promise that I won't go back on that promise. I never go back on my promises. Whatever it takes for you to trust me, I will do it. The food I ordered is for you both and me. Marcel, Harry told me that you loved hot chocolate so I ordered you a hot chocolate."
Marcel interrupted him and looked at me with wide eyes, "You talked to him?"
Mister Niall looked at him with questioning eyes and I could only smile sheepishly.
"Yes he talked to me. Why wouldn't he? He wanted to do something nice for you. You should say thank you to him Marcel" he said with a pointed look.
"Y-You don't understand Mister Niall. Harry hasn't talked in six years. Are you sure you didn't just hear someone else say that?"
"Marcel, he said your name. Harry, you told me that Marcel's favorite drink when the weather gets cold is hot chocolate right?"
I nodded because that is exactly what I told him. I turned to Marcel and smiled at him. Marcel looked at me kinda funny and smiled at me, "Thank you Harry, a-and Mister Niall, I'm sorry for being mean, I just was worried that you were going to tease us with the food like our Father used to. I was also scared that you were going to take us somewhere just to beat us. So, I guess what I am trying to say is thank you for being so nice to us when you don't even have to."
Marcel was shifting from foot to foot like he does when he is nervous. I don't know why he was nervous around Mister Niall though, he has only been nice to us. Soon, Mister Niall's Name was called and he left us at a table to grab the food. He came back with another man to our table. The man Mister Niall came back with had light brown hair and eyes just like Mister Niall's. He looked at us and frowned slightly. He sat down with Mister Niall and introduced himself, "Hello boys, my name is Louis. What are your names cuties?"
Why did he call us cuties? We are covered in dirt and smell really bad. I frowned at him and looked at Marcel. Marcel answered for us "Hello Mister Louis, I am Marcel and this is my little brother Harry."
Mister Louis smiled at us and told us, "Hello Marcel and Harry. Please just call me Louis. Mister Louis makes me feel old like Niall here."
I couldn't help but laugh at that. Mister Louis started laughing too, then Marcel did as well. Mister Niall looked mad at Mister Louis' statement though, I noticed that he looked mad and immediately stopped laughing and looked down. Marcel noticed and looked at Mister Niall and looked down too.
"We're sorry sir. We didn't mean to laugh and make fun of you. Please don't hurt us."
Mister Niall's eyes went wide and so did Mister Louis' at Marcel's comment.
"No, no, no, no, no little one. I wasn't really mad at you. Louis was being silly and I was just teasing you for fun. I also thought I told you before, I will never hurt you, and neither will Louis. Right Louis?"
Mister Louis was nodding along with Mister Niall's words and responded "He's right little ones. I as well as our other two boyfriends will never hurt you or make fun of you or use you. Now, enough of this serious talk, who would like some apples?"
I started grinning at Mister Louis' words and started clapping my hands and smiling. Marcel looked at me with a look that said what are you doing Harry? I looked over at Mister Niall and Louis and they looked at each other and slowly started smiling and looking at me. I grinned and Mister Louis asked if we wanted the apples whole or in slices. I started smiling and so did Marcel. He answered for us with a slight smile, "Slices please, if it's not too much trouble."
Mister Louis smiled and told us, "Slices are never too much trouble, especially when they are for such nice boys."
Mister Louis went in back, cut up our apples and gave them to us. We each had eight slices of apples and our drinks. Marcel thanked Mister Louis and Mister Niall and then we both dove into the first real food either of us had had in months! The most we got with dad was a crust if bread to share between the two of us. This was a gourmet feast in my eyes! While we were eating Mister Niall and Louis were having a conversation over a cup of coffee, like Mummy and Misses T used to.
When we were done Mister Louis looked at me while Mister Niall looked at Marcel. They looked at each other and started laughing. That made me really sad though. Why were they laughing at us when we just are the first food we had in months. Wait, did they do something to it?

Louis P.O.V.:
When Niall came by and said that he might have found the perfect Littles for us, I just had to come see. He said the only problem was that they haven't been classified yet. Who doesn't get their kids classified? But anyways I had to meet them. Niall told me that they both acted like Littles so he was pretty sure they would both be Littles and that after they ate, he was going to bring them to Liam. I went out with Niall to meet them and boy they were the most adorable little boys in the world! I decided to introduce myself to them.

-Time skip because you can go back and reread it if you really want to-

When I came back with their apple slices I started talking to Niall about them.
"Would you like me to come with you to get them classified with Liam? I can leave any time around here you know."
"That would be great if you could. If they both get scared I don't know if I could handle both of them."
Niall looked relieved when he said that. I couldn't help but smile because I really want to spend more time with these boys, especially if Liam and Zayn like them too. They could very well be the missing pieces in our lives!
"Alrighty then," I started, "I'll go let Jesse know that I'm leaving with you and then I'll be right back."
Just as I was getting up, Marcel and Harry finished their snack. They both had remnants of their snack all over their faces. Niall and I couldn't help but start laughing at the cute image in front of us. They both started looking down with pouts and Harry started shaking like he was nervous. We both stopped laughing and I started trying to ease their little minds, "Hey boys, we weren't making fun of you, you just both have your snack all over your faces. Can we get you cleaned up before we take you to get classified?"
Marcel looked a little skeptical about this, but then he looked at Harry. His eyes widened and he frantically started nodding his head. I couldn't help but chuckle at this. Niall and I then bent down in front of the two boys, grabbed a napkin and started cleaning their little faces. Once both of them were sparkling clean, or as good as we could get them, with them living on the streets like Niall told me, it was time to head to visit Liam!
"Well boys, should we get going to get you classified?"
In return I received two smiling faces that were both nodding.
"Well then, let's be off! Do either of you need the potty first though?"
Marcel turned red, but Harry started nodding.
"Do you need help Harry?"
He nodded so I decided to take him potty with me. I turned to Niall and asked if he would take Marcel potty too, just to try in case.
After both boys had went potty, we were off to see Liam! These boys had better be Littles or I may scream!

Word Count: 2037
Merry Christmas!

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