A Wolf and A Lion || Jaime La...

By burningballoon

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When the King commands Aurelia Stark and Jaime Lannister to wed, Aurelia reluctantly becomes Lady Lannister o... More

Chapter 1 . Aurelia Stark
Chapter 2 - Direwolves, white walkers, and what not
Chapter 3 - A simple conversation
Chapter 4 - The King's Arrival
Chapter 5 - A possible betrothal
Chapter 6 - First Encounter
Chapter 7 - The Feast
Chapter 8 - A Bastard and an Imp
Chapter 9 - One Step to Forever
Chapter 10 - A Lannister Perspective
Chapter 11 - Two Choices
Chapter 12 - One Bastard and One Trueborn
Chapter 13 - Banters and Arguments
Chapter 14 - An Encounter with the Prince
Chapter 15 - A small present
Chapter 16 - A White Summer Wedding
Chapter 17 - Tragedy
Chapter 18 - A quiet morning
Chapter 19 - Tearful Goodbyes
Chapter 20 - Kingsroad
Chapter 21 - Nymeria
Chapter 22 - Kings Landing
Chapter 23 - Breakfast for two
Chapter 24 - Revelations
Chapter 25 - The Night's Allure
Chapter 27 - Meeting with a Stag
Chapter 28 - Iron Throne and Wolves
Chapter 29 - An unlikely conversation
Chapter 30 - The Hand's Tournament
Chapter 31 - Confronting a Lion
Chapter 32 - Flowers vs. Mountains
Chapter 33 - A piece of threat
Chapter 34 - One Lion and a pack of Wolves
Chapter 35 . Everything Has Changed
Chapter 36 . Tywin Lannister
Chapter 37 . Oathbreaker
Chapter 38 . News from Kings Landing
Chapter 39 . War and Prison
Chapter 40 . Battle of the Whispering Wood
Chapter 41 . A captured Lion
Chapter 42 . Growing Pains
Chapter 43 . Eddard Stark
Chapter 44 . King in the North
Chapter 45 . Between Worlds

Chapter 26 - Morning after

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By burningballoon

  Catelyn Stark surprisingly arrived at Kings Landing with Ser Rodrick Cassel to accompany her. She rode inside the city through the back gate, as Ser Rodrick suggested. He thought that fewer faces will recognize Catelyn's face, but the Lady of Winterfell assured him that no one will know who she is, as no one did nine years ago. She was to enter King's Landing discreetly, but failed to do so as she was greeted by a couple members of the City Watch, and escorted to Petyr Baelish, or more commonly known as Littlefinger's brothel by a neighborhood quite far from the Red Keep. Catelyn was furious to be brought to such a place, but Littlefinger insisted that it was for her safety.

Catelyn and Littlefinger grew up with one another in Riverrun, as Lord Hoster Tully fostered him after his father befriend him. It was a great honor for a Lord from a lesser house to be granted such a thing. Baelish ended up falling obsessively in love with Catelyn Tully, hoping that she is to marry him when they are older. However, when Catelyn was first engaged to Brandon Stark, Baelish challenged the Stark to a duel for Catelyn's hand. In the end, Baelish was defeated and overpowered. Catelyn saved his life by convincing Brandon to spare his life, and she successfully did so. Petyr Baelish has climbed up the ranks from below, and now has a seat in the small council as the Master of Coin. Until now, Catelyn sees Littlefinger as the only friend she can fully trust in court.

They discussed about the assassin who attempted to kill Bran Stark, asking if Littlefinger knew about the dagger the assassin used. He failed in ending Bran Stark's life, but he did manage to scar Catelyn's hands as she fought him off as hard as she could before Bran's wolf finished the job by tearing the assassin's throat. Baelish informed her that the blade belongs to Tyrion Lannister, falsely implicating the imp as the mastermind of the entire plan. Catelyn was more than convinced that the Lannister wanted her son dead. She never fully trusted them, and hearing this only made Catelyn despise them even further.

Ned Stark eventually came to the brothel, not believing Littlefinger for an instant that his wife was in King's Landing, and believe that he was tricking her. Only when Ned saw Catelyn's face, did he quell his anger towards Littlefinger. After hearing the news she brought from Winterfell about their son and the attempted assassination, Ned promised to solve the incident and expose the Lannisters. Littlefinger even gave his word that he will aid Ned in his investigation, for the sake of the affection he bears to Catelyn.

By the break of dawn the next day, Catelyn and Ned were standing beside Littlefinger's brothel careful not to get noticed. The surrounding area was deserted, except for them both, Ser Rodrick and Jory Cassel.

"I wish I could see the girls." Catelyn told her husband. It pained her to be so close to her daughters, and yet she could not meet with them. It was difficult not to have Aurelia by her side, and she even miss the bickering sounds of Sansa and Arya.

"It's too dangerous." Ned objected gently,

"Just for a moment." Catelyn said,

"Until we know who our enemies are..." Ned tried explaining to her, knowing how hard this must be for her. If it was the other way around, Ned would have wanted to see her daughters as well.

"I know they did it, Ned. The Lannisters. In my bones, I know they did it." Catelyn stated determinedly, but then the thought of her eldest daughter came rushing to her mind."Oh, Ned what about Aurelia? She is married to one. We shouldn't have allowed her to marry him in the first place." She remarked about Aurelia's marriage to Jaime Lannister, and Ned let out a deep sigh.

"I'll remind her to keep her distance from him, but Littlefinger is right. I cannot do anything without proof." Ned reminded her,

"And if you find the proof?" Catelyn questioned, looking at him straight in the eyes. How she had missed looking at them before she goes to sleep at night.

"Then I bring it to Robert, and hope he's still the man I once knew. Afterwards we'll discuss Aurelia's marriage. I'll find a gran maester to annul it at once." Ned replied.

"Keep a closer watch on her will you? Aurelia may have a temperament but her soft heart takes control of her. I fear she could be manipulated as well." Catelyn said, knowing her daughter all too well. Aurelia is proud to be a Stark and hold its name, but she never fully embrace her wolf side.

"Of course, I will." Ned assured his wife, still clasping their fingers together. "You watch yourself on the road, huh? That temper of yours can be a dangerous thing." He teased her, causing Catelyn to grin.

"My temper? Gods be good, you nearly killed Littlefinger." Catelyn pointed out lightheartedly, and two laughed it out.

"He still loves you." Ned told her, but Catelyn heard it to no effect. She did not care if there is another man who loves her, as she knows that the only man she will ever love is standing in front of her.

"Does he?" Catelyn questioned him obliviously, her eyes never leaving Ned's. They stared lovingly at one another, before Ned pulled her into a kiss goodbye.

"Off with you." Ned said, though it pains him to say it. If he could, he would have wanted Catelyn to stay in King's Landing with him, or perhaps he gets to return to Winterfell with the girls where their family can be whole once more.

Catelyn took her time pulling herself off from Ned's warm embrace, before mounting off his horse. Ned gave a curt nod to Ser Rodrick, trusting him with Catelyn's life. Her eyes never left Ned until she had to, and he watched her leave King's Landing with a heavy heart.


Elsewhere in Kings Landing, the sun shone through the windows in Aurelia and Jaime's chambers. Jaime tiredly squinted his eyes open, and was met by the glaring sunlight. He was about to move, when he felt a heavy weight on his forearm. He looked down, seeing Aurelia's head resting on him, and the events of last night quickly came back. Aurelia and him had lay with one another. They became tired by the end, and slept peacefully throughout the night.

Jaime found himself staring at Aurelia once more, taking in her long eyelashes and rosy cheeks as her chest went up and down with every breathe she takes. Her naked body was covered by the thin blanket, as was Jaime's. He would have waited until Aurelia woke up, but a knock from the door interrupted him. He let out a groan, and gently moved his arm from under Aurelia's head, careful not to wake her. Jaime put on a pair of breeches before walking towards the door, and opening it to reveal the King's squire, Lancel. He appears disheveled and afraid, holding a goblet completely filled with wine.

"What is it?" Jaime asked him,

"The King requires Aurelia Stark's presence this afternoon, Ser Jaime." Lancel informed nervously, as if he was afraid that Jaime would hit him if said the wrong thing.

Jaime's became perplexed as to why Robert would want to see Aurelia. He cannot deny that the King has a slight infatuation with Aurelia due to her similarity with Lyanna Stark.

"Whatever for?" Jaime questioned Lancel,

"He did not say, Ser." Lancel replied, and Jaime's mind continue to churn as to the reasons why Robert wishes to see his wife.

"Well why didn't you ask?" Jaime questioned him annoyingly. He appears baffled at Lancel's dimwittedness, and often wondered where he inherited his personality from.

"Jaime?" Aurelia's voice appeared, sounding tired. Jaime turned around to see Aurelia was starting wake. With Lancel standing under the doorway, he was in direct sight of Aurelia if his eyes averted to the side, and his did when he heard her talk.

Aurelia heard Jaime's voice as she started to wake. It was the first thing she heard but it sounded as if he was talking to someone else. Jaime diverted her gaze back to Lancel, seeing the squire gaping over Aurelia. The knight suddenly became defensive, as he did not take into lightly that someone else was seeing his barely naked wife.

"What do you think your doing?" Jaime questioned Lancel menacingly, grabbing the squire by the collar of his shirt, pushing him backwards. He closed the door halfway behind him so Lancel could not see Aurelia anymore.

There was a look of terror on Lancel's face, instantly regretting what he just did. Despite being cousins, the two were never close. Jaime was never close to anyone in his family other than his own siblings.

"A...a-apologies, Ser Jaime." Lancel stuttered in reply, his eyes staring down at the ground below.

"You are not to see my wife in any kind of way? Do you understand?" Jaime ordered his cousin, and Lancel can only mutter up the courage to nod his head. He was too afraid to say a single word. "Know your place, cousin." Jaime glowered, Jaime then backed away from him, and closed the door shut. His attention went back to Aurelia who was currently sitting straight up, while rubbing her eyes open. Her hair appeared tangled and messy, with a couple of flyaway on top of her head. Aurelia held the blanket close to her body to hide her bare chest. Jaime moved to the bed, and sat beside her.

"Morning," He greeted her softly, and Aurelia let out a small smile.

"Morning," She greeted him back, "Who were you talking to?"

"The King's squire. It seems the King wishes to see you." Jaime informed, which made her confused. Aurelia's entire body became tense at the prospect of meeting

"Do you know why?" Aurelia asked him, suddenly getting scared. Jaime responded with a single shake of his head.

The King wasn't exactly the friendliest person she ever met. Seeing his behaviour in Winterfell, she concluded that he was course and aggressive, obsessed with whores, and drinks wine until the day ends. Aurelia never felt comfortable in his presence, as she could feel his eyes leering at her because she reminds him of her late Aunt Lyanna. Perhaps that was the reason as to why he heard her plea for the direwolves to stay alive. It was him who proposed the betrothal between the Lannister and Stark; a betrothal that gave every highborn noble a shock. When the small council was informed, each member was aware of the risk that came with the marriage. The lions and wolves were never on opposing sides of the war, but they were never each other's greatest allies either. As powerful as the marriage alliance between both houses are, it was a dangerous kind of power.

Jaime knew the King more than Aurelia. They have been living under the same roof for the past 17 years. Robert was nothing like Aerys Targaryen, but they do share the fact that they cannot be a King. Aerys spent half of his reign consumed with paranoia, and found entertainment in burning people. Robert in the other hand, is too preoccupied in the acts of whoring and drinking to rule a kingdom. Jaime never had any respect for Robert, and he was not oblivious to the fact that the King despise him. He only kept Jaime in the Kingsguard because of his deed in murdering Aerys.

"I don't think there's anything you should worry about. The King in is own way fancies you because of your similarity to your Aunt. That should save you from his wrath, but I'm not sure if that applies to his cock. You should resist him if you can, I'm sure you would put up a good fight, or would you rather share your body with the King?" Jaime opined more harshly than he meant for it to sound. He would brush it off as a light jest, but forgotten that Aurelia has a different sense of humor.

Aurelia's hand struck Jaime's cheek faster than he could see it move. It startled both of them as they didn't know she had it in her. No one has ever dared strike at Jaime Lannister if not in battle or a man, but Aurelia was not and they were in their own chamber. But the action did nothing to Jaime other than bemusing him. He had been through far worse man than earn a beating, and one that was not at all harsh.

It was the first time Aurelia has hit a man before. For someone who has trained in archery, Jaime figured that her struck would be stronger than that. This was certainly not how Jaime expected the morning would start. His cheek turned aside when she him, and he shook his golden blonde hair as he turn to look at Aurelia again, with a smirk plastered across his face.

He roughly grabbed Aurelia's wrist where her hand struck him, and she almost let out a wince. For a moment there she thought she would earn a strike of her own. Jaime may be gentle to her sometimes, but Aurelia was not oblivious to his familiarity with violence. In all the lessons her Septa taught her, she must obey his husband's every command, treat him with respect, and never for even once hit him. She never understood why women were not allowed to do so, even if their husbands are treating her in the same way. Aurelia never did follow any rules given to her. She hit Jaime out of pure instinct, offended that he would speak to her in such manner as if she was nothing more than a whore.

Aurelia braced herself for it, but nothing came. Instead, Jaime pulled her close, twisting her body around in order for her back to rest against his chest. He never let go of her wrist, as his spare arm wrapped around Aurelia's chest, securing her in place. It startled Aurelia, and she tried moving away from Jaime to no avail. Their skin pressed onto another, with Aurelia feeling the warmth radiating from Jaime's body, reminding her of their escapades last night.

"Maybe I should have resisted you." Aurelia spoke back with a small rage. This was how Jaime would talk. His brashness and bluntness is who he is, and Aurelia has been trying to accommodate herself towards that. "Let me go, Jaime." She said to him.

"That wasn't what you told me to do last night." Jaime reminded her. Aurelia could feel his hot breathe against her neck, sending tingles down her spine. He was practically half-naked, while the blanket was the only material covering Aurelia's body. With her neck bare, Jaime placed kisses on them, easily finding the one spot he knows to be Aurelia's weakness. He ignored the fact that Aurelia was angered at him, believing he could rid of it by pleasure. She couldn't help herself but lift her neck higher for Jaime to have more access. She was embarrassed to admit that she has no control when it comes to these kind of acts. This is only the second time she has been exposed to such things.

Jaime chose not to listen to her again, and placed several kissed along her cheek until his mouth found hers. Aurelia's neck tilted to the side to return his kiss, as Jaime's arms were still wrapped around her. She moved her body, finally facing him properly as his hands rested on both sides of her waist, and her legs straddled him. The two continued to kiss one another until Aurelia pulled away, not wanting for this to distract her mind.

She caught a moment's breathe, and Jaime was about to capture her lips again if she did not pull her head back. Only then did he open his eyes to be met with Aurelia's brown ones.

"Do not change the subject." Aurelia said to him, "You cannot talk to me nor treat me as if I am a common piece of whore. If you do not wish to treat me as a wife, then treat me respectfully."

"It was a simple jest, nothing serious. You would know by now that is how I speak." Jaime explained,

"And why you speak it I cannot fathom." Aurelia responded, "You weren't serious at all?" She asked him, wanting to clarify the situation.

"I would never demean you in such a way. You are your father's daughter, and no Lannister should be disrespected. " Jaime spoke, "You do remember that you are a Lannister?" He asked, and she let out a sigh, her eyes moving away from him.

"I am still learning to be accustomed to it." Aurelia replied him, too afraid to tell the truth. She refuses to lose to her identity as a Stark; a wolf from the North. In her eyes, she is Aurelia Stark and will forever be one. If Aurelia calls herself Lady Lannister, or even admit to being one, it would feel as if she abandoned everything her parents raised her to become. Strangers may see her as nothing more than a Lannister's wife, but Aurelia was determined to prove to them that she is a Stark first. In her eyes, she would away be Aurelia Stark.

"Well, perhaps this will help you." Jaime offered with a mischievous glint in his eyes. He took her lips and kissed them deeply, his hands roaming around her body. It has been so long since he has been intimate with anyone, and the events of last night reminded him of how much he missed it. Aurelia was new to all of this, since no one ever taught her of it. But even the ever innocent Stark could not resist the pleasures of life.

"What about the King?" Aurelia questioned, pulling away from him.

"You won't have to see him until the afternoon." Jaime replied, before continuing to place more kisses on her shoulders.

"And your duty in the Kingsguard?" She asked him,

"That won't start for another hour." He informed her in between kisses.

"Jaime," Aurelia called out his name as he lightly push his body away.

"What?" Jaime exclaimed rather irritatingly, finally looking at her.

"This, and last night...does not change anything." Aurelia told him, she wanted to make sure Jaime understands that. Her feelings towards him was a bulk of question marks, unsure on when it will be answered. She did not despise him as she did before, but Aurelia was not fond of him either. The same goes for Jaime. He knows that he can never bring himself to love another woman, especially a Stark. It seems absurd to him. However, Jaime and Aurelia has needs of their own and they both have each other to fulfill them. They can deal with their feelings later.

"I did not expect it to." Jaime said, "Are you done now?"

Aurelia replied him with a kiss. It did not take long for Jaime to place her back against the plush mattress, and did what they did last night.

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