He Loves Me Not?

By JChariece

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Read... & You'll See! More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 2

118 2 0
By JChariece

We did a little more shopping and chatted about our day. Jannah told me about the guy she was talkin to and about her day and I told her about mine "he just I don't know.... Like he seem real coo." "I'm upset that you didn't get his number though." I shrugged my shoulders. "It's coo. but guess what." "What's that." "Lisa back with Shawn." her mouth dropped "Fr?" "Yea" "I'm tellin you... that's yo friend." "Um not too much don't let me get started on uh, Lenay" she smiled "I don't care.." "Yes you do." She changed the subject. "Let's go home I'm hungry." "What you gone cook." "Wings?" "Aright." we packed the car with our items we bought and I hopped in to drive to the store. "When you gone let me drive?" I looked at her an chuckled "Never!" I said playfully. "Forreal though ." "I don't know yet ask mama." "Speakin on mama, do she got work tonight?" "Ummm no I don't think so but I do." "Ok."

Later that night

"Mama we home!" she walked out all dressed up. I looked her up and down "Where you goin?" "Where yall been!?" "We went to shop and get groceries." "Mm well y'all didn't tell me y'all was shoppin and y'all better not had maxed them cards out." Jannah just looked like a lost puppy and I looked at mama and sighed. "I used my own money mama." see with our mama we had a so so relationship. Some days it was all love and happiness then other days it was her against us. Well me especially cause I'm the eldest. She broke the silence by saying "What y'all buy?" Jannah said "Just clothes and shoes then some chicken wings for tonight. We was gone watch a movie and eat are you gone stay a-" mama interrupted her "No I got stuff to do tonight." I sighed again and plopped down in the couch turning on the tv. I was getting annoyed already.

Jannah POV

mama walked out the room and went back to her room and shut the door. I could tell she hasn't been drinking today but something was upsetting her an I wanted to know what it was. I walked in the kitchen and cleaned the food off, seasoned it. "Skye do you want it fried or baked!?" "Baked!" I put he the chicken wings on a pan and put them in the over. "I guess I can make Mac & cheese." I thought. I sat out the m&c then went to my room and sat on my bed. Everything hasn't been the same anymore. Ever since Skye lost the love of her life to the Feds she been more to her self and meaner. It hurts seeing my sister like this and with her and my mama going at it sometimes, don't make it better. I showered quick and put on pj shorts and a tank then started on the m&c. Skye wasn't in the front room no more so I guess she was in her room.

Mama POV

I finished getting dressed up and walked into the front room and they wasn't in there no more. I went to the kitchen and saw Jannah cookin "Hi mama." "...How was school? & Why ain't Skye helpin?" "Coo and I wanted to cook alone.." i nodded in understanding. "Mama?" "What?" "Why you mad?" "I'm not." "Then what's wrong?" "Nothin." "Bu-" "I gotta go ima be late." "Wait." i turned and looked at her. "We goin to the Caryone for Spring break this weekend coming up." "Is you askin or tellin?" "I mean why w- .... askin." "Do what you want I don't care." I walked out the kitchen and exited the apartment. Dealing with them girls is a handful, I'm just ready I go out and have fun.

Skye POV

After my shower I laid in bed just thinking about everything. All I really want is to be happy. Although I cant do that until I get over Rich. Rich he was my.... first boyfriend I guess. I loved him so much and I mean so much. We date for almost a year and it's been almost a year that me and my mama ain't been seeing eye to eye. She need approved of him and I can see that but love is love. Period. Instead of my mama saying how he felt it was more so expressing it through actions. What's she does best. well anyways, Rich went to jail for battery assault and possession of 10 lbs of coke. I knew he sealed drugs but he never would actually say it. They got him locked up for 10 years. He had such and effect ok me which I didn't know why because e became really distant in our realtionship. He say it's because he was busy but I think it was because I didn't want to have sex with him. I just wasn't ready, ting was all wrong. Anyways he's been locked up for almost 2 months and I have gotten not one call at all.

I got out of bed and put on some pajamas. I smelled food and walke to the kitchen. "Is it done?" "Yeap..." I looked Jannah up and down and she looked not herself. "What happened?" "... *sighed deeply* same ole same ole." "You just need to stop tryin she'll come around when it's right." "What if it's never 'right'?" "Well then shit I don't know." I grabbed a plate and a cup of kool-aid. We sat on the couch and watched a movie on netflix while eating. When 7:00 hit I had to get ready for work. "I'm about to head to work." I said while stretching off the couch. "K." I got dressed, grabbed my keys and went to the door. "Lock up and don't leave too many ligh-" "Lights on. Yea I know Skye I'm good. Now go to work." she smiled and I walked out then headed to work.

The Next Morning

I woke up to a knock ok my bedroom door. "Really..." I got up and answered my door. My mama walked in and sat on my bed. "Goodmoning. "Mornin." "How you sleep?" "Ok until I was awaken." "I heard y'all going to the Caryone for Spring Break?" she looked a little sad. "Yea you coo with that right?" "I can't stop y'all from doin what y'all want..." I never heard her say that before and it got to me. I looked at her side ways. "Mama is it something you gotta tell me?" she looked up at me. "I'm goin to be gone for a while." my eyes shot open. "What do you mean!?" "I found someone and um he makes me really happy Skye." she seemed so happy but I wasnt. "Mama you can't just up an leave us like that." "I'll come visit-" "You said that before." She sighed then stood up. She kissed my forehead. "What's his name mama?" "Leo." "Mm." she walke over to the door. "I'll be gone by tonight." I shook my head and laid back down to try an sleep again.


I woke up and went to the bathroom. Just stood there and looked in the mirror. I traced the scar I have that goes from behind my left ear to my mouth. People never ask about it which I'm fine with, but I'd rather have people ask than be talked about all the time.

*knock knock* "Jannah?" i opened the door "GoodMorning mama." she faintly smiled. "I'm be leavin today." I furrowed my eyebrows "Where to?" "With Leo and I don't know where exactly it's a 'surprise' I guess." "Mm. Like I'm supposed to know who that is." she never picked them right. Men I mean. "So how long you gone be gone?" "As long as I want to be." "Of course." I said under my breath. I tried walking past her but she grabbed my arm. "Look I know me an ya sister haven't been gettin along lately but that don't mean you gotta act the way you do." she said with an attitude. I snatched my arm from her "Why would you care anyway? Cause you act REAL funny towards me... you don't even give a fuck no more." "Ah! Watch ya mouth Jannah Chariece!" "Ima do what I want. I thought you ding care what I did, Helena!?" she looked down like I was supposed to have sympathy "Whatever dude get out my face." I rushed to my room and grabbed my phone then went in the front room. She always expect me to come crying back to her but I can't keep doing that when all I get in return is gettin talked bad to or smack across my face, or she gets drunk and she takes her anger out on me. I'm just done, she treated me differently just because she's upset with Skye about Rich.

I sat on the couch and started texting my Best friend Brianna.

Brianna Convo

Me:"I really don't know if I can take this anymore man fr. Now she talkin about leavin with some dude like I'm supposed to know who it is."

B:"Girl don't let that stress you she gone do what she wants to do."

Me:"I'm so tired of hearin that."

B:"It'll be ok." I threw my phone down. I didn't even want to talk to her anymore. I know she mean well but hearing the same things over and over again is irritating.

Skye POV

I woke up and looked at the time. "9:43am" I brushed my teeth and washed my face then tied my hair up. I walked back to my room and turned the light on. Pulled out some grey and black love sweats and a grey tank. I grabbed a blunt, my phone then left out. Jannah saw me and said "Where you goin?" "On a walk I'll be back later." "Ok." I closed the door and walked down the stairs and outside. As I walked I pulled out my blunt and started smoking. It feel good to just be alone sometimes and to clear my mind and all the bad and put in the good. I just walked and walked not even wanting to know where I was going I just walked. All the hurt from my pops, late night fights with my mom, stress with Rich just went numb for the time being.

I heard some body calling at me. "Aye! Ma hold up slow down! Skye!" I stopped and turned around confused at who it could be. I came face to face with Andre. "Damn you walk fast. Where you headed?" I shrugged my shoulders and took another hit out my blunt looking past him. "You smoke?" i looked at him and nodded. "Only when I'm stressed." "That's a bad habit ma." "Don't you think I know that Andre?" "My fault but what's wrong?" "Why you ask that?" "Uh you just said you only smoke when you stressed and you seem pissed anyway." I looked at him again then laughed. "Nothin I'm good." "Well yea it's obvious you don't want to tell me but if you ever need somebody to talk to, I'm here." I smiled "Ok." We was quiet for a minute then I spoke again. "Why you at not out kickin it?" "Gotta work. But I will tonight." "Work?" I looked at his attire and he was dressed in grey overalls that had oil on them. I looked over an noticed a car shop. "Yea I'm a mechanic." "Oh coo." He chuckled "Yea why you ain't "kickin" it?"Let me see your phone." I handed it to him. "Well I will late on actually." "What you got planned?" "Don't worry about it!" I said smiling. he smile back "Something with ya boyfriend?" "Nu uh I don't have a boyfriend anymore." he smiled agin but was looking at my phone. "Mm that's a shock. I mean you beautiful as hell what you men "anymore"?" I avoided the question trying to avoid bringing up Rich. When he was done putting his number in it I said "Aright see you around." He smirked "Ok see you later gorgeous." I walked away just set head over heels, just from talking to him he seemed so... coo I guess. Like he has true meaning and not just here to smash and leave but an actual friend.

I walked back home all happy. I walked in with a smile on my face and started being goofy and playing with Jannah. "Why you so happy!?" "I saw Andre!" she smiled. "Is that why you was gone for a hour?" "Shut the fuck up! I'm just playin." we started laughing at my high pitched scream. "Have you ate yet?" "Nope." "Let's go to I Hop or something." "Aright let me get dressed. I sat on the couch all happy and jolly.

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