Family for the Holidays

By KDlovebug

111 40 5

Cheesy, cliche and hopefully funny book with a few twitterpated characters. I take a shot at a holiday story... More

A Holiday Without Family
Chapter 3
Chapter 4. cuteness
Chapter 5
chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Samuels pov
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter two! Two days until thanksgiving...

7 3 0
By KDlovebug

I woke up before my alarm and my mom, excitement and nervousness waking me up putting an end to peaceful sleep. I showered and dressed then sat in front of a mirror for a full ten minutes debating whether or not I should wear make-up. I decided not to and instead carefully braided my hair into a side bun and added a small bow matching the purple sweater.

Opening my door I screamed, fisting my hands and raising them in a defensive position as my mom matched my scream and her hand shot out hitting my forearm.

For a few minuets we panted trying to catch our breath and slow our hearts from the scare. Relaxing my posture and stance I gave an apologetic smile laughing softly along with her. She gave me a once over, her eyebrows furrowing in a questioning look.

"You woke up early today," she stated leaving a pause for me to fill in whatever I felt I should share.

That's how my mom was, she wouldn't demand answers instead she always gave us opportunities and a feeling that made us just want to tell her everything. At least that is how I feel.

"I'll tell you over breakfast unless you want to go back to bed." I bit my lips together nervously shifting on my feet as my cheeks blushed.

"Oh! You're blushing!" she squealed getting excited only worsening my blush.

"I'll take that as a yes." I mumbled shyly as we headed down the stairs.

"Is it a boy or a girl?" I stumbled thankfully on the last step.

"It's a boy mom," I smiled up at her then rolled my eyes and continued to the kitchen.

"What's his name?" she leaned over the island counter on her elbows her smile reminding me of a teenage girl at a sleepover.

Biting my lip trying to control my uncontrollable blush, I mixed the eggs and milk hoping cooking would distract me enough to make me able to talk about him.

"His name is Samuel, at first I thought he was shy then he turned out to be a charming tease who really enjoys making me blush like a radish."

"Will he be volunteering on thanksgiving?"

"Yeah, all week actually."

"Well then why don't you invite him to ours on Saturday?" my eyes popped out and I nearly dropped the plates of eggs.

"Mom, wouldn't that be weird? It's not like I'm dating him!"

"Yet." She smiled and laughed as I blushed, "Oh I can see why he enjoys that so much. Relax hun, I just thought since he's volunteering then he probably isn't celebrating, if that's the case then you know I like my home to be open to anyone."

I promised to think about it then said goodbye.

The moment I stepped into the warehouse an arm fell over my shoulders and a dizzying cologne filled my head. I definitely didn't notice it yesterday and we had gotten pretty close.

"Good morning gorgeous!" I tried hard to fight the smile pulling at my lips.

"And good morning to you too, what has got you in such a chipper mood?" I turned my head to look up at him and unintentionally took in a deep breath of his scent blushing and quickly looking away.

"I get to spend an entire day by your side, Cupcake, and you gotta ask why I'm in such a great mood?"

We signed in taking clipboards and heading over to the assigned area surprisingly next to each other. As we stepped apart I glanced over at him. He was wearing a plaid shirt with turquoise and blues. Moving my eyes up I met his incredible ones which were intensified by the colors of his shirt but there were dark shadows under them. Realizing he had caught me looking him over I bit my lips and ducked my blushing face.

"You can look all you want sweetheart." My clipboard fumbled in my hands as his teasing jumbled my coordination.

"You look a little tired." I spoke without thinking, my eyes widening, I turned to him hoping to fix it "I-I didn't mean- I'm sorry it's just- You actually look really good I just noticed-" smacking my palm to my face shutting myself up I grumbled stupidly.

"You think I look 'really good' huh?" my eyes snapped up, he was leaning over the belt between us a genuine smile knocking my breath out and encouraging one of my own.

"That shirt brightens your eyes," I practically whispered not sure whether I wanted him to hear me or not as I stared at my feet.

"Hmm..." I risked a peek at him regretting it when I caught him smirking "should I be concerned with you obsession with my eyes?"

"No, and it's not and obsession." I protested turning away and starting to pack and tape boxes.

"Sure Cupcake, you keep denying it. Anyway I look tired because I work nights and didn't have any coffee in my apartment."

"Where do you work?"

"Distribution warehouse. Basically I do this kind of stuff but I get paid."

"Are you taking any college classes?" I asked while taping up another box.

"Yeah, I am taking scientific engineering, and a few others at GPU."

"No way!" I shouted and slammed down my tape gun making him jump. "That's where I go!" I bounced excitedly as I thought about seeing him at school.

He gave me a wide and joyful smile that filled me with butterflies.

"Well we must have conflicting schedules because I have never seen your beautiful face before." I rolled my eyes to show my non-belief in all his charming comments even though my heated cheeks tell a different story.

"So what classes are you taking?"

"I'm taking writing classes which is what I really enjoy but my brother Troy and sister Rose convinced me to take a few business ones which I find no joy in."

"Then you should drop them and focus on your writing." He said with sincerity, when I looked over he was already staring at me with a determined expression. "Someone with a smile as beautiful as yours should never have to do something that doesn't bring them happiness,"

For a moment I thought it was just another line but everything about him spoke honesty. "Thank you." Was my pathetic reply.

The rest of the day was filled with light conversation about our likes and dislikes along with him questioning me about my large family. He never mentioned his and for some reason I didn't feel comfortable asking.

The next day I woke up even earlier so I could make him coffee. Mentally patting myself on my back for slyly asking how he took it. Today I wore grey leggings, black boots and a black long sleeved shirt that fell mid thigh.

And just like yesterday he met me at the doors with the same greeting.

"Good morning Sammy." He flinched slightly at the nickname but knew I had no intention of dropping it after I'd started the habit the day before when I made him blush at lunch.

"You're lucky you are cute." He squeezed me to his side

"So I uh.." I swallowed as my nervousness got the better of me. "I-" I shyly stepped away and looked to my feet as I trust the thermos towards him "here."

I heard him unscrew the lid and breath in as the aroma filled the air. "You made me coffee?"

I squeezed my eyes tight and fiddled anxiously with the end of my shirt. My cheeks burning in embarrassment.

I'm such an idiot, he probably thinks I'm so weird.

My eyes snapped open and warm fingers tipped my chin up. Golden sunflower eyes staring back at me.

"This is probably the most considerate thing anyone has ever done for me." His voice was raspy and full of emotion only intensifying the burn in my cheeks.

"I doubt that, it's just black coffee." I tried to brush him off but the look remained

"Thank you Lucy," he made my heart skip as he leaned in and pecked my cheek. He confidently took my hand leading my dazed body to where everyone was gathered.

The day was busy and we couldn't hold a real conversation as we bussed around the large kitchen each with a list of chores. Every time he squeezed by me he would tickle my side or annoyingly step directly in my path while dramatically blaming me for causing a hold up.

Lunch break was a granola bar and water as everyone was too stressed about getting everything done for tomorrow. We continued setting up and decorating until 8:30 when they finally announced they needed to lock up and asked those of us signed up to help tomorrow to be here at five.

"I hoped you don't work tonight." I said as he found his way to me and wrapped an arm around my shoulders.

"Nope, I get to have some sleep tonight."

"That's good, I think we are going to need it."

"Do you have to go home right now?" his voice sounded shy and when I looked over at him he was nervously rubbing his neck.

"N- oh crap!" I panicked pulling out my phone to see more than a dozen messages from my family.

"What's wrong?"

"I told my mom I'd tell her when we'd be done but I forgot to let my brothers know I would be late."

"Oh, so do you need a ride home?" my fingers froze over my keyboard as I looked up excitedly at him.

"Are you offering?"

"Yes. Actually if you don't have to get home too soon I was wondering if you could run an errand with me."

"I think I could stay out a bit longer." I smiled enjoying this slightly nervous side of him.

After sending a group text to my family I followed him to his car.

"I feel I should remind you that my oldest brother is a cop, and he now has your license plate and full name."

"I'll keep that in mind." He laughed as he returned to his usual self.

"So where is it we are going?"

"First I thought we should get some food, there is a really great diner and it has just about everything so you can't go wrong."

The diner was festive every inch decorated, tinsel, lights, and even reindeer. "they sure start early." I smiled enjoying the feel of the place.

"Yeah and they are just getting started, they usually set up a space for Santa when it gets closer. And last year I spotted mistletoe so you might want to keep an eye out."

"Sam!" a woman in her fifties came over taking him in a warm hug. "it's been too long! And look how skinny you are!" she scolded slapping his tummy for effect. "Skin and bone mister." Before he could reply her eyes found me and her eyes crinckled as her smile grew. "Oh you are lovely! And so small! Come back to the kitchen I want to talk to you while I help Joel cook!"

I already loved this woman, she reminded me of my aunt Casey. Full of energy and happiness welcoming to everyone she met. I hadn't seen her is a few years and it made me sad for a minute but as the familiar arm came around me I was happy again.

"That was Tildy, she and her husband Frank own this place and Joel is her nephew." He explained as he guided us through the swinging kitchen door.

"Sam would you like your usual?" A blond boy standing over a stove asked,

"I usually eat French toast. But everything here-"

"Oh! I want that!" I screamed excitedly "with sausage and scrambled eggs?!" I bounced on my toes and met the cooks amused brown eyes.

"You got it princess," he winked at me and got to work.

"Joel leave Sam's lovely friend alone," Tildy teased as she entered carrying two chairs.

Sam and I moved to take them from her but he took both before I could grab one. She smiled lovingly at him before turning to me.

"I'm sorry sweetie I didn't introduce myself, I'm Matilda and this is my little haven." I shook her hand

"Lucy. I love the decorations."

"Me too." She whispered conspiratorially, "even after thirty-six years of marriage and my husband still calls me crazy for going all out for the season but I just tell him to put on his Grinch sweater and let me do what I love."

"She isn't kidding about the sweater." Sam said making me laugh.

The food was heavenly and practically a buffet, we ate and laughed as Tildy told stories about her family, she couldn't have kids but she says she was blessed with an abundance of nieces and nephews who she spoiled and loved as her own. She asked Sam questions about school and work even the volunteer stuff telling me he really spent a lot of time here. As sweet as that sounded it made me wonder about his family.

"Thanks for the food Tildy, Joel. We have to head out before the store closes." He pulled out his wallet and guilt hit me like a brick as I realized I didn't have any money.

"Samuel Jensen you put that money away right now or I'll get my wooden spoon. And don't you even think of dropping it in the register like last time!"

His face got this adorable expression that reminded me of my nephews when they get caught doing something my sister said no to.

"I'm sorry Matilda, I didn't mean to offend you. I just don't want to seem ungrateful."

"Its alright sweetie. You keep your money and just give me a hug and promise to stop by more." As she hugged him she gave me a wink. "and bring your little angel again too."

"I will definitely try."

In the car I asked again where we were going but still didn’t get an answer and I was still confused when he stopped in a party supply parking lot.

“You planning a party?”

“In a way.” He said slyly while getting out of the car where I sat still confused.

I jumped a bit not having notice him come around to open my door causing the cold to rush into the car.

“Come on Cupcake, I think you will enjoy this.”

I took his outstretched hand and was practically lifted from my seat. He continued holding my hand as he ran to the shop with me in tow.

It was your typical party supply, piñatas, balloons, dining ware, I didn’t see what was so special about it. He led me through a maze of aisles stopping in one full of those cheesy toys that come in bulk.

“Okay I’m not going to lie these are cool but what-"

“I like to pick a few of these and bring them for the kids that come for the meals.” My heart strings were roughly tugged and if I were a cartoon I would have heart eyes.

“You are too much.” I sighed shaking my head and turning away from him.

“Is that a complement.” I had to roll my eyes as I could hear the sly tone in his seemingly innocent voice.

We went a little crazy, running up and down the aisles messing around with anything we could get our hands on. In the end we had those propeller things you spin and they fly, yo-yo's, tops, and two foam swords because the lady at the counter said we couldn’t play with them unless we bought them.

“You were right I did like it.” I admitted as we exited the shop.

“Just wait until tomorrow, the kids reactions are the best. It may not be much but they have fun.”

He brought the car to life lighting up the dash where bright green numbers announced the time.


How could it be eleven? We couldn’t have been in the store for that long… oh shoot my brothers are going to be on the porch.

“Are you okay?”

“Y-Yeah, just a little shocked by the time. My parents are fine, I kept them updated but if my brothers are home I’ll have a long night ahead of me, and a lot of baking in my future.” He gave me a questioning look. “I bribe them with treats when they annoy me.”

“Do I get any?”

“Maybe.. Do you have a preference?”

“Cupcakes.” He answered easily with a smirk and a wink thrown my way, I pulled out the foam sword and whacked his shoulder with it. “Whoa be careful I am driving with precious cargo in my front seat.”

I glanced around the car, our bags in the backseat and the only thing in front was me.

Realization hit me bringing a dark blush to my cheeks.

“There it is, I was beginning to think it was gone for good.”

“Shut up and get off on the next exit.”

He did as I asked and soon, too soon, we were just minutes from my home.

“Thank you for bringing me with you tonight.” I whispered nervously biting my lip. “I had a lot of fun Sammy.”

“I like Charming better.” He grouched

“You know I say that sarcastically right?” He feigned hurt adding a dramatic gasp.

“You do not! It comes from the heart I can tell.”

“Whatever floats your boat, Charming.” He was practically beaming, his smile is something else that’s for sure. “I’m the red barn house, thanks again for tonight it was amazing. I’ll see you tomorrow okay?” the look he was giving me was saying ‘what are you doing’ but I didn’t understand why. “what?”

“Do you honestly think I’m going to slow down and kick you out at the curb?”

“No?” I asked more than stated

“I will be walking you safely to your front door and wait until you are safe inside.” Before I could say anything he had already gotten out and was rounding the car to my side.

“You realize I live in a rather safe neighborhood and I can see my front porch from here.”

“Yup just a few yards away so there really isn't an excuse for me not to walk with you.” He held out his hand for me. “Come on Cinderella its almost midnight."

“if my brothers are at the door don’t say I didn’t try to save you.” I said gracefully taking his hand.

“Consider me warned but whatever they do, this night was definitely worth it.”

Nearing the door he stopped and spun me around to face him.

“Could I pick you up in the morning? I know we have an early start already but if I pick you up around five twenty we would have time to get breakfast and coffee.”

My smile was so big it hurt my cheeks “I would love tha-"

“Lucinda Grace where have you been?!” a voice boomed from inside the house.

“You should run bef-" too late, the door swung open flooding the dim porch in blinding light.

“You are in so mu- who the-"

“Heck,” Charlie censored Leo.

“Are you?!”

“Hello, I'm Samuel. I volunteer with your sister.” Sam said with an even and respectful tone.

“Since when does volunteer work go til midnight,”

“Leo, I told mom what I was doing and who I was with. Beyond that-"

“Its okay Lucy, he is just worried, anyone who knows you would be, like I said precious cargo.” He said turning his back to Leo and giving me is full attention “I will be here to pick you up at five twenty. I am looking forward to tomorrow, Cupcake.” He then daringly leaned in and briefly kissed my forehead leaving me red and frozen in my spot as he jogged back to his car.

When my mind came back I was thankful to see Leo was no longer in the doorway. I tried to cool my cheeks before entering the house but I’m not sure I did any good. Charlie was sitting on the stairs with a mischievous smile.

“Where’s Leo?”

“I sent him to bed and told him I’d talk to you.”

“That’s sweet but I’ve got an early morning and I need to shower. But I’ll see you later-"

“So we aren’t going to talk about your rosy cheeks or the time?”

“He’s handsome, yeah?” I asked shyly

“No comment,” she smiled shooting a look up the stairs as though Leo would pop out. “You should get to bed, but we will talk about, uh, Mr. Suave, very soon.” She gave me a hug and we went our separate ways she continued to the attic to say goodnight to Leo and I went to let my parents know I was home then to the bathroom to shower.

Before falling asleep I sent a text to my sister telling her I had just been dropped off by Samuel after spending the evening with him and that I would give her a call early in the morning.

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