
By becauseallwastaken

200K 5.8K 1.2K

Threats, attacks, mobs, cans, psychos is that really how it should be for us? Do we really have to suffer? Wh... More

Pt.1__Meet Y/N
Pt.2__This is BTS
Pt.3__Meet the boys
Pt.4__House rules
Pt.5__Moving in
Pt.6__Meet the Team
Pt.7__First week
Pt.8__Wanna ride?
Pt.9__A pervert for a smile
Pt.10__For their happiness
Pt.11__Silent tears
Pt.12__Hoe and hotteok
Pt.13__To be Normal
Pt.15__Cry, Touch and Runaway
Pt.17__The Day After
Pt.21__Waking up
Please read+a surprise
Thank you

Pt.16__First Meeting

5K 162 33
By becauseallwastaken

Merry Christmas everyone❤️

Here you go, I hope it's a good gift for all of you. I'm sorry it took so long. I'll try to update more here.

You're all welcome to read my new story Wish. It's better updated than this one and has a bit more mysterious and magical story. I hope you'll like it.

Anyways enjoy reading and please comment and vote🥰😊😃😃.

It's finally the D day.

Everyone was already running around the place. Staff was placing things on the stage and making sure sits for ARMY were clean. BTS was getting ready in the waiting room, getting their makeup, hair, and clouts ready.

I'm standing by the stage and checking the walky-talky connections amongst the security. Jack is placed in front at the entrance to the hall, making sure the scanning and checking of fans are going well. The other bodyguards are with the boys.

Y/N: Okay, these things we have cameras ready...

I listen to the voice on the other side telling me we are all set.

I sign again and close my eyes...I'm fine, they are fine. I got this, we got this.

??: You cool...

I jump a little as Jack pats my shoulder. He smiles at me as I face him. He's been way too nice to me the whole day, well since yesterday actually.

Y/N: Yeah I'm fine, huuuh we got this😁

Jack: Of course we do, we have you keeping us safe😊

Y/N: Hmm...but Jack, are you fine?

Jack: Me? Why wouldn't I be?

Y/N: You're just acting strange...

Jack: so?

He turns me around and holds me with both arms on my shoulders. I smile at him. He winks at me and I laugh.

Y/N: Like that, you keep doing these strange things.

Jack: Strange what?

Y/N: Well you keep being nice to me, which is great, but you never did that before...

Jack: So..?

Y/N: So...I was wondering if you were okay...that's all.

Jack: I'm great Y/N, thank you for the worry, but there's no need for it.

??: Y/N!!!😃😃

I look up as Jimin jumps on me and hugs me. Jack let go of me the moment he heard the boy running to us, he now stands by our side as Jimin hugs the living daylights out of me.

Y/N: Jimin...I...I can't breathe...

JM: Oh

He let's go and jumps in place. I get a good look at him and honestly, I'm shocked. He's so beautiful. His blond locks are styled into curls and a little parted at the middle of his face. His makeup is done in a way that brings out his plump lips and gorgeous eye with blue contacts.

JM: I'm so excited😊

I smile at him. I can't really say the same, but I guess I'm looking forward to the fan signing, I want to see how real fans act. I hope I get to see that, I really don't want to see a sasaeng.

??: Ya!! Jimin hyung I told you not to run away!

I look up to find Brandon running to us. I glare at him, but let it slide, for now. Jimin hides behind me and speaks,

JM: I wanted to see Y/N. I'm sorry, please don't kill me.

Y/N: It's okay Jimin, he won't, but you should get ready. We're starting in ten.

He nods and leaves with Brandon backstage. I breathe out again and hold the earpiece to check everything again. I then nod to Jack at the door. He opens it and tells the two guards at the door to unleash the hell. ARMYs start flooding the theater and taking their sits as soon as possible. They scream a bit at the beginning, but as more and more of them enter, the place becomes quieter, only chatting and giggles are heard from them. I eye the roads of fans from my spot on the stairs, it's full and one of them could be our girl. I check the guards at the roads, making sure they are standing correctly.

Jack walks up to me, leaning in to whisper to me;

Jack: Everything is fine. Let's bring out the meat.

I eye him with disapproval.

Jack: Okay, sorry, just send them out.

I sign and take a breath before walking to the backstage. I enter it and nod to the boys. The nod back and turn to Namjoon. I leave back to my post, not wanting to listen to their talk. It's probably a pep talk.

I stand on my post and look at the fans. They all look so excited and pure, it's hard to understand that one of them might want to hurt their idols.

[RM pov]

RM: Okay, guys let's do this. Remember if anything feels off just turn to your bodyguard and tell them. I don't want to see any of you getting hurt today.

They all nod to me and I nod back while turning to the stage. I take a step forward and enter it with the members only tail.


It takes us about half an hour to great them and explain the way this fan meet will work. We then sit down at our places with our bodyguards standing by our sides.

{A/N: This is how the stage should look like}

Soon Y/N starts letting fans onto the stage to greet us. I see everyone smile and talk to them and I do the same. We joke around and sing with ARMY. V gets into a cute fight with them when they don't let him take his hat of and Jungkook is trying to not mind the oppas flying his way. I lean forward at times to see Jimin. He was tense at the beginning but looks relaxed at the moment. He's even having fun with Hobi while making noises.

I signed another album and waved the ARMY away from the stage I can hear Jin make a dad joke and Jimin laughing at it, while Suga's slowly losing his mind. ARMY are so nice to us and it's all going well. I forget about the danger and enjoy. All the bodyguards leave my vision as the atmosphere becomes more relaxed. The only reminder of the danger is Brandon who sometimes leans down to ask if everything is fine or if I need anything. I usually don't, but towards the end of the event, I ask him for water.

I'm free of fans for a while and turn to look at ARMY. I was just about to take the mic when I hear the girl next to Tae squeal in excitement.


V: Wow, haha thanks. What's your name?

👱‍♀️: Your future wife😉

V: Haha😅 do you want me to write that?

👱‍♀️: Yes! Could you write you love me?

V: Of course😊

👱‍♀️: Do you mean it?

V: I love all ARMY😁

👱‍♀️: Oh...

I crock a brow at her answer, she sounds sad. What's up with that? I observe her talk with Tae a bit more and that's when I see it. A silver object in her palm. I start to get restless. I quickly turn to find that Brandon is still not back and that Andy is facing the other way. I can't shout, I don't want to make a commotion. I think trying to find a solution as I see the girl bring her hand up with the object. She lifts her hand to the table and...

I place my palm in her way, catching her fist in mine. I can feel a sharp pain as the blade pieces through my palm. I want to yell out in pain but I can't. I take my hand back and bring it under the table, smiling at the girl, trying to imprint her face to my memory. Long hair, black eyes, red highlights, small nose, face mask...

The pain is getting the best of me as I feel my eyelids grow heavy. Shit, this isn't good.

The girl steps to me and gives me her album. She's the last fan of this group, then we can take a break and talk to fans. I sign her album and she starts talking,

👱‍♀️: Namjoonie, you're so nice. Always protecting the members🙂, I like that about you. But I have a word of advice for you.

She leans forward and whispers to me

👱‍♀️: Stay out of my way or you'll be the first to die.

RM: Why do you want to kill us? What have we done?

👱‍♀️:'re all just too cute🙂

Whit that she turns around and walks to the audience with her ponytail swinging on her back.

Brandon makes a comeback to my table and I'm quick to put his walky-talky with my good arm.

RM: Y/N! She's here.

I see Y/N and the others flinch at my words, some quickly look my way, others start scanning the area.

RM: The last girl that came to the table. Black hair with red highlights, black eyes, and a face mask. She's on her way to the top of the stairs. She's going for the entrance.

As I say that I see the girl turn her head to the table and giggle as she slips out the door. That I see a figure running up the stairs after her.


[Y/N pov]

That bitch

I run after the girl RM told us about. I call into the earpiece.

Y/N: Jack go for the back door. Mick Brandon take care of RM. The rest keep the play going.

I hear some answers and take to a full-on sprint. I open the door and look around, catching a site of black and red hair disappearing around the corner. I curse and run after her. I can see her running for the exit. I shout to the guards to close it and they make it just in time. The girl faces me and smiles?

She runs to the back door with me on her tail. I reach to my belt and take out a teaser. It won't kill her but hopefully, I'll be able to catch her. I power it up and aim just as she turns the corner again.

Oh come on

I run after her. She's at the door when I make the turn. I lift my hand and through the teaser her way. She opens the door and steps away from the teasers way. It hits a body.


I stare as Jack gets electrocuted. How did she do that?! I run after her, but she just smiles and jumps over Jack making her way out to the street. I do the same and run after her to the main street only to lose her in the crowd.


??: Y/N!!

Y/N: Oh shut it, Sang! I get it okay! I fucked up!

The fan meet is over. All the fans were asked to leave once I ran out the place and word came back that Jack was injured. We didn't tell them about RM though...

Sang came by when he heard about the incident and the boys aren't allowed to leave until they find a safe way for them. This is all my fault.

They took Jack to a hospital for a check-up and a doctor is with RM.

I sigh as Sang sits by my site.

Sang: Yes you fucked up, but it's not all lost. We now know what the sasaeng looks like. We can find her and be more careful when she comes back.

Y/N: Yeah, that would work if we knew her full face, you idiot. She had a face mask on. I can't believe I got Jack, I'm such an idiot...

Sang: Yes you are, but you're an idiot that protected all these people from a psyho and I think two injured people is a good outcome.

Y/N: It's not. There should have been none!

He pats my head and uses it to stand up.

Sang: Don't take it to heart. Go and see the leader. He might have some info for you. I'll take care of this.

I nod and walk to their dressing room.

When I enter the talking that was hurt a minute before stops. All eyes go on me. I return their gazes. They look afraid and shaken. I look at Jimin and keep my gaze on him. He looks broken, turned to a ball on the couch. I sigh and make my way to him. I'm stopped by a hand on my shoulder.

S: Don't you dare, I won't let you near him again.

Y/N: Why?

S: He broke down because of you. We had to carry him here when you left.

Y/N: I'm sorry.

S: Don't. You go off and still let the psyho run free. I can't believe people like you are called agents...

J: Yoongi stop it! It's not her fault.

He lets go of me and I step to one of the managers, to ask about Namjoon. They point me to the curtain on the other side of the room. I go to it and call out to him. When I get a faint yes I open it and slide to the other side.

I take in the new scene. Namjoon lying on a couch with a doctor at his hand. Blood is spilling from his hand onto the flour and plate that is placed under it. The rapper has his shirt in his mouth to help him with the pain. I watch as the doctor takes a pocket knife out the leaders palm, him groaning as the pain escalates. Red liquid burst out his open wound and I can see him closing his eye and letting tears fall on his shirt.

I step closer and help the doctor wrap his hand up. The medic thanks me and asks me to take Namjoon to a hospital so that he can get his hand fully treated. I nod as he tells me that the boy was extremely lucky as the knife didn't pass any important parts of his palm. I breathe out and relax, then look up to RM, who I find gazing back at me.

The doctor leaves saying he'll tell the managers about the idols condition. I smile at Namjoon and help him sit properly.

RM: Did you get her?

Y/N: No.

RM: What now?

Y/N: Now we get you back to the house where it's safe.

RM: I mean, what happens to the investigation?

Y/N: Sang will take over, I guess, and I'll be leaving.

RM: Why would you do that?

I smile at him. There's no need for him to know that I'm incapable.

Y/N: Do you remember anything about the girl? Could you tell me how you got that?

He nods and tells me what happens. I stare at him in disbelieve. How can Brandon and Andy be such idiots? After he finishes his story the boys walk in and start talking amongst themselves. I walk out to talk with the staff and get everything ready for a move back to the house. The other bodyguards are coming with us and Kyle, Mick and Tim are staying at the house for the time being.

We make our way back home and they all go to sleep. The three extra bodyguards are sleeping in their living room and I had back to my room.

I think about all that happens before falling to sleep. It's all happening again. I'm not able to protect them. Jack got injured because of me, by me. Namjoon won't be able to use his hand for weeks because I wasn't cautious enough. I can't let it happen again, I just can't.

But what can I do to prevent it.

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