The Vampire's Mistress (WIP)

By Rawrxitzxmariaa

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The Vampire's Mistress
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5

Chapter 6

166 3 0
By Rawrxitzxmariaa

                I woke up in an unfamiliar bed with a familiar ache; my head was killing me. I hope last night was all a dream. The room must’ve been dark because I couldn’t see anything, just a shadow of what looked like... A candle? No no... If it was a candle I would’ve saw it. I can’t make it out; it looks just like a yellow and orange blur. I couldn’t make out any details. Am I blind?  I gasped. I decided to use my other sense; I closed my eyes. The sheets were very silky as was the comforter. To the right of me was the nightstand with the candle, and the left of me was a lot of bed and what seemed like a chair. It smelt like lilacs. Where the hell am I?

                I relaxed a bit , there’s not much I can do since I'm partially blind and I don’t think shadows will be able to help me. My head was itchy; I went to scratch it when I felt a bandage. I screamed as loud as I could. Last night was real.

                “Lady Callidora is awake my Lord.”

                I heard it faintly outside my door. Who is Lady Callidora? Is she holding me hostage? I need to get out of here and go home. Then it hit me, James is dead and whoever killed him has me as prisoner. The recollection of the bones crunching and blood splatter made me shiver. I couldn’t help but break down and cry. Everything I wanted slipped out of my hands, and I will never get It back.

                “Lady Callidora, are you well?” A small voice said.

                I tried to focus my eyes but the more I did the worst the pain in my head got. All I saw was a small shadow, of a little girl I was presuming. She must not have been taller than 4 feet.

                “I’m not Lady Callidora, my name is Elisa Bookette and I want to know where I am!” I tried not to sound so harsh since she was a little girl.

                “May I sit with you? I’m Beval, meaning Goddess of the dead. But I’m not really a Goddess you know, I always wanted to be one…”

                I drifted away as she was speaking, name meanings? Her name was so unusual, I’ve never heard anything like it. She sat down anyways without my permission.

                “Beval is it? Why am I here?” I interrupted her speech on Goddesses.

                She giggled

                “I forgot how funny you are Lady C-.. Elisa.”

                “Please.” I begged. “Where am I? What happened?”

                “Do not fret child for we will not harm you.” A voice from the door said.

                Beval jumped from the bed.

                “Mommy! I wasn’t doing anything wrong I swear! I was just keeping our guest company!”

                “I can see that sweetie, now run along. You have things to attend to, I’m sure there are things you need to do. Me and,” She paused. “Elisa have things to discuss.”

                I heard the tiny footsteps of Beval sound lighter and lighter; until she was completely gone.

                “You killed my boyfriend.” It was a statement.

                “Oh Elisa, it was not me. Who did it does not matter, it’s why he did it.”

                “HE?! NO whoever killed James is a MURDERER and deserves to be killed.”

                “That wasn’t the life you were destined to have, this is. You’ll understand soon Elisa.”

                “I’m not sure if you notice but whoever you’re trying to cover up for killed my boyfriend and caused me to be BLIND. So let me tell you this I have no idea what kind of “life” you expect me to have after this. Whoever did this needs to stop hiding behind you and come face me.”

                “He’s not ready to Elisa; you hold a grudge against him.”

                “I will until he shows his face.” I growled at her.

                “Well I'm here, I can see that I can’t hide from you Elisa, what I did was wrong. But I did it out of jealousy.” Alec’s voice came from the left of me.

                “I should’ve known it was you.” I whispered.

                “Mother, call in Clemente and tell him about her injuries. He’ll have something for her. I need to talk to her.” He ordered his mother.

                “You both need to leave. Alec I don’t want to talk to you; let’s talk when I can see and I have a gun in my hands. Let’s see what its like when you don’t have control.” My temper was flaring, I’ve never been this angry and hurt before.

                His mom had left I assume because she wasn’t there. I could feel him lean into me.

                “Sadly, I have all the control right now. Do I not?” He whispered into my ear.

                I shoved him and he left. I cried silently for awhile, until I couldn’t any more. Everything I’ve ever known is just taken away from me. No more James, no more Izzy, no more freedom. My life will never be normal again.

                “Don’t cry Elisa, you’re too pretty for that.” Someone whispered to me.

                I could only see a shadow of him but his voice was so soft and sweet. It reminded me so much of James. I started to weep again; I hated the familiarity.

                “Who are you.” I barely whispered.

                “I’m Clemente. I’m sorry for the way you feel that you’ve been treated but I promise it’ll get better.” Every word he spoke made me feel better.

                “I’m a healer and I'm here to help you with your injuries Elisa.”

                “I think I might be too gone to fix, don’t you think?” I tried to joke; only I don’t think it was actually funny.

                I heard him clinking things, like maybe stirring a metal spoon in a glass cup kind of noise. I felt his hand on mine, I almost pulled away but I needed comfort.

                “Drink.” He said. “In 3 hours you’ll regain your eyesight and your head will be healed.”

                “Thank you.” I whispered before gulping down the contents in the glass. It was really thick and had such a weird texture. It tasted like vanilla and metal.

                “I’ve got to go. Rest and I'm sure by the time you wake up you’ll be fine.”


                “Yes Elisa?”

                “Does your name have a meaning too?”

                He laughed.

                “It means merciful and gentle. You’re an odd one Elisa.”

                “Makes sense.” I muttered. “It suits you well.”

 I turned to my side slowly before falling asleep quickly.

                 I dreamt of James; it felt so real. I was in this field with a fountain in the middle of it. There was beautiful flowers blooming everywhere, all kinds. I was wearing a long white dress with a flower crown. It was amazing here. I walked over to the fountain when I saw James. I ran over to him.

                “Oh James!” I cried out. “Do you know how much I’ve missed you?”

                “Shh.” He said holding me. “Don’t cry, everything happens for a reason. You helped me realize that.”

                We were entwined into each other. I couldn’t help it; I was madly in love with him and some sociopath took him right from me. We were far closer than we ever were, yet I knew it would end as soon as I woke up.

                “This. Isn’t. fair.” I cried in-between sobs. “We would’ve had an amazing relationship.”

                “AN amazing life together Elisa.” He corrected.

                “What are you saying James?” I muffled, wiping my tears with the back of my hand.

                He pressed his hand on my chest and my vision blurred. I saw… how do I explain this? A vision.. a premonition.. Something. I saw me and James; just images flashing before my eyes of a life we could’ve had. A wedding, kids, all that good stuff. Gone.

                “Oh James...” I began to sob again.

                Thank you universe, for kicking a girl while she’s down.

                “Hush my sugar plum, I love you. We were destined but now... it’s changed. Your destiny changed as well as mine. Don’t ever forget me Elisa!” He screamed  as I was falling through a dark tunnel.

                “Goodbye Elisa, I love you forever.” He screamed after me.

                “Goodbye James, I love you.”

                “Forever...” I whispered into the tunnel.

 I woke up in a puddle of my own tears, it must’ve been real. My head didn’t ache, and I could see! I could see Alec and what I suppose is Clemente; the two sleeping near my bed. I saw up, wiped my face, and loudly cleared my throat several times. And when that didn’t work, I tapped them both on the arm.

                “Can you see my dear?” Alec asked.

                I gave him a stern look. I refused to answer to someone who had no heart. I wasn’t going to forgive him this quickly, and possibly not at all. Clemente touched my arm lightly.

                “Elisa, can you see? Does your head feel alright?”

                “I feel fine Clemente, thanks for asking. Now I wish to go home.”

                Clemente gave a stern look to Alec and then left the room.

                “Elisa, you can’t leave. There’s too much to explain. You’ll be a lot safer here.”

                “I. Want. To. Go. Home. You damn sociopath! You can’t just go around eating people’s boyfriends you damn cannibal! I’m surprised I have all my limbs attached!”

                I crossed my arms across my chest. He wasn’t going to win this battle. He laughed.

                “And what’s so funny?” I asked him with the meanest look possible.

                “All the lifetimes I’ve known you, that’s the funniest accusation you’ve ever made of me.”

                “Lifetimes?! If you’re not a damn cannibal then what in God’s name are you?” I asked bug-eyed .

                “Well my lady, I’m a vampire.” He smiled; Fangs out,

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