Phan oneshot collection

By phanallamallama

1.2M 33.5K 70.4K

All the oneshots I write which you should 100% read as they're what I'm best at More

Phan one shot collection
Books and adventures
Chestnut hair and deep brown eyes
All love
This is halloween? (Part 1)
Right in front of your eyes
An ancient curse
Getting married today
The boy on the bus
Lights, camera, action
Never kissed him
3am I watch you sleep
Moonlight and shadows
Tent troubles
Potions to remember
University roommates
Business trip
My story
3am with you
Across the street
Start to end
I cheated, then fell in love
Eyes you can drown in
Breathing underwater
A ceiling full of stars
Waiting for the lights
Letters for bear
Seven days
Met you in the waiting room
Balanced on a box of cereal

On a crowded tube

20.1K 835 599
By phanallamallama

Genre: HELLA fluff

Word count: 1.5k

Ever since Dan had confessed to himself how he felt about Phil, he hated having to be stuck in small spaces with him.

Whether it be a crowded elevator or even passing each other in the small hallways, he hated it. He just wanted to grab him and kiss him and that urge always increased whenever they were close enough for it to happen.

The problem with this was that Phil was happy with being close, he found it casual to move closer into Dan if they were trying to make more room. He didn't care if fans saw and tried to make rumours.

It was exactly this which made Dan hate the tube in rush hour; too many people per car, all hating being there, fighting for seats and trying not to smell the heavy scent of BO.

Well, Dan would say that but what he really hated was that he would be close enough to see the flecks of gold in Phil's eyes, to be a part of his smile, to smell his aftershave and deodorant and that smell of something sweet and baked that Dan still couldn't put a finger on.

That was why Dan hated the tube the most. It was just too hard.

So today was just another hard day, the only problem was that they had set off later than usual to get to the radio 1 building, meaning they had caught it at it's busiest. Using a main line tube didn't help.

The tube rolled into their platform where Dan was tapping and Phil's leg was jiggling nervously before they saw how crammed full the car was in front of them. And the ones beside it.


"Come on Dan get on." Phil said and Dan bit his lip, taking a few steps as his friend jumped onto the car, already standing pretty much in the door while he was crammed in with the rest of the people standing up.

"I'm gonna fall out at this rate." Dan mumbled and grabbed onto the rail behind Phil, awkwardly leaning around him and then he froze as he felt Phil's arm snake around his waist and grip firmly.

"What are you doing?" Dan asked, stuttering a little as he knew his cheeks were flushing.

"Stopping you from falling," Phil said simply as the doors closed.

"I won't fall, don't worry about me," Dan said, hoping he would move his arm before his temperature turned into a fever.

"Okay." Phil said lightly, a small, knowing smile written across his lips.

The tube started to move and naturally, Dan fell forwards into Phil, not being prepared and feeling torso collapse against him before he pulled away quickly and ducked his head.

"Sorry," Dan numbed and Phil just smiled, and Dan felt his arm back at his waist.

"Don't worry about it," Phil said and Dan bit his lip.

"But if a fan sees us?" Dan half asked and Phil just shrugged.

"It's not like they would get a good picture, it's too crammed. Also it's just like we're posing for a photo, so really don't worry Dan, you're just getting your nerves before the show," Phil said and Dan let out a little smile. Phil really knew him better then anyone. "I know everything about you remember."

Mind reader.

The tube stopped and with Phil's firm grip Dan didn't wobble so much, only leaning into Phil slightly, but their faces had been so close the only thought running through Dan's head had been his lips on Phil's, everyone on the tube disappearing and the journey lasting forever.

He was pulled out of that fantasy very quickly by someone pushing through him and Phil to get out, making Dan now lean against the plastic before the seats with no hand hold and Phil on the opposite side in front of him.

The doors closed suddenly and Dan didn't have enough time to grab onto anything before it jolted and he flew forward those few steps and into Phil, his body pressing Phil back into the wall and his lips ghosting Phil's cheek as he fell.


"Oh god I'm sorry-"

"Calm down Dan it was an accident. It didn't mean anything. Your nerves are really bad today, are you okay?" Phil asked but Dan wasn't concentrating.

He had just gotten away with kissing Phil (sort of) and even if he had brushed it off as 'not meaning anything'- making Dan's heart twist with sadness it was making him wonder.

Did that mean if he 'accidentally' fell against his lips then it would also mean nothing? Because if so then he could finally kiss Phil and at least cross it off his bucket list.

"Dan?" Phil questioned, his arm having moved around him without Dan noticing and looking worried. "Too many close people?"

He asked and Dan nodded.

Only one, really.

"We only have two more stops, don't worry." Phil said and Dan smiled, but was nibbling his lip.

Should he wait until the tube jolted and kiss Phil? It could ruin a lot of things- like their friendship and making the radio show awkward and living together- but then, Phil was a very open person and if it was an accident he would probably shrug it off. And then Dan would have at least gotten to kiss him once.

Their next stop came and went and Dan hadn't done anything. He was nervous and there hasn't been any particular bumps he could do it on.

But this was the last few minutes before they would get off and he was going to miss his chance if he didn't do something.

He stood on the balls of his feet, pretending to stare behind Phil and then he felt the jolt that made him lurch into Phil, but he was just about balanced enough to aim where his lips would fall and he manage to land them onto Phil's for just a few precious seconds before pulling away, making his eyes wide as if in shock.

But the kiss has felt wonderful. Phil's lips were so soft and plush and warm and Dan just wanted to stay attached to them forever and his eyes were probably the size of planets and he just needed to do it again sometimes and-

"Oh god I'm so sorry..." he babbled but he trailed off when Phil leant his forehead against Dan's, nudging their noses together with a small smile on his face.

"Please, don't be." He whispered and gently pressed their lips together again, a little uncertain in case Dan rejected him but Dan slid a hand around his neck, clinging to him more as they shook and he delicately licked Phil's bottom lip, asking for something a bit more, well more, and Phil parted his mouth, and Dan felt over the moon as he lead this kiss.

Phil's hands had always felt strong around him; in hugs or when comforting or when posing but this was different. This felt protective, slightly possessive, as if he was trying to tell the world Dan was his.

He loved it.

Suddenly Phil pulled away and Dan had time to register confusion and hurt before Phil pecked him gently and turned to face the open doors.

They had reached their stop.

Phil guided him out, keeping an arm around Dan's waist and Dan couldn't stop staring at him.

They moved out of the station in silence until they were out in the street and Phil stopped him, pulling him to the side of the street and smiling at him goofily.

"You kissed me," he smiled and Dan went red.

"Kind of accidentally," he said and Phil kept beaming.

"It wasn't an accident though, I saw the thoughts going around in your head," Phil told him and Dan ducked his head further.

"Mind reader," he muttered and Phil chuckled and Dan couldn't help a smile creeping onto his lips.

"I know everything about you remember," Phil said. "But I only just worked out how you feel," he said a little sadly.

"You kissed me back though,"

"I know my own mind. I already knew I liked you, I just didn't know your side of it," Phil said and Dan smiled.

"You always know how I'm feeling though, you just described the last few years of my life," he said and Phil chuckled.

"Only because they were mine too," he said and Dan rolled his eyes.

"So it took a fucking crowded tube journey to get us together?"

"Yeah I guess," Phil smiled and leant forwards to kiss Dan again, but then moved away. "Sorry, fans might see us," he said apologetically.

"Do you know what though?" Dan said and wound his arms loosely around Phil's neck. "I don't really care about them any more," he smiled and Phil beamed. "Not now you're actually mine,"

"Thank god because I couldn't care less about them seeing this." he said and kissed Dan, pulling him closer into him and kissing him passionately.

They kept kissing until raindrops fell from the sky and made them shiver, smiling as they linked hands and began their walk to the radio station.

"Hey Dan, you know how you didn't care about kissing me? How about people everyone knowing we are actually together?" Phil asked and Dan chuckled.

"Internet news might be a little different today." He said and Phil stopped to kiss him.

Maybe Dan liked public transport a little more after this.

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