A war on two fronts

By Savage_Opress

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I never thought I would write again. Since I finalized Revival, but "Never say never" because you do not fath... More

Stone of Tears Recap
Clash Of The Titans Recap
Rise of chaos recap
Revival Recap
New fandoms added
Chapter 1: The Arrival
Chapter 2: The History Of Our Legacy
Chapter 3: Staff From The Bits
Chapter 5: Who I Am And From Where I come
Chapter 6: The Beyonders
Chapter 7: Visions
Chapter 8: The Ghost
Chapter 9: A Promise To A Fool
Chapter 10: Phantom Menance
Chapter 11: The Lost Get Found
Chapter 12: Moduru, Lord Of Death
Chapter 13: Tale Of The Hunt
Chapter 14: Under Siege
Chapter 15: The Hidden Enemy
Chapter 16: Surprise Attack
Chapter 17: Return of the Golden Age
Chapter 18: Machine Hearts
Chapter 19: Mentor
Chapter 20: Regression To The Medium
Chapter 21: Volatile Hearts
Chapter 22: Revelations
Chapter 23: How It Began
Chapter 24: Man From The Moon
Chapter 25: Moon Base and the Nun
Chapter 26: Problems in Paradise
Chapter 27: Holocron of Darkness
Chapter 28: Madhouse
Chapter 29: The Escape
Chapter 30: Smoke and Mirrors
Chapter 31: American Matriorska
Chapter 32: Catacombs of the Dark Side
Chapter 33: Jedi Under Siege
Chapter 34: In the Jungle
Chapter 35: A force, two philosophies
Chapter 36: The One in the Middle
Chapter 37: The Puppet Master
Chapter 38: Body Swap
Chapter 39: A gift from Padawan
Chapter 40: The Curse of La Lorona
Chapter 41: Not all monsters do monstrous things
Chapter 42: Enemy undercover
Chapter 43: Oban the Mother Planet
Chapter 44: Family roots
Chapter 45: The Last Stand
Chapter 46: For better and For Worse
Chapter 47: Tower of Crisis
Chapter 48: Moduru, Lord of Death
Chapter 49: Revenge of the Sith
Chapter 50: Earth Protectors
Chapter 51: Facing Inner Demons
Chapter 52: Team Free Will 2.0
Chapter 53: Sometimes Dead is Better
Chapter 54: To Be Or Not Be Scott
Chapter 55: The War Of Tricksters
Chapter 56: Why Me?
Chapter 57: Unexpected, But Not Unwelcome
Chapter 58: A Sea Of Troubles
Chapter 59: The beginning of the end
Chapter 60: The Kingdom Of Sand
Chapter 61: Matters of State
Chapter 62: Secrets Of The Sand
Chapter 63: Blood And Sand
Chapter 64: Fire And Sword
Chapter 65: Surprise!
Chapter 66: Mass Confusion
Chapter 67: Heart Of Darkness
Chapter 68: Rise Of King
Chapter 69: Sacrifice
Chapter 70: Child Of Elder Blood
Chapter 71: Fleet of Ancients
Chapter 72: Silence of Seelenguts
Chapter 73: Old World
Chapter 74: Message From The Future
Chapter 75: Betrayal After Betrayal
Chapter 76: Earth Invasion
Chapter 77: Arborllon, Elf Capital
Chapter 78: Skull Mountain, Warlock's Fortress
Chapter 79: Paranor, Druid's Keep
Chapter 80: Palace of Prophets
Chapter 81: Desert Zone, Robot madness
Chapter 82: Forest Zone, Meat Box
Chapter 83: Flooded City, Soul Box
Chapter 84: Amusement Park, God Box
Chapter 85: City Ruins, Copied City
Chapter 86: Wilderun, Central Kingdom
Chapter 87: Leah, Tower of Brotherhood
Chapter 88: Leah, Warzone
Chapter 89: Leah, Duel Of Fates

Chapter 4: Rich of Midas

37 0 0
By Savage_Opress

The following week was boring because the group did not have anything better to do than merely staying. Parrish sent Mike, Liam, and Theo to a storehouse that burned last week. The firemen identified the origin of the fire. Also, were not their expertise anymore because found dismembered bodies and bullets. also, found burnt slashes that combustion could not do. Therefore, they decided to forward the case back because they had not enough proof. Theo viewed the location and said must inspect the storehouse where Monroe hold him captive. When reached the destination, they saw an FBI car, two adolescents with a girl, and a man dressed in the Sheriff. Mike saw this and with the help of the telecommunicate, spiked the signal to listen to what they were talking about. Liam and Theo spoke they were friends.

(Credit to nao; don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe if you enjoy it!)

"Dad, why the hell it took long for the firefighters to give us the case?" wondered Stiles and explained and showed the proofs. "Dead people inside cut in pieces."

"Stiles, you don't know all the aspects of the case," informed Stilinski and showed some slashes on the walls.

"Do you believe is something more to it?" questioned Scott and realized something that could emit incredible heat could do that.

"What can be than combustion?" wondered Ariel and grabbed the arm of his dad "You promised we would take me to the park."

"Your granddad wanted to see this with his eyes," explained Stiles and took Ariel on his back saying. "We need to wait for Theo and Liam to come."

"Why do they need them? Do you think this relates to the Wesen?" wondered Scott and called Liam by mobile.

"Scott, something slashed the corpses and that object generated enough heat that cauterized the laceration, being capable to slash through impenetrable materials with simplicity," informed Stilinski and thought of many possibilities. "Also, the incendiary device used in the wreckage of the construction is too concentrated for his lengths."

"Dad is one corpse," murmured Ariel a bit frightened after used the Hexenbiest eye. "It looks weird and is like a shade."

"I don't see anything sweetie," informed Stiles and looked where Ariel pointed.

"Stiles, Ariel has right," shared Scott after used his werewolf eyes.

"The lamp that exposes mercury might work," murmured Stilinski and grabbed it from the car. "Is that a chimera?"

"Ariel, can be a good girl and show us?" wondered Stiles and put the hand in the pocket.

"This will cost you," answered Ariel and showed the hand.

"What is the cost?" wondered Scott and played her game.

"Ariel likes to have fun with your babies, to ride you as a donkey-werewolf, and buy her favorite dessert," amused Stilinski and kept continuing her pleasures. "Also, your mamma, Lydia, and grannie, Natalie, will buy the doll."

"I agree, but give me the candies too, dad," grinned Ariel and used magic.

Ariel showed Monroe, other hunters, and a mysterious person that carried a lightsaber at his waistband, caught Theo. Scott wanted to contact Theo and observed how a cloaked figure that disturbed their party. The cloaked figure was Mike who slew the hunters, freed Theo, fought with the Sith. He released Theo from his conjured sister, blasting her into oblivion with a massive force push. That killed Sith's physical body. This revealed his true form. Mike ended him for good with a fist charged with lighting. Stiles examined the fighting style and observed the person used Ataru. Besides, his fighting style was familiar and this was not the first time when saw it. In the second, when put Stiles on the phone to call once more, and all three from the car.

(Credit to Mnxe; don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe if you enjoy it!)

"Are you alright? Why didn't you phone us?" wondered Scott after saw what happened.

"I am fine," responded Theo very happy to see his friends.

"A Jedi," realized Stiles and analyzed Mike's curved white lightsaber alongside his fighting style. "This is not the first time when I see someone fighting like this with such a lightsaber."

"What do you suggest?" wondered Stilinski and shook his head a bit.

"Dad, this owl, is a woman," murmured Ariel after saw it with her Hexenbiest eyes. "What did the lady badly to shift it in an owl?"

"My name is Mike," presented Mike to the rest and showed Morai. "Also, I am the padawan of Ahsoka Tano and this is Morai, the Daughter of Mortis."

"Can be more explicit?" asked Liam because too many things happened and pointed to Ariel. "She is the Shaphat."

"Morai, the Daughter, sacrificed herself to save Ahsoka. So she became an owl," said Mike and showed them, the Daughter's real form. "Just on Mortis and Oban looks like this."

"Ahsoka rubbed mum's belly telling her I am there," said Ariel, and Mike shook his head a bit.

"I will tell you later," spoke Stiles after saw Mike's reaction and asked full of surprise."Why Ahsoka didn't contact us?"

"The time flows different and not believed we would meet again," replied Liam and wondered about case problems. "Do you find something odd?"

"The firemen give us the case because isn't their expertise," replied Stilinski and looked at MIke. "Mike, do you have any idea?"

"Conclude the case," advised Mike and took a better look at the explosives. "The explosives are experimental, and I never see something like this."

"Liam, we must go to high school for the charitable match," recalled Scott after the telephone alarm rang. "We will talk more before the match in the class."

"I guess is time to meet Scott's pack," guessed Liam and thought about La Crosse players. "Also, Kira will play as well?"

"Definitely," answered Scott and smiled at Stiles because took his keys from the pants. "I will drive your car."

"We take Ariel home and after that, high school," advised Stiles to be good for all.

Each left the car and Mike sensed a presence in the force. He attempted to figure out what it was or from where it came, but it failed. After that entered the car and Theo drove to after Scott. When arrived at the high school went to the vestiary. The team dressed up and Scott, Kira, Liam, Stiles, Alec, Nolan, and Corey came to discuss before the match. Mike observed something on the sleeve of Stiles and before having the chance to say a word, the things materialized in ninjas and drew their Ninjato.

(Credit to IGN; don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe if you enjoy it!)

"Greetings, my name is Mike," presented Mike and kept his calm as nothing happened. "I am the padawan of Ahsoka Tano."

"My name is Stiles Stilinski and sorry we don't have the chance to salute last time," presented Stiles and showed the mysterious ninjas. "They are Oni Commandant. They wanted to see your reaction, but you destroyed their fun saluting them."

"My name is Scott McCall and I am a true alpha," presented Scott and transformed into a werewolf.

"My name is Malia McCall and I am a werecoyote," presented Malia and turned into a werewolf and wondered. "I get it was a flash, but Ahsoka told you?"

"Everything," answered Mike and looked at Scott's pack. "Ahsoka came across these three ninjas which were two boys and one girl and someone named Kira."

"I am Kira Yukimura and I am a thunder Kitsune," presented Kira and showed her Kitsune aura. "Ahsoka encounter us on Malachor."

"Greetings, my name is Pawa and I am the Oni of Kira," presented Pawa.

"Greetings, my name is Nikko and he is Gekko," presented Nikko.

"We are the Oni of Stiles," informed Gekko and pointed to Nikko.

"My name is Corey Bryant and I am a chimera chameleon," presented Corey and asked full of curiosity. "Where is Ahsoka?"

"I know both of you from Liam's photo," informed Mike and recognized Liam's friends. "Kira informed you about the Ghost Crew? The name Ezra Bridger sound familiar?"

"My name is Mason Hewitt," said Mason and shared a secret. "It took all fun when said who I am."

"After almost a year, the Ghost Crew freed Lothal which was under the Empire. They won, but with a cost," informed Mike and showed them some records. "Ezra used some species that looked as space whales. They took Thrawn and his fleet in the unknown regions, and Ahsoka and Sabine searched for him."

"Why Empire does not get it back?" wondered Alec and tried to understand better.

"The battle of Scarif and the destruction of the first Death Star," guessed Lydia and explained why she knew such well. "This happens if your husband is a devoted Star Wars fan."

"Empire lost troops and focused more on the important planets," concluded Nolan the discission because the others prepared to leave.

"Is time to rejoin the others on the field," informed Liam and checked the clock. "See you there,"

"Don't mess up the match," advised Theo and saw the enemy team.

(Credit to Everything Star Wars; don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe if you enjoy it!)

The team went on the field for the charitable match of La Crosse while, Mike, Theo, Lydia, Mason, Malia, Lydia, Nikko, Gekko, Pawa stayed at the platform. The match was hard and a player hit Liam with the Crosse in the head, throwing his helmet on the ground. Liam made his eyes red and asked with a furious tone why it knocked him down. The player said did not know how it reached there. The coach saw this and asked for a pause.

(Credit to R. D Roberts; don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe if you enjoy it!)

"I believe Liam is alright," hoped Mike and showed him good luck, but felt Theor's frustrations. "Are you okay, Theo?"

"I am fine, but I've heard how the player said didn't know what was doing," murmured Theo a few words and thought deeply about the incident. "Is scared and not because of Liam."

"How is that possible?" wondered Mason and yelled because Scott scored.

"Why your rhythm grows, Mike?" asked Malia after listening to his pulse.

"At the storehouse, I felt a presence in the force," said Mike and tried to sense it back. "It followed us. I can't sense him."

"Sith?" asked Lydia worried about what might happen. "Are too many people."

"A Jedi will make fun of innocents," said Pawa because thought about force sensitive. "Some players from Devenford slipped on the grass."

"The jerk is harming both teams and is on stealth mode," concluded Gekko and looked on the field at the players. "What we do?"

"Act normally," advised Nikko and saw some funny things. "After the game's end, we split up."

"He might be after Mike, Liam, Theo, Stiles, and Scott," concluded Mason after heard Mike saying it followed them. "Mike, go with Liam and Theo and Stiles and Scott with the Oni."

"Theo?" asked Malia and saw his eyes were lost. "What you do?"

"My head hurts, but will pass," informed Theo and saw a big accident. "Funny, Corey makes Kira to fell and Alec with Nolan run into two players from Devenford hitting each other."

"At least, the game is funnier," amused Gekko about the player's misfortune.

"The match will end in thirty minutes," informed Nikko and hit his brother, Gekko. "Let's hope nobody will be hurt terribly."

"True," said Lydia and saw how the ball flew before to get hit.

In the following second, Theo sent Mike a message on the mobile phone. He said it saw something red, but it disappeared. The red person pranked both teams till the end and the match finished at a tie. The players went changing and after that, they split up. Mike left with Liam, Theo, Scott, Stiles, and the Oni. They split up while went to Liam's home. After some minutes a purple blade opened and the red person jumped from the tree attacking Liam. Morai made noises to caution the group. Mike pushed Liam away and Theo blocked with his wooden staff the lightsaber.

(Credit to Star Wars Theory; don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe if you enjoy it!)

"Nice, Theo, you've succeeded to see me," said the Sith and tried to taunt him. "

"Isn't my fault if you laugh like an idiot," said Theo having an angry tone for what happened with the poor players. "

"Big words for a man without a lightsaber," threatened the Sith and pushed them, but Mike blocked the push. "How a wooden staff is strong enough to block a lightsaber?"

"Not your problem," answered Liam and saw Mike pulling his lightsaber.

"Liam, Theo, stay back, I will handle alone," advised Mike and looked in shock at the Sith lord. "When you said a red human, I believed it was a Devorian, not a Sith pureblood with a purple lightsaber."

"Deal with me like you did that hybrid Sith, Devon?" wondered the Sith and began blaming Mike. "You work too for the First Order too."

"When I see a bad guy, I recognize him. You wronged the person," advised Theo and wondered what the Sith talked about. "What is this First Order?"

"Is this," snapped the Sith throwing with lighting in the way of Liam.

"That was close," murmured Liam after passed by a millimeter near him. "Too close."

"If you have problems with me, fight with me and let them," threatened Mike to get Sith's attention. "Are you scared to fight with me and harm people weaker than you?"

"Don't dare to speak with me like this, wimp," threatened The Sith feeling insulted.

"Be careful," said Theo to MIke because he smelt his chemosignals. "Is confident in his forces."

"Move," said Mike and marked an area with the force. "The Sith loves to go after the weak."

"Only a narrow-minded Sith does that," snapped the Sith and made steps towards Mike. "You can remain."

Mike whispered to walk near a brush and did not move from there. He with the Sith clashed their lightsabers fiercely and both opponents tried to figure out what fighting style it utilizing. The longer the battle continued, the more ground lost in the fight against the Sith. Shocked, Mike discovered the Sith utilized a hybrid style between Soresu, Shien, and Juyo. At times it replaced Juyo with Vaapad. The Sith observed he did not pull more power from Mike's emotion as it did before. The power from his emotions decreased drastically. Mike, as Ahsoka used Ataru, Shien, and Shi-Cho, but all these forms combined resulted in the "Three rings of defense" or the "Combat Chaos." Combat Chaos allowed Mike to gather all his emotions to shift them into a weapon. The Sith aimed to use the force to get the fight in his favor. Mike used a force blast push and inside of hit inserting force lighting. The Sith blocked the push, but the lighting hit him.

"Clever, but not enough to strike me down, Jedi," murmured the Sith and got up from the ground.

"Your mum is ringing you?" wondered Theo and heard something.

"This doesn't end here," threatened the Sith and looked for a way to run. "The people from Bakura you killed, want revenge."

"What is wrong with you?" asked Liam and explained all his actions. "Firstly, you destroy the match, and now you blame him.

"You don't know anything," said the Sith and accused Mike. "Also, he abandons his friends and family. That's not the Jedi way."

The Sith disappeared in the mist. Before he that threw a few spheres that shifted into elemental ice giants with the help of a magical incantation to use them as decoys. Theo, Liam, and Mike killed the elementals and headed home after attempting to find the Sith. When arrived home, they went into the bedroom, and Theo with Liam sensed Mike's internal conflict.

"I must find him," said Mike and didn't know from where to start. "That Sith is somewhere out there."

"Mike, he is gone," said Liam and checked the cameras from the town asking. "Why you are surprised to see a Sith pureblood?"

"They are extinct," answered Mike with stupefaction because was the last thing which thought would see. "They appeared long before 7000BBY. After the first war between Jedi and Dark Jedi, Jedi exiled the Dark Jedi hoping they would change. In truth, they conquered the Sith pureblood. This resulted in the creation of the first Sith and the beginning conflict between the Empire of the Old Republic."

"So, BBY, means Before Battle of Yavin and now we are on 14 ABY that means fourteen years After Battle of Yavin," concluded Theo to match the Star Wars timeline with the current time. "That person deserved to be into a museum."

"How do you turn the battle?" wondered Liam and saw how Mike lost ground in the beginning. "Also, the Sith doesn't work alone."

"Ahsoka learned me to depend only on the emotions since the start. Mostly I use the fighting styles separately, and not combined," answered Mike and asked intrigued about the secret enemy. "How do you know that?"

"We've heard a woman voice asking what is doing," responded Theo and tried to remember the rest. "Also, said the proofs are contradictory."

"Sith's name is Midas," informed Liam and shared with Mike. "Someone wanted to frame you."

"Everything is fine," said Theo and didn't continue because was not the case.

"I hope you are right," said Mike and wondered how they heard the woman. "You can teach me how to hear like a werewolf?"

"If you teach me how to focus my anger into power," conditioned Liam and rose the arm to hit fists.

"Additionally, we will teach you to fight blindly," resumed Theo, Liam's idea.

"We get off the bed to cut the deal?" wondered Mike and prepared to get up from the cover.

"Sure," answered Liam and Theo together and reminded about the others. "Also, let's call the others."

Morai shut the light and we went to sleep before spoke with the rest. Mike knew someone wanted to frame him, but asked himself who First Order was and what business had. Also, asked himself how Midas knew about his past. 


Hello, Midas would return at a point in time and his background will be discovered in the next book. Also, for the next arc of the story, I will plan to add heroes from the previous books in a fight for saving someone. In the next chapter, the pack should face an order of Hexenbiests and Zauberbiest known as the Beyonders. Don't forget to vote and comment!

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