Status: It's complicated

By SaHyeRim

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Let's start with a simple girl, Anna who are friends with 5 guys from a band. They allow feelings and emotio... More

Chapter 1: Coffee for 2 or 7?
Chapter 2: 5 Boys and 2 Girls
Chapter 3: Back to the Penthouse
Chapter 4: Sleeping with my crush
Chapter 5: You are in trouble now
Chapter 6: A mistake that felt right.
Chapter 7: That girl does not look like Anna
Chapter 8: Ex girlfriend
Chapter 9: Am i stupid to trust him?
Chapter 10: Modelling
Chapter 11: Can i taste your ice cream?
Chapter 12: You are a virgin?!
Chapter 13: A shoulder to cry on
Chapter 14: Your ex is pregnant with your child
Chapter 15: No protection (R21)
Chapter 16: You are bold! (R21)
Chapter 17: What did you do this time?!
Chapter 19: Change topic
Chapter 20: Where is Liam?
Chapter 21 : I'm staying here tonight (R21)
Chapter 22: Hugs and cuddles
Chapter 23: You shouldn't have hugged me
Chapter 24: Do it..Fast.
Chapter 25: I don't give up easy
Chapter 26: Wait for me
Chapter 27: You Kissed
Chapter 28: A busted lip and a bleeding nose
Chapter 29: Oh damn..
Chapter 30: You smiled
Chapter 31: Please..
Chapter 32: You will regret it (M)
Chapter 33: Dangerous?
Chapter 34: I shouldn't have slapped you
Chapter 35: Are you okay?
Chapter 36: I'm sorry, don't cry for me.
Chapter 37: Leaning in for a kiss
Chapter 38: You are the mistress
Chapter 39: Thank You
Chapter 40: Is Alex jealous?
Chapter 41: I'm trying my best to stay away from you.
Chapter 42: could never hate you.
Chapter 43: Please..
Chapter 44: Who are you?
Chapter 45: Whose?
Chapter 46: Are you dating?
Chapter 47: It's a wedding album
Chapter 48: I will wait till your heart is ready
Chapter 49: Do i have to let you go?
Chapter 50: Will you marry me?

Chapter 18: Stay here with me

23 0 0
By SaHyeRim

Oh no, the last time we left the brothers almost in a fight! They turned around to see Anna standing there, she probably heard everything. Let's see what happened next!

Anna : Go home, it's late..

Her thumb lingered at the send button. She moved her curtain to the side slightly and took a peek to see Liam's black BMW still outside, parallel parked at the sidewalk just outside her apartment. She glanced at the time that showed 2:15 am. Doesn't he have work tomorrow? Crazy guy. She bit her lower lip as she hesitates to send the message out to him. She took a deep breath and hit the send button. She still care for that idiot. It took less than thirty seconds before her phone vibrated. She looked down at the screen to see the message.

Liam : Can I stay here tonight ?

Is he out of his mind?

Anna : No... go home ..

She wiped the tears that were rolling down her cheek. That was when she came to realise that her cheek came in contact with a metal touch. She looked down at her left hand and saw her ring on the fourth finger. She never expected this situation to occur. I thought we were meant to be.. Why does love have to be so painful? It hurts do bad, I just want the pain to stop..

Next day..

At a photoshoot..

"Julie, I would like you to meet someone. You will be working with her for the next photoshoot.. " Mr. Kelvin came from behind, looking at her through the reflection of the mirror. She was at her dressing table, she looked up from her phone and made eye contact with him through the mirror.

"May I ask who?" she asked, secretly hoping it was one of her idols. Both Anna and Julie had in common was that they were really fan girls. Fangirling over idols were their hobby.

" She's experienced.. You can learn from her" She wasn't sure if Mr.Kelvin wanted to keep the suspense or maybe he wanted to play with her because he didn't answer her question! Her answer was only answered when she heard a familiar and now sickening voice.. Oh, shit!

" Sorry I am late.." the girl with brown wavy hair that barely touched her shoulders. She is dressed in her signature black tight and low cut dress that emphasis her curves which could barely hold her bosoms in place because the dress was in a size smaller. She came in strutting with her knee-length black leather boots was paired to match her outfit and her manager was trailing behind her.

She stood up to take a clearer look. Is she who she think she is?! No way! It can't be!

"Julie, i would like you to meet, Shirley, and Shirley, this is Julie, You two will be working on the next photoshoot ." the manager gave a smile.

" Oh no.." the words came out of her mouth softly but it was enough for Mr.Kelvin to hear.

What an incredible surprise!

" Do you guys know each other?" He looked at Shirley and back at Julie, honestly, quite confused at her reaction..

" You can say that .." Shirley gave her sweet smile..

" That's great! I'll leave you two to catch up .." Mr. Kelvin smiled and left the dressing room, hoping they could get along and talk among themselves..

" I guess we met again.." Shirley smiled as she flipped all of her hair over to her right shoulder, leaving her left side of the neck exposed. The way she acted was as if the whole world would be mesmerized by her looks and beauty, which was true. The kind of confidence Shirley portrayed was overflowing and it was very charismatic. Even a girl like Julie feels intimidated and overwhelmed by her high self-confidence. 

Julie shook out of her trance after being overwhelmed by Shirley's poise. She was shock that Shirley is a model and as if this new wasn't too much for her to handle, with both of them in belonging to the same company, it made her felt uncomfortable. Her thoughts were interrupted by a clap from the photographer in charge.

" Alright... Places! Let's get to work!" The photographer shouted, taking his place in front of the white screen background. Shirley strut over to the shoot like a diva, as though she owned the place. Julie let out a sigh and followed behind slowly, dreading to work with her. What will be the response of Anna and Liam if she told them that Shirley is her colleague and will be someone whom she have to work closely with.

" Julie and Shirley, I want your backs to lean against one another.. Pose and flaunt the watches you are wearing on your wrists. Remember to not block the view of the watch at all times" the photographer gave suggestions and advices.

Oh, so they are shooting a watch advertisement.

" Alright, work it girls!!" He started pressing on his camera shutter button, flashes after flashes. They had their backs touching each other, holding up their wrists naturally to flaunt and show the camera the expensive diamond studded watches they endorsed.

" Julie, your face is too stiff. Focus on your emotions" the photographer barked at her to get her attention on him. She had to remain professional and so she cleared all the thoughts that were lingering in her mind. She looked into the camera lens with her poker face and focused on getting this photoshoot over and done with.

Anna's apartment ..

It was at night when she could hear the raindrops pelting against the windows, a lightning flash shoned its way in through the window, followed by the crackling roar of the thunder. A thunderstorm was nearing. She wore her jacket that was laying on her chair, walked to her bed and slide her body beneath the comfortable comforter. Her doorbell then rang, startling her a little.. Gosh, just as I was about to get comfortable. She let out a sigh and dragged herself out of the bed, lazily walking over to the door, opening her door to see her Boyfriend. Drenched.

" What are you doing here?!" She let out a gasp, She was surprised but reacted quickly by stepping aside to let him in her house.. She closed the door behind him and rushed to her room, leaving him behind in the living room as she grabbed a towel and pass to him to dry himself. What should I do next? Blast him with question? No .. no.. don't do that. Should I ask him to take a shower first? Should I give him my jacket? Should I make a drink? Drink! Yes! Warm cup of drink! She turned her heel and left for the kitchen to make a cup of hot chocolate for him.

" Drink this..." she walked out from her kitchen and passed him the cup of hot chocolate. How can this guy still look so good when he was drenched?! This is impossible. His wet hair dripping droplets down to the towel with strands of wet hair sticking to his face as he held onto the cup of hot chocolate to warm himself up. He shivered slightly, still looking cold from being drenched. Seems like the towel and hot chocolate isn't helping much.

Aye, Anna. Do something or he will catch a cold.

" Take off your jacket.. It is wet, you will catch a cold.." She looked at his soaked jacket beneath the towel. His light grey jacket had became dark grey as it was soaked. He obeyed her words and took it off, slipping one arm by one arm out from the wet material. She took the soaked jacket from him, making a mental not to put it into the dryer.

" Go and take a shower alright?" she advised him and drape his jacket over her arm

She notice that he was trying his best to move and something was amiss. Something looks different and weird, it's as though he was using his full strength to get up. Maybe he had hurt himself. She stretched out her hand to support him up, her eyes widened at the touch of her hand on his arm as she felt his body temperature. Shit, he seems to be burning.

" I think you are running a fever.." She used the back of her hand to touch his forehead to confirm her doubt. Yup, he is burning.

" Can you walk to my room?" She asked, earnings 2 small nods from him. she needed to get him to shower and change him. He desperately needs dry clothes and medicine.

She held onto his arm to support him as they walked to her room slowly.. She settled him down on her sofa that was near her bed.

" Liam, you need to shower." She told him. He was silent, he just threw his head backwards on the headrest, with his eyes closed.

" Oh, wait.. You have no clothes here.. Hold on" She thought quickly of the solutions in hand. She grabbed an umbrella and her purse before she went out of the house. They were lucky that her apartment wasn't far from their penthouse. She opened the umbrella and walked to the sidewalk to flag for a cab. She stretched her hand out and hail the first available cab she saw. She told the address of the penthouse to the driver. The moment she reached their penthouse, she paid the driver but she stopped her movement when she had an idea.

" Please give me five minutes. Please wait for me" She rushed up to their penthouse once she saw him agree. She was wet herself but she couldn't care less. Her mind was filled with concerns for Liam. She didn't want his sickness to worsen. She had to be fast. Once the lift door open, she ran out and knocked on their penthouse door continuously.

" Hello Ivan .." she greeted him and ran pass him, she ran pass everyone in fact. She ran in Liam's room to grab a few of his clothes. Taking any big empty bag she could find, packing as fast as she could, naming and packing those clothes that Liam requires.

" What is wrong with her?" Ivan was still standing at the door, looking in the direction of the rest of the boys earning shrugs from them.

Man Ivan, You have no idea.

" Does she know Liam is not in the room?" Sean asked. Why would she suddenly barge in her boyfriend's room?

" I'll check on her.." Ivan wanted to walk towards Liam's room but that was when she took the bag and ran out of the room.

" Thank you Ivan.." She thanked him, running out the penthouse with one of Liam's duffle bag.

" I think she has gone crazy" Ivan added as he closed the door, walking towards the boys. Alex still had his eyes fixed on to the closed door. What was Anna doing? There is a thunderstorm outside. Shouldn't she be at home, warmly tucked under the covers instead? What is this girl doing?

She ran out with her umbrella, towards the taxi that was waiting for her. She thanked the driver, paid him with an extra tip before rushing back to her apartment. The moment she entered her house, she charged towards her bedroom to see him, still in the same position she left him at.

" Liam ...?" She lightly shook him, panting from the rush she had. He just opened his eyes, turning his head to look at her in confusion.

" Can you walk?" She asked him. As a response to her, he lifted his head and struggled as he sit up.

"I-I'm c-cold ... " he stuttered, his lips were so pale and dry.

" Come .." She guided him off the sofa and led him to the side of the bathtub in her bathroom, allowing him to sit. She took off his shirt, her eyes fixated on his naked upper body. He didn't have washboard abs but his body still looked good. She unzipped his pants, pulling it down and let it drop on the bathroom floor, leaving him with only his boxers shorts.. He was near fully naked, sitting in front of Anna. Anna swallowed her saliva and bit her lower lips. No, now is not the time. She blinked her eyes a few times to get the thought out of her head and focused on giving him a proper bath.. She moved on in wanting to take out his boxers as well but Liam held her hands to stop her and shook his head, indicating that he was ok to just bathe in his boxers. Since Anna was still a virgin. She quickly took the shower head and tested the water with the back of her hand to ensure that the water was warm. Hopefully, after this warm bathe, he would feel better. She quickly soap him up and rinsed the foam off him in a matter of minutes. She flicked the tap to stop the water flow and wrapped a dry towel around him. 

" Can you change by yourself?" she asked and he nodded slowly while his eyes are still closed.. She pass him the whole duffle bag before heading out of the bathroom and closed the door behind her. She sat on the edge of the bed while she waited for him to come out. She knew that now is not the right time to chase him out or even quarrel with him. She really didn't want his condition to worsen.

It took about a few minutes, before she heard the door opened. She looked up to see him walking towards her slowly, still looking sick as ever but at least he can walk now. He felt slightly more refreshed after the shower. She stood up and led him to her bed, getting him to lie down on her side of the queen bed.

" Stay here with me alright?" he looked at her with hopes that she would agree.

" Liam, this is my house.. Of course I will be here in this house.." she replied as she smiled a little..

" That is not what I meant.. I know things are a little complicated now.. But we can get through it together right?" he lifted his hands to hold on to Annas', afraid that this would be the end of their relationship. She could see that his eyes were watery but she don't know it was caused because he was running a fever or because he was at the verge of breaking down as well.

She didn't say anything but smiled at him as she removed her hands from his grasp and proceed to the bathroom to find a basin, filling it room temperature water and a cloth. She then took a thermometer from her drawer and placed it in his left ear to check his temperature.

" 38.5..." She mumbled to herself. Damn, it is high.. She placed the thermometer down and proceeded to her medicine cabinet in the kitchen. Grabbing those medicine that made her felt better when she was having a fever. She took her water bottle that was on her bed side table and passed both items to him.

"I don't need it.." he pushed her hand away. She let out a small sigh and sat beside him.

" Eat it.." she demanded but he was always stubborn. This is going to take awhile..

" No.." he closed his eyes, turning his head away from her. This child is sick and he can still be so stubborn?!

" Can you stop being so stubborn?!" She raised her voice from the frustration she was having.

" I will take the medicine.. Only if you stay here with me." he suggested as he turned his head to face her. He can still negotiate?! Seriously?!

Breathe. Anna. Wait till he recovers first.

The moment he saw her climb to the other side of the bed, his body followed suit so that he would still be facing her. With a grin on his face, he took the medicine from her hand, pop it in his mouth and swallowed it down with her water after Anna was on the bed with him.

" Lie down" it came out of his mouth, sounded more like a command. She let out a sigh but still obeying him. The moment she laid down on the bed beside him, he swung his arm over her, bringing her closer to him as he closed his eyes.

" Liam.." She choked on her word. She could feel water in her eyes, blurring her vision. Because of his touch, she missed him more than ever after these period of not being with him.

" Shh.." he buried his face in her neck as he scooted closer to her, closing any gaps that could be found between them, if it was possible. She could feel his hot breath at the side of her neck, she blink her tears away.

Don't cry Anna. Not now.

There were so many troubles and problems lingering around in his head now but he just couldn't be bothered with them as he looked at the figure in his arms. He smiled to himself as he missed the figure that moulded perfectly in his arms as if it was meant to be. He wanted to savour this moment because he wouldn't know when all this would end. All he knew was that he would do whatever it takes just to get Anna back and away from all these problems. He tightened his hold around her as a silent tear rolled down from his eye. I missed you..


To be continued..


Author's Note: Comments are welcome!

Pictures are for illustration purposes. I do not own them.

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