In Another World As A Dragon...

By BlazingDragonicWolf

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Welcome to another fantasy story about some guy suddenly waking up as a Dragon! Out of all the confusions, mi... More

Before Anything...
Chapter 1 - "The Awakening"
Chapter 2 - "The Intrusion"
Chapter 3 - "Rage"
Chapter 4 - "Dream"
Extras - "Chapter 4.5"
Chapter 5 - "Adventurers"
Chapter 6 - "The Far East"
Chapter 7 - "The Orphanage"
Chapter 8 - "Dispute"
Chapter 9 - "Divided"
Chapter 10 - "The Highest Mountain"
Chapter 11 - "The High Mage"
Chapter 12 - "Residence"
More Extras - "Chapter 12.5"
Chapter 13 - "Black Sun"
Chapter 14 - "Destruction"
Chapter 15 - "A Familiar Face"
Chapter 16 - "Necromancy"
Chapter 17 - "The Second Dragon"
Chapter 18 - "Break Time"
Chapter 19 - "White Dragon"
Even more Extras - "Pre-chapter 20"
Chapter 20 - "There You Are"
The Final Extra - "Pre-chapter 21"
Chapter 21 - "Crossing Paths"
Chapter 23 - "Eternity"
(Bonus Extra!) Pre-chapter 24 - "Fates Intertwined"
Chapter 24 - "Closure"

Chapter 22 - "Climax"

4.6K 138 13
By BlazingDragonicWolf

Castle guards everywhere rush toward the aid of their sires. The kingdom they once grew up in is falling apart as large meteors fall from the sky and bring nothing but ruin in their wake. Draiz and Frick both destroy one meteor that was heading towards the castle, while Mara is trying her best to maintain the force field that's protecting the castle.

Elze: "Umm... Lady Mara, perhaps I can help you with the maintenance?"

Mara: "Heheh. I appreciate your concern, girl, but I can handle this. That is, if I can't even handle something like this, then she'll..."

Frick: "Another incoming! It's a big one!"

Frick wasn't kidding. Its size was 10x larger than the castle!

Elze: "Lady Mara!"

Mara: "I know."

Mara intensified the barrier. Both Draiz and Frick were trying to destroy the giant meteor from outside the barrier, but their efforts were little to none. However, it did slow it down but despite its decreased speed, it still hit the barrier. Mara braced herself. She felt the weight of this ginormous object crushing her and she can barely hold the barrier steady.

Mara: "To think... that I would get... bested by this... piece of junk."

Then, as if suddenly waking up from a splash of water, Mara felt a burst of energy within her. The energy she obtained was more than enough to intensify the barrier even further and expanding its size tenfold!

Draiz: "Get down!"

Draiz and Frick both take cover as Mara made her barrier push the meteor back into the sky hitting the other smaller ones that were still falling. As if the sun were going mad, the collisions of those many small meteorites and the large one created an explosion that which brightened the sky in a blinding light of red and white.

Though, they managed to survive that one, the explosion caused even more meteors to fall onto them. However, they were smaller compared to the ones before. Mara had to conjure up the barrier once again, and both Draiz and Frick retreated back inside the castle to rest.

Strazz: "You both did great. Good job."

Draiz: "We didn't do anything. Mara finished things up."

Rayla: "About that... what made you suddenly power up like that, Mara?"

Elze: "I... I want to know too. We knew you were powerful, but not that powerful."

They all nodded in agreement to what Elze said.

Mara: "I'm not quite sure. But, this feeling... it's familiar."

(Woman Voice): "Honestly. If this was too much for you, I am very disappointed."

Mara: "So, it was you all along. Mother."

Heione is found floating outside the barrier and casually lets herself in. And, by "in", I meant, she literally passed through the barrier.

Heione: "If you didn't have that demon blood within you, you'd be able to use even more magic than ever."

Mara: "Oh, get over it already, mother. I can't help it if I was born like this, now can I?"

Heione: "Urgh. You and your father both."

Mara: "Nevermind that, care to share what's happening?"

[Explanations are redundant, so I'll just let Draiz's reactions do the summary.]

Draiz: "What?!! Arufaz is not from this world?! He was sent here to house the body of the previous 'Great Demonic End Dragon'?! And, he's fighting his brother up in space?!! And, these meteors are just aftershocks from their battle?!!"

Heione: "Not just meteors. Volcanoes, earthquakes, floods, everywhere in the world is experiencing aftershocks from their battle."

Rayla: "Arufaz..."

Draiz: "I have to go help him!"

Heione: "Don't bother. If you couldn't even handle that one meteor, you'll never be on par with their level. Even I myself, see them as a height I can never reach."

Rayla touches Draiz's claw.

Rayla: "Just believe in him. Like you said, he'll be back."

Draiz: "Grah. It's frustrating not being able to do anything."

Heione: "I know that feeling all too well, child."


Meanwhile, Aster finally arrives in a space that seems to be a collection of endless doors to other parallel worlds. He makes his way around, but with little to no luck in finding who he's looking for. He distances himself straight ahead with just his gut guiding him around the place. You could say he's just wandering around.

Straight ahead, a portal opens up, and Aster heads straight to that general direction. A man pops out of it. He looks like he's still in his early 30's, but who knows how old he really is. Unlike Aster, who's wearing a white robe and a tunic, this man is wearing casual pants, jacket, and t-shirts. He's so modern. He sees Aster head his way.

Aster: "I've been looking all over you! Where have you been?! What were you doing?! Our world is ending right this very moment! Knowing you, you should've known about this already, Infiniti."

Infiniti: "Hahaha! Sorry, old friend. To tell you the truth, I didn't even know about our apocalyptic situation until you mentioned it just now. You see, I was-..."

Aster: "Enough of that, now. Come. Make up your negligence of the matter with your efforts on the battlefield."

Aster opens a portal but Infiniti grabs his shoulder.

Infiniti: "Allow me. This is my domain, after all."

Infiniti closes Aster's portal and opens another one of his own.

Infiniti: "This should take us straight to your so-called battlefield."

Aster was in no mood for humor and makes haste in entering the portal hurriedly. Infiniti simply followed him afterwards and the portal closes.


Meanwhile, Arufaz's battle with his other half continues to take place high in the Thermosphere. The end is near and both sides have used up a lot of their energy in battle. Despite the body still in perfect shape, the mental exhaustion Arufaz is experiencing is severe. He wishes he could sleep. He definitely deserves a long nap from all his efforts to subdue his so-called other half.

Nero: "Whoever you are in there, you do not deserve that body! Give me back my brother! Together, we will end all life in existence!"

Arufaz: "That's one thing to let your anger out... it's another to let it stick with you your whole life...!"

Both dragons continue to exchange blows and neither side is backing down. Their battle continuously shifts from long-ranged attacks to close-combat as if they already know how to counter each other.

Nero: "I must say. You're as skilled as my brother was, considering you're a different person in that body."

Arufaz: "I don't need your compliments... I just need to take you down..."

They both back away from each other.

Nero: "Haha! My thoughts exactly! Let's finish this once and for all!"

Nero's body begins to glow a blinding white so bright, many people below the earth may assume it's another star, or a giant asteroid. Despite the brightness, Arufaz doesn't look away. In fact, he remembered once before that it also didn't hurt his eyes when he looked at the sun some time ago.

Nero: "Genesis."

Arufaz: "...... Guess I should also put some more effort into this, too..."

Before Arufaz left the summit, Chryselda gave him visions of the previous End Dragon's powers. That was how he was able to gain knowledge and awareness of his powers and how he was able to fight against Nero so skillfully using those powers. Arufaz covers himself with an eerie aura of black, making his already black scales even darker.

Arufaz: "The End..."

The two dragons charge straight at each other. From afar, it may look like two blobs of black and white collided. But, the collision was devastating enough to create a massive explosion for the world to see.

Although, unlike a normal explosion of fire and smoke, it was a gigantic sphere where black and white seem to be at constant war on its surface. It continues to expand exponentially, and in less than a minute, it was already ten times larger than the moon! It swallowed up the earth along with everything else.

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