six bullets

Von _maskyy

147 16 34

The protagonist "Ansoni" suffered from insomnia since the age of ten. In a tragic event for him, he forgot ab... Mehr

Episode One (S1)
Episode Three (S1)
Episode Four (S1)
Episode Five (S1)
Episode Six (S1)
Episode Seven (S1)
Episode Eight (S1)
Episode Nine (S1)

Episode Two (S1)

20 1 10
Von _maskyy

Mili is in her pink room, layed on her fluffy bed, with some BTS posters on the walls and a window to view outside the second floor, talking with her friend, Pearl.

PEARL: "You're going to test out the machine yourself, you're not scared that you might die in their mind?".

MILI: "No, I would have it all under control, I am facing two idiots after all, what could go wrong? Besides, I didn't post all the functions of the M. Barashin, so I'd have advantage".

PEARL: "So there's hidden functions on your machine only you know about?".

MILI: "Yeah, if anything goes wrong, Kosho would just help me".

PEARL: "I wish you the best of luck to help those people, Mili, good night".

MILI: "Bye".

She hangs up the call, taking a deep breath and smirking, placing her arm on her forehead.

MILI: this is going to be amazing.

(Starset - It Has Begun plays)

(Starset - It Has Begun stops playing)

(In Ansoni's nightmare)

Ansoni enters a car with a blurry girl (which means her aspect is just very random and unrecognisable) and his father.
"We're going to a very special place!" Ansoni's father said as he pushed the accelerator with his foot.

Ansoni seemed pretty happy about going to an unknown place, until something very sudden began to happen... he turned at the blurry girl and noticed she was leaning in to kiss him, it was too sudden for Ansoni, so he quickly pushed the girl's lips away from him with his hand.

Her eyes filled with tears, she opened the door of the active car and ran out without stumbling or tripping, the car stopped when she got out, the wheels were still pushing but the car was not advancing, he observed how her image was slowly fading into the nothingness.

And then, explosions were going off behind them at the distance, he was panicking, he turned at his father just to notice he was no longer there, it was like if he was a ghost, he violently opened the car door and began running down the road as the explosions got closer to him.
He opened the door of a black and white house, the inside was completely colorless, like an old movie that lacked of colors. He sat down on the floor, and just shook in fear, asking himself what happened.

He heard the door open, he concetrated his gaze into the sound, there was a tall figure with a gun, the aspect was blinded by the strong light of the constant explosions... even though he was facing the figure, he felt a sharp pain on his back, like a needle, he closed his eyes, a second after that, he heard a gun shot... two gunshots... three, four, five... and six. He felt six sharp pain on his back, he was pierced with bullets.

He opened his eyes, the tall figure wasn't on the door anymore, his pain was growing despite that it is just a nightmare... it was like a lucid dream.

(End of Ansoni's nightmare)

Ansoni wakes up, sweating.

ANSONI: "AHHHHHHHHHHHH!" his scream was heard all inside his house.

He hears a voice coming from downstairs.


Ansoni looks at his hands, then uncovers himself from the sheet since he is over heated by fear, he looks outside the window, and sees the beautiful rays of sunshine raining down the miracle of nature, birds are chirping, leaves are falling... it's a beautiful day. He sighs in relief.

Ansoni gets off of his black bed and goes downstairs, to the kitchen, he sees Ruisu cutting some fruits... holding his phone, he's speaking with a girl.

ANSONI: "Morning dude... who are you talking with?".

RUISU: "Sup. Just showing Luna how I can do things", he stops cutting the fruits and turns his phone's camera to Ansoni.

LUNA: "Hi!".

ANSONI: "Oh hey". He looks at Ruisu, "I didn't know you had a girlfriend".

Ruisu blushes "HEY! Luna is my best friend, not my girlfriend, there's a difference, idiot! She might live with me but we have no romantic interests for each other!".
A sweat mark goes down Ansoni's head.

LUNA: "We don't?.." she frowns.

ANSONI: Snap, did I just kill off a chance for romance?

RUISU: "Uhh... Luna, we'll talk later about it. Right now I need to fix up this idiot". Luna ends the face call. "Damn it, I always end the calls". He stores the phone inside his pants' pockets.

ANSONI: "So what are you doing?".

Ruisu sighs in frustration. "I'm obviously stripping for you, Ansoni!" He picks up the knife "And yes, I need a knife to make a gay strip for you, idiot! What the the hell do you think that I'm really doing!? Oh! Let me guess! Did you think I was planning a proposal for you!?".

(Ruisu's imagination bubble)
The area is pink with some moving bubbles.
They're both in tuxedos, Ruisu is on his knee with an opened ring box on his hand.
RUISU: "Oh, Ansoni, I was always gay for you, please marry me!"

(Ruisu's imagination bubble pops)
RUISU: "Idiot! I'm making breakfast! MAKING BREAKFAST, JEEZ IDIOT!"

Ansoni's poker face probably defines the lecture's expression.
ANSONI: is this guy really my best friend?. "Well, it's good to know that you're willing to prepare a healthy balanced food-", Ruisu hands him a glass of... pink foamy liquid.

RUISU: "Drink it or I'll kill you". He puts the chopped up fruits into the blender.
Ansoni takes a sip out of it, he is amazed of how it lacks of seeds or small pieces of fruits and it's surprisingly delicious to be a mere mixture of different fruits.

ANSONI: "Wow, you're not bad at making breakfast" he chugs down the glass of fruit juice.

Ruisu slides a tray with eggs, rice, toast and some beans to Ansoni.
RUISU: "I'm not even trying to make breakfast, I've done way better than this". Ansoni grabs the tray as Ruisu stops blending the fruits, he pours the juice in a cup and grabs his own tray.

They both sit down on the kitchen's small area to eat, both eating like Son Goku from Dragon Ball (super fast).
ANSONI: "To be a simple breakfast, it's amazing". He finishes the tray.

RUISU: "I know, I know. I inherited the skill of making food delicious from my mother". He looks at his watch, 8 am. "Well I have to go home to talk with Luna, I don't know what you're going to do, probably look into your documents or family pictures to remember something, maybe exercise, it's your decision but don't stay here fazing out of consciousness, ok?".

ANSONI: "Sure dude, goodbye".

RUISU: haha LOSER you're gonna wash those dishes

Ruisu stands up, ties his shoes and walks to the front door.
ANSONI: "Wait!".

Ruisu looks back at him. "What?".
ANSONI: "Thanks".
Ruisu smirks. "No problem, but next time don't get scared by something you can't confirm". He opens the front door, and leaves, closing it.

Ansoni looks at the kitchen, it's super dirty. "DAMN IT DUDE!"

RUISU: haha, I got you on that.

(In Ruisu's house)
RUISU: "Luna, I'm home!". He shuts the entrance door.

LUNA: "Oh! Good to know!" her voice comes from the living room.
Ruisu goes to the living room, seeing Luna laying on the couch, he stands in front of her.

RUISU: "We need to talk".

LUNA: "We need to talk? That's new from you... I thought you already forgot about what happened in the call earlier" she sits and fixes her hair.

RUISU: "Luna, I love you".
Silence fills the room, he thought he was too straightforward about it and started to regret telling her his feelings so quickly... until he saw her blushing.

LUNA: "I... I love you too...". She grinned with a slight blush.

Ruisu really could not believe it... for the first time, the exchange of love was actually happening. He smiled, and grabbed her hands, this stunned Luna.

RUISU: "I always knew you'd be my perfect partner but never thought you also loved me...your beauty is just as pretty when the moon shines off the endless void of water, your gaze is stunning... your smile is a gift from an angel, which would be you".

Luna giggles. "Oh please stop! You're too much...".
RUISU: "We need to get married".
LUNA: "Huh?..".
RUISU: "Luna...". He lets go of her hands and gets on a knee.
Luna's eyes widen.

RUISU: "Will you marry-" his phone rings, he reaches for his pocket, it's someone that wants from his service.
He answers and speaks with the customer, he hangs up, he sighs. "There's someone that needs me already, don't worry Luna, we'll get married soon". Luna smiles, and he does too.

Ruisu leaves.
LUNA: I'm so excited for this, oh my god!

(In Ansoni's house)
Ansoni is looking through family pictures, visualizing everything trying to find a clue or a spark of his past, or at least something about his identity, he turns a photo around and sees a date "my baby, Ansoni, born in October 27th, 2004", now he knows when his birthday is, he keeps searching through, turning some pictures to see any hints... sadly, nothing. He only discovered his own birthday, which isn't that bad at all.

Maybe I'll find something interesting in the closet that's inside of my room.

He climbs up the stairs, entering his black room filled with the beautiful rays of sunlight. He opens up the closet and sees a box right below the clothes. He grabs it and opens the box, dust bursts out of it since it seems to be very old.
Something catches his attention: a note with Kanna Kamui drawn on it, and a sign on it, seems to say "Alexis". He reaches for it and opens the note.

-Alexis, your best lady friend! Hey Ansoni, I was wondering if you'd like to go to the prom with me... I have a feeling 2019 is going to be a big year for us... so why not accept this offer? I promise you'll not regret it.
Best regards, Alexis 2019.

Alexis? I do remember Ruisu mentioning her name... she... woah! She's my girlfriend!? She's out of town as well... I need to recover my memories as soon as possible, I do not want to make her worry about me, god... what time are we starting this!? Hopefully not too late...

(Out of town)
ALEXIS: "Why hasn't he responded to my texts? Could something wrong happen to him? I'll contact Squid Brain".

She presses on the contact she named "Squid Brain", and places her phone on her right ear.

RUISU: "Hello?"

ALEXIS: "Hey Squid Brain, is Ansoni ok?".

RUISU: "Yeah, his phone fell down on a wood chipper when he tried to make you a surprise".

ALEXIS: "Oh... that's sweet, can I speak with him?".

RUISU: "I don't think that's possible Alexis, I'm at work".

ALEXIS: "Oh sorry, thanks for telling me though, that weight of cold heaviness is finally off of me".

RUISU: "Sure, goodbye" Ruisu hangs up the call, Alexis puts away her phone in her bag as she finally reaches her destination; her family's home.
She knocks on the door, and waits for a bit before knocking again. Someone opens the door... it's her brother!

BEN: "Oh, you finally came, alright come in before I shut the door on you".

ALEXIS: "Jeez". She goes inside.

(In MMT Industries)
BRIANNA: "Wahh!? You're pregnant!? I always knew you had a relationship with Ricardo!" Brianna was on Mili's face.
Mili closes her hand, making a fist and whams down Brianna's head.

MILI: "No, you idiot! I'm planning to die virgin unless I find myself a hottie! I only look fat because I rushed into putting on my uniform and it inflated with air!".

Brianna holds her head. "You didn't need to be so harsh about it..." she frowns. Ricardo walks in.

RICARDO: "Well well well... looks like Mili is pregnant".

She turns back on Ricardo. "DID YOU NOT HEAR WHAT I JUST SAID!?" she hits her air filled uniform and it flattens (belly part btw).

RICARDO: "What the hell!? You just smacked your own baby! Poor little thing its head will be like squashed Play-Doh... such a careless mother...".

MILI: "Are you retarded!? I'm not fucking pregnant! If I was, I would have been FAT a LONG TIME AGO! But no, I'm skinny! I still have my curves, my ass hasn't grown!".

RICARDO: "Which makes you sexy, haha! I know you aren't pregnant, I was just kidding".
Mili sighs, Brianna giggles and gets back on her computer.

Ricardo just stands there in front of Mili and almost drinks his coffee as he sees a dead rat inside the cup.

RICARDO: "I don't think this is quality production of coffee". He shows the cup to Mili.

MILI: "Then drink around it! We're not children to complain about something so small!".

RICARDO: "It's not small, it's fat".

MILI: "Don't you see that it's skinny and small!?"

RICARDO: "Oh you meant you rat".

MILI: "YES I MEANT THE RAT! What else could I be talking about!?".
Ricardo places the cup on the desk of someone else.

RICARDO: "Oh, well, Mili, today you have two customers to attend, right?".

MILI: "Yes I do, sir, my blog blew up yesterday in just three minutes, I'm so iconic".

RICARDO: "Well, why don't you take the day off? You deserve it".

Brianna's ear twitches as he says that and falls off her chair, and crawls to Ricardo.

RICARDO: the Ring?

Brianna is on his shoes, he looks up to him, grasping his suit and climbing up. "Why don't I get a day off!? I work so hard and my payment is low! I-I deserve a day off, too!". She has tears on her eyes.

A sweat mark goes down on Ricardo.
"You'll get days off once you get a raise... and that's not far away, so don't worry".

BRIANNA: "Aww, ok...". She lets go of him and goes back to work, awkwardly though, since some of the employees just stare at her by how immature and whiny she is.

MILI: a day off? I could plan what I could do to sell the essence at the end of the recovery...

RICARDO: "So, do you want this day off?".

Mili nods.
RICARDO: "Cool, make the best out of your effort". He goes inside his office and shuts the door.

Whispering MILI: "Oh, I will".
BRIANNA: "Will become pregnant!?"
MILI: "Oh my god, shut the hell up!"

5 hours later, it is now 2 PM.

(In Ruisu's house)
RUISU: "Luna! I'm back!" He smiles as he closes the door behind him.

LUNA: "Hooray!" Her voice is coming from upstairs.
Ruisu heads upstairs, she is cleaning the bathroom.
She stops rubbing the sponge on the toilet.

LUNA: "Are we getting married now!?" She seemed very excited.

His smiles breaks, as he remembers he has to help his best friend recover his memories.
RUISU: "Not yet... listen Luna, Ansoni had an incident that made him lose his memories, so I need to help him, and you can help by..." his lips moves but nothing comes out, Luna's eyes widen as it seemed something very strange to comprehend, she nods.

RUISU: "After that, we will definitely get married, hopefully it doesn't take very long, because marrying a girl like you is a dream come true, I'd be extremely happy".

Luna smiles and gets back to cleaning.
RUISU: "Woo... I won 510$ today, so much work, you're almost done right? I want to take a bath...".

LUNA: "Can we bathe together?".

RUISU: "That could happen once we get married, but for now we can't be leaded to temptation, after marriage we could do anything".

LUNA: "Excited!". She finishes cleaning the toilet, placing the sponge inside the bucket of foamy water and soap.

RUISU: "Same". He heads to his room, opening a drawer from his furniture where he stores very important documents about fixing cars and scripting games, he slowly opens a small container seeing the diamond ring inside.

RUISU: thankfully it was not another girl that would recieve this from me...

(In Ansoni's house)
Ansoni seems to have discovered the gym part of his own house since he is doing one armed push-ups.

I don't know why I feel like I need to become stronger than someone, it's like if I had a rival or something similar.
He stops doing push-ups and starts lifting some weights, but before doing that he notices an odd smell... the smell... of sweat, coming from his arm pits, disgusting.

Well I didn't know I got exhausted easily... not me, but my body, I'm weak... I've only been working out for an hour! Guess I'll shower or bathe.

(3 and a half hours later, Ruisu shows up on Ansoni's home)
RUISU: "Yo! It's me! Open up!". He knocks on the door. No answer, he knocks again... but on Ansoni's forehead. "Oh". Ansoni has anger veins.

(Inside Ansoni's house)
They're both sitting down on the couch.
RUISU: "Ah... today was an amazing day man".

ANSONI: "Oh yeah? Why so?".

RUISU: "Luna... I'm going to marry her after I help you recover your memories... and I won 510$ today! That's a huge load for just one day! Don't have perverted thoughts on what I just said".

ANSONI: "Nah I won't... and I knew it, you did have feelings from Luna... and vice versa, you're succesful in life man, that's amazing".

RUISU: "After I get married I hope you get married to Alexis as well, not as soon as I married though, you can wait".

ANSONI: "Yeah, I only discovered when my birthday is, who my girlfriend is and where my workout place is at, but I guess that's something, isn't it?". He smiles.

RUISU: "Sure it is, buddy. You have a lot of big things coming towards you".

ANSONI: "You too". Awkward silence takes the moment, but they hear a knock on the door.

RUISU: "I sense a demon".

ANSONI: "She can't be that bad, Ruisu, she seems to want to help me out".
He stands up and opens the door, a girl with freckles is standing right in front of him.

MILI: "Oh, you opened up. Did you remember anything?".

ANSONI: "Small things, but it's something, do you have the machines?".

MILI: "In the trunk of the car".

ANSONI: "Cool, then lets go to the hospital and work them out!"

MILI: "Not yet! I need you two to sign these contracts". She pulls two pieces of paper out of her breasts.

RUISU: "Ew! I don't want to touch that!".
Ansoni takes the contracts. "What are they about?".

MILI: "So rude... they're about you two being my first test subjects, so if you die, your death will be legal and the remake of the machine will begin shortly after".

ANSONI: "Wait, it isn't safe!?".

MILI: "It is safe, but just incase something goes wrong, not only the machine will be saved from killing people but MMT Industries will be prevented from being sued! MMT Industries created the blender of perfection by the way".

ANSONI: "Blender of perfection?" He looks at Ruisu.

RUISU: "Uhh...".

MILI: "Just sign it, please". She takes a pen out of her red striped shirt's pocket.

RUISU: "You're so problematic, bitch". He aggressively takes the pen from her.
MILI: "So rude". Ruisu signs his name on the contract, giving the pen to Ansoni, he also signs his name on the contract... however he just made it up since he doesn't remember his actual sign. They hand it over to Mili.

MILI: "Awesome, now get in the car bitches, we need some memories to recover".

RUISU: "Yeah, let's pick up Luna though, she'll be taking care of me in the hospital while we're inside Ansoni's mind".

They get inside the car, picking up Luna and going to the hospital.

MILI: "We are finally here, now go inside while I find the documents of proof that I bought special rooms for you two".

They all go inside the hospital, waiting for Mili. Ansoni looks at Luna.
ANSONI: "This is your girlfriend, right?". He looks at Ruisu

RUISU: "Future wife".

LUNA: "I'm very excited for that moment to come!".

ANSONI: "Yeah, me too". He looks at the entrance as Mili enters the hospital with a bag on her left hand, and walks to the counter lady.

COUNTER LADY: "How may I help you ma'm?".
Mili places the documents on the counter. "Fetch me up with those special rooms right now". The counter lady gazes at her with a strange look, like if she was an immature child desperately asking for a long desired toy.

She reads the document, and approves it with the hospital's ink mark.
COUNTER LADY: "Ok, subject one goes to room Z6 on floor 2, and subject two goes to room H12 on floor 5".

MILI: "You heard her boys, now I'm heading home, take the Link Stickers, charger, remote and the machines".
She gives them the bag, each one takes one of each thing.
MILI: "Good riddance". She leaves with an evil smirk on her face.

(In room Z6)
ANSONI: "Oh, cool place... it's literally a seat with windows and the pulse machine". He looks at the nurses. "Are you going to feed and hydrate me?". They nod, he sits down the chair as the nurses place the M. Barashin on his head and place the charger in a power socket.

(In room H12)
LUNA: "Ruisu, are you ready?". She has the controller on her hand.

RUISU: "Ready when you are".

LUNA: "Alright...".

(Both rooms on the screen, splitted by two sides)

The nurses and Luna press the POWER ON button on the controller.

The camera rotates around the M. Barashins as the screen gets brighter and brighter.
(Inside Ansoni's consciousness)

Screen message: START
They look at each other, nodding. They touch the text, everything goes white.

ANSONI: here we go!

(Episode Name: "Entering a Blank Mind")


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