Nobody Else: A Niall Horan Fa...

By LouieenT

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What is love exactly? Niall's heart has been broken many times but the last one left him scarred. It seems th... More

Nobody Else: A Niall Horan Fan Fiction
Welcome Home
Day 1: Getting Acquainted
Day 2: Gals
Day 6: Break Ups and Heart Drops
Day 6: The Couple's Milkshake
Day 6: New Found Feelings
Day 6: What Just Happened?
Day 7: New Couples
Day 8: Bang!
Day 8: Results
Day: 16 - Another Passenger and A Day Out
Day 22: America
Day 23: Bank Atlantic Center (Florida) - Dark Intentions
Day 23: Bank Atlantic Center (Florida) - Concert & A Dirty Little Secret

Day 5: Day Off

213 4 1
By LouieenT

The boys finally were able to get a day off. The last two days the girls and I have been out shopping or going to the pool. Yesterday the girls and I got better acquainted during a fun session of karaoke. And Eleanor cannot sing to save her life. It was hilarious. Danielle had some pipes, there was no denying that. I on the other had was okay. A bit pitchy at times, but who cares, I'm not a singer and I never planned on being one. 

"Cole! C'mon, we're all waiting for you!" Niall yelled from the front door of our hotel room.

"YEAH! I KNOW! I can't find my other shoe!" I shouted back. I suddenly heard laughter coming from outside.

"What did you guys do?!" I ran towards them. Harry and Louis both pointed upwards. I tilted my head back to see that my shoe was on the ceiling fan. 

"WHAT THE?!" I shouted in confusion. 

"Who-you-gahh!!!!" I didn't know what to say or who to blame. I tried to jump and reach it but it was all in vain, considering I was too short. I whined asking one of them to get it. They all started to laugh at me including the girls and Liam. However, Liam was nice enough to get my shoe down for me. He was able to easily reach it which made me pout. If only I was taller I could have gotten it myself. 

"Here you go Cole." Liam handed me my shoe smiling.

"Thanks Liam." I took my shoe from him. I held on to his shoulder as I attempted to slip my shoe on. Being the klutzilla I am, I felt myself falling backwards. Lucky for me, Niall was there to catch me. 

"Whoa!" Niall gasped as he caught me. More giggles rumbled through the hotel room. 

"Not that funny." I pouted childishly.

"Such an adorable young lady you are, Cole." Eleanor beamed ruffling my hair. Great, now I was a child.

"Let's go then." I sighed grabbing my back off of the kitchen counter. 

We were going to go out and hit the mall. The girls and I have been there many times but this would be the first time going with the boys. When we finally got to the mall, Eleanor and Louis wandered off together. Liam and Dani did the same leaving me with Niall, Zayn, and Harry. I saw Zayn giving Harry weird looks and vice versa. I raised an eyebrow at the two boys suspiciously. I then turned to Niall who was looking around the mall carefree. 'Typical' I thought to myself.

"Well Harry, lets go check out the shops! This will be our date together." Zayn joked extending his hand for Harry to grab, which he shamelessly did. I laughed at the two boys and their bromance. It was undeniably adorable. 

"Aww… Zarry…" I cooed as the two boys skipped off and out of sight. 

"C'mon Cole, lets go eat!" Nialled chirped. Of course he wanted to eat. That black hole of his was one of the worlds greatest wonders.

"Sure." I smiled walking next to him as we headed to McDonalds. 

There were a lot of girls yelling his name and snapping pictures. Girls started going up to him asking for pictures and autographs. One girls actually shoved me out of the way making me trip and fall backwards. I had bit of a temper when it came to respect and manners and Niall knew that. I got up from the ground angrily and dusted myself off. Someone from behind me asked if I was okay. I turned and smiled at the cute girl. I gave her a sweet yes and turned my attention back to the girl who had the nerve to disrespect me. I stomped towards her when Niall popped out of no where lifting me up over his shoulders and walked away.

"Put me down! That rude girl deserves to be disciplined!" I growled. 

"Calm down you old lady!" Niall chuckled, putting me down as we finally got into McDonalds. 

"Old lady?" I stared at him with a pissed off face. 

"Yeah, the way you said you wanted to discipling her sounded like you were an old lady." He laughed. 

"What ever. I was just trying not to be so mean." I reasoned.

"That was still mean but in an old lady type of way." He was still laughing.

"Fine, next time someone disrespects me I'll just say, 'I'm gonna cut you BITCH!'" I told him. I don't know why, but Niall started to laugh harder. 

"Niall! I'm serious!" I punched him. 

"OH MY GAWD YOU'RE SO WEAK TOO!" He started to laugh harder.

"NIALL!!!" I whined. At this point he was clutching his stomach nearly on the floor. People were now staring at us because we were making so much noise.

"Next in line!" The guy at the cash register called out. I pushed Niall towards the counter.

"Hey, what can I get for you guys today?" The cashier asked.

"Hi, um, can I get a the ten piece chicken nuggets meal? and…" I elbowed Niall in the rib. 

"Ow, sorry. Can I get a Big Mac mean and the 20 piece chicken nuggets and another order of large fries." Niall ordered. The cashier and I just stared at Niall for a moment in awe. He was such a fatty in a skinny person's body. 

"Okay, what kind of sauce?" The guy helping us asked.

"Sweet and Sour." Niall and I replied in unison.

He looked at us and smiled. The receipt printed out and he handed it to us as well as our cups. Niall and I went to the soda machine. I got Sprite while Niall got Coke. Once we got our drinks our number got called.

"Wow, talk about fast food. For 30 nuggets, they got it done fast." I noticed out loud.

"You're right. That's awesome 'cause I'm starving." Niall blabbered. I rolled my eyes at him.

We sat at an empty table near the back corner. Once we sat done, Niall didn't hesitate to stuff his face. I watched him with wonder. The only thing that I could think about was. 'how?' I decided to eat my own food. While we were eating we made small talk about the old days before he left for X-Factor. I noticed a cute girl staring at us, more so him. She had dirty blonde hair, hazel eyes, tanned skin, and really adorable. She would look good standing next to Niall. I smiled at the thought as I noticed the girl smiled back at me. I sat up in my seat in embarrassment of being caught.

"What is it?" Niall asked glancing to the side of us in the direction of the girl. 

"That girl with the dirty blonde hair with the chubby girl sitting next to the old couple. I was just thinking that you two would be cute together. The two of you match, now we just need to see what her personality is like." I explained to an uninterested Niall.

"Nah, I'm not looking for a girlfriend right now." He made an excuse.

"Why not?" I pouted.

"Because I'm just not looking for one." He took a huge bit from his Big Mac.

"C'mon Niall, you have to try." I told him.

"Mmhemm muir haai nat hoorrkrr fowww unn." He mumbled with his mouth full.

I rolled my eyes and ate another one of my nuggets, dipping it in the sweet and sour sauce. When I looked up at Niall he was looking up at something beside of me. I scowled at him confused and looked where he was looking. The girl I was telling Niall about was standing besides me smiling down at me. 

"Um, hey?" I greeted.

"Hi there. I saw you looking at me and thought I'd come over and say hi." She explained. 

"I see. Well this is my friend Niall Horan, you might have already heard of him." I chirped.

"Yeah, One Direction right?" She asked.

"Yeah." Niall smiled and paid his attention back to his food and would scowl at me between bites.

"Cool. What about you, what's your name?" The girl asked.

"Oh, I'm Nicole." I smiled up at her.

"Cute name, I'm Maddison. So want to hang out later? Can I get your number? I think you're really cute." My eyes widened at what was actually happening. She thought I was interested in her. ME! A GIRL! A GIRL WITH A BOYFRIEND. A GIRL WHO LIKES MEN! Niall snorted, spitting out food at the same time.

"Oh, sorry, I have a boyfriend. I'm not that way." I informed her. 

"Really? I saw you looking at me." Maddison blushed.

"I was actually thinking that you would look cute with my friend Niall here." I admitted.

"I see. Well this is awkward. That's okay, if you ever want to hang out, here's my number." She handed me a napkin with her digits and walked out of the restaurant.

Once she was out of sight, Niall immediately started to explode in laughter. His whole body shook as he was desperately gasping for air. His head would flail backwards and back down on his arms resting on the table. I felt super awkward and embarrassed. I can't believe that actually happened to me. This was a first and I hope the very last time something like that happens. 

"NIALL! SHUT UP!" I hit him on the head.

"OW!" He shouted still rumbling in laughter. 

"Don't tease me! AND DON'T TELL ANYONE!" I freaked out.

"But I have to!" He could't stop laughing. 

We finally finished eating and walked out. I realized that we were gathering a crowd. Actually Niall was the one attracting the crowd, I was just the girl tagging along with him. I sighed at the thought while all the screaming girls grew louder. Soon I couldn't even hear myself think. I was getting extremely annoyed that these girls had no courtesy for the other shoppers. All of a sudden I was yanked by my hand and I was now sprinting trying to stay in step with Niall.

"What's going on?!" I yelled gripping Niall's hand tighter so we wouldn't get separated.

"Too crowded and there's too many of them." Niall shouted back. 

I let him lead the way when we ran into a shop. He pulled me into those circular racks that I'm sure we all hid in as a child shopping with our parents. I was sitting on his lap as we heard the fans running and looking around the shop. I peaked outside as discretely as possible. The whole store was packed with screaming fans. 



I peaked outside again and noticed that the shop was now completely empty aside from a few older women and men. Niall and I came out of hiding scanning the store better. We both sighed in relief, knowing that we were now safe. Suddenly, I saw the dressing room door open and Liam and Danielle walked out. Then in the corner of my eye, I saw two other people pop out behind the counter- it was Zayn and Harry. I was in complete shock. The only people that wasn't here was Louis and Eleanor. I ate my words when I saw Louis and Eleanor come out of a circular rack, like the one Niall and I were in, on the other end of the shop.

"What? WOW!" I managed to say.

"Whao! Cool. We were all in here!" Harry shouted in surprise.

"What a coincidence!" Danielle giggled.

"This is so weird." Louis was in awe. 

We all looked at the owner who was an old English guy. This guy practically saved our lives. 

"Thank you so much!" Liam expressed his gratitude. Liam practically started a chain reaction as we all did the same. 

"No problem. You're One Direction right?" The old guy questioned.

"Yeah, we are." Zayn replied standing beside him.

"I see, and these are your girlfriends?" He asked Louis, Liam, and Niall.

"Actually Niall and I are-" I was cut off by Louis and Eleanor.

"They just got together!" Louis lied.

"Yeah, today it their first date as a real couple." El added. 

Niall and I looked at the two culprits, who had nothing but grins on their faces, then to each other. I saw Niall was about to say something when the owner started to speak.

"Oh wonderful. You two do make a lovely couple." He smiled. It made me feel like if I were to tell him the truth, it would break his heart. I looked over at Niall and it seemed that he was thinking the same thing.

"I know this may be a hassle and this would make mo no better than your screaming fans, but I was wondering if I could get a photo with you all?" The owner asked.

"Of course! You were the one that helped us after all. It's the least we could do." Louis didn't hesitate to accept. The rest of the boys agreed. Danielle, Eleanor, and I stepped to the side so that they could get a picture. The store owner set up his camera on the table and went over to stand in the center of the boys. A flash filled the room.

"Ah, now with your girlfriends." He added. The girls and I looked at each other and decided to accept his wishes. Dani stood next to Liam, El next to Louis, and I stood next to Niall. 

After the boys finished taking pictures and singing a plain shirt for the owner, we left. We were walking around the mall, this time the fans kept their distance, however they were still snapping away with their cameras and phones. The gang and I were passing McDonalds when Niall started to laugh. 

"What's so funny Kyle?" Louis teased.

"It's Cole!" Niall tried to speak.

"What happened?" Harry asked.

"Nothing. It was nothing." I tried to assure them.

"It doesn't seem that way to Niall." Zayn pointed out. I let out a sigh and face palmed myself.

"Cole got hit on by a girl when we ate at McDonalds." Niall managed to say before falling into another laughing fit.

"OMG. Is that true Cole?" Eleanor spat out a giggle.

"Wow. Cole here has charms to get the gentlemen and ladies." Louis cooed winking at me.

"It was all a misunderstanding." I told them. They were all snickering or looking at me with smirks on their faces. 

"You guys had to be there. It was f*cking hilarious!" Niall cursed. 

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." I rolled my eyes. 

"Aw man, I wish I was there." Louis and Eleanor said in unison. They looked at each other and smiled. Those two were perfect in so many ways together. Every time I looked at those two, it made me jealous. I wanted a relationship like that. I had Chase but I honestly couldn't see us lasting forever like Louis and El or Liam and Dani. Who knows, maybe in time we will. 

------Oh Cole, you cheeky girl. Hazza has some competition! LOL. Kidding. But yeah.. haha. Thanks for reading! Comment below! Vote top right! OR.. FAN ME!!! YAY!!!! haha. Ciao for now! :) xx

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