A Wolf and A Lion || Jaime La...

By burningballoon

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When the King commands Aurelia Stark and Jaime Lannister to wed, Aurelia reluctantly becomes Lady Lannister o... More

Chapter 1 . Aurelia Stark
Chapter 2 - Direwolves, white walkers, and what not
Chapter 3 - A simple conversation
Chapter 4 - The King's Arrival
Chapter 5 - A possible betrothal
Chapter 6 - First Encounter
Chapter 7 - The Feast
Chapter 8 - A Bastard and an Imp
Chapter 9 - One Step to Forever
Chapter 10 - A Lannister Perspective
Chapter 11 - Two Choices
Chapter 12 - One Bastard and One Trueborn
Chapter 13 - Banters and Arguments
Chapter 14 - An Encounter with the Prince
Chapter 15 - A small present
Chapter 16 - A White Summer Wedding
Chapter 17 - Tragedy
Chapter 18 - A quiet morning
Chapter 20 - Kingsroad
Chapter 21 - Nymeria
Chapter 22 - Kings Landing
Chapter 23 - Breakfast for two
Chapter 24 - Revelations
Chapter 25 - The Night's Allure
Chapter 26 - Morning after
Chapter 27 - Meeting with a Stag
Chapter 28 - Iron Throne and Wolves
Chapter 29 - An unlikely conversation
Chapter 30 - The Hand's Tournament
Chapter 31 - Confronting a Lion
Chapter 32 - Flowers vs. Mountains
Chapter 33 - A piece of threat
Chapter 34 - One Lion and a pack of Wolves
Chapter 35 . Everything Has Changed
Chapter 36 . Tywin Lannister
Chapter 37 . Oathbreaker
Chapter 38 . News from Kings Landing
Chapter 39 . War and Prison
Chapter 40 . Battle of the Whispering Wood
Chapter 41 . A captured Lion
Chapter 42 . Growing Pains
Chapter 43 . Eddard Stark
Chapter 44 . King in the North
Chapter 45 . Between Worlds

Chapter 19 - Tearful Goodbyes

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By burningballoon

Aurelia decided to spend the last few hours she had in the Godswood. She thought of going to Bran's to see how he was doing, but Aurelia can't bear to see her mother in such a way. She stood there by the edge of the door, peering inside the room, but her feet did not move at all. Time went by for a couple of minutes, before Aurelia stormed out of the castle and into the Godswood. Before this, Aurelia had already planned what she was to do the day she has to leave. She would talk with Robb and Jon, check up on her sisters, and to see if Bran had finished packing or not. Then she would turn back to see her mother and her brothers for the last time, before she rides out of Winterfell. Seems as if the Gods have different plans set in motion for her.

She basked in the quietness and peacefulness of being alone for a while. When else is she going to see a more beautiful Godswood than the one at home? They say there is a Godswood in Kings Landing, though Aurelia was skeptical it could even be called that. The weirwood trees were burned down in the South, with  the Southerners placing their faith in the New Gods. Whereas in the North, every castle has its Weirwood Tree firmly planted thousands of years ago. The fable that the Children of the Forest carved the faces on its thick white bark were the stories the Stark children heard before their night's sleep.

Sitting down on a log in front of the heart tree, Aurelia clasped her hands together and closed her eyes. She prayed for a safe and smooth travel to King's Landing, with no problems arising along the road. Lastly, she prayed for the Gods to give the strength Bran needed to regain back his consciousness. Aurelia was still not entirely convinced that Bran fell from a tower for the mere reason that he slipped. She had seen Bran climb a thousand times in the wind and the rain, and never once did he fell.

Aurelia stayed in the Godswood longer than she thought. It was now a place of escape for her as the rolling hills by the Wolfswood were out of reach. She was happy though that she was able to see it one last time with Robb two days ago. She did not want to admit that she was trying to run away from Jaime, not wanting to talk about their argument the night before. She was still angry at him, but she wasn't as angry as she thought she would be, which confused her.

Wiping a tear away from her cheek, her body stiffened upon hearing the sound of ruffling leaves. Aurelia had hoped that it was her father coming to find her. She grabbed the skirts of her dress draping over her legs to the ground below, turning around to see that it wasn't Ned, nor anyone else she suspected to be. Aurelia hid the surprise on her face when she saw Jaime standing a couple of meters away from her. He wasn't wearing his Kingsguard armor. Instead in its place, is a golden leather garb with his sword strapped to the sling around his waist. Jaime was the last person she wished to see, and yet here he is standing across from her.

"What are you doing here?" Aurelia asked him,

"I was merely concerned about your state. I could not find you at our chambers, nor the stables, and none of your brothers have seen you. The Godswood seems to be the only place left." Jaime replied, taking a few steps closer to her.

"Why do you care? You don't know me, and you certainly don't care about my family. The only thing you care about is yourself." Aurelia scoffed, not regretting a single word she said.

"I do know the feeling of when a sibling is ill. I would be worried myself whenever Tyrion or Cersei fell sick." Jaime explained to her, not taking offense with what she said before.

"Bran is comatose, not ill. Although there is a fighting chance he'll live, there's also a chance he won't. He might not wake up, Jaime. Please, just don't pretend that you care, because I know you don't." Aurelia told him bitterly, and Jaime didn't know what else to say. Taking his silence as a respond, she immediately walk away from him because she can't stand looking at him right now.

"Aurelia, hold on!" Jaime called out for her, and she stopped walking.

"What?" Aurelia exclaimed, as she turn to face Jaime again.

"Just apologize to her." Jaime thought himself, trying to bring himself to say that he's sorry. "We need to talk...about last night." He said instead.

"You were voicing out your opinions. There's nothing else to talk about." Aurelia stated, wanting to end this conversation the second it started. "I have to go. I need to say my goodbyes." She quickly said before Jaime could open his mouth to reply her. Aurelia grabbed the hem of her skirts, proceeding to walk away from Jaime and the Godswood.

After their encounter, Aurelia went inside the castle and headed to her chambers for the time being. Her trunks were already placed in one of the carriages, along with the rest of the Stark's belongings. She quickly changed into her riding clothes with the help of her chambermaid, as she chose to ride her horse, rather than sit inside a carriage for endless hours. Ned didn't protest when Aurelia asked, knowing that being cooped up inside a wheelhouse with the Queen and her three children will be all too much for his eldest daughter.

After she was finished, she thanked her chambermaid whom she won't know when she'll see again. Aurelia then headed for Bran's room. They were about to leave quite soon, and she can't do that without saying goodbye to her little brother and mother. It pained her to leave Bran when he's lying unconscious in bed however, she knows there's nothing else she could do.

When the door opened, Catelyn didn't even flinch. She only looked up to see who it was. Entering the room, it seemed as if their mother hasn't move an inch since she saw her last night. Catelyn was wearing her green nightgown, her auburn hair looking all disheveled. Her eyes were puffy as they were red. She was still sitting on the rocking chair beside Bran's bed, building a prayer wheel for him. Bran was tucked on his bed, with a blanket covering him to make sure that he was warm from the weather.

Catelyn's expression didn't change at all upon seeing her eldest daughter standing by the door, and Aurelia could see how tired she was from her eyes. Walking inside, Aurelia locked her eyes onto her mother's, the two of them seemed to understand how one another feels through that.

She sat herself on Bran's bed beside him. Aurelia gently played with Bran's hair, parting the bangs on his forehead so she can see his face properly. He looked like in a deep sleep, his little chest rising every second.

"Hey, Bran. I hope you can forgive me for leaving Winterfell today for King's Landing. If I had a choice, I would have stayed here with you and wait until you open your eyes. I know how much you wanted to come with us to King's Landing. I promise you, you can come and visit us anytime when Maester Luwin says you're healthy enough to travel. I'll be waiting for you. You have to stay strong, alright? Stay strong for all of us. I love you, Bran." Aurelia said her goodbye, fighting the tears welling up in her eyes. She kissed Bran on the forehead one last time.

Standing back up, Aurelia faced her mother who has tears trickling down her cheeks.

"It's time for me to go, mother." Aurelia managed to say, even though she was struggling to let the words come out. Catelyn stood up from her chair, putting the prayer wheel down on the bed. She walked to where Aurelia was standing, and pulled her into a tight and loving embrace. The tears were now falling from both of their eyes, and Aurelia never wanted to let go.

"Don't forget me." Catelyn said with her croaked voice, due to all the crying.

"Never." Aurelia assured her. The two of them reluctantly pulled away from each other's arms. Catelyn wiped the tears away from her cheeks, and looked at her daughter.

"I may not be there with you in person, but I am always here." Catelyn told her, placing the palm of her hand on Aurelia's heart. Aurelia nodded her head, giving her mother a small yet sad smile. "King's Landing is not Winterfell, which means you cannot roam around as you please. Not everyone is to be trusted there, Aurelia. You have to stay cautious of that place. Lastly, take care of your sisters; they admire you in every single way."

"I will. I promise." Aurelia replied her mother, and Aurelia know she would.

"I'm so proud of you, Aurelia." Catelyn said with so much warmth in her voice, touching Aurelia in the heart. That's all she ever wanted to do; make her parents proud. "And I love you very much, my love." She continued, before embracing her once again.

"I love you as well, mother." Aurelia said adoringly, not wanting for this moment to disappear so soon. Her eyes then went up to see her father's figure by the door, and the Stark women pulled away from their embrace. Catelyn gave her daughter a tender motherly kiss on her forehead. Aurelia looked at her mother and Bran one last time, before walking out of the room.

Aurelia was walking by the front gates of Winterfell after getting her direwolf, Aiyana out of the kennels. She had the wolf on leash, as her parent's orders. She'll tie the leash loose once they step outside of Winterfell. Aurelia had erased any signs of her crying before anyone could see her. There was a large crowd standing around the courtyard, preparing the horses and carriages for the long journey ahead. Squires and soldiers walked back and forth with their hands full.

"Lady Aurelia," A familiar voice called out from behind. Aurelia turned her entire body to see who the voice belongs to, and met with Tyrion Lannister who was walking towards her. They have not converse other than the night of the feast, but of course Aurelia has seen him about throughout his entire stay.

"Lord Tyrion." Aurelia greeted the Lord with her usual smile. She noticed how uncomfortable he was, as his eyes wandered back and forth between her and Aiyana. Aurelia then realize that the direwolf was scaring him. She rubbed Aiyana's head to prove to Tyrion that the direwolf won't bite.

"I wanted to wish you safe travels for the journey to King's Landing. I hope you find the capital comforting and a place you can call home. It's not Winterfell, but it is definitely something. I'm positive you will be fond of the library." Tyrion expressed, putting a smile on Aurelia's face. Both of them share an affinity for books.

"Thank you, Lord Tyrion." Aurelia responded as gleefully as possible, not mentioning the argument she had with Jaime at all. If she was hiding the fact that they were arguing, she was doing a marvelous job at it. "I wish you comfort for your journey to the Wall. You must be thrilled to be able to see such a sight." She expressed in return.

"Ah, I most definitely am. It's not everyday you get to see such a marvelous structure. Have you been, my Lady?" Tyrion asked with pure curiosity.

"No, but I hope too. Someday, perhaps. My Uncle Benjen talks about the Wall with great admiration. I'm sure you will too once you return." Aurelia told him,

"Thank you, my Lady." Tyrion said in return. He hoped that the girl standing across from him has enough wolf inside her to handle the people in court, especially Queen Cersei herself. A gentle and soft heart like her can never survive at such a treacherous place in the capital. Tyrion fears that Cersei would eat the poor girl alive. However despite that, he was a tiny bit optimistic that Jaime would be there to protect Aurelia.

"My brother is ever so lucky to have a kind-hearted person as his wife. With all due respect, my Lady, my brother favors talking without thinking first, though he doesn't seem to notice that. All I am asking is to give him a chance. He's a good man once you get to know him." Tyrion advised, and Aurelia was unsure of what to reply. Out of everyone, she surely was not expecting to receive any counsel from Tyrion. But Tyrion is the only valid person to give her such advice. He is after all, Jaime's brother.

"Duly noted, my Lord." Aurelia said. Tyrion's words explains his actions the night before, but it was no apology to her. If Jaime wanted to fix things, he should be the one apologizing himself.

"I take it, you're not riding inside the wheelhouse with the Queen and her children?" Tyrion noticed the riding clothes she was wearing, casting her aside from the rest of the handmaidens and noble ladies joining the travel south.

"I rather not be cooped up inside a carriage, Lord Tyrion. I would like to see the views Westeros has to offer, and the best seat would be on horseback." Aurelia shared her wonders of the world with Tyrion. That was another thing the two have in common.

"Westeros is beautiful, my Lady. There are many sights one should see in their life. I would not miss a chance if given one. Hence, why I am journeying to the Wall." Tyrion replied, quite happy that someone shares the wanderlust in him.

"I believe the sights of Westeros are too many for one to be acquainted for all." Aurelia pointed out,

"Too many is never too much." Tyrion happily disagreed, "Well, I shall see if the stable boy has readied my horse or not. You shall do the same, my Lady. Goodbye, for now."

"Goodbye, my Lord." Aurelia said, giving him a curt nod before walking away to see if she could spot her horse amongst the ever-growing crowd.

Walking away from Lord Tyrion, Aurelia made her way towards the stables, wondering if one of the stable boys had already gotten her horse out already or not. There was so many people in Winterfell, and despite that being the situation for a month now, Aurelia still hasn't gotten used to it.

"Aurelia!" A little boy's voice can be heard shouting her name. Aurelia stopped in her tracks, and looked aside to see Rickon running up towards his eldest sister. Aurelia knelt down, and Rickon came crashing on to her with a hug. Aurelia wrapped him around her arms. He was already too big for her to carry. "Please don't leave." Rickon said in a soft small voice, and it pained her even more.

"I'm sorry, Rickon, but I have to. I have duties to fulfill." Aurelia tried to explain to her brother who was still too young to understand what her duties were.

"Then fulfill your duties here!" Rickon exclaimed, not wanting for her eldest sister to leave. She pulled away from their hug, and looked at him before she spoke. Rickon looked more like Robb and Sansa's brother, due to his prominent Tully traits. She has explained to Rickon more than once in regards to why she has to leave, and although he didn't seem to care that much beforehand, it seems that he's now realize that half of his family is leaving and with no way knowing of when they will come back.

"You know it doesn't work that way." Aurelia continued to explain. She was still kneeling down in order for Rickon to be the same height as her. "I need you to be a good boy when I'm gone. You listen to Maester Luwin, and look after your brothers for me, will you? Especially, Robb."

"Are you going to come back?" Rickon asked her dejectedly, ignoring her previous words.

"I will. I just don't know when that would be. So in the meantime, do you promise me that you'll do what I told you to?" Aurelia questioned,

"I promise." Rickon said, whilst nodding his head, and Aurelia gave him a peck on the forehead. The youngest wolf then walked away, and Aurelia sadly watched him go. He was going to grow up, and Aurelia will not be there to watch him.

As she walked further, Aurelia saw a stable boy holding the reins to her horse. She realized that he hasn't readied her horse with a saddle, which confused her. That's when Robb came to view, carrying the saddles given to her by Robb himself as a gift for her last name day. Aurelia smiled at what Robb was doing, and walked to where he was.

Robb was strapping the saddle tightly so it wouldn't come loose during the long travel ahead. He hadn't realize that Aurelia was walking towards him.

"You didn't have to do that for me." Aurelia spoke as she neared Robb. He looked up to see his twin holding a leash on Aiyana.

"I wanted to." Robb told her with a wide grin, causing Aurelia to return it. She was going to miss him. Unable to hold it in any further, Aurelia jumped at him to give him a hug. Robb wasn't surprised, wrapping his arms tightly around Aurelia's waist, slightly lifting her up from the ground. Having to live without her, was something that Robb could never fathom. He couldn't even imagine how his days would be without seeing her every day.

Robb felt a tear rolling down his cheek. None of his siblings ever seen him cry before other than when they just a child. Even Aurelia has never seen him shed any single tear. He was better at hiding his feelings.

"Know that I'll always love you, peanut." Robb whispered, calling Aurelia by her nickname. It was a small gesture, but it always made her smile. Planting a kiss on Aurelia's temple, Robb embraced her tighter before setting her back down on the ground.

"Come on now, don't look so glum. You look like an ugly hag." Robb joked despite a time like this. But perhaps, it was exactly what the two needed. It made Aurelia laugh, and Robb thought about how he wasn't going to hear her laughter for quite some time now. "Ah, there you go." He said with a wide grin in seeing Aurelia's smile.

"Listen, nothing is going to change between us. When you miss me, all you have to do is touch that. See, father gave me a similar one. It's not a necklace, but it reminds me of you." Robb continued, showing her the ring on his index finger with the engravings of a direwolf. It matches with the necklace hanging around her neck. "I'm only one raven away." He reminded her, resting the palm of his hand on her cheek.

"I know." Aurelia affirmed,

"Are you planning to freeze out there?" A deep voice said nearby, and Robb and Aurelia quipped her heads around to see that it was Jon walking towards them. His hand was holding the reins to his horse, and a black cloak with pelts on the other. "You forgot this, Aurelia." Jon continued with a smirk, and gave out his hand for Aurelia to see the clothing she left behind. She was only wearing a dress, and although it was composed of thick material, it still wouldn't be enough to shield her from the weather.

The weather will turn warm once they passed Moat Cailin. That would be a few days ride, and Aurelia would surely have gotten a cold if she did not wear the proper outerwear; especially since she will be riding on her horse, which means she'll be exposed to the air all the time.

"Thank you," Aurelia said, reaching out to take the cloak into her hands.

"Here, let me help you." Jon offered. He let go the reins to his horse, and wrapped the cloak around Aurelia's shoulders. It was similar to the one Jon and Robb was wearing. He fastened the tie at just the right fit, making sure that she wouldn't be suffocated when she's riding through strong winds. "Are you sure father allowed you to ride? This is no light journey, Aurel." Jon said, trying to imply that she will be exceedingly tired if she continued to ride day and night throughout the entire journey.

"Yes, he did." Aurelia reassured him, "I'd rather that then spend another hour inside a box with Joffrey and the Queen."

"Do keep your distance away from them, will you? Especially the Prince." Robb instructed her twin, and she had thought about that before. Aurelia didn't want a repeat of what happened a few days ago. 

"I will, but it's Sansa I'm worried about. She's fallen quite madly for him." Aurelia said disgustingly. They have been stealing glances at one other for the past month, and making small talk. The prince acts differently when he's around Sansa.

"Have you two said goodbye to Bran?" Robb asked them, and both nodded their heads in unison. "He's not going to die. I know it." He pointed out,

"You Starks are hard to kill." Jon told them, which made Aurelia grin.

"How was mother?" Aurelia referred to Catelyn. She despised being in the same room as Jon, and would always ignore him when they are. Aurelia has never once seen her mother treat Jon kindly, or see him as a son, and Catelyn had no desire in being Jon's mother.

"She was very kind." Jon lied, but that would do for now. He'll be leaving soon. He won't have to experience Catelyn's unwelcoming behaviour anymore unless he visits Winterfell.

"Good." Aurelia said. Not knowing how to hold it in any further, Aurelia pushed Jon and Robb closer to embrace them. "I can't believe we're all going our separate ways." Aurelia spoke, her voice almost cracking.

"It's not as if we'll be gone forever." Robb comforted his sister, knowing how emotional she can be. Aurelia finally let them go, taking in their faces because she would never want to forget them. "Next time I see you, you'll be all in black." Robb said to Jon with a hint of proudness in him.

"It was always my color." Jon replied him with a small smirk.

"Farewell, Snow." Robb said his goodbye,

"And you, Stark." Jon said his,

A second afterwards, Robb wrapped his arms around Jon to embrace him a brotherly hug. They did grow up with one another, and Robb was the closest to him besides Aurelia. It must be difficult for Robb to be left alone in Winterfell without them both.

"Come here," Robb said to Aurelia once the Stark brother's pulled away. He held onto Aurelia a little longer than before, and she clenched her eyes close to bask in the moment. Robb placed one more kiss on her cheek before reluctantly leaving his two siblings. Aurelia and Jon watched him go until he disappears from their view.

"You'd be careful, alright?" Jon told Aurelia, knowing her feisty stubborn streak more than anyone, which could earn her in trouble if she doesn't control it. "Protect yourself if need be." He reminded her, and Aurelia nodded her head, appreciating Jon's concern.

Jon embraced her once more, and Aurelia wrapped her arms around his neck. He always saw her as his baby sister; someone he vowed himself to protect no matter what. Jon would never forgive himself if anything harms her under his watch. But now, Jon has to let Aurelia defend herself on her own.

"Make me proud." Aurelia spoke to Jon. She was positive that Jon would rise up the ranks in the Night's Watch, and would soon become a ranger. Jon had the skills and the perseverance. Aurelia's seen it before.

When they pulled away, Jon gave her a gentle kiss on her forehead. One last affectionate gesture before they have to leave. The two pulled apart when the horn was blown, signaling that the Royal Party and the company heading for the Wall, is about to depart soon.

Aurelia mounted onto her horse, with Jon doing the same thing. They then headed towards the main courtyard, where everyone else has gathered. She caught sight of Jaime, sitting on on his white stallion looking stoic as ever. He was already on formation, with the rest of the Kingsguard around him and the King waiting at the front.

Aurelia guided her horse to where she needed to be, with two Stark soldiers standing by her side. She saw Arya and Sansa entering the red wheelhouse, and she let out a sigh of relief knowing that they were here. She was too busy saying her goodbyes, that she had forgotten to check on her sisters.

Another horn came off, and the gates of Winterfell were opened. The King was the first to walk out, followed by the rest.

Winterfell had been her home for the entire eighteen years of her life, and it would always be her home even though the chances of ever returning even for a visit was slim. She is to live her married life in King's Landing, and once Jaime Lannister is ready to follow his father's legacy, they will move to Casterly Rock. It was if she was loosing a piece of herself in leaving her home.

When she reached outside of Winterfell, the horses and the soldiers on foot were walking at a normal pace. There was no need for rush. Aurelia turned her around to see her home for probably the last in the longest time. She looked at it from one end to another, and saw the window to her room. When she was ready, Aurelia finally looked ahead and continued. What she hadn't notice was a certain Lannister watching her now and then from the front.

They reached a passing a kilometer away from Winterfell where the Kingsroad converge into two. One that will lead them South, and another that will lead them further North to Castle Black. Lord Tyrion was striding atop his horse, with a couple of Lannister soldiers as protection. Ned was conversing with Jon before he had to leave. Their eyes tilted to the side when they saw Aurelia riding along the Royal Party. She looked behind, and sadly waved Jon goodbye, and he returned it. Ned then rode towards Aurelia, and she nudged her horse to continue riding as they ventured South side-by-side.

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