♡The Small Things||YOONSEOK♡

By sangdo_the_mango

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[UNDER MINOR EDITING!!!] ❝It's the small things that make a huge difference. I should know. It happened to me... More

Not a chapter, just a thank you note!


423 30 3
By sangdo_the_mango

“Hello?” I said into my phone. An unknown number had called me and Yoongi told me to pick up since they kept calling. Seeing that I had answered the phone call, Yoongi paused the movie and leaned in so he could listen in on my phone conversation.

“Hi Hobi.” The person on the other line said.

“Who's this?” I asked a little scared that the stranger knew my name.

“Namjoon.” The voice on the other line replied.

“Oh, hi Joonie.” I said feeling a little relaxed that I was talking to someone I knew and not some creepy stranger. “How are you?”

“I'm fine, how are you?” Namjoon asked and I heard some laughing in the background.

“I'm doing fine as well, say is there anyone with you?” I asked trying scooting away from Yoongi since he was clinging on too closely. Unfortunately it didn't work and it only resulted in him pulling me closer to him.

“Yes, I'm with Heejun. I'm actually calling from his phone right now.” Namjoon said and I heard some shuffling in the background which was followed by a loud thud and groans of pain.

“Namjoon? Are you ok?” I asked since it was clear it was him who was hurt.

“I'm ok, I just tripped. Heejun helped me up.” Namjoon said.

“I'm glad you're ok Joonie, but why is Heejun with you exactly?” I asked.

“We were hanging out talking about some things, he’s the one who asked me to call you from his phone actually, he said he wanted to talk to you.”

“Oh, well about what?”

“Hmm, I’m not sure. Why don’t you talk to him right now?”

“Alright then, put him on the phone.” I said as I tried once again to pull away from Yoongi. Sadly he still wouldn’t let go. I heard some movement and next thing I know I’m talking to Heejun on the phone.

“Greetings Hoseok.” Heejun said.

“Hello Heejun, I heard you wanted to talk to me?” I said smiling. Yoongi pulled me closer and I felt like his hug was probably worse then Taehyung’s.

“Yes, that’s true. I actually wanted to ask you a favor.”

“And what’s this favor?” I asked as Yoongi tried to change our current position without letting go of me.

“Well, we all know Jimin likes Joonie, right?”

“Yes.” I said.

“Well, me and Joonie were talking about it and we decided that we need to hear a confession from Jimin pronto or else this ship will not sail.”

“Did you and Namjoon discuss this or did you tell Namjoon this and he just nodded his head?” I asked making Yoongi laugh.

“Maybe, but that's not the point. The point is that we need to get Jimin to stop sending love notes to Joonie and get him to confess to him.”

Yoongi moved again, loosening his grip on my a bit and I took it as a chance to quickly get up and go to the kitchen. “Ok,” I said as I took a seat at the table. “But how are we doing this? Jimin's kind of stubborn at times so it'll be kind of hard to do much to get him to confess.”

“I was thinking of dropping little hints that Namjoon likes him. Kind of subtle but not too subtle hints so that it doesn't completely fly over his head.”

“But what if our not so subtle hints still manage to fly completely over his head?” I asked glancing over at the door. Yoongi had been trying to sneak in but unfortunately for him, I saw him before he did anything to scare me. Defeated, he decided to go look through the fridge.

“Then Plan B comes into place.” Heejun said and I heard Namjoon let out a whine.

“What's Plan B?” I said as Yoongi tried to get me to go back to the living room and 'cuddle’ with him on the couch but I refused. There was no way I was going to let him almost choke me to death just cause he wants to know what Heejun is saying.

“Namjoonie confesses.” Heejun said.

“Oooh, I bet Namjoon is excited about that.” I said laughing as I heard Namjoon start complaining about how Plan A should work since he'd probably mess up Plan B.

“Even though he won't admit it, he is.” Heejun replied. I heard some muffled voices before Heejun spoke up again. “Well Hobi I have to go, apparently Namjoon has to do some very important business things with Jimin and Seokjin at the library.”

“We're working on a very important project!” I heard Namjoon say and I laughed.

“Ok then, have fun both of you. Bye~” I said and hanged up after they said said bye as well. I got up and walked towards the kitchen door but Yoongi (whom I forgot was there) quickly grabbed my arm and pulled me towards him.

“I'm sorry I was being annoying it's just I can't help being nosy.” He said ruffling my hair. “Plus we didn't know who was calling you and I wanted to make sure it wasn’t some stalker.”

“It’s ok, but don’t try to choke me while I’m on the phone, I kind of need to be alive to answer the person I’m talking to.” I said as I hugged him.

We were interrupted by none other than Dawon. She was standing at the doorway looking at us suspiciously before walking away to the living room.

“I guess hugging is all we can do.” Yoongi said as he played with me hair. “Not that I mind, hugging is pretty great.” We remained like that for a couple of minutes before Yoongi spoke up again.

“What do you use to make your hair so soft? Because I could just use your hair as a pillow, it's so soft and it smells so good.”

I looked up at him and smiled. “It's a secret so I can't tell you.”

“Do I have to tickle you to get it out of you?” Yoongi asked me as he placed his hands on my waist and started doing small circular motions on it.

“You'll never get it out of me, I'm not ticklish.” I said as he continued to try and tickle my stomach area.

“Seok you and I both know that's a lie.” He said as he stopped trying to tickle me to look at me in the eyes. “You're ticklish somewhere, I just can't remember where.”

Yoongi and I stood still as he tried to figure out where I was the most ticklish and I silently prayed he wouldn't remember. But Yoongi isn't dumb and I soon find myself trying to push Yoongi off of me as he tried to tickle my neck.

“N-no Yoongi please don't tickle me.” I said as I felt his hand touch my neck for a split second. “Please I'll do anything.”

Yoongi continued as if I hadn't said a thing and found out my other ticklish spot, my thighs.

At this point I decided that all hope was lost and there was no point in trying to stop him. He had found my weak spots and was not afraid to attack them. So I just layed there on the (dirty) kitchen floor, laughing as Yoongi tickled me.

I'm pretty sure he would've continued tickling me until we got tired from it but my father had come down to the kitchen to see what all the commotion was about and wasn't too happy to see me laying on the floor with Yoongi, who's hand was up my shirt (he was trying to see if my stomach had become ticklish), sitting next to me.

I was sure he was going to yell at us both he just sighed, shook his head and went back to his study.

“Guess I'm not on your dad's good side anymore.” Yoongi said when we were certain my dad was out of earshot.

“Oh Yoongi,” I said sitting up and placing a kiss on his cheek. “You're already on my dad's bad side just by being my boyfriend.”

“Well, I guess there's no changing that then.” He said as gave me a quick kiss on the lips. He was about to kiss me again when suddenly Dawon popped into the kitchen. I'm don't know if she's doing this on purpose or if it's all coincidental but if this continues I don't think me and Yoongi can hang out at my house anymore.

“Hey, don't be doing anything nasty, as a matter of fact, both of you come watch a movie with me, you two need supervision.” Dawon said looking at us sitting on the floor.

Yoongi and I got up and followed Dawon into the living room where she made us sit on opposite side of her. Thankfully Dawon found the movie boring and ended up falling asleep halfway through giving Yoongi and I a chance to escape from her.

“You know Seok, I was scared at first.” Yoongi said as he stroked my hair. He was laying down on my bed and I was laying down on top of him. He insisted on doing this so I just followed along.

“Of what?” I asked.

“I was scared I wouldn't ever be your boyfriend. You know how many times Minseo told me to pull myself together and ask you out? She constantly told me, 'Yoongi, if you really like Hoseok you would've asked him out by now, you know he doesn't like Seokjin he likes you, right?’”

I blushed and looked up at him. “Minseo told you I liked you?”

“Yeah, but only because she was annoyed at the fact that I was sulking around about you and Jin going to the movies together. So she pulled me into her room and talked some sense into me.” Yoongi said smiling at me. “That's all she told me though, she never told me anything else about what you guys talked about.”

“Oh,” I said resting my head on his chest again. “Well it's not like I told her any embarrassing things.”

“So crying in the middle of the hallway because you failed a math test and then getting knocked down isn't embarrassing?” Yoongi asked.

“She did tell you more!” I said looking back up at him. “You lied!”

“I'm sorry.” He said ruffling my hair. “But is that really how you met her and Seohyeon? She never really said much about how you guys met.”

“Yes we really met like that. I was kind of scared of Minseo at first, she looked so intimidating and mean and I felt like she was going to hit me if I said something dumb.”

“I was kind of scared of her when I met her too, for a 12 year old she was hella intimidating. One time this boy knocked down Seohyeon and made her cry so she hit him in the face which made his nose bleed. I saw this happen a day after I found out she was going to be my new sister and I begged my dad to never let me be alone with her when I got home that day.”

I laughed at what Yoong said and looked at him. “Who was the boy that she punched?”

“You know Seohyeon's boyfriend?” He said looking at me. I nodded and he ruffled my hair again. “He's the one who got punched.”

“Oh.” I said. Yoongi hummed in response and continued stroking my hair. Suddenly my phone buzzed causing me and Yoongi to jump in surprise. I quickly grabbed it from my nightstand to check on why it had buzzed. It was a text from Jintae. I frowned since I couldn’t think of any reason as to why he would text me other then on behalf of Jihun.


Hey Hoseok, can we meet up? I have to talk to you about something.

“Who is that?” Yoongi asked, his head resting on my shoulder.

“It’s Jintae, Jihun’s brother.” I said staring at my phone now feeling even more confused as to why he wanted to meet up.

“Are you going to text back?”

“I have too, I don’t want to seem rude.” I said as I typed out a message to Jintae.


Sure, but why do you want to meet up?


I’ll tell you when we see each other, do you want to meet up at the same coffee shop you met up with Jihun?


Yes that’s fine


Ok, is Saturday at 2 good? I know you don’t live near us so I want to make sure you’re ok with the time.


It’s fine


Do you need someone who can take you? I can pick you up if you want.

“No,” Yoongi suddenly said, startling me since I had forgotten he was reading over my conversation with Jintae. “Tell him I’ll take you there.”

“I don’t think my dad’s going to let you take me anywhere after today.” I told Yoongi. He let out a grunt.

“Well then tell him your sister is taking you but come pick me up before you guys go there. I don’t want you meeting up with him if your friend Jihun isn’t there.”

“Alright.” I said as I sent the message to Jintae about my transportation. He sent back an ‘ok’ and I didn’t answer back since I wasn’t sure what to answer back to a single ‘ok’.

As soon as I put my phone back on my nightstand Yoongi pulled me back making me lay on top of him again. “So should we persuade Dawon to take you over there on Saturday or not?” He asked rubbing my back.

“She’ll take me even if I don’t persuade her, I’m her little brother and she’ll do anything for me.” I told him. He laughed and kept rubbing my back.

“You’re so cute Seok.”

[A/N: Thank you, again, for all the reads and votes, I'm glad that many people are enjoying my story. Have a good day/night😊❤]

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