Secrets and Lies

Oleh OMGitsAshx

986 76 33

"Im going to fucking kill him...Connor Freeman, your best friend is not completly out of the picture yet" Aft... Lebih Banyak

Secrets and Lies
Chapter 1-"Why are you screaming like my Nan on Bingo Night?"
Chapter 2 "I Kinda Like My Man Bits, Besides I Wouldnt Make A Pretty Girl"
Chapter 3 " Dear Lord Grandma, My Poor Virgin Eyes!"
Chapter 4 "Do You Want Some Water For That Burn?!"
Chapter 5- The Note
chapter 7- Secrets, Secrets Everywhere!
Chapter 8 - Trouble
Chapter 9 - Mugged

Chapter 6- Escaping The HellHole

84 8 6
Oleh OMGitsAshx


"Fucking hell give my my damn food already" I screamed, vigorously shaking the bars of my cell.

Cursing under my breath, after no guard came after me, I began clanking a spoon from yesterdays supper on the bars to attract the attention of the shitty police officers. I saw officer Ben come towards me his face twisted in anger.

"What is it boy?" He sighed.

" Are you tone deaf or retarded? I want my food!" I growled " God, this is a fucking joke, get me out of this shit hole" I yelled at the police officer, flipping my middle finger at him.

It was my 6th day in this hellhole, and this place is already driving me insane, leeching the life out of me, day by day, minute after minute, second after second. They won't let me have any visitors yet, because apparently an extreme case, stupid fuckers. But soon i'll be able to communicate with the outside world, and my first letter will be for Connor fricking Freeman.

And believe me when I say it will be a special one.

Ben stared at me with disgust, cracking his fingers. He fumbled through the large pockets of his navy blue trousers finding his ring of keys.

" Alright boy, its not dinner time yet, you'll get it later. Be patient. I'm here to escort you to the shower, its time for your first one." He sighed, muttering under his breath.

"Hey big boy, why don't you join me, we can scrub each others backs" I cackled, before suggestively licking my lips at him, painfully slow.

Ignoring my suggestion, he continued in a irritated tone. "Right when I open this door I need you to place your hands behind your back, so I can handcuff them for you."

He began fiddling with his mass of keys finding the one that corresponded with my cell lock.

This is it, I thought, I actually have a chance to escape. I played along with officer Ben, placing my left hand behind my back, before making sure I was close to his front. I striked. I elbowed him with my right arm, digging it deep into his flesh rolls. He yowled in pain attempting to swing the baton at my head before screaming at the top of his lungs.


Before he could repeat it, I executed a kick at his forhead with such force, he stumbled a few steps, before losing his balance and falling backwards unconscious. Blood seeped through his head where I had hit him. That will certainly keep him off his job for the next couple of weeks. Damn hitting him felt good, my hands had been itching to do that since I had first been landed here, thanks to Connor Freeman. Adrenaline pumped through my veins as I felt satisfied with the blood trickling out the wound I had inflicted. Good, the bitch deserved it.

"Good fucking riddance" I smirked, before spitting on his unconscious form.

I was bought back to my senses when I heard scattering of footsteps and a strained voice yelling Ben's name in concern. Shit, it was his co partner, Bill. My feet picked up speed as I began sprinting manically down the corridor. I used to be a cross country runner when I was young, so running was no difficult task. A memory flashed through my mind abruptly of me and Connor. It was on the 5th July, 3 years ago when I was 20 and him, 15. I could never forget that day.

" Shit Connor, the police, shit just RUN " I yelled at Connor before looking behind me only to see the brunette police officer breaking out into a run, after us. I grabbed Connor by the shoulder, trying to make him move. Our customer, whom were were serving saw the commotion and sped off into the distance in his black van, leaving a trail of exhaust fumes behind.

After Connor saw the situation himself, his eyes widen in shock before he cursed under his breath. "Crap" He muttered as he began sprinting with me, down the road before taking a left, to throw ourselves off the scent. I dared to look behind me whilst running and caught a glimpse of the police woman, herself slowing down in speed whist talking agitated into her walkie talkie. Cars honked their horn in anger as we crossed streets when the traffic light had not turned red. After 15 minutes of continuous running, both of us gasping for air we decided to stop to catch our breath. I looked at Connor, his face bright red, and his chest heaving fast, screaming for oxygen.

"That..was..fricking AWESOME!" Connor wheezed as we hid behind a graffiti brick wall in a deserted alleyway off the main road. His face was gleaming with excitement and sweat as he held out a fist to me.

"Totally" I smirked, showing a dimple before pounding his fist with mine." And we got the task done"

Connor peeked his head from our hideout to see if the main road was empty from the police woman who had caught us in our act.

" we've lost the bitch, ding dong!" Connor cheered before taking his black hoodie off, to cool himself down.

Adrenaline was pumping through my veins. We had just out run a police officer, after she had caught us whilst we were doing our assigned task. It was partially my fault we got caught, I was on lookout duty but got distracted by a hot blonde girl across the street eyeing me up. We were supplying a customer with £200 worth of heroine yet I didn't notice the officer. We did look suspicious, a duo of teens, in black hoodies passing a package discreetly to stranger in a black van. Of course it looked suspicious! All the signs indicated it!

"Come on bro, lets grab our money, I need to buy some fags , I'm running short" I grinned at Connor, before placing an arm around him. We both proceeded to walk back to the warehouse to receive our reward.


I slowed down as the memory came to an end, grinning slightly to myself. That was a good day I thought. I made my way to another block with more prisoners locked, however they we're together whereas I was isolated. They all looked at me, their eyes wide in shock yet they shone in admiration as they acknowledged the orange overalls I was sporting. I was definitely one of them.

"So long, suckers" I taunted before sticking both my middle fingers at their gaping expressions. However I was forced to continue moving when an ear piercing alarm rang from the corner of the corridor.

Shit, I had been reported missing.

Murmurs broke out in the room full of the prisoners as they saw the scene before their eyes. I quickly shuffled to the end of the doorway checking to see if the coast was clear before breaking out into a sprint again. I stopped in time to see two large police men blocking the exit to the next block.

"Fuck" I muttered before turning back the way I came to try another route.

The two guards ears pricked at the sound of my ragged breathing and thumping feet, they looked my way. Their faces in pure shock at the sight of me before ditching their place and began chasing me down the block, shouting at me to stop. I knew it was over when I heard more footsteps coming towards me. Dammit. Steering to a halt when officer Bill stepped in front of me.

"Fuck" I seethed. Distraught, I searched around to look for an exit only to be met with stone grey walls either side of me, two police men behind me and Bill in front. All of which had a baton out poised, ready to strike.

I had to surprise them, to give me a few minutes, get them off guard.

"So" I chuckled. " Which one of you would like to suck my balls first" I stared at each one in the eye, rubbing my palms together. The two police officers looked shocked at my outburst, whereas Bill was unfazed, aware of my language and as he looked after me and knew what to expect by now.

" Okay Tyde, don't try anything, were just going to escort you back into your cell" Bill calmly muttered to me. He was daringly edging closer towards me, beads of sweat visible on his meaty forehead.

"No! to hell with the cell, to hell with you, to hell with everyone" I screamed lunging at him as red clouded my vision.

I aimed my fist at his face yet did not feel the impact or his bones crushing from the force. Instead my body jolted as I fell to the floor. My hands and legs uncontrollably jerking, I felt paralysed. I opened my eyes wide, trying to look around me for the source of the pain yet couldn't bring my head to move. It felt as if millions of needles were digging into all my muscles, I grunted as I tried to take control over my body, creasing my eyebrows in pain. What was happening? It was as if my brain had shut down unable to decipher where I was, before something was shot into my right leg, I assumed was a needle.

A woman stepped into my line of vision. Her black silky straight hair neatly plaited, her brown eyes twinkled with love and comfort.

"Tyde Baby" my mother whispered "I miss you so so much" she continued, taking another step towards me, her face bright with light , her eyes showed wrinkles in the corners due to the enormous smile she had.

"M-mom" I whispered, vulnerable and afraid to look anywhere else in case she left me.

I could feel someone placing something on my body yet could not fathom what or who it was. The pain had gone, replaced with a sense of tranquility as my mom began walking towards me, tears spilling from her eyes. she was almost there, before everything around me began to fade, including her, consumed by darkness.

No! I thought. NO! Come back!

What the hell is happening?

Why does it feel like I'm being dragged across a cold floor?

Am I dead?

The thoughts ran through my mind as I tried to understand what was happening. I could hear background noises from around me, but couldn't decipher what they were saying as they felt too far away. My eyes began to flutter shut as I fell into an empty void of darkness.


The smell of chemicals seeped into my nostrils waking me up. I looked around at my surroundings and was surprised to see myself not to be met with metal bars and grey walls, instead a small room with plush yellow walls yet it was completely empty without a bed nor a toilet. I blinked a few times my eyes adjusting to the darkness. I felt my ears begin to itch, as I was about to bring my hand up to scratch it, I realized my movements were restricted as I was in a white straight jacket, my hands crossed over one another and tied at the back.

Well this is fucking great, I thought. attempting to free myself from it, struggling, yet it was no use. Shutting my eyes, I took a deep breathe calming my nerves down. I tried to scream but could only let out a muffled yell due to the gag covering my mouth. Shit. How long would I have to be in here before they get me out of this dump.

I attempted to loosen the gag by wriggling on the floor and shaking my head vigorously. It was no use. They might as well blindfold me, its not as if I could see anything clearly in this damn room. I threw my body at the thick steel door, continuously whilst screaming to get attention from an officer on duty.

I could be here for days, months, not to mention how fucking claustrophobic the room is. I was already feeling the pressure on my heart.

"Aghhhhhhhhh" I yelled bashing my head against the yellow wall before slumping down, my knees giving way as I sat down defeated, lowering my head into my knees. My mind wandered off to the rest if the gang, the SL Thugs, Who I was co owner of alongside Shane Berkshire, his street name, Slit. One of the most deadliest people you could meet, he was looking out for Connor as of now. Searching for that fucker wherever he was hiding. We'd have him soon and we would pay him back for breaking the oath, in our own entertaining way.

It bought a wild grin to my face behind the fabric that was blocking my mouth. It would be worth every damn second I spend in this Jail.


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