Passion (Optimus Prime x read...

By callmewhateveruwant2

158K 2.9K 2.3K


Featuring characters:
Big Ass Robots
Saviour at its finest.
Take a shower
'It is how it is' vibe.
Moving part 1
Moving part 2
A newly couple
A growing bond
Caught in the act
A/N i found winston!!!
New years eve
A sad day, a sad life
Forgive and forget
One suprise after another
Sick mind
Looking after Optimus
Period/ beach
New, unexspected changes
New form... new me?
Scrapheap/ jelousy
He's MY Bondmate.
Stronger, faster (synthetic enogon)
One place to another. (Bayverse)
Stupid glasses.
Different side of Optimus/ saving the world.
The holiday for Optimus.
Unwanted familiar faces.
The End!
Book 2 now released!

Christmas part 2

3.2K 72 59
By callmewhateveruwant2

It has been a few weeks now. I have now really bonded with Optimus, we get along so well. I trusted him so much, he is so patient with me. I've always dreaded the day I make love for the first time. When I think, see or hear anything sexual, I get a horrible feeling in my stomach. Peter (the old man) really did damage to me. I've told Optimus this and he was perfectly fine if waiting for me to be ready. I'm still not ready quite yet, but I think I'm starting to fell confutable with the idea.

This Christmas was his first proper celebration out of all the time he's been on earth. I want to give him something I know he'll love. It may be small, but it holds a lot.

It was now the 23rd of December (Me, Miko, jack and Raf decided to have are Autobot Christmas Day ,at base, on the 24th. So on Christmas Day (25th) we can spend it with are family's) me and the kids were whispering to each over what we were getting are guardians for Christmas.

By the way, Arcee still hates me. I've try to talk to her but she's just so sharp with me. What's her deal? I really want to be friends with her, but she just.... won't allow it.

We kept talking and planning until it was time to go home. We got in are guardians and they drove us home. I couldn't help but smile when I thought of the present I got Optimus. "you alright Cheval?" He started calling me Cheval because it's the he found out it is a french name for girls meaning horseman/horsewomen and knight. It's also the french word for horse. (Cute ain't it?). He only calls me it when we're alone though.

"Yep" was the only thing I said. We arrived and we said a goodbyes. I got in my flat and said hi to the pets. Now usually, Optimus would come up with me but this time I didn't let him. He couldn't see his present. I rapped it up, put it somewhere safe for tomorrow and I went to bed. Molly has now started to sleep with me in bed. She kept me warm. I wish I could sleep with Optimus again though. Molly is great but me and Optimus only slept together once and I loved it so much. I think he misses it to. But after this gift, we won't have to anymore.

I got into my bed and text Optimus. He can somehow text me with out a phone. I'm not going to question it, to much technology.

'Sorry you couldn't come with me to my apartment today. X'

'It's fine. But I'm curious, why couldn't I come?'

'You will find out tomorrow 😉'

'Your up to something'

'Yep! You'll find out why tomorrow! What are you doing?'

'Just working'

'Well don't work over night, ok?'




'Good. Goodnight,I love you.

'Goodnight darling, I love you to'

I giggled when I turned my phone of. He has no idea! I snugged up and Molly warmed my feet up.

_________The next day_________

I woke up and put all I want for Christmas is you song on.

I brushed my teeth and pretended that the toothbrush was a microphone "ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS IS, YOU!!!!!!!" I sang. I then got dressed into a gold dress I bought about a week ago and did my hair with a flower clip.

I quickly sprayed perfume on and I was ready. I never put make up on. 1, because I wasn't into that stuff. And 2, I dont want the trouble later on in life to worry if I'm pretty or not.

I suddenly herd the door knock and I knew it was Optimus. I opened the door and as expected, Optimus was there. "Hey chev-..... Wow. Your beautiful."

"Awww Thank you, and you look so handsome!" And Dam he did.

"Well, you are already handsome, so your even more handsome!"

He chuckled "Thank you. Now, come here you." He suddenly have me a kiss. It felt weird, still amazing but there was a relief to. Like a smoker who hasn't has a cigarette after a stressful situation.

"Are you ok? You seem unhappy."

"I'm fine, I just mist you. A lot."

"We saw each over yesterday when you drop me of".

"I know, but, I missed spending time with you. Being alone with you."

"Well, why don't I stay the night a base tonight?".

"What about the others?"

"don't worry about the others, worry about yourself for once. Now, do you want me to stay?"

"Yes, desperately".

"Then that's what I'll do. I miss cuddling with you" I put my arms around him.

"Me to. Should we get going?"

"Yeah. Come on Molly". Molly followed out and I locked my apartment. Molly is now coming with since she cant stay the whole night on her own, winton can though. He stores food. We went down to the ground floor and were making are way out until.


"Merry Christmas, Anna." I said calmly. Jez, even Miss Queue was less annoying. We went out the building and it was freezing. I rubbed my arms to warm them up and Optimus noticed. We got in his truck form and he turned his heating on. "Ohh! Heaven!" Optimus smirks and drives to base.

When we arrived, I was greeted by the 3 children. Miko was wearing a pizza kitten Christmas jumper.

"Really Miko?" Miko stuck her tongue out playfully. Jack was wearing a Christmas jumper with Pom poms.

"Nice Jack!"

"Thanks." He said. Raf was wearing a Christmas pac man jumper!

"Wow Raf! That's so cool!"

"Thanks Y/N".

"You look stunning" said June, jacks mum. Apparently she found out about transformers to. She was wearing a Christmas dress.

"That looks really good on you June." I said.

"Hey Y/N! Look at Agent Fowler's jumper!" Said Miko. I looked and gasped. He was wearing a cocoa cola jumper but the truck looked like Optimus! Well, except without blue.

"That's genius!" I laughed!

"I saw it and I just had to get it!" Said Agent Fowler. We spent the whole day play games, laughing and just having fun. Even the bots joined in in their holoforms. We watched Christmas moves, sang Christmas songs and I cooked a Christmas dinner for everyone one. Agent Fowler seem to like that part the most.

We were all chilling and talking when I got a Agent Fowler put a piece of mistletoe over jack and Miko.

"Ohhhh!!!" All the humans went.

"What? What is it?" Asked bulkhead.

"Thats mistletoe, if two people are under it, they have to kiss each other".

"Oh scrap" said Miko.

"......... oh no......" said jack.

"Go on guys! For me?" I said and made cute smile.

"No way! I'm not kissing him!!" Protested Miko.

"I'll give you a fiver".

"Ok" she said and pecked him on the lips. Jacks face! He looked so flushed! We all started laughing. I gave Miko £5- Sorry, $5 and sat next to Optimus on the sofa. He was deep in thought, so deep he didn't notice me sitting next to him. I tapped his shoulder and he jumped.

"Oh, Sorry Ch- Y/N" he was about to say Cheval, infront Of everyone, thank god for his quick thinking.

"You ok?"

"I was just spacing out. I do that sometimes" I smiled at him and he gave me reassuring eyes. I knew he was telling the truth.

It's been a few hours now and it was getting late. The kids, June and Agent Fowler went home and the bots came back. They were now back to how they were. Optimus doing work, ratchet telling bulkhead that 'he needed that' and Arcee and bumblebee were just talking. I was clearing up after the party and eating leftovers. I suddenly herd Optimus breath-in really, really deeply. I knew what he was doing, he was covering up a yawn. I walked over to the part of the platform closes to him. "Are you tired?" I whispered so only he could hear.

"Just a little, I'm fine."

"When will you finish your work?"

"Quite a while".

"Optimus, you cant work so late, you will be to tired for tomorrow's work. Trust me I should know."

"I know but I need to do this"

"Ok, 30 minutes then finished. Deal?"


_______30 minutes later________

"It's been half an hour, of ya get."

"Ok, ok, I'm off, I'm off." I nodded and fed Molly. Optimus went to get enagon from the Storage, the other suddenly ran over to me like I collapsed or something.

"What did you do?" Asked ratchet.


"Make Optimus stop working?"

"I made a deal with him"


"I dunno I just said for him to be half an hour. Why?"

"Optimus hasn't stopped working late  for months" said Arcee.

"Really? How late?"

"All night sometimes" said ratchet.

"Oh my god. When dose he sleep when?"

"He barely dose".

"I need to sort this out".

"It would really help us if you did" said bulkhead "we've been trying everything we can to stop him". Optimus came back in the room with cubes of enagon for everyone (except me). When they finished, I got on Optimus hand and he started to walk to the......bedrooms?

"Where are you going, Sir?" Asked Arcee before we left the room.

"Recharge, why?"

"Why is Y/N going with you?" I suddenly saw that Optimus didn't know what to say, they still didn't know that we are together.

"What's wrong with me staying?" I stepped in for Optimus.

"I didn't ask you!" She shouted.

"Arcee!" Optimus raised his voice a little to showed that he was in charge of the situation.

"Sorry Sir. I just don't know why you wouldn't tell us." She said meaning everyone else in the room who was staring. They were all giving the don't-drag-me-into-this look.

"Let me remind you that I am the leader, not the rookie." He reminded her. And good that he did!  She shouldn't question what he's doing! She went quite and Optimus continued walking. "I'm sorry about her, this isn't usually like this" he said once we were away from hearing distance.

"It's ok, I'm use to it now". We reached his room, he opened the door and walked in. He closed it behind him and put me down. He went somewhere again and this was my chance to get change. Not because I would be embarrassed, I just didn't want to make him uncomfortable. He came back in and activated his holoform. This was it, I was going to give the present.

"Optimus I, uh, got this..... for you." I said nervously.

"Well, so have I Chavel." he had something to.

"You didn't have to."

"You didn't either".  We sat down next to each other and I gave him mine first he opened it and it was a key.

"Now that, is a key to my apartment. And when I mean my, I mean our apartment."

"You mean?"

"Yep, you can come anytime you like now."

"I don't know what to say, are you sure your ok with me appearing up out on know where?"

"Yep! I'm more than ok with it."

"Thank you" he kissed me. He gave me mine and I opened it. It was a box, and inside was a gorgeous necklace with crystals.

(I know it's the necklace from lord
Of the rings but it's so beautiful!)

I gasped is amazement "Optimus" I whispered in shock.

"It's made out of my spark". I turned to face him.

"It didn't hurt did it".

"No, don't worry, it didn't." I put it on and it paced perfectly ontop of my heart.

It's seemed to be pulsing, the light would go brighter every few seconds. "I love it, Optimus. And I love you." I kissed him and we hugged each over.

"I love you to" he said, kissing my forehead. Optimus clothes faded into pjs and we cuddled up in the duvet. I closed my eyes and relaxed at the feeling of him. Relieved to have him in my arms, and me in his arms. Slowly. I drifted of to sleep in the warm embrace.

It was now the 25th Of December, Christmas Day.

I woke up to Optimus getting out of bed. I opened my eyes and looked at him. "Optimus?"

"Sorry Cheval, did I wake you? I'm just getting up, but you sleep for a bit longer." He cupped my face and kissed my forehead.

"Okay *yawn* love you" I yawned.

"Love you to". His holoform disappeared and headed for the door. Before he left, he turned round and smiled before walking out. I smiled back and snuggled up to go back to sleep.

I slept for about an hour before waking up again. I got up, got changed and walked to the main base (which was a long way for a human). I arrived there and was greeted by bulkhead first. "Wakey wakey sleepy head." He said jokingly.

"Oh ha ha" I said sarcastically. I walked up the stairs to the platform and got to Molly. "Heya mollydog! Look what I got you!" I got Molly a red dog jumper from Olympia (biggest horse show of the year, highly recommend going). She smelt her Christmas present before I put it on her. She seemed to like it! She looked so cute!

(Her actual Christmas present)

"Look at you! Your to die for!" I said to her and she barked in somewhat agreement. I sat on the sofa with her and watched home alone. "Optimus" I silently called him and he looked at me. I looked around to make sure know one was looking and I got my necklace from under my jumper. I showed him that I was wearing it and smiled. He gave a small smile back (since we were with the others) and he looked really happy to see me wearing it. I could tell by his eyes, they shone brighter when he was happy. I carried on watching the movie and laughed at the funny bits, like when the boy sets traps in his house and the robber fall for it.

By the time the movie finished ratchet, Arcee, bumblebee and bulkhead went to the training room. About 10 minutes later, I was thirsty so I got up to get a drink. As I was drinking a bottle of water, to hand slid round my waist into a hug form behind. I knew it was Optimus. I placed the empty bottle down and put my hands on his. "You okay?" I said, kissing his cheek.

"Yeah, just seizing an opportunity".

"Aww" I giggled. I turned around and cupped his head with my hands. He suddenly looked shocked when he looked up. "What's wron-....... Oh...." I looked up to see mistletoe. Shit, we forgot to take it down yesterday.

"Oh primus" He said. He looked down at me again, I blushed and pulled him in. We kissed yet again. My hands went on his chest and his on my hips. I smiled in the kiss and so did he. One hand went on the back of my head to deepen the kiss. It was magical!

"WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?!?" ................crap.................. we pulled away and took a step away from each over. The others were back from training. And boy, were they surprised arriving back. There was a long silence. "WELL?!?" Said ratchet.

"We... um" Optimus said.

"Well..... uh.... I..... right." I suddenly stepped forwards with confidence towards the rest of the bots. I was terrified inside though. I put my hands on my hips. "Me and Optimus are together as partners, we have been for a few weeks now. We have really bonded and have a great relationship going. But, there is know need to be shocked, angry or disappointed because him being a prime dose not give a dam to me in terms of letting him do what he wants to be happy. If you were truly his friend, you would ecsept that and deal with it. Thank you." I said with a nod and walked back to the sofa. As I walked past Optimus, I could see he was wide eyed and his mouth was dropped. He made his holoform disappear and transformed into his auto form.

Optimus POV

I was stunned, she just said it all. There was nothing more to be said. She's so brilliant. She walked back to the sofa and I went back to my auto form. All the Autobots where looking at me like I just murdered someone. Wide eyed, mouth dropped, twitching eye lids. "H-how?" Was the only thing I was asked.

"I just happened" I said bluntly.

"But with a human?" Protested Arcee "And not just any human, her?!?"

"Is that a problem?"

"WELL OF COURSE!!! SHES A HUMAN!!" Shouted ratchet.

"I can hear you, you know" Y/N said. I sighed in defeat.

"Like Y/N said, you will have to just except it." I said and walked away.

General POV

"Com'on guys, it's not that bad" said bulkhead.

:I agree: beeped bee.

"Well, I am an old friend of his. I'll just have to go with it I guess." Said ratchet. They all walked away to do other business. Leaving Arcee.

Arcee POV

I can believe this. That glitch Y/N has taken over! First, the moment she got here she was all fussed over, her and her stupid termites of pets! Second, she moved closer to are base with are ground bridge, which takes up a lot of enagon! And third, she's led Optimus to believe that he love her!!!

I have to stop this.


I got bored so I listened to music on my headphones. I scrolled throw songs and picked 'dancing in the dark' by Rihanna.

I hummed along to it and lent my head back on the sofa. It's good just to sit and listen to music once in a while. When I was a teenager, I was obsessed with music. Especially Queen.

I started singing the words quietly without realising. When it finished, I heard Optimus behind me. "That was beautiful". I turned around in shock.

"Oh no did start singing?" I put my head in my hands in embarrassment.

"Don't be embarrassed, you sing beautifully".

"Thank you, I was literally obsessed with music when I was a few years younger. I am still am to be honest" I laughed.

"Woof!" Molly suddenly barked at Optimus. Not in an aggressive way, no, in a 'please come here, I like you!' Sort of bark.

"I think she wants you, Optimus" I giggled.

"Well I'll come to her then" he transformed and his holoform sat next to me on the sofa. I patted on a spot inbetween me and Optimus to let her know it's ok to jump up and join us. She jumped up and climbed on Optimus. Her back paws standing on his legs and her front paws on his abdomen. Optimus was surprised at first, until Molly sniffed him to get his sent back. "Hello there Molly" he patted her and she did her classic belly rub move. He chuckled and rubbed her belly.

"Silly dog, come on of ya get" I pulled her of him and she jumped down of the sofa, but only to jump up again and lie on me instead.

"Or do that" I laughed.

"How come you chosen animals as your way of interest?" Optimus asked.

"I just love them so much. I grow up with animals. I had a 2 cats called Muffin and Cookie, 4 guinea pigs called Honey, Ginger, snowy and spotty, a dog called Frank and all my horse riding experiences. I couldn't live without animals. There just, not humans. They don't judge you or gang up on how you look or your personality."

"What do you mean?"

"I was bullied really, really badly by students and teachers when I was at school. So bad the police had to get involved. So mum homeschooled me after that because got so depressed I self harmed." Optimus looked at me with concern "I don't anymore though, that's how the animals came in. I've been through a lot with old Molly here."

"How old is she exactly?"

"10, that's about late 50's to early 60's in dogs years I've had Molly since I was 11."

"Wow, she didn't look it, or acted it".

"I know, she's a complete nutcase aren't you". I scratched her ears. "Well, that cocker spaniels for you. She'll need a haircut soon." Molly jumped off the sofa, gradded her lead with her mouth and walked back to me. "I think you want a walk. Right?"

"Woof" she barked.

"Do you want to come? I can show you my old park I used to walk Molly"

"I would love to" I think he knew I said that to have a chance to be alone with him.

"Ok, watch this." I said and he watched. I stood up and looked at Molly. "WALKIES!!!" I shouted and she spun around, jumping up and barked with excitement. He chuckled as I put the lead on her. I said the coordinates to ratchet and Optimus drove me through the ground bridge. The whole of team prime was probably going to bitch about me behind my back (especially Arcee). But I don't care, I want to spend time with Optimus. I told him where to park and we got out and walked to the park. There wasn't many people about, since it was Christmas Day.

"Molly, sit" I always told Molly to sit before a take her lead of, just for manners. She dose it before I even command her anyway. I took of her lead and she zoomed of as I and Optimus sat on a bench. He put his arm around to my shoulder and kissed the side of my head.

"I love you so much" he whispered in my ear.

"I love you to, you don't know how much I love this necklace you made for me." I whispered back. I got it out from under my jumper and followed the patterns with my finger.

"I so glad you do"

"Do you think the rest of the team will except me?" I asked nervously.

"I think bumblebee and bulkhead already like you, and so dose ratchet. It's just...."

"....Arcee. Look, I don't want to talk about her behind her back but I really don't know what I've done to upset her. I've tried to ask her so many times but she'll just walk away from me. I don't know what to do."

"She'll come around soon. She just needs to get use to having another femme around. That's all."

"I hope your right." I turned my head to check on Molly. She was saying hello to other dogs. I leaned into Optimus' chest, he put his free arm around me and gently squeezed me.

"Have I ever been wrong?"

"No" I giggled. We carried on watching Molly play as the winter air brushed past us.


Sorry for the short chapter but a part 2 wasn't really intended. Hope you enjoyed! 😊

Has everyone seen the new bumblebee movie yet? Tell me what you think of it! 🤖 🐝

Btw is it spelt Optimuses or Optimises? What's the correct spelling?

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