The Diary Thief

By BefoundinHislove

1.7K 85 1

Jamie is your average girl. She goes to school, has a loving family and cool friends. The one thing about Jam... More

Chapter 1 - Jamie's World
Chapter 2 - Warts your problem
Chapter 3 - Mirror Mirror On the Wall (who's the fairest of them all?)
Chapter 4 - Just ONE ride!
Chapter 5 - The Nerve!
Chapter 6 - Love is in the LAIR?
Chapter 7 - April Fools! You're a Fool
Chapter 8 - Well....My Life is OFFICIALLY O-VER!
Chapter 9 - I said I was SORRY
Chapter 10 - Burn it down (not literally)
Chapter 11 - If only mum was here.....
Chapter 12 - Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.
Chapter 13 - What doesn't kill you makes you stronger
Chapter 14 - Plan A: Tricking two bobble-heads with one phone
Chapter 15 - Ambrose Residence: Strike #1
Chapter 16 - Let's Gatecrash!
Chapter 17 - Plan B: The Bag Swap
Chapter 18 - Are you sure it's not a cu-
Chapter 19 - Plan C: Stealing and Blackmailing
Chapter 20 - Myth Busters
Chapter 21 - Catching a liar, liar, Room is on Fire!
Chapter 23 - An idea comes when you least expect it.
Chapter 24 - A whole NEW look.
Chapter 25 - Ambrose Residence: Strike #Free?
Chapter 26 - Secret Exchange
Chapter 27 - Leah Morris the mole, has fallen into the hole
Chapter 28 - There's always a backup plan
Chapter 30 - Confessions of a womanizer
Chapter 31 - The leech of Ambrose Academy
Chapter 32 - Luke Charming
Chapter 33 - The Truth hurts....more like Betrayal
Chapter 34 - Too early for a victory dance?
Author's Note

Chapter 22 - Ambrose Residence: Strike #2

36 2 0
By BefoundinHislove

Saturday 26th of July

I’m at the shopping mall as we speak. Aldi to be exact. I’m standing in the queue with Andrealle, Akemi and her younger sister Harumi. We were holding several do it yourself make-up kit. This idea was inspired by Andrealle when we stayed over at Akemi’s house.

Title: Secret Desire

Plan: Get into Precious’ room.

Who’s involved?  Andrealle, Kemi and me

How? By distracting Mrs Ambrose with a fake organization

As we stood in line, I saw Jade and I thought about turning around and going to the other til but Elle stopped me. She said I had to face her sooner or later.  The line started to get smaller. By the time we got there I saw Jade. She looked so different and I saw that she had removed her nose piercing.

“Here’s your change. Enjoy your day” she said sweetly

“NEXT” Jade called and when she came into eye contact with me, she was quiet.

“We would like to pay for all of these.” Harumi said sweetly

“Can we just find out how much it is please” Harumi demanded

“45.99” Jade said straightaway

“You didn’t even scan it” Harumi said

“Do you want me to scan your brain? Pay it or LEAVE it” she said rudely

“Put it on my card” Harumi pulled out her credit card.

11 year old girls should not have credit cards out of the tips of their fingertips. But she’s spoiled all right. Jade swiped the card and it made a beep.


“Try again” Jade rolled her eyes and swiped the card.


“But that’s impossible” Harumi exclaimed

“You’re holding up the line” a man called out.

“Fine I’ll pay it but you owe you” Andrealle huffed.

“You don’t pay it or I’ll tell dad that you got your car maxed out three times” Akemi threatened.

“So” Harumi shrugged clearly not scared

“This week. Three strikes Har.” Akemi finished

Andrealle paid the money and she told Jade to have a nice day. We walked out and I almost heard ‘you too’.  Andrealle opened the car and we got in. We drove and sang while Harumi sulked in the car.

We arrived at her house and her mum opened the front door. The four of us walked upstairs and before we went into Akemi’s room, Harumi asked –

“Btw, where’s my share?” she had her hands on her hips.

“Btw, did you pay” Akemi asked.

“Also, I want to money by the end of this week, if not I’ll tell your dad” Elle reminded her.

We walked into the room and locked the door. We dropped all the boxes on the floor. There were ‘how to make your own perfume’, ‘how to make your own lotion’, ‘how to make your own facial cream’ and ‘how to make your own lipstick’.

I sat on the floor and I bagsed the perfume. Elle chose the facial cream. Akemi worked on the brochures. She started to type about the organization, what they do, what they sell.

I started work on my perfume. I decided to mix different scents together: strawberry, blueberry, pineapple, honeydew, watermelon, raspberry, mango, peach, vanilla, lime, lemon, orange, grapefruit and coconut. I got mini tubes and poured one into the other. I had to get Andrealle and Akemi to smell them first before I made more. There was some really bad results but in the end I was able to get at least 7 perfume smells. I go some coloured glass containers and made the mini ones as testers.

“How the perfume going” Elle asked

“Good. I even made a few names for it” I answered

“What are they?” Kemi asked

“Berry Transfusion, Citrus Seduction, Manilla Essence, Peachy keen, Grapevine of Mystery, Honeyland and Milky Fantasy”

“I like it. Let me take a few pictures” Akemi said. She brought out her camera and started to take photos.

“Okay, Elle what do you have?”

“Well I have got different lotions. The same as Jamie’s except, I’m also making some bath soaps as well. Check out Red Eternity, Black Effervescence, Exotic Passion and Cranberry Rush”

“Smart. We have a variety” I say

“So what are you doing” I ask Kemi

“Well, knowing Mrs Ambrose she’ll probably want proof so I made a website. I’ve printed some pamphlets to the downstairs printer in my dad’s office and we need to wear coloured shirts” Akemi told us.

“Looks like we might actually get this” I say confidently




Its evening and we’re outside the Ambrose Residence. We had already added stickers to the car. I asked Akemi what’s the name of our organization and apparently we’re called Secret Desire. I was wearing a fluoro blue shirt, Andrealle was fluoro orange and Akemi was fluoro pink.

We opened the boot of the car and pulled the collapsible cart out. I carried the box from the front seat of the car and placed the perfume boxes on the cart, below were the lotions and at the bottom were the soap. Akemi was brought her laptop and pamphlets. Andrealle bought a mini bag and some samples. We made sure to spray ourselves with my perfume (that I made).

We wheeled the cart to the front of the steps and I rang the doorbell. After a couple of minutes, the door opened and I saw a maid. She looked Spanish and she was old as well. I don’t like the idea of having someone old working under me.

“Good evening, may we please talk to the owner of this house” Akemi asked

“Busy Madame is” she replied

“It’s only for a moment” Andrealle reassured her.

“Madam no like mosquitoes” we couldn’t understand

“Mosquitoes. Buzz, buzz. Suck blood, yes?” I could tell there was a language barrier.

“Yeah” we nodded

She was about to close the door so I quickly used the words Georgia taught me.

“Une momento! Por favor?” I asked. I saw the maid hesitate then walked inside

When she didn’t come back, we were about to leave until I saw a young middle aged woman with blonde hair. She was wearing cream blazer with a sparkly top inside. The lady had on long blue denim jeans and large cream Ramona heels. Her hair was in a high crossed bun, wearing big sunglasses and a cream purse. She had big earrings and her lips were coated in red lipstick. Her lips were pressed in a thin line.

“How may I help you?” she asked coldly

“The question is, how may we help you” I chuckled but she frowned.

“Look, I have something more important to do and you have approximately 60 seconds on my Schwartz watch. Understood?” She instructed.

“Smell us.” Andrealle said

“Why would I smell you. It’s unhygienic” she said in a disgusted tone. She took of her sunglasses.

“You’ll adore it”

“You have 30 seconds” She called.

“Smell this” I grabbed Berry Transfusion and sprayed it in front of her.

I looked at her. She didn’t move, nor blink nor twitched. Not even flinched. She stayed rooted in her spot. I didn’t mean to stare but she looked exactly like Precious!

“That’s very nice. What other products do you have” she asked

“We sell perfume, lotion, some soap. We have samples” Elle continued

I handed her some and then she kept quiet.

“You know the saying; you smelt it you dealt it. Well I love the smells and I’m willing to make a deal with you”

“Come, let’s talk business” she clicked

“I agree” Akemi said.

We walked inside and I looked around the house. The place looked different compared to the last time I was here which was a month ago. I peered at the pick table full of pictures and I saw the family photos. It was either Precious, Lisa and their mum or just the two sisters because the mum would walk out of the picture. But the look on their faces, show that there was no joy behind the smiles.

“Chop, chop” Mrs Ambrose clapped.

“I would like to talk to the manager of Desire” she asked

“That will be me” Akemi piped up

“Do you have a website” Mrs Ambrose asked

Kemi opened the laptop and typed in our website. I asked Mrs Ambrose if I could use the toilet. She told me to go upstairs and the second door to the right. I said thank you. I ran up the stairs and instead of the second door to the left, I walked straight into Precious’ room.

I closed the door behind me and looked around. If I had someone else’s secret diary, where would I put it? I checked her table, but it was all full of paper. I opened her draw which was pretty much full of lip gloss and all other sorts.

I went on my knees and checked under the bed and I walked into her walk in closet. There were some upper shelves in there. I brought a chair and stood on it. At the top was medication, perfume, keys, documents, makeup, pens.

This is plain boring. I tried to step down but I fell backwards and grabbed the nearest object which was a coat hanger. Soon a couple of clothes fell off the hook. I heard some movements downstairs. I stayed still. I tried to gain my balance and soon a box fell onto the floor and out came priceless necklaces and earrings. Her jewellery box had broken. I heard an ecstatic noise. I pulled my walkie talkie.

“Jamie, do you read me”

“I read you Elle”

“Mrs Ambrose is coming, do you copy” All I could hear was crackles, must be the reception.

“What?” I called

“I repeat. Mrs Ambrose is coming” I still couldn’t hear her

“Abort mission” Andrealle yelled.

I ran out immediately and closed the wardrobe door. Just in time, Mrs Ambrose walked in. How do I explain this?

“What are you doing in my daughter’s room?” she asked and folded her arms

“Pardon” I asked.

“What are you doing here, in my daughter’s bedroom? I thought you wanted to use the toilet” she emphasised each word.

“I did” I answered.

“Why are you in my DAUGHTER’S room” she demanded. Think, think, and think.

What does this woman admire that could spark a conversation and save my life. She started to tap her foot impatiently.

“Well, I don’t have all day” she barked.

“I admired the décor of the bathroom and when I walked into the bathroom to wash my hands, I loved how the colours blend together and created a nice calm aura. So I thought let me check the other rooms and I guess I was just fascinated by the décor of this room, that I lost track of time. I didn’t know this is your daughters” I said hurriedly.

“Well, I happened to design this room to the best of my taste”

“You designed this? You have such exquisite taste” I said in fake shock. I saw her wave her hand as if to stop.

“No way, you’re Lucille Stefani!” I gaped

“Wow, I didn’t think people would recognize me at my old age” she shook her head. By then we were walking downstairs. Before Akemi could ask I had interrupted her.

“Guys this is Lucille Stefani. The Lucille Stefani” I said in feigned amazement

“No way, the one who owns Stefani” Andrealle exclaimed – pronounced as Stephanie.

“Yes it is moi” Mrs Ambrose smiled.

“You don’t look a day over 24” Akemi lied

“Well, you know as a designer, we have to be at the top of our game. Make sure there’s no wrinkles, have the right materials. Plastic surgery is affordable but you know, this is the fashion business. The world we designers live in” She ranted on

“How do you become a successful business? I mean you own over 40 companies in different countries and we just started. I mean you inspired us to find the need of a woman. Secret Desire. How do you get to the top?” Andrealle asked

“Well I have a few tips of my own but I could tell you a few. 3 things you need to know. Audience, Market, Brand, Research, Observe, Sketch and Establishment” She listed. Of course. Ambrose.

“Those are some really good pointers” Akemi told her.

We were almost towards the door when we heard a scream. The maid ran down the stairs and she was mumbling her words together.

“I don’t speak gibberish Margarita. What on Earth are you talking about? In fact no one knows what you talk about” Mrs Ambrose was rubbing circles on the side of her forehead.

“Madame, there is a teeve” Margarita called out

“Teeve?” Mrs Ambrose asked

“Yes teeve. Someone in house. Steal. Teeve” Margarita exclaimed. My eyes bulged out.

We’re dead.

“Margarita, speak Spanish” Mrs Ambrose speaks Spanish.

“Yes Madame”

“Qué pasa” Mrs Ambrose said in Spanish.                   Translation: What’s the matter?

“Ok bye” I said

We backed out from the door with our products. I could see them from the door still conversing and Mrs Ambrose is yelling. We wheeled our tray and placed all our products in the box. I carried it to the front of the car. Andrealle got in the driver seat. Akemi collapsed the cart into the boot.

“Stop! I’m calling the Police” Mrs Ambrose yelled and by then we sped down the street and away from the scene.

Andrealle sped all the way down to Georgia’s Café. Good thing that neither Jade nor Ben were working. We found a place in the back and just sat down. I placed a hand on my rapidly beating heart.

“Hey Jamie, can you get Akemi a cappuccino, a soy latte for me and you can order something” She gave me 20 pound bill

I walked up to the front. I was surprised to see Ben at the front.

“Hey, Jamie. How may I help you?” he asked

“1 soy latte, a cappuccino and an ice tea please” I ordered.

“That will be 15 pounds” He said and I give him the 20 pounds and got 5 pounds back.

While I was waiting he struck up a conversation.

“When are you coming to work like you normally do” he asked and I sighed

“Look, I think it will be a good idea if Jade and I worked on different days. She would like that”

“She would also like her best friend. Trust me she misses you.” Does she?

“She told you that?” I asked in disbelief

“Not in those words”

“Then how would you know” I was getting upset.

“Just read the body language. Every time when I ask about you she sighs and if I ask if she’s seen you lately, she’s quiet” ben reasoned. He’s starting to bug me

“You know you could be misinterpreting everything. If you know about Jade, heck everyone in the whole blooming school knows about her life right now. So maybe that’s why. Did you ever think of that?”

“But actions speak louder than words” he pressed on.

“Until she said those words, I don’t believe you” I folded my arms. I started tapping my fingernails on the counter, waiting for my order.

“If you guys we’re friends it would be water under the bridge” and I snapped.

“Well maybe, Ben. You’re asking way too many questions and she doesn’t know what to say because if she did she would have snapped at you. Like I’m doing right now! You keep putting your nose in other people’s business where it shouldn’t be. You’re not Pinocchio and frankly you’re a grande zanzara. What are you her boyfriend?” I was annoyed.

His mouth hung open and I honestly don’t care if I lashed out at him. My order came and I carried them on a tray. I walked to my table, ignoring all the stares, I saw my friends shush.

“Here guys” I said. I gave Andrealle her change

“Thanks, uh Jamie” Akemi said

“Yeah” I answered and placed the cup to my lips.

“I don’t think it would be a good idea to drink it now with what we’re about to tell you” Akemi advised.

“What is it?” I asked and I saw Kemi look to Andrealle for support.

“We need to stop this. We don’t want to be part of this anymore it’s getting too dangerous” Andrealle cut to the punch.

“Yeah but we just escaped” I tell them

“We barely escaped. What is the reassurance that the police don’t know where we live?” Akemi asked

“I think we should talk about this outside” Elle suggested.

We got up and I held my cup. The three of us walked outside and sat inside the car. Andrealle sat in the front and Akemi in the passenger. I sat in the middle seat so I could hear them speak to me.

“Like I said before it’s getting dangerous. We went inside Precious’ locker; gate crashed or snuck to her party, rummaged through her bag and took her car keys to look inside her car. We walked into the holy ground of The Ambrose 7, saw things that should be seen. We burned down the room. Blackmailed people broke into the school late at night and now we tried to be a fake organization” Andrealle listed.

“It doesn’t mean we should give up.” I told them

“Think of all the risks we took. We nearly gotten harassed by people late at night; we could have gotten in trouble with the Principal if she knew it was us who caused the fire. We could have been arrested by Mrs Ambrose if we didn’t leave. We stole rings that didn’t belong to us. Lucky they didn’t decide to hire a private investigator to find out that it was us 3 who blackmailed 7 people. We lied to our parents that we were studying when we were out doing different things” Akemi said.

“Yeah but we were lucky” I smile

“What makes you think, the next time we tried to get your diary, and we won’t get in trouble” Andrealle asked

“Maybe we should just let the diary go. Forget about it. We’re strong enough to face what Precious is planning to do.” Akemi tried to convince.

“No” I said

“What do you mean?”  Elle asked

“We've let Precious Ambrose walk all over us and everyone in our school. She has MY diary. I'm not going to give up to the enemy. You guys can but someone needs to be willing to fight for their right.” I said passionately.

“What are you saying” Akemi asked

“I'm saying, it was wrong for me to drag you into the problem I caused. I will do this myself. Bye guys”

I got out of the car and walked home. It’s only a five minute walk and I should be fine. As I walk, I realize that I never got to tell them about the note but I don’t want them to worry. It will be my secret. I started to cry and I didn't even know. I lost a best friend, my life is being ruined, I caused a fight with my whole family, my two other best friends don’t want to do this anymore and Leah is being forced to hang out with that she de- I never got to ask how she was going with the search.

Who cares anyway? It’s just a diary but it’s my  diary full of all my secrets. There has to be something good that comes out of it. Soon a hand was placed on my shoulder. I look up and there’s no one there. I swear I felt someone touch me. I look up to the skies. Oh mum? Just when I needed you……………

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