Necessary Evil

By IrisEvergreen

313K 9.3K 4.1K

Ten years after the exile of Naruto Uzumaki, Konoha wants him back. Naruto is happy that he can enter the lan... More

Necessary Evil
A mission
Is that Naruto?
The Rebirth
Dinner with Naruto sama
Back to Konoha
Not Here To Stay
The Game Begins
Dig The Grave Deeper
The beginning Of The End
Watching You Crumple
Matches Continue
The Demon Inside
The Truth
About Naruto
Shaking the foundations
Life After
Author's Note

The Next Move

12.2K 418 140
By IrisEvergreen

Disclaimer: I do not own anything but the ocs.


Necessary Evil


Tsunade walked into the council chambers lost in thought. The fools in the council had suddenly decided for a meeting and requested her immediate presence. From experience, Tsunade knew that they just wanted her there to sign on whatever decision they already had reached. Being Hokage was just another way of being the council's puppet.

She wondered when she had let them get away with so much power. Just another one of her glorious mistakes, Tsunade sighed ruefully. Tobirama and Minato were the only Hokage who could've kept the council on a leash. But both of them were long gone.

Maybe if he had some more time Minato could've brought some changes to the corrupt council. Then again, if Minato had more time a lot of things would've been different.

Tsunade entered the Council chamber without any preamble.

The first thing she notes is that Kakashi and Jiraiya are both present and the pensive frown on their faces means nothing good.

She is silent and sharp as she sits down on her seat, the lack of her usual anger only made the room tenser. Tsunade raises an eye brow at Danzo; silently asking him to speak.

Danzo steps forward and his grim expression didn't hide enough of his satisfaction.

"Tsunade Senju, you are declared unfit for the position of the Hokage."

Tsunade stood up angrily, her palms slammed down on the table with enough force that the table became a pile of splinters.

"On what ground am I unfit for my position? The council has no power over my Kage position." Tsunade glared at the smug looking council members and they trembled under her rage.

Danzo shook his head slowly, "The council has unanimously voted against you. The Anbu Commander and Third-In-Command Kakashi Hatake, as well as Second-In-Command Sannin Jiraiya, have stated that you are not fit for duty under the current situation. You yourself appointed them as your second and third-in-command to the Kage position and both of them have voted against you."

Tsunade trembled in rage as she turned her gaze towards Jiraiya and Kakashi. They didn't meet her gaze and Tsunade swallowed the venom boiling in her tongue. She wanted to lash out at them for betraying the trust she had placed in them but she couldn't say that she had expected any better of them. Vaguely she wondered whether what she felt now was even worth comparing to what Naruto must have felt all those years ago.

Danzo continues on, "The final decision was made based on the opinion of the majority."

Tsunade's eyes narrowed as she looked at the council members present, "How can that be when only half of the council is present? Where is the rest of the Shinobi council?"

Danzo smirked, "This is the Shinobi council Tsunade, at least what's left of them..."

Tsunade opens her mouth to speak but Danzo cuts her off, "By the village rules, a representative from each clan, the Anbu Commander and the Sannin are what makes the Shinobi half of the council. As you can see, the Anbu Commander as well the remaining Sannin along with the clan representatives are here."

Tsunade resists a scoff as she looks at the Shinobi half of the council, the only ones present were Jiraiya, Kakashi, that Uchiha brat, then Asuma as the Sarutobi clan head and Shizune as the Senju clan representative since Tsunade was the Hokage.

Seeing Tsunade's confused frown Danzo explained, "Konoha's rules specify that for a family to be registered as a clan they need a clan compound. Without a clan compound, they cannot be a clan."

Tsunade's eyes widened. Every member that was defeated today lost their clan compound and wealth to Naruto and as a result, they lost their status as a Clan as well.

"You need the Daimyo's permission for this to be official..." Tsunade said.

"He will be arriving shortly," Danzo said.

Tsunade sat down back in the chair silently. All of them were confused when the angry woman suddenly turned silent. Jiraiya saw the look on Tsunade's face and he knew that whatever happened next would be bad.

Soon the Daimyo arrived.


Naruto and Saiken appeared inside their lab in Demon country. The demons and humans working there turned to them in surprise.

Naruto used his chakra to move Orochimaru's body into a chamber all the while pumping a steady supply of his chakra to keep him alive.

"Naruto-sama you can release him now, he is stable."

Naruto nodded to Saiken and released his chakra from Orochimaru.

"What do you want me to do, Naruto-sama?" Saiken asked and Naruto turned to him frowning.

As Naruto explained to Saiken what needed to be done Saiken was surprised. But he didn't question his Lord's actions.

Once he was sure that everything was okay Naruto left the facility. There was something he needed to take care of.


Tsubasa and Iruka sat inside Naruto's place in Konoha stiffly. The both of them were waiting for Naruto to arrive. But it was Kyoshiro who appeared before them.

Iruka and Tsubasa both noted that Kyoshiro looked at peace somehow like a weight had been lifted off of his shoulders.

"What's wrong?" Kyoshiro asked seeing their frowns.

Tsubasa was the one who said it, "The council made a move, Kyoshiro-sama."

"More like Danzo made his move," Iruka scoffed.

"What happened?" Kyoshiro asked pensively.

"There was council meeting soon after you left. Danzo managed to convince the entire council that Tsunade was no longer an acceptable Kage. So now there is a new Kage," Tsubasa said scowling.

Kyoshiro raised an eyebrow, "A new Kage? The council doesn't have that kind of power..."

Iruka shook his head, "The council doesn't. But two years ago Tsunade appointed Jiraiya as her second-in-command and Hatake as her third-in-command. Their combined opinions have the power to question the Kage's authority. They also had the Daimyo present at the meeting..."

"And the Daimyo agreed?" Kyoshiro asked amused.

"No," Tsubasa spoke, "he gave Senju-san the choice..."

Iruka chuckled, "And she said that Konoha can go fuck itself because she no longer wants to lead this hellhole..."

Iruka truly enjoyed the show that Tsunade put on. He had made the right decision on spying on the meeting.

Kyoshiro chuckled, "So what, Jiraiya is the kage now?"

"No," Tsubasa and Iruka said with identical frowns.

Kyoshiro frowned at that, "Then who... Oh, it's that bastard isn't it?"

Iruka and Tsubasa's silence was answer enough.


Naruto stood in a white endless space. A woman with blood red eyes and hair, with deep bronze skin, appeared before him.

She bowed before Naruto, "Creator, what shall I do for you?"

Naruto shook his head, "I am just passing through, Time. But tell me have there been any disturbances?"

"From the outside or inside, Creator?" Time asked curiously.

"I am talking about the one inside, Time."

Time shook her head, "No Creator, there have been no disturbances."

Naruto nodded and the white space gave way to a desert as he passed through the first defense of his mind.

The second defense was Desperation. Anyone who got past Time would be faced with Desperation. Their bodies would be under Desperation's control and Desperation would increase the body's metabolism to such a level that it starves their bodies. If the intruder ever got back into his/her body in time, it would be frail, hungry and dehydrated.

Desperation appeared before Naruto in the form of an old man with white hair and eyes with dark wrinkled skin.

Desperation too bowed before Naruto reverently.

Naruto just nodded and repeated the questions he asked Time and received the same answers.

The surroundings changed to a luscious forest as the third defense came into view; Huntress.

Huntress materialized before him with blond hair and golden eyes like that of a cat's. She possessed sharp claws and fangs that made her look more beastly. Unlike the other two, Huntress didn't take over their bodies but instead established a connection. Any intruder had to cross the forest to get to the next defense but the forest was filled with beasts all under Huntress's control and any wounds caused by the Huntress or the beasts inside the mind would be transferred to the bodies.

Naruto passed through the third and fourth defense with the same questions and got the same answers.

The fourth defense was Eternity. This was also a time manipulation zone. It was so that only seconds passed inside the fourth defense while years passed outside or the opposite can be done as well. If the mind of the intruder was trapped in Eternity, escape would be difficult. Naruto would be in full control of his body and the defense could also locate the body of the intruder that would be highly vulnerable.

The fifth defense was Irony. Even if you got past the Huntress and Eternity, Irony was a much stronger defense and it would kick the intruder back to their bodies immediately. But the thing was that Irony would lock the intruder's mind inside their bodies so that the intruder will be in a perpetual coma, being able to experience everything but not being able to establish a connection with their body.

Irony too answered that there had been no disturbances.

The next three defenses were mental barriers without a representative form. Naruto came across the first barrier that looked like wood crisscrossing to make an impenetrable wall. Behind the barrier, Naruto could feel the chakra boiling. This was why he had so many mental defenses, it wasn't a matter of keeping intruders out but it was a matter keeping the beast inside.

Naruto crossed the sixth barrier and could immediately feel the pressure of the jubi chakra. Luckily its influence hadn't crossed over the seventh barrier. The seventh barrier looked a wall of ice.

Naruto crossed over that one as well.

Golden chakra kept lashing out in the form of tails. Naruto had to concentrate to keep it calm. This was getting more and more difficult as time went on.

Naruto stepped through the seventh barrier. The eighth barrier was a brick wall that looked deceptively weak.

Behind the eighth barrier was his mindscape. It looked like his home in Demon country, with the library representing an archive of his memories. Normally whenever Naruto entered the mindscape he felt at calm but now he felt too hot and annoyed and he knew what or who was responsible for this. At the back of his house was a wooden door, looking insignificant next to the eight defenses before it but this door was the ninth defense. And this defense was the strongest of the nine. The door looked as perfect as ever but white chakra leaked through the bottom of the door.

Naruto growled, his anger fueled by the agitation present in the air.

He opened the door and stepped inside and came face to face with a grinning white-haired woman.

"Hello, Naruto... I was waiting for you..."

"Kaguya..." Naruto growled out.


Danzo leaned back in his chair with a satisfied smirk. Things went well in the end. He had expected Tsunade to put up a fight but in the end, the woman had surprised him by rejecting the Hokage position. Everything was going in his favor.

He needed to ensure that the Uzumaki-brat lost the match. Sai was his trump card yet he had been defeated so easily. Sure, the next set of ninjas fighting Naruto would be the more powerful ones but that didn't really calm Danzo down. He needed assurance that even if they lost things would be under his control. And that was standing right before him.

"Why did you bring us here Danzo?"

Danzo looked at the people present in the room.

The rest of the contestants that would be fighting Naruto tomorrow along with the parents of those who were defeated. The only ones absent were the Hyuga clan representatives but that can't be helped since they were very fond of Naruto these days.

"As you know," Danzo began as he stood up, "Naruto has won ten out of the sixteen matches. We have lost the properties and wealth of six clans and four other shinobi. This is a great loss to Konoha. We cannot afford to lose any of the clan jutsu or their wealth, the compounds themselves are not that important."

Sasuke interrupted, "But we haven't lost yet. The next match is between me and the dobe. I will defeat him."

"Hmm... we'll see how that goes..." Danzo mocked.

Sasuke growled, "Are you implying that I won't be able to beat that dobe?"

"I am implying that we should not risk it. We still have not figured out what happened to the hospitalized shinobi and without knowing what exactly it is that Naruto is doing, we're walking in blind," Danzo said sending a steely glare at Sasuke, "That is why I want all of you to transfer your clan funds to the village fund immediately and move the majority of your library to the village vault."

There were murmurs among them and then Shikaku spoke, "We can't do that..."

"You can and you will. Naruto does not have complete ownership until all the matches are over. And I want all of this done before the matches start tomorrow," Danzo said.

"What if we disagree?" Asuma asked stepping forward.

"That is your choice, but with or without your permission it will be done," Danzo said.

"You can't do that!" Kurenai said.

"Yes, that is very unyouthful..." Gai said.

"It is a matter of Konoha's survival. You think that we would have any chance in the coming war if we are broke by the end of these matches?" Danzo said and this time none questioned him.

Danzo ran his gaze over all the members present, "Of course, if one of you win the match then the wealth and jutsu will be transferred back to where they belong... It should be done by midnight; my shinobi would be at your compounds to collect them. Remember this is for the good of Konoha."

Danzo watched as the Shinobi left, all of them silently fuming. The chance that Naruto will defeat all of them was very less but Danzo had a feeling that all of them were severely underestimating the Uzumaki. And besides this is a grand opportunity to get his hands on all their clan jutsu, why waste it? Even if one of them won and he had to return the scrolls, by that time he would've all of them copied and the clan funds would be significantly less. And if they didn't win, it was just a matter of getting Uzumaki killed before the final match.


"What do you want Kaguya?"

Kaguya scoffed, "What do you think Naruto?"

Naruto growled and stepped up to her, "Stop it!"

Kaguya raised an eyebrow, "Stop what? What do you think I am doing? I mean you have me locked up in your mind and what do you think I am even capable of doing?"

Naruto's hand curled around her neck and he violently pushed her back, "You think you can just rattle my instincts and sit back to watch the show?!"

Kaguya didn't even flinch when his eyes turned silver and claws cut through her skin.

Instead, she remained calm, "You need to calm down Naruto. And trust me when I say that I have nothing to do with what you're feeling now..."

"Bullshit!" Naruto screamed, "I haven't felt this agitated since I have attained control over your chakra. Now all of a sudden I am craving blood, a fight... Feels like I need to rip someone to pieces..."

"And you automatically thought that the conscious of the ex-jubi was the cause didn't you, you foolish boy?" Kaguya giggled.

Naruto slammed her into the wall and snarled but Kaguya remained unaffected.

"Now now Naruto this is no way to treat a lady..."

This only riled him up more and he tossed her around like a rag doll. Kaguya fought back but Naruto kept attacking her. Finally, Naruto calmed down and took a deep breath.

"Feeling better?" Kaguya asked as she got up from the ground.

Naruto narrowed his eyes, "What's going on?" he rasped. It took a moment for him to reel back from the mindless violence he was exhibiting.

Naruto looked down at his hands to see his claws shrinking back to human nails. His eyes and fangs became how they normally are.

"Believe it or not, I have nothing to do with this. This is all you..." Kaguya says.

"What are you saying? I have complete control-"

"Yes you do and nothing has happened to your control Naruto... If you had let me explain everything at the beginning instead of locking me up you wouldn't be so confused right now..."

Naruto looked at her skeptically causing Kaguya to sigh, "Okay I admit I was a little insane in the beginning..."

"Completely insane Kaguya, you were completely insane" Naruto reminded.

Kaguya huffed, "Anyway back to the matter at hand, what you are feeling right now are just your instincts acting out on their own. It happens when you're a biju. But don't worry, you're not going insane like me or any of the other biju, your Uzumaki chakra took care of that."

Naruto sighed, "Why is this happening now?"

"Come on Naruto, you're back among the people who betrayed and tortured you, you aren't as forgiving as you'd like others to think. You want more than anything else to rip them apart like paper and bath in their blood, bask in the glory of their terror..." Kaguya sighed dreamily, "That's what any biju would've wanted..."

Naruto gritted his teeth. Kaguya's words only riling up his bloodlust.

"But you have an image to uphold don't you? The benevolent leader, the kind-hearted peace loving fool..." Kaguya laughs out loud.

"We both know that if it wasn't for the thousands watching you in the stadium there would be nothing left of your opponents... But alas! The poor monster has to act like the charming prince. A sadistic charming prince but still..." Kaguya chuckles, "All those suppressed desires are taking their toll on you Naruto. You need to let those frustrations out somehow, but you can't kill those fools because you have an image to keep. And when you were facing that demon, you had to give the honor to your mate. Once again denied the chance of revenge against the demon that had killed your precious Jiji..."

Naruto took a deep breath, "It doesn't matter if it was Kyo who killed that snake, we're mates, we're one and the same. Besides, Kyo deserved to kill that bastard who took away his first mate and children."

Kaguya chuckles, "So you say but why lie my boy? Hmm... you regret not having the snake's blood spilled over your hands. You regret it no matter what you say. And then there's your mate, yet another frustration..."

"Kyo has nothing to do with my problem-"

"Really? You mean to say that you're okay with the fact that you weren't the Kitsune's first mate? You're okay with the fact that he loved, still loves, someone other than you? Even if that someone is dead you're jealous," Kaguya taunts.

Naruto grits his teeth in anger, "Kyoshiro met Haiti before he was even captured by the first Hokage. She and their kits died by Aamon's hands a very long time ago. This all happened long before he met me and I have no reason to be jealous."

Kaguya shrugs, "You're right. You have no reason to be jealous but that doesn't mean that you aren't."

Naruto kept silent.

Kaguya looked at Naruto, "Naruto... If you need to keep yourself in line during tomorrow's matches then you have to find an outlet. You're a biju Naruto and rage will always be your first nature. The more you deny it the more difficult it becomes. In Demon country, among the ones you loved and trusted it wasn't a problem but here among those you hate it's entirely different. You denying yourself will only lead to an explosion. So find an outlet or the non-violent image you're trying so hard to keep will be gone by tomorrow."

Naruto nodded slightly.

"And don't worry about how possessive you feel about Kyoshiro. It's just part of your nature and I am sure Kyoshiro understands it very well. Now leave me alone, I would like some peace and quiet."

Naruto raised an eyebrow at the last line.

Kaguya huffed, "What? I am not capable of violence alone!"

"Sure..." Naruto said sarcastically as he exited his mindscape.

"Oh and I have to say that I love what you did in the matches. I would've preferred a little more blood and gore but still I love what you did," Kaguya said as Naruto vanished from the mindscape.


"You were speaking with Kaguya?" Kyoshiro asked as soon as Naruto opened his eyes.

"Yes..." Naruto stood up and went over to the mirror.

"How is she?" Kyoshiro asked.

"Much more sane than earlier and we had quite a good conversation," Naruto huffed.

Naruto looked at his reflection and watched as his eyes turned silver and then flickered back to its normal colour. Kyoshiro saw this as well.

"Are you having trouble with your control?" Kyoshiro sounded concerned so Naruto gave him a reassuring smile.

"I am fine for now... You look like you have some news for me..." Naruto tilted his head to the side.

"Mmm... It seems that Tsunade is no longer the Hokage."

Naruto raised an eyebrow in question and Kyoshiro continued, explaining what Iruka and Tsubasa had said.

"So who's the new Hokage?"

"Who do you think it is?"

Naruto chuckles, "Ah... Danzo, that old coot!" He shakes his head.

But then Naruto stops and smirks as an idea present itself to him, "I think I have found my outlet..."

Kyoshiro was confused, "Outlet, what?"

Naruto just smirks as he walks unto Kyoshiro and gives him a kiss before leaving the room. Kyoshiro couldn't help but chuckle when his mate's thoughts were projected to him.

"Well, I guess Danzo wouldn't be a problem anymore..."


Tsunade sat in her study thinking over what had happened earlier. She was no longer the Hokage of the village. Of course, she could've rejected the entire thing if she wanted to and the Daimyo would've listened to her. But what those traitors didn't know was that she had been looking for a way out for some time now. It wasn't like she was a good leader or anything. Tsunade scoffed at the thought.

She wondered not for the first time whether this was how Naruto felt when his friends and so-called precious people abandoned him. But Tsunade knew what he felt must've been a thousand times greater than this.

After these matches are over she wouldn't stay in this village a minute longer. She had a plan in mind. Danzo being the Hokage might cause some trouble but Tsunade had the Daimyo on her side so she didn't have too much worry. She had no intention of fighting Naruto. She was going to forfeit. Even if there was the slightest chance that she might win she wouldn't do it. Because her win meant that Naruto would lose and this wretched village would win.

There was only one person who made the whole village worth it and that person had been abandoned by the village. Now Naruto wanted nothing to do with the village and Tsunade's only regret was that she hadn't understood him earlier. She had to talk to Naruto even if he never forgave her; she had to tell him how sorry she was. It would be a messy thing, she no longer had any delusions that Naruto would forgive her. But it had to be done.

As she was lost in thought her eyes fell on a book lying on the side table.

Theory of Chakra Interaction by Nejima Yamikaze

She picked up the book. She remembered that this was the book she had specifically ordered from Demon country. The latest edition and the most accepted theory of how jutsu actually worked. She had never gotten around to reading it.

She remembered the ninja lying in her hospital, no healing jutsu working on them despite hours and hours of effort. Maybe this book would help her...

As Tsunade read each page, her eyes widened. Then she chuckled which soon turned into a full-blown laugh.

"Oh, Naruto... You sadistic brat!"

Well, at least now Tsunade can be assured that Naruto would win the matches.


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