You Don't Know Me → Dean Ambr...

By notatmybest

26.6K 451 71

Alexandria was dominating the women's division when she met Dean. She has been a fan favorite since she began... More

#thankyouroman 2


1.1K 20 8
By notatmybest

As Dean pulled the car into the parking lot of the IHOP, I felt a weight lift from my shoulders. I was finally able to eat something.

When he parks, I quickly unbuckle my seatbelt and open the car door. My body aches as I touch the ground. I really need to relax my muscles when I get home.

Maybe a bath should help me but I doubt it will. Wrestling truly hurts you in ways that can't be quickly healed. You just have to deal with it.

"You alright?" Dean asked as he comes around to my side of the car.

I look up at him and nod. He frowns and pulls me into a hug.

"Your body hurt?" I just nod and he chuckles. "It's the price we have to pay."

I laugh. "Yes, yes it is." I pull away from him and look up at him. "Anyway let's eat!"

He chuckles once again. "You and your big appetite."

I roll my eyes playfully at him but I grab his hand and practically drag him towards the entrance.

When we enter, the hostess leads us to a table for two by a window. She let's us sit as she sits two menus down and let's us know that our waiter would arrive shortly. When she leaves, I open up my menu and I immediately know what I want. All bough we were coming here for burgers, I saw something else that caught my eye.

"I'm getting chocolate chip and sprinkle pancakes." I declare as I shut my menu.

"Well that was fast." Dean laughs as he closes his menu as well. "Luckily I've found mine as well, an omelet with two sides of bacon."

I smile at him and reach over to set my hand over his. His eyes trail down to hand before before they trail up to my eyes, a hint of a smile on his lips.

Little moments like these were truly all I needed to be happy. The little moments were it's something so little but you will remember forever. It's the innocence in that moment that make it so much better.

Dean slowly reaches across the table and meet him in the middle, our lips connecting.

I smile into the kiss before we both pull apart, my hand still on his.

Dean looks up at me and a sad smile falls on to his face. "You're to good to me Alex."

A blush falls upon my cheeks. "No I'm not Dean."

"Yes, yes you are." He takes his hand out from under mine and then he intertwined our fingers. "I've never really been good in my past nor have I been nice to people. Yet, every since I've met you, which I know wasn't so long ago which seems crazy that were so close now, I just want to be the best person I can be. It is what you deserve. I never thought I'd get someone like you and I don't want to let you go. I want you to be proud of me.

"I know we literally have been in a relationship for like three weeks but I can just tell we're meant to be something because when we kiss, I've never felt something so powerful. I don't know if I ever will feel that with someone else." Deans cheeks were red and I had to resist the urge to awe. "I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'm so appreciative to have you and I really can't wait to see how our relationship continues to develop. And with time, I hope I can get comfortable to tell you about my past because I simply do not want to ruin the image that you have of me, whatever that may be. I just need time."

I smile at him before getting out of my seat and sit next to him. I hug him and he quickly hugged back.

"With time, the wounds will heal and you will be happy." I feel him hug me tighter at that.

After about a minute, I pull away before going back to seat. As soon as I'm sitting, the waitress comes up.

"I'm so sorry for the delay! My name's Lacey and I'll be your server today." She smiles at us before taking out her notepad. "Oh my, the hostess never asked for your drink? Oh my, today is going so bad!"

"It's alright." Dean assures her and I send her a smile. "We know how busy it can get."

She nods her head. "Well what can I get you to drink and eat?"

"I'll take chocolate chip and sprinkle pancakes, a normal stack. I'll also have a Pepsi." I tell her and she nods before turning to Dean.

"I'll take the regular omelet with two sides of bacon. I'll also take a Pepsi." He tells her before collecting and handing her our menus.

"I'll be right back with your drinks!" She tells us before running off.

I pull my phone out and go on Instagram. The first picture that pops up is one from WWE. It was me holding Natalya in a headlock from today.

"Look I made it on here." I show Dean and he smiles.

"You look amazing there." He complimented and I blushed, sending him a small smile.

I scroll through the comments and laugh. Either they were hating on me or loving me for turning. That is the best reaction I could get.

The waitress brings our drinks before quickly scurrying off again.

I set my phone down and begin to drink a little, letting my mind wander over the possible opportunities I could get from being heel.

"You okay?" Dean asks as he grabs my hand.

I nod and give him a smile. "Just thinking of what the future has to offer with this new character change."

"You're going to be champion, they would be stupid not to let you." Dean says just as the waitress comes with food.

"I hope so," I say as she sets food down.

We both thank her and she walks away.

I look down at my food and smile. "I don't even care if I'll be in the gym for the next week, this looks to good to deny."

He chuckles at me and we continue to eat our food in peace, having a small conversation once in awhile. After about twenty minutes, we were both finished and extremely full.

"I'm never eating again." I groan as I lean to the side in my booth.

"Now that is a fat lie." Dean laughed as he copied my actions in the booth. "You'll be eating in about two hours, watch."

I roll my eyes at him before sitting up. "Let's just get pay and get out of here."

Before he could protest, I drop thirty dollars on the table. Twenty-five for the bill and five for the tip.

"My treat." He rolls his eyes at me. "Now let's go."

We walk out of IHOP, thanking the waitress on the way. Dean opens my side of the car door for me and I smile, placing a kiss in his cheek before getting in. I grab my backpack from the backseat and stuff my wallet in there, not wanting to hold it anymore.

Dean gets into the driver's seat and starts the car.

"How long til the next city?" I ask him as I sit back in the seat, bringing my knees to my chest since I was cold.

"About an hour, give or take." He answers once he pulls out the parking lot.

"You're practically going fall out of the car from shaking." He explains and I laugh, grabbing my blanket I use when traveling.

"Thank you." I tell him as I set my hand upon his that was resting on the arm rest of his seat.

The car was silent, the only noise being the radio or the occasional sniff. It was a comfortable silence and it didn't take much for me to fall asleep.


I woke up the next day to my alarm blaring. I quickly turn it off, sitting up.

I take in my surroundings and realize I'm in a hotel room. But how did I get here? The last thing I remember was I was in the car and I fell asleep.

I hear light snoring to my right and notice Dean in the bed next to mine. He looked so exhausted.

I smile to myself, he really carried me up here. He is to good for me.

I get out of bed and stretch a little before going over to my suitcase which happened to be in front of my bed. I open it and take out some workout clothes, tights and a tank top, a sports bra to go under it. I then go to my backpack and grab my deodorant, toothbrush, and face wash and go to the bathroom.

After I finish in the bathroom, I walk out. I'm just going to take a shower after the gym because it wouldn't make sense to shower to then sweat.

I find paper in one of the nightstand drawers along with a pen and write Dean a little note.

Went to gym, be back in two hours

I set the note on his nightstand before taking one of the key cards on his nightstand, my phone, and headphones and leaving the room.


After an intense workout, I felt amazing but tired as well as gross. I hate sweat so much and I was covered in it.

When I reach our hotel room, before I could open the door, I hear shouting from the other side.

"Leave me alone!" Dean yelled, pain was placed in his voice. "I never did anything!"

I quickly slide the key card in and I open the door. I look around see that no one was in the room except Dean but he was sleeping.

"Please," The emotion in Dean's voice hurt me, I need to wake him.

I set all my stuff down and sit next to him in the bed.

"Dean," I shake him slightly but he only seemed to hold more pain on his face.

"Why me?" Dean cried out and I shook him harder.

"Dean!" I shake him hard and he jumps up, almost knocking me off the bed as he sits up.

I hear him sniffing and I rush to his side. "Hey, it's okay! It was just a dream."

I pull him into a hug and I can immediately feel his body relax I against mine. I only hold him tighter, just wishing I can get rid of whatever was hurting him.

After a few minutes, Dean pulled away and looked down. He held my hand lightly.

"I'm sorry you had to see that, I haven't had one in a while." He explained lightly.

"Want to talk about it?" I ask him, not pressing him to actually answer.

He shook his head and I nodded. It must be to painful to recount and I can understand.

I pull him into another hug, this one not as tight due to me remembering I was still sweaty. He rests his head on my chest and I run ny hands through his hair, hoping to sooth him in some way.

After what felt like hours of just sitting there together, Dean pulls away again and stands up. I stand up as well, walking over to my bed.

"I'm going to go shower, but if you need me please just call for me." I tell Dean and he nods.

"Thank you." He says as he walks up to me.

He wraps his arms around my waist and looks down at me, looking me straight in the eyes. Then, he leans down and places a passionate kiss onto my lips. I kiss back immediately with just as much passion.

I know we haven't had many kisses but this one was special. It was like he trusted me with his pain. The way he held me showed he was comfortable and relaxed, a complete change from before. It showed he was comfortable with me and that made me happy.

We pulled away after a couple more seconds. He squeezed my waist a little before letting me go, a small smile on his lips.

I return the smile before grabbing some comfortable clothes and going to shower.


After I was done in the shower, I walk out to see Dean on one of the hotel phones.

"Yes, thank you. Okay, goodbye." And with that, Dean hung up and looked up at me.

"Thank you for bringing me in last night and all my stuff." I thank Dean as I sit on my bed. "I never got to thank you."

"Your welcome babe." He smirked at me, plopping down into the bed next to me. "I ordered us breakfast."

I smile, laying down on the bed so that we were both looking up at the ceiling. Our hands met each other before they intertwined. It was another silent moment between us but I was comfortable. He was the only person I could be comfortable around when in complete silence. If it was anyone else, I needed something to break it.

I move so that my head laid on his shoulder.

"I can't believe you worked out without me." Dean suddenly says.

"You were asleep!" I say, my eyes widening at the accusation.

"You're my workout buddy though, now I have to go workout alone." Dean pouted, his voice showing that he was joking.

"Sucks for you, I'm not working out again." I stick my tongue out at him.

"That's rude." He chuckled as someone knocked on the door. "Our food!"

I laugh as he basically sprints to the door. I stand up and move to the little table in the corner of the room that the hotel had set up. It was a nice touch to the room, I hated eating in my bed and most hotels never had a table.

As I was sitting, I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I take it out and see that it was a text from Drew.

Drew: i might be moving to raw!

I gasp at the text, my best friend gonna come back!

Me: what?? how??

Drew: they want me to fight finn so im starting a storyline where i call him out for his so called "demonic ways" saying that im way more demonic. and well we will fight at royal rumble which is soon, then ill switch cause im going to beat him and go after the rest of raw.

Me: that's actually so good, they put me in a storyline with dean, idk if i told you, but we're going to be like the next big mixed team

Drew: looks like this is our year huh

Me: you're telling me, i just want you to be at raw

Drew: i miss you

Me: i miss you to :(

Drew: we'll be together soon!

Me: love you

Drew: love you to

Drew: now go enjoy your boy friend

Me: how do you even know we are together

Drew: you just said so with that message

Me: asshole

Drew: you love me

I roll my eyes before setting my phone down. Dean set our food on the table before thanking the hotel staff.

"Drew is coming to Raw!" I tell Dean as I prepare my food.

Dean got me pancakes which makes me want to workout again. He definitely did this on purpose.

"That's your best friend right?" He asks and I nod. "That's amazing!"

"I know! Now I can have my two favorite people with me at all times."

"Me?" Dean asks as he chews on some bacon.

"No, Drew and Naomi duh." I watch as he glares at me and I laugh. "Kidding! You and Drew obviously."

He rolls his eyes playfully and we continue eating. I smile to myself as I eat. I love being with Dean so much.

He makes me laugh and I'm comfortable around him. I wish I would have known him longer but I'm just had I know him now. I don't know how I lived without him.

Despite us only being together for a short amount of time, he truly makes me happy and I've never felt that with my past relationships. He's different and I love it.

I think I might love him.


I can't believe Dean is leaving WWE. I'm just praying that it's apart of storyline but I feel like it isn't. They don't treat Dean like they should. Anyway I hope y'all liked this chapter and this story isn't going anywhere! Dean Ambrose will live in in here.


Also I'm sorry that I take forever to update but school is consuming me. I try my best, thank you for understanding!!

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