What You See// Jikook

By Bangtan_Jikook2020

34.2K 2.5K 4.1K

Kookie is a rabbit owned by the loving Park Jimin. The sweet pet has always secretly loved his owner, and wo... More

How it Starts
Getting Used to Us
There For You

Take Time For Me

5.7K 481 379
By Bangtan_Jikook2020

Hello Lovelies!

Thank you all so much for 796 reads!! UwU

Jimin's POV

My head spins with odd images of a man with black hair, and airports, and engagement rings, and suddenly I wake up, gasping. 

"K-Kookie?!" I call, looking all around, but there's no answer, and the little rabbit's cage is empty. "Kookie?" I call again, sitting up, and suddenly I hear a little whimper as something warm rolls off the top of my head and into the palm of my hands. 


It's my rabbit...still smol and cute like before...

"K-Kookie?" I say, picking him up gently to look into his sparkling black eyes. 

He seems very normal. 

I pack him around with me all morning as I get ready for work, and even when I take a shower. I never stop looking at him, and even when I leave for work I set up a constant Facetime with  one of my old phones, placing it just right so I can watch him all throughout the day while I'm at work. 

~While At Work~

I type on my computer, trying to stay focused on Kookie while also getting my work done. Just then  one of my coworkers peek around the corner. 

"Hey, Jimin."

"What?" I whisper. 

"It's your boyfriend on line two. He says he wants to talk to you." 

"Tell him I didn't come into work today." I sigh, turning back to my work. 

I was hired by a sales company. So, people see something that they want online, and they call our company. I spend all day answering calls and trying to sell customers products that I've personally never used before. My company's name is Rhythmonic.

"Hello, this is Rhythmonic. My name is Jimin, what can I help you with today?" I say cheerfully as I answer a call. 

"Hello. My name is Kyung..." He goes on to tell me about which product he saw, and an hour later I've successfully sold him an electric shaver. 

The day goes on slowly, and I'm sure to keep an  eye on Kookie the entire day, sometimes even loosing track of thought in the middle of talking to a customer. 

~The End of The Day~

I groan as I finally get off work, looking through all my missed calls and ignored texts from Taehyung. 

12 missed calls from Taehyung
5 voicemails from Taehyung
17 Messages from Taehyung

"Aish....I feel so bad about yesterday..." I say to myself as I sit down on the bus. "...Maybe I should call him and just ask him how he's doing?"

"Mmm gurl don't call him." I hear some random person say on the phone to their friend. "You  know that the second you do you just gonna be his hoe again." She sighs angrily. "Alright well you 'gon do what you want to do anyways so it's not like my opinion matters, but don't come crying to me when you're the one who keeps putting yourself back in his bed." She ends the call, cursing to herself under her breath. 

..Even though the girl wasn't talking to me....she makes a good point. 

My finger hovers over his contact for a solid 30 seconds. 

I...I won't say no right now...but I want some to think... 

~Back Home~

"Kookie?" I call, walking through the door. 

The house is silent as ever, and I don't know whether to take that as a good sign or a bad sign. 

I make my normal kissy sound as I enter my room, and sure enough Kookie begin to squeak from his cage, running around in circles. 

"Aish..." I sigh. "Did I really imagine it all?"

I pick him up out of his cage and proceed to carry him everywhere with me. 

"But I couldn't have imagined it." I grumble as I make some chicken salad. "Am I crazy?" I look at Kookie down on the floor, who only looks back up at me and blinks. "Dammit, I bet I am."

I walk to the counter, putting my salad together, when  suddenly I hear Kookie's little bell jingling as he follows after me. 

"Hm?" I look down, noticing how he snuggles up to my bare feet. "What's with you today? Why so cuddly?" I ask, picking him up and putting him in my apron pocket. 

Once I have it all made up, I get kookie his own little dish, setting him on the floor so he can eat some salad too. Minus the chicken of course ^-^.

I eat my food quietly, thinking about Taehyung. He sat here just the night before....holding my hand and drinking wine with me...and now.... I feel tears prick at my eyes, and I can't help but cry. I may not have been totally happy with him...but I hate hurting people. I must've humiliated him so badly at the airport...

Suddenly I hear Kookie begin to sneeze. 

"Kookie?" I mumble look down. He rubs his nose continuously, itching it. 

"Sadness smells like smoke, but when it's Taehyung it's different...it makes my nose itch."

I suddenly remember that dark haired boy from my dream saying that. 

"Kookie..." I whisper, moving my food aside as I set him on the table. He smells all around, his little ears perking up as he  looks for something to nibble on. "....did I really see you last night?" I ask the little ball of black fluff. "Was it really you?" I say, looking into his little eyes. 

I sigh, petting him. 

"Maybe it was a dream after all...though....maybe....maybe it wouldn't be so bad having someone like Kookie around-"

I gasp as before my eyes, my tiny rabbit once again transforms into the dark haired man from last night. He sits on the floor, looking rather confused. 

"Y-You?!" I gasp, stumbling out of my chair. 

Kookie looks behind himself, almost as though he thinks I'm referring to someone else. 

"H-How did you do that?!" I ask, pointing at him. 

"I Um...u-uh..." He blushes deeply and looks away as though he's embarrassed. He covers his eyes and sits with  his head on his knees, not looking at me. 

"K-Kookie?" I say again, more gently this time. "C-Can't you answer me? Y-You talked last night, didn't you?"

He nods his head gently, still not saying a word. 

"Can...can you talk to me again?" I ask. 

He takes in a shaky breath. "I...I don't like it when you scream like that about me..." He whimpers. "It scares me..."

"I-It's scares you?" I ask, scoffing. "Imagine how much it scares me??" 

"Mmm..." He whines. "...I don't want to scare you, o-or make you angry. A-And I don't want to get hit again." He cowers and my heart breaks. 

I take in a deep breath, moving slowly toward him, my hand extended. I wince as I finally get the courage to touch him....and surprisingly...nothing happens. 

Gently, slowly, I pet his head. 

"I promise...I won't hit you ever again. A-And I'll try to be less surprised, okay?" I say, smiling down at him, and he looks up at me with teary eyes, smiling brightly. 

"Okay." He says cutely, his eyes turning to little crescents. 

"Are...are you hungry?" I ask, helping him stand up. 

"Um...y-yes." He answers. "B-But I don't want to seem i-im-impolite." He works hard to speak. 

"Don't be silly." I smile, scooting the food toward him. "We're basically roommates anyways." I smile gently. "Here, sit down." He stumbles a little, but soon he figures out how to sit properly. 

"I like this chewy stuff." He says cutely, gobbling up the salad and chicken. 

"It's called chicken." I explain, watching curiously as he reacts to the food. 

~After Dinner~

"So...are you going to stay human now?" I ask as I wash up the few dishes. 

"I don't know yet." He says, shrugging his shoulders. "I was asleep when I changed back last night."

"Y-You were?!" I gasp. "That's so scary! What if I squished you?!" I suddenly begin to worry about this a lot. 

"You wouldn't." He chuckles, smiling and I feel myself blush. "I just sleep  in your hair, that way I won't get rolled on." He says, patting the top of his head. 

"Y-You mean you like to sleep in my hair?" I chuckle, feeling a little embarrassed. 

"Of course." He laughs. "It's so soft, and plus is smells like you so I have good dreams."

"B-Bunnies can dream??" I ask, feeling an uwu build from the core of my heart. 

"I don't know about other bunnies, but I do. I dream about all kinds of things. Mostly my dreams come from the movies you watch in your room."

Suddenly I feel the color drain from my face as I remember one evening doing an entire 50 shades of Grey marathon. I begin to imagine what kind of dreams that would make him have, and all of the sudden I burst out laughing thinking about 50 shades of Bunny Grey.

Once the dishes are finished and everything is put away, I begin to work on the laundry, secretly loving the way Kookie follows me around, the little bell on his choker jingling. 

"What's that?" He asks, pointing to the washing machine.

"Oh. It's a machine that washes my clothes so they stay clean." I explain, pressing start. 

"O-Oh." He quickly leaves the room, hiding outside the door. "I-It's kind of scary don't you think?" He asks and I can't help but uwu. 

"Kookie, you're even taller than me." I laugh. "It's not scary." 

I walk past him, ruffling his hair as I walk to my room, getting out the supplies to clean Kookie's bedding. 

"W-Will you show me how to do that?" He asks, pointing at the bedding in the cage. 

"You want to learn how to clean it?" I ask. 

"I-It's embarrassing to have you do it." He confesses shyly, blushing. 

"Aww." I smile. "Of course I'll show you."

~20 Minutes Later~

His cage is looking brand new and Kookie looks so pleased with himself. It's really adorable. 

It's interesting to me how whenever I begin to feel sad, he always brightens my day. As a rabbit, and now as a human. Either way...he makes me smile. 

Once the laundry is finished, I teach him how to fold clothes and how to put the away in the drawers. Watching him learn to pull open drawers is so pure and cute...I love it. 


"Well, it's still so early in the evening and yet I've got all my work done thanks to you, Kookie." I smile. 

"Aww..." He looks sad. "S-So you mean there's nothing more we can do?" He looks at me with hopeful eyes. 

"Um...not really. I mean, usually this is when I just watch a movie or read..." I chuckle. 

"What's read?" He asks, looking at me with wonder filled eyes. 

"O-Oh...um...i-it's like..." I look around for an example. I look down at my shirt, realizing that it has words on it. "S-See this word? It says love."

"L-Love?" He repeats, tracing his finger over the lettering. 

"You know what love means don't you?" I ask. 

He looks at me with wide eyes, a hot blush covering his cheeks immediately. 

"I um...y-yes. I know what it is."

"Well, this word and Love mean the same thing." I explain, getting my clothes ready for a shower. 

"J-Jimin?" He says just as I'm about to go into the bathroom. Hearing him say my name is different, but I feel like it's something I'll get used to. "Will you teach me some more of those words?" He asks. "I..I want to do the reading thing too." He says. 

"Of course I'll teach you, Kookie." I smile, closing the door. 

~After The Shower~

I open the door, seeing the Kookie has opened up tons of my books, looking at all the different pages. 

"Kookie, what're you doing?" I gasp, looking at the mess. 

"These are words too, right?" He asks, hurrying to show me. "S-See? That word says love, doesn't it?" He looks at me with hopeful eyes. 

"Y-Yes it does. But...look at this mess." I sigh. "Let's clean this up first, okay?"

He looks sad and disappointed that I didn't pay more attention to his amazing accomplishment, but right now all of my favorite books are in a heap on my floor. 

"I'm sorry, Jimin. I won't make anymore messes, okay?" He says, looking very sad. 

"It's okay, Kookie. Just...next time ask me, okay?" 

"Okay." He smiles at me.

We spend 45 minutes reading all kinds of books, and to my surprise, Kookie catches on even faster than he did with eating with a fork. 

"His voice broke. He was afraid that this was his last chance to s-say goo-goodbye." Kookie reads aloud. 

"Very good." I smile, and soon enough I'm drifting off to sleep, feeling incredibly relaxed by the sound of his voice. 

~In The Night~

I wake to the feeling of Kookie moving me around. 

"Kookie?" I groan, rubbing my eyes. 

He says nothing, only pulls back the covers for me to slide inside the blankets next to him.

"Go to sleep, Jimin." He whispers as he cuddles me, his nose pressed against my hair like always. 

I wonder to myself if he'll still be human when I wake up, or maybe he will be a rabbit again? 

I yawn, stretching before I pull an arm around him, snuggling into the heat of his body.

"Goodnight, Kookie." I moan, feeling half asleep. 

"Goodnight, Jimin-ah~" 


Hello, Lovelies!
Thank you all so much for reading!
I hope you all are having a great Day/Night/Evening/Morning 😂



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