The Pack and Friends One Shots

By user189289

109K 3.3K 3.8K

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Vikklan- Thunder
Vikklan- Thunder Part 2
Wooflan- Attack
Vikklan- Sick
Lachlan/The Pack- Surgery
Merome + Tewtiy- Don't You Dare
The Pack- The Ski Trip
Poofless- Sick Day
Merome- Epilepsy
Pooflan- Snow Day
Wooflan- Long Ass Flight
Leston- Self-Conscious
ASFStar123- Staying Up
Vikklan- Online Meeting
Merome- Bubble Fight
Leston- Terminal Ballet Parts 1 & 2
Wooflan- Rip
Wooflan- Abusive
Wooflan- Blanket Hogger
Leston- Nightmare
Bajanless- Hammock
Wooflan- Unintentional Outing
TBNRCanadian- Accident
Vitch- Singing
Lachlan- I Was Right To Hope Parts 1 & 2
Wooflan- I'll Protect You Parts 1 & 2
Merome- Waking Nightmare
Merome- A Long Way To Go
Pooflan- Insomnia Break-Down
Merome- Chemo Parts 1 & 2
TBNRCanadian- Fireworks
Mitchless- Ace
The Pack OT6- No Sleep, More Sleep
TBNRDuty- Ice Skating Lessons
Leston- Unfelt Pain
The Pack OT6- Hybrids Parts 1-6
TBNRCanadian- Cockblock Smoke Alarm
Bajanlan- Deaf
The Pack OT6- Coffins Are Even Heavier
Vikklan- Peaceful
Merome- Tired, Grumpy and Unfocused
Pooflan- Blackout
Jachlan- Kisses Make Everything Better
Minilan- Shower
Minilan- Stranded Parts 1-3
Lachlan/Wooflan Appreciation Chapter
Wooflan- Blood Run Red
The Pack- Our Little Angels
Merome- Drugged Parts 1-3
Minilan- Bruises
Ministar123- Silent Treatment
Merome- Puppy
Poofless- Punishment (Smut)
Minilan- Panic! at the Football Match
Minilan- Panic! at the Football Match Part 2
Wooflan- The Burns Unit
Vikklan- Fight The Fear
Merome- Drown
Vikklan- Dance
Poofless- Stop!
Wooflan- Wheezing
Vikklan- Wings Parts 1 & 2
Minilan- Just Sleep
Minilan- Dysphoria is a Bitch Parts 1 & 2
Wooflan/Vikklan- Learn to Fly Parts 1 & 2
Wooflan- Model
Poofless- It's Not Time To Go
Vikklan- Tattoos
Vikklan- Come Out, Come Out Wherever You Are
The Pack- Why Are There Children? Part 1
The Pack- Why Are There Children? Part 2
Minilan- Shapeshifter
The Pack Ships- Pastel and Punk Parts 1 & 2
The Pack Ships- Pastel And Punk Part 3
The Pack Ships- Pastel And Punk Part 4
Minilan- That Dragon Cancer Parts 1-4
The Pack Ships- The Sleepover
Vikklan- Where Are You? Parts 1- 4
Leston- Don't Be Scared
Merome- Leave Off!!!
ZerkCanadian- Break
ASFStar123- Ignore Them
Zerkless- Beautiful
Vikklan- Try
Poofless- Earthquake
Wooflan- Just Hold On
Merome- Brother
Poofless, Vikklan, Minilan- Short Prequels/Sequels
Vikklan- Don't Cry
Vikklan- Prisoner Part 1 & 2
Bajanless- Pretty Boy
Pooflan- 8 Million
The Pack Ships- Be A Hero Part 1- 6
Sidemen OT7- Think
Sidemen OT7- Think Part 2
The Pack OT6- Survivors Parts 1- 3
Vikklan- Him
Minilan- Flinch
The SidePack- Cuddle Puddle
Wooflan- Save Me
Vikklan- My Boy Parts 1 & 2
Vikklan- Invader
The Pack Ships- Family
Wooflan- Tease (Smut)
Vikklan- Fall
Merome- Down By The River
Leston- Swim Parts 1 & 2
Vikklan- Christmas Is For Family
Vikklan- Flower Child Parts 1 & 2
Vikklan- Home
Bajanless- Propose
Vikklan- Neko Parts 1- 4
The Pack Ships- Mythical Lands Part 1- 3
The Pack OT6- Hunters
The SidePack- Being A Parent Isn't Easy
Poofless- My Fault
Minilan- Blind
Sidemen OT7- Captured
The Sidemen- Sound
Vikklan- Cut
Bajanless- Together
TBNRCanadian- Skating
Wooflan- Quiet
Vikklan- A Message To The Dead Parts 1 & 2
Vikklan- Angel
Minilan- Sleep Tight
Vikklan- Hickey
Minilan- Tonight
The Pack Ships- The Gift Of Christmas
The Sidemen House- Exhaustion
Vikklan- Confess
Poofless- Memories
WroetoStar- Photobooth
Vikklan- Loopy Parts 1 & 2
The Sidemen House- Madagascar
Minilan- Bump Parts 1 & 2
Vikklan- Fear
Vikklan- Battered And Bruised
Vikklan- Groggy
BehzStar- Knocked Out
Vikkstar123- Family
The Sidemen- You're Art
The Pack- Wolf Pup
Vikklan- Everything
Vikklan- Everything Part 2
Merome- Life In Shadows Part 1
Poofless & Vikklan- Life In Shadows Part 2
The Pack Ships- Life In Shadows Part 3
The SidePack- Gang
The Pack OT6- Tickles
Vikklan- Grades
Vikklan- Expecting
Poofless- New Year's Day
Vikklan- Homeless
Merome- Rescue
The Pack Ships- Water Fight
Vikklan- Panel
Wooflan- Cuddles
Vikklan- Fortnite
The Pack Ships- A Game
Vikklan- Stuck In A Closet... Literally
Merome- Realities Of War
Vikklan- Lightning
Mostly Vitch + Poofless & Jachlan- Cracks
Vikklan- Kitten
The Pack- Reveal
Vikklan- Magic
Merome- I Can't Hear You
Vikklan- Hide And Seek
The Pack OT6- Vampires
The Pack Ships- Pastel Power
Vikklan- Reunited
Pooflan- Broken Boy
Merome- Dads Parts 1- 8
Vikklan- Up And Leave
Vikklan- Up And Leave Part 2
Vikklan- Up And Leave Part 3
Vikklan- Up And Leave Part 4
The Sidemen OT7- Angels & Demons
The Sidemen House (+ Vikklan)- Violent
Vikklan- Violent Part 2
Vikklan- Camping and Jealousy
Wooflan- When's The Wedding
Poofless- Photo
Vikklan- Lockdown
WoofASF- Pride Fever
Minilan- Skirt (Smut)
Vikkstar123 (Vikklan)- Make Up
Poofless- Homecoming
Vikklan- Girlfriend
KStar- Queen
KStar- Queen Part 2
Pitch, Vikklan & WoofASF- Dare
Pitch, Vikklan, WoofASF- Dare Part 2
The Sidemen & The Pack- Childhood
The Sidemen & The Pack- Childhood Part 2
The End
It's Out!!!

Vikklan- Life

284 18 53
By user189289

Vikk's P.O.V.

The others didn't notice much. They didn't notice anything really, even when I stopped talking outside of recording videos, even when I stopped eating, even when the scars appeared on my wrists and I didn't bother to cover them, even when I talked about taking my own life.

The only light in my life was Lachlan, my closest friend and crush, he did really care about me and often asked me how I was doing, trying to record with me as often as possible. I loved being around him and he was probably the only reason that I was still around.

I knew that I didn't take care of myself. Ever since I had gotten into YouTube I almost didn't have the time to take care of myself, I didn't eat, I didn't sleep, I didn't shower, I barely had the energy to record and edit without collapsing and although my housemates didn't notice, Lachlan certainly did.

He asked me one day just as we finished recording.

"Vikk, are you taking care of yourself?" I blinked, unsure of what I should answer. It wasn't like I could just... tell him.

"Yeah...?" I questioned, "why wouldn't I be?"

He raised one eyebrow.

"Vikk... I'm really getting worried about you. You don't sleep, from what I've heard from the others you don't sleep, you look exhausted and can't concentrate. The other boys say you don't talk at all outside of recording for god's sake!" He cried, fiercely rubbing his eyes.

I sighed and leaned back into the chair, a little shaken. I didn't want to tell him, I couldn't tell him, so instead I said nothing.

"Please Vikk?" He pleaded. "I'm scared for your health."

"No." I said.

I hung up the call and logged out of my Skype, making sure that he could call me back. I then muted all my notifications on my phone and my computer, stood up and locked my door so the guys couldn't barge into my room and sat back down, ready for a long night of editing.


I barely left my room for an entire week. I had a bathroom connected to my room so the only reason I had to leave was for food, and even then I went downstairs at 3am to avoid the other boys because I didn't want to talk to them.

I recorded solo videos the whole time, never even unmuting my notifications or logging back into Skype. The only tweets I posted were automatic ones from when I uploaded, I didn't like any tweets or reply to anything, I didn't even check my social media.

There was a lot of messages and missed calls from Lachlan but I didn't read them, I didn't want to.

I barely slept, maybe 2 hours a night at the most. It was the last thing I wanted to do, lie still and let my thoughts run wild, especially as I knew that all I wanted to do was fall asleep and never wake up again. Now that I wasn't in contact with Lachlan, I didn't know if I could keep going.

At one point I was so exhausted and weak that the trip from my chair to the bathroom was too much, I fainted only a foot from my bed and was out of action for three or four hours. I didn't remember much, I just remembered drifting in and out of consciousness for quite a while, my body heavy.

I was editing another video when I heard a knock at my door through my headphones. I ignored it, pushing on.

A few minutes later there was another knock accompanied by a soft voice and reluctantly I pulled my headphones off my head, listening to what they had to say. It was Josh.

"Vikk? Please, open the door." His voice shook. "We're all scared for you, it's- it's almost like you're trying to kill yourself through work." I rolled my eyes and pushed my headphones back on my head.

They didn't care before, why would they care now. They didn't notice when I was at my lowest, they didn't see when I was about to take my own life. Now that I was trying, why should I listen to them?

A few hours later I was lying on my bed, after 48 hours without sleep I thought I might be tired enough to fall asleep without wanting to put a blade to my wrist. It didn't take long before I knew that sleep was impossible and I dug my nails into my wrist to stop myself from crying.

Visions of my nightmares swum before my eyes, shadows turned into monsters in the corners of my room. I sat up in bed and cried, my sobs echoing in the silence and my thoughts twisting into irrational messages that I wanted to act on.

I was two steps from falling from the edge of the cliff that I had been balanced on for my entire life. I took those last two steps on my own.

And as I held that bottle of pills in my hand, the prescription medication that I never took because it caused the hallucinations to grow out of control, I fell.

But I didn't look back.

I'm not that mean.

. maybe I am.


"NO!" He cried, wrenching the bottle from my hands just as my shaking fingers undid the cap. I stumbled back, falling to the floor and my head hit the carpet pretty hard.

My vision blurred for a few seconds, my exhaustion and weakness meaning I couldn't even keep my eyes open. He crouched by my side, his hand in mine, his voice hardly making its way to my ears. The words didn't register.

Eventually the world came back.

"Vikk?" His shaky words made their way to my brain, warbled and faint. "Please. I don't want to lose you."

"My life isn't worth it Lachlan." I whispered, my voice strained and weak. "I can't keep going anymore. I've tried for so long but I don't have anything in me to keep trying. It's hopeless." I closed my eyes. "I'm hopeless."

He lifted my head from his shoulder, his finger resting delicately under his chin.

"You are not hopeless Vikk." He whispered, his bright blue eyes staring into mine. They were unfairly pretty and I had always been jealous of how amazing his eyes were. "Your life is worth it, I promise you that."

"It's not Lachlan and no matter what you say I'm not going to believe you." He cuddled me close, a tear dripping from his eyes and falling onto my arm.

"Vikk just... please, listen to me for a little bit." He took in a deep and shaky breath. "You are the most amazing person I've ever had the pleasure of meeting and I can't loose you, not now. I know you don't want to be here but I will do everything I can to help you. It won't go away over night."

I listened intently, still unsure of what he was trying to say.

"I-I-" He stumbled over his words. He was crying again.

"Lachy?" I whispered, my voice high and child-like. "Don't cry... please."

He sniffled, his fingers trembling. He could tell I was scared but he was scared too and I knew I couldn't comfort him.

"I know how you feel about me Vikk." He said, starkly, tears still falling from his eyes. I gulped but he gave me a little smile, his fingers pushing a strand of hair behind my ears. "And I feel the same."

"Re-really?" I mumbled, startled.

"Yes." He said, wiping his eyes. He was smiling now. "I love you Vikk and I want to help you. You need time and you need someone by your side. I was to be that person."

This time it was me who was crying, my jaw trembling and my entire body wracked with sobs. Lachlan hugged me tightly, letting me press my head into his shoulder.

"Vikk?" I hummed. "Do you trust me?"

"Of course I trust you." I whispered.

"Will you let me try then? Will you try?" I nodded.

"Yes. I will." He smiled and tilted my face up by placing a finger under my chin.

He kissed me first, lightly and shyly, his lips barely brushing mine because he was so scared to push me. I was the one who actually pushed back, my hand on the back of his head, pulling him closer to me in a much more passionate and fierce kiss.

When we pulled away both of us flushed red and Lachlan looked away. I nestled myself in beside him, one of his hand automatically running through my hair and the other supporting my waist.

"Don't let life get you down Vikky." He whispered. "I'll always be here for you."

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