The Whisperer | Severus Snape...

By CheetahDoesF1ction

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A very quiet and timid student joined Hogwarts. She barely spoke a word but when she did, sometimes it came o... More

Description + A/n
Chapter 1 ~ First Day
Chapter 2 ~ Classes and Hagrid
Chapter 3 ~ Bullies and Visions
Chapter 4 ~ Loneliness
Chapter 5 ~ Panic Attack
Chapter 6 ~ New Friends
Chapter 7 ~ Quidditch
Chapter 8 ~ Out Of The Woods
Chapter 9 ~ Christmas
Chapter 10 ~ New Year, Somewhat New Me
Chapter 12 ~ Returning
Chapter 13 ~ First Day Back
Chapter 14 ~ Hanging Out With Hagrid

Chapter 11 ~ Leaving

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By CheetahDoesF1ction

(Y/n)'s POV

I pace nervously, tears spilling down my cheeks. I didn't exactly know what was going to happen. The ok hadn't come yet and I was scared. I didn't want to go home. I didn't want to.

I sit and my pets comfort me, Magic purred and nuzzles while Rose White perched on my shoulder, nudging me. I had just finished packing. I really didn't want to go home, but when the letters did come back... it was a no... from both. The letters explained that maybe next summer.

I had to prepare myself to go back. So most of the day, I meditated, and I actually ate a full days food. That night I was walking around with Dumbledore, I was scared.

"Will you be alright?" He asked, I didn't answer. I just stayed silent then flinched when Snape started talking.

"It's rude to not answer, Ms. (L/n)." His cold voice said. I continue to remain silent until I was ready to speak. We kept walking and just as Snape left I finally answered.

"I-I don't know... but I've lasted this long. So I will most likely return unless... I-i don't want to think about it." I almost whimper, not noticing that Snape had stopped to listen.

"But thank you... for giving me motivation to come here. I don't regret it... this school year has been the best in my life... that wouldn't mean much to someone who doesn't understand... but I know you do... even if you don't acknowledge it." I smile at him and he says a simple "you're welcome" before we part ways.

•~Time Skip~•

I arrived to the exit of the train station and there, in the crowd of people, were the people I called my parents. I tense when they suddenly acted so loving. I didn't even get a chance to says goodbye to Sofia and James, because they pulled me into the car.

"So how was school?" My mother spoke cheerfully, I was tense and terrified.

"U-um... good." I respond. I pet the kitten purring on my lap and glance at my bird time to time.

"So Who are those two?" My father asked. I look at my babies and answer.

"T-the kitten is Magic and the owl is Rose White..." I respond, petting Rose White's feathers.

"Beautiful. Did you make any friends?" Mother asked.

"Y-Yes... just two..." they nod. "S-so why are you two suddenly so nice...?"

Father suddenly slammed the breaks sending me and mother flying.

"Sorry, there was a deer." He and mother looked back at me and I tense.

"Because we got in trouble. So in order to be safe, we're being nice to you in public. Now be grateful." Father growled.

I nod and gulp and we start driving again.

•~Time Skip~•

I whimper, body aching as I showered. First beating since I've gotten home. I missed school all ready and I haven't even been gone for a day. I missed Sofia, James, Dumbledore... and even Professor Snape. He didn't acknowledge me much, but I appreciate the times he did.

I sigh and wonder if I should send a message. I figured that I should just send Sofia and James a letter tomorrow.

Magic laid outside the shower door and when I finally got out, she moved out of my way. I dried off and looked at all the new bruises and scars, and the old ones that were still there.

"This is going to be a long break..."

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