My Best Friend Becomes My Lov...

By My_Flower101

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Stella Grayson and Lucas Patterson have been best friends for two years. They hug and call each other cute n... More

Chapter 1: Drunk Lucas Is No Fun
Chapter 2: Shopping WithU
Thank You
Chapter 3: I Dare You
Chapter 4: Eating Food Comes With A Cost
Chapter 5: Hiking With The Pattersons
Chapter 6: Little Jesse
Chapter 7: A Night With You Screams Crazy
Chapter 8:Marshmallows, Video Games and Fake Sleeping
Chapter 9: Jars of Tears
Chapter 10:The Best Memories are Created By Moms & Best Friends
Chapter 11: Lake House
Chapter 12:Barbecues, Burnt Cakes And A Terrible Game of Pictionary
Chapter 13: Get Yourself Together
Chapter 14: Hurtful Words
Chapter 15: I'm Sorry
Chapter 16-What's With The Crappy Behaviour?
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Bonus Chapter
Bonus Chapter 2!!!
Author's Note

Chapter 26

208 2 0
By My_Flower101

Never Have I Ever Did That

I laid in bed in tears all night. I was an emotional train wreck. I probably hadn't moved an inch for the entire night. My eyes were wide open with tears but I never once blinked. My mind was not at ease.

Mom came home half an hour later yesterday evening with the look of terror on her face. She was really upset that dad would have the audacity to come visit. She actually called him up on the number he texted me from and gave him a piece of her mind.

I also told her what Lucas said and did and she was really disappointed with him. And although she knew what he said, she wanted us to work it out.

She really didn't get it. Lucas made me feel as though I was imposing on his life. As though I was some kind of attention seeking friend. His words were quite similar to Casey's and if he thought that I was someone who always needed attention then I really didn't want to be an inconvenience in his life.

Since Lucas, Casey and Sasha pointed out my 'need' for attention, maybe I really came across as that kind of person.

A hand smoothed my hair back from my face. "Honey, you have to go to school. I know you're a bit sad right now but exams are near and you can't afford to miss out on classes." Of course I wouldn't miss out on classes. I would not let Lucas ruin me completely. Yes, I was crying because he hurt me but that didn't mean I would stop my life from moving on. That wouldn't mean I would stop eating because I certainly won't. Food was life. Yes, I was cuddling up in my room all day. That was only because I simply didn't want to talk to anyone.

I nodded to mom as she helped me off the bed. "I'll go shower and be down in a few." I walked towards the bathroom quickly.

My feet hit the concreted pavements as I made my way to mom's car that was parked a few ways down the driveway. At the same moment, Lucas came strolling out and our eyes met. He really looked like shit. He had dark circles under his eyes and he looked tired. We stared at each other for a while and I was the first to look away.

I opened mom's car door then slid into the passenger seat. I clicked in my seat belt then folded my hands over my chest as I waited for mom. Lucas pulled out of his driveway and I watched as his car disappeared.

The driver's door opened and mom sat down and handed me a cup of coffee. I grasp onto it, muttering a soft thank you. The entire ride to school was silent. Mom made no move to stir up conversation and I was grateful. I really didn't feel like talking.

When we pulled up at the front of the school, I quickly got out of the car and made my way to the entrance. As I walked down the hallway, I spotted Lucas standing by his locker. He stopped whatever he was doing and started coming my way. His eyes were pleading at me but I wasn't about to listen to him. I didn't want his attention at the moment.

I turned on my heels and started walking the other direction. I never once looked back. By the start of lunch, the entire school knew Lucas and I wasn't on good terms. They didn't know the reason for our disregard towards each other but they knew as much that they would subtly ask me. It was seriously none of their business.

Rhen was by my side the entire day. She was quite upset when I told her about Lucas and I's argument. She obviously knew it was hitting me harder than it should and was there for me. Lucas however wasn't there for me that day.

I wouldn't have been upset if he was actually doing something important. But for him to lie upon arrival and feed me nonsense about his whereabouts was really nagging at my insides. He not only went on to tell me that I was a single attention seeking person but he also defended Casey when I was obviously giving him a hint of her personality.

Yes, she was nice. But she was also jealous and mean in her own way.

I ignored her the entire day. Another person I ignored was her brother. The Bradley siblings needed to keep their distance. I wasn't as pissed with Connor as I did Casey because Connor had every right to get upset with me. I was leading him on when I was mentally chasing Lucas' heart.

I sat on the bleachers looking down on the large swimming pool in the school's arena. Half the school was here and despite Lucas being here, I wanted to witness the meet. I always liked watching them swim.

The guys strolled out and everyone screamed and cheered. Word had it that there were scouts for various universities here so the boys really had to push it today. Lucas looked up into the crowd and his eyes found mine. And as before, we stared. His eyes twitched a bit before he lifted his hand in the air with his pointer and middle finger crossed. Our good luck symbol.

I never returned it. I shifted my gaze away from him, not wanting to see his face. I had the urge to return his gesture but then that would mean I forgave him when I wasn't ready to do so.

His facial expression almost made me feel sorry. Lucas had the look of someone who was on the verge of an emotional breakdown. My heart dropped as I continued to stare. He turned away then went up on the platform. He looked bothered and fidgety up there and Rhen gave me a look. Casey's eyes also found mine. She was sitting a few seats down from me.

The whistle blew and he dived into the water. He was leading with the Collins kid right next to him. They flipped over as they touched the wall and I immediately noticed Lucas falling behind. Come on, Lucas. Push it. The drive he usually had when finishing up his race was not present in that moment.

Although I was mad at him, I never wished him bad. Silently cheering for him made me realise that I could never hate Lucas.

I could hear his coach shouting at him and I could see him struggling to keep up. His hand hit the lane line and he abruptly stopped while shutting his eyes tightly. By then coach was silent as the other guys touched in.

I craned my neck to see him as my hand gripped the seat in front me.

Lucas then swam towards the wall and immediately exited the water. His eyes were a bit puffy and red as he pulled a towel from the towel rack. The coach sidled up next to him. "What the hell was that, Patterson? You probably just blew your chances of getting a scholarship. Do you know how many scouts are here today?" Lucas' jaws clenched before he walked off while coach was still talking. The coach's mouth opened then closed, shocked at his behavior.

I felt bad now because I felt like if I returned his gesture he wouldn't have messed up his race. He was obviously taking this hard too. Which was ironic considering he was the one that threw words at me.

Lucas basically blew his chance of a scholarship. I pressed my fingers to my temple. I had a headache that wasn't going to leave any time soon.


I was rushing. Shoving things into my backpack, making my bed which basically consisted of pulling the edge of the sheet, throwing whatever was on it to the ground and heaving the pillows onto it. No further adjustments.

My mom went bat shit crazy whenever my room was, and I quote 'disgraceful to the human eyes'.

The day of the trip was here. I was throwing random clothing in a bag. So apparently we had to stay overnight at some kind of campsite. According to a teacher, it was a time for the seniors to spend time with each other before we part ways.

If it wasn't for my argument with Lucas a week ago I might've been a bit enthusiastic about this trip. The thrill and excitement I had before was now gone. I really didn't want to spend time with certain people in the middle of nowhere.

I trampled down the stairs by two with a back pack and a pink water bottle in my hands. Loud thunderous footsteps slammed down onto the steps as I made my way to the front door. As my feet touched the last step, my knees knocked together and I catapulted to the floor. My face hit the floor and the water bottle rolled out of my hand to stop near the door.

"What the..." My mother trailed off, eyeing me on the floor. She adjusted her hand bag on her shoulder then raised an eyebrow. "Honey, why are you hugging the floor? I thought you got enough of that when you were a toddler." She shook her head while making her way to the door.

So apparently I used to fall a lot when I was a kid. I was a weird specimen originated from the womb of an architect.

I groaned, rising to my feet. My hair that was previously up into a neat ponytail was now falling into my face with the scrunchy holding nothing but the ends of my hair. I limped my way to the bottle on the floor and picked it up before exiting the front door.

We were five minutes away from the high school when something struck me. Something that I had completely forgot to ask. Daughter of the year award should have surely went to me.

"Mom?" I sat there, drumming my fingers on my lap. She hummed a response before briefly glancing at me. "How did that date go?" I asked her. I couldn't believe I forgot to ask her. "Did it go well?"

She sighed while turning the steering wheel left. Oh no. This was not a good sign. "Do I need to bisect him?" I asked, eyeing her with a serious expression. No one brought my mom on a date and not make it their obligation to let her have the time of her life. This dude better give an explanation for his lack of the trait of being a 'ladies man'.

"No no. God, Stella where'd you learn such a thing?" She shook her head, shooting me a scolding stare. Lucas. I frowned at myself.

I shrugged, nonchalantly. "In biology."

"They teach this stuff?!" I rolled my eyes while taking her hand bag from the back seat. She gave me a look and I ignored her warning for going into her bag.

"This is not the 19th century, mom." I muttered, pulling out a twenty dollar bill out of her purse.

"I'm not that old, child" She answered in the same tone I did. "The date was fine. And what is your reason for bagrupting me after I gave you money yesterday?" She turned into the school parking lot and proceeded to park a few feet away from the waiting yellow bus.

"I owe a friend name Carla twenty bucks." I lied, unbuckling the seat belt while opening the car. The thing was, a teenage girl with half the problems as mine needed to eat. And a girl got to do what a girl got to do.

I took my backpack from the backseat then stepped out onto the pavements. "No wonder why your nose looks so weird lately." I furrowed my brows, confused at her comment. Then it hit me. She thought I was lying. Well, not that she thought wrong. She was somewhat right. "I've never heard you talk about a Carla before which meant that she is non-existent or not a close friend therefore you won't feel comfortable enough to borrow money. Rhen always say she's broke so she won't even have money to borrow you and if it's Daron, you won't think twice to not paying him back. The things you do to that strange kid." She explained and I hissed under my breath. Dammit.

This was why you should never bring your friends over to meet your mom more than once a week. I slammed the door, walking away in defeat.

"By the way, I still love you. Pinocchio and all." She laughed as she peeked through the rolled down glass. I turned around swiftly, blowing kisses towards her before sidling up to the open school bus.

I took the first step but had somehow tripped on my untied laces and ended up missing a step to which I slipped and knocked my knee against the metal steps. My bag had somehow made it inside the bus before me and I stood up quickly, laughing awkwardly as I wiped my hands on my jeans.

The bus driver gave me a tired look and I hurried into the bus hoping to god no one saw me uniting with the bus steps. As I climbed into the bus, I kept my head low. Eye contact with anyone would ultimately urge me to roll my eyes. I wanted to roll my eyes less today.

I made my way to a seat near the middle and as soon as I was about to sit, a guy dropped down in the seat before I could. I rolled my eyes before sauntering off towards the back. My eyes caught Lucas' and I stared. I stared at Casey who was wrapped in his arms with a smug look on her face. I rolled my eyes again.

I sat at an empty seat at the back and immediately shoved my ear buds in my ear. A kid was about to sit next to me and I shoved my back pack onto the empty seat. He glared at me and I glared back.

"Move. Move!" I heard a voice that sounded just like Rhen's said as the person came barreling down the aisle. "Could you move? You're blocking the passage area." She finally shoved her way through the herd of kids then plopped herself down in the seat beside me.

The guy who I stopped from sitting earlier mouth opened in disbelief that Rhen just pushed him aside. She didn't even noticed what she did.

"I woke up late this morning and guess what? Jesse poured an entire bottle of shampoo in my hair while I was asleep." She explained, shaking her head. "That little-" She started then looked up at the open mouthed boy, confused. "Is there something wrong with your mouth?" She asked him as she eyed him. He shook his head absentmindedly as he finally closed his mouth. "So then I had to wash my hair for like forty five minutes just to get all the soap out." She rushed out then stared back at the guy again. "Dude, why are you still here?" She grumbled and he pursed his lips.

He turned on his heels and after walking two steps, he turned around. "By the way, your hair looks a bit soapy. I wonder why?" He questioned with a smirk before leaving.

Rhen's mouth opened in shock and her eyes opened wide as she patted her hair, self consciously. "Does my hair look soapy?" She asked then turned to face the back quickly. "It only gets soapy when there's faces like yours popping up in my life, you dirt bag." I patted her back as a gesture for her to calm down.


"Well looky looky. If it isn't for Lucas' ex best friend." I heard Sasha's annoying voice said. We were all standing near the road with our gears for camping. We were told that everyone had to get into groups of fifteen so that it would be much easier for the teachers to oversee us. In the end, eight groups were formed and we all set off between one minute intervals so that the groups wouldn't merge but they would also be near each other.

Guess what! I got to share air with the people I didn't want to be near right now. So you could only imagine my mood three minutes into the walk. Rhen and Daron were placed with another group that was two groups back and I got stuck with Lucas, Casey and Sasha. I mean, Lucas and Casey I could tolerate but Sasha...I didn't know about that one.

Sasha would give me hell throughout this entire hike. Let's hope the campsite was really near. I was counting on, like five seconds away kind of near. God alone knew how much I could take from her before I gave up and punch her face in.

"Started looking for more friends yet? You're kind of low on that, aren't you?" Sasha sidled up next to me, walking in unison with me. And as preferable, I ignored her unnecessary banter. "It's honestly tragic." She gasped while holding up a hand to her chest as the actress she was. "It made me wonder, what had possibly went down between you too."

"Well keep wondering, Sasha. After all, it is kind of your forte." I retorted and she scowled as we continued walking side by side. Most of the kids weren't even paying any attention to us. They mostly took in the beautiful sites around them. Something I should be doing but couldn't help but notice Sasha's stuck up aura fogging up the way.

"You know-" I started, wanting to get rid of her. "There's like this one thing that ties a similarity to us." I told her and her eyes narrowed as she side glanced at me. I could see Lucas at the head of the group with Casey on his arm. Occasionally, he would glance back at us with a worried look. For sure he would know that Sasha was...well...being Sasha. "I stick pins on friendships and you stick your nose in other people's business when originally it should remain on your face." I said with an edge to my voice and she smirked even though I could see fire in her eyes.

"Get a grip, Stella." She pushed passed me and headed forward.

"Get a life, Sasha. You clearly don't have one if you're spending so much time worrying about my friend count." I rolled my eyes as she made her way to a tall muscular guy after flipping me off.

A few minutes passed and I was just beginning to take in the scenery. It was beautiful out here. Nature was a show off. She was beautiful and she new it. Too bad some people didn't appreciate it.

"Hey." I swallowed, counting my steps as I went by. Casey had just greeted me and I didn't know what to say. I know a 'hi' could do or a 'I don't want to talk to you' but my mouth was glued. "Just because you and Lucas aren't really on speaking terms doesn't mean you have to keep me an enemy too."

I stopped then turned to her. She was part of the reason Lucas and I went at each other. I wasn't saying 'nice' things about her and Lucas felt the need to object. "I just want to be alone." I told her before sauntering off near the middle of the group. I could see Sasha rolling her eyes and Lucas itching to speak but none of those fazed me. I kept my eyes on the ground or fixated at the back of someone's head.

Casey didn't like me as I thought she did. She was a nice person but I had a feeling I brought out the worst in her. Maybe if I wasn't Lucas' bestfriend then we would have been great friends. Now that Lucas and I were practically not speaking to each other, she wanted to be friends or whatever. After getting on her bad side I rather not.


I made my way over to a table with canned drinks and fruits on it, completely exhausted from the day. My frown deepened when I noticed Connor, Lucas, Casey and Sasha sitting on a log near the table. We had finally finished setting up camp and was exposed to whatever food we wanted.

With a huge sigh, I trampled my way over to the table, ensuring that I held no eye contact whatsoever with any of them. They had already annoyed me for the majority of the day. "Aww, Stels. Why so sad? Is it because you're a loner now?" Sasha said with a fake pout. "Oh, don't worry. You have the banmophobic to keep you company."

I turned to face her with a scowl. "First of all, do not talk about Rhen like that. Second, get your head out of a hole. The word is called bathmophobia." I threw at her before grabbing a fruit. I quickly made my way over to the other students near the tents with a sour look.

Okay. Relax, Stella. Only a few months until you never have to see some of these people again.


A bunch of us were gathered around the bonfire as we joked around. Wait, scratch that. They were joking around. It was hard to believe but I was the party pooper tonight. Everyone was giggling and having fun and I was sipping apple juice and praying that morning would come.

This was not the way I wanted this trip to play out. The excitement I had when singing 'we're going on a trip' was never present at all. Lucas and Casey was cuddled up near the fire on a log as they made gooey eyes at each other and every minute or two Casey would whisper something in his hear in which he would smile a little. Just a little. Other than that, he was in the same dreary mood as I.

Rhen sat down beside me with a pout. "You look like you just heard that your dog died." She said while sipping her juice.

"I don't have a dog." I mumbled as I stared off into the night.

"Stella, lighten up." I ignored her. My mind had a lot on it and I wasn't about to start a conversation. She sighed, taking another sip from her drink warily.

Sasha was smirking at me. I narrowed my eyes at her and I heard a grunt escaping Rhen's lips. What did she wanted now. The girl was coming at me today.

A really cute guy walked up next to us with a shy grin. "Hey. Uh...Rhen right?" He asked with a bit of nervousness in his voice as he quickly glanced back at his friends near the tents who were watching intently and 'discreetly'. Rhen nodded and clutched my hand as a smile escaped her lips. "Um, I was wondering-"

"Yes." She answered before standing to his height. She grabbed onto his arm as they walked away towards the group of teenagers standing near the tent. She mouthed a few words to me but my mind was a bit slow in figuring it out. Did she just ditch me? I smiled at her behaviour.

"Okay everyone, I say we play Never Have I Ever." Sasha announced with a glint in her eyes. Everyone agreed as they gathered around the bonfire. I stood and headed for the various tents off to the side with a box juice in hand.

"Oh no, Stella. You're not running from this. You're going to make the game fun." Sasha barked and I responded with a slow blink.

"Sasha, give her a break." Lucas ordered and she gave him a sweet smile.

"Why don't you want her to play, Lucas Bear?" Lucas' face scrunched up in disgust having heard the nickname I gave him coming from Sasha's mouth. He rolled his eyes before tucking his face into the crook of Casey's neck. "Scared?" He never answered. "A few seniors want to play a small harmful game and I think you should play. After all, they brought us out here to bond, right?"

"Fine. I'll play the stupid game, Sasha." I agreed with a roll of my eyes.

She grinned, mischievously as Lucas gave me a look. There were only eight seniors here anyway. The others went fishing or something. In the freaking night. There were only me, Lucas, Casey, Billy, Sasha, a guy named Jake, Olivia and Ethan; I think his name was. There were a few near the tents too.

"Awesome." She clapped her hands together. "Never Have I Ever talk bad about a friend behind her back." She said and I took in a deep breath, sipping my drink. I would admit I talked behind Casey's back. And that was only once when Lucas and I had the fight. The only time.

I could see the others sipping their juice as Sasha continued smirking at me. She took a long swig of her juice and I shook my head at her. She might as well chugged the entire thing for the amount of times she went behind her friends back.

A guy went on to issue his Never Have I Ever and her voice spoke over him with an authoritative force. "Never Have I Ever tried persuading my best friend to dump his boyfriend or girlfriend." I took a sip of my juice without hesitation this time.

I was looking Sasha dead in the eyes without blinking once. This was what she wanted and I was playing on with her vile games. Lucas took a swig and that was no surprise. He told me more than a million times to break up with Aron. Come to think of it, I didn't think Aron came on this trip.

"Never Have I Ever kissed my best friend." She uttered and I could see her lips turning up into a smirk as her eyes bore into mine. My throat was dry and my palms were sweaty. Do not let her know that this had an effect on you.

I slowly brought my mouth to the cup as I noticed everyone's eyes on me. By now they must've recognised that this was a game of two players. Sasha and I. She came up with the idea to terrorize and humiliate me.

Casey stared at Lucas with an expression I couldn't place as he sipped his drink. Her questioning gaze fell on me and I looked everywhere except her. She looked a bit pissed off but tried not to show it.

"Never Have I Ever..." She walked slowly towards me as she tapped her pointer finger on her chin as if thinking. She stopped in front of me as her lips turned into a sneer. "Slept with my best friend." Casey's eyes shot towards me as Lucas' faced morphed into one of anger.

I threw my drink, completely done with this game. I walked the remaining steps between us, getting all up in her face. "I have never slept with Lucas, Sasha." I told her with contempt in my voice. "Are you finally satisfied?" I asked as I threw my hands into the air. This entire thing was complete shit. What did she want from me? Seriously. "Did you finally got the answers to your suspicion, Sasha?"

She was staring at me blankly as everyone else watched, afraid to make a comment based on Lucas' facial expressions. "I never slept with Lucas. I'm sure you're disappointed to hear that but just leave me alone and have a nice life." I told her before walking off towards the tent.

"You are so messed up, you know that?" I heard Lucas say. His voice was ice cold and I didn't have to look to know that his eyes were shooting iced daggers at her. "Why don't you find yourself somewhere where people actually want your presence." He shot at her and I continued walking. "This group of people here are definitely not your friends, so find the people you barely call your friends."

When I got into the tent, I felt someone dropped down beside me. "You okay? You look upset?" Rhen asked, watching me closely. I nodded.

"But I don't want to talk about it." She nodded then went to zip up the tent. She laid down beside me as we both stared at the top of the tent. It had a flowery interior. Very nice to look at, I must say.

"Parker asked me out." She rushed out, glancing at me as she bit her lip nervously. I tried mustering up a huge smile.

"That's good." I breathed out. I guess that was the guy's name from earlier.

Her smile widened. "Our first date is two days from now." I smiled again as she went on about her perfect date.

It hurt to say it but Lucas was the only person on my mind right now. His face was clouding my vision along with his intoxicating smile and captivating eyes. His smell. His voice. His laughter. It was all coming back to me.

I was done ignoring the obvious.

I think I was really in love with Lucas.

And I was in knee deep.

Well, shit.


It took me so long to get this chapter done and I don't know if I wanted it to go that way.


But hey. Here's a chapter for you. I hope you enjoyed it.

Thanks again for your support and dedication towards this book. Four more chapters left.

Don't forget to VOTE and COMMENT!

XOXO My_Flower101

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