Force To Be Reckoned With [Ha...

By MultfndmWriter

271K 6.3K 219

[COMPLETED] Vivienne Reid is the matriarch of her late father's criminal enterprise. An independent woman's l... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Bonus Chapter

Chapter 6

8.8K 201 5
By MultfndmWriter

Happy arrives to the clubhouse and parks his bike. He takes a look around the lot and sees no one is around. He gets his burner and Vivienne’s business card and he dials the number she wrote down. He puts the phone to his ear and listens to the tone.

After a few rings, she picks up the phone, “Vivienne Reid, here.” she says. Happy smiles a little at her voice. “Hey, little girl.” he rasps into the phone. He hears her chuckle over the phone, “Happy! I didn't expect a call from you so soon.” she says.

“Sorry to disappoint. I just wanted to call and tell you, uh..” he says, looking around the lot, “The club is going to handle Caruso. So you probably won't be bothered by him anymore.” he says.

“Doing my bidding already, are we?” she asks, jokingly. Happy laughs, for once in his life, “I don't think so, little girl. SAMCRO has a problem with that S.O.B too.” he says.

Vivienne laughs, “Well, thank you for calling me to tell me that. It's good that it's happening.” she says. Happy agrees with her. “I have a meeting with the Niners again today so if you have any concerns, I won't be available. Unless they are entirely important.” she says.

“Why are you telling me this?” he asks into the phone. “Well, I just thought you should know, given you're the only one from SAMCRO contacting me.” she replies.

There is a small, yet comfortable, silence over the phone. Vivienne chuckles, “What are you laughing at?” Happy asks.

“I think you just wanted to call me just because. Getting feelings for me already, Killa?” she asks.

Happy smirks at his nickname coming from her lips, “You might be overthinkin’ it, little girl.” Happy says, as he tries to deny his newfound attraction to her.

“It's okay, Happy. But you're going to have to work for it. I’m not like those bimbos you're used to.” Vivienne says. Happy chuckles, “I can tell.”

Happy hears the door to the clubhouse open as the guys start coming out. “I gotta go.” he says quickly. All Vivienne does is hum in approval and hang up on him.

“Talkin’ to yer girlfriend, brotha’!” Chibs yells. Happy shakes his head laughing, while flipping Chibs off. “Caruso’s studio?” Happy asks Jax, as the Sons all get on their bikes.

“Yeah, time to do Luanne some justice.” Jax says as he puts his helmet on. They start their bikes and pull out of the lot.


The Sons stormed Caruso’s studio and subdued his security before heading to the set. He was in the middle of filming when the guys grabbed him from behind and snatched him.

He was now tied up in an abandoned warehouse. The Sons crowded around him. Georgie looked around at all the leather clad men standing around him. “What’s up, guys? Why are you doing this?” Georgie asks nervously.

“Why do you think, asshole?” Jax asked, sarcastically. “You fucked with SAMCRO. You fucked with family.” he said.

“This about Luanne? Listen- I didn't want her to die. I just wanted to teach her a lesson about sending you guys. I didn't mean to have her killed.” Georgie pleaded.

“Yeah, but she did die. That’s something that can never be taken back. This is also for trying to take our Cara Cara girls.” Jax said.

Georgie chuckles, “I see what the real reason is. That Vivienne bitch sent you to take care of her problem. You’re scared of her.” he laughs.

“We couldn't give two shits about her or her power!” Happy yelled, clearly not meaning it. “This is for you fucking with us. Period.” he says before shooting Georgie in the head.

“Jesus, Hap.” Jax muttered. “Yeah, coulda’ given us some warnin’, brotha’.” Chibs said. Happy shrugs his shoulders. The guys all get ready to dispose of the body and Happy walks outside. He pulls out his phone to text Vivienne.


Vivienne is on her way to pick up the money the Niners have left to give her. Her phone buzzes and she takes it out of her pocket. She opens the message and reads it.

It’s done. - Happy

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