I Fell In Love with My Brother

By angelichearts

261K 5.7K 1.1K

Any girl would kill for Elizabeth's life. She's got the looks, the brains, and grew up in a rich family. But... More

Chapter 1 (Prank of the Day)
Chapter 2 (The New Guy)
Chapter 3 (Secret Crush)
Chapter 4 (He's What?!)
Chapter 5 (What the hell just happened?)
Chapter 6 (So sorry....not!)
Chapter 7 (Confused with My Feelings :l)
Chapter 8 (Photo Shoot Gone Wrong?)
Pls read :)
Chapter 9 ( Mission Accomplished (; )
Chapter 10 ( Girls Day In (: )
Chapter 12 (Getting Ready)
Chapter 13 (The First Dates)
Chapter 14 (Lost Forever?)
Chapter 15 (Boring Day/Girl Time!)
Chapter 16 (Who am I Really?)
Chapter 17 (Start of Something New)
Chapter 18 (False Accusations)
Chapter 19 (Leaving)
Chapter 20 (Two Years Later)

Chapter 11 (Double Trouble)

9.1K 242 14
By angelichearts

Hey guys!!! I know it's been a long long time since I last updated. Junior Year sucks... :( I didn't have time to write at all. The teachers bombarded us with tons of homework and stuff. Anyways, what matters is that I'm back!! I'm going to be updating as often as I can from now on :) So I have a question... Would you guys like me to post pictures of the characters? Comment me yes or no :D 

Here's the story:


"The Eagles win!" the announcer said as the game ended.

No surprise there. Spencer and the guys are the best football players I know. Of course they won. There were lots of cheers from the crowd.

"PARTY AT MY PLACE!!!" a player said. I think his name is Brock.

This brought more cheers. I'm not really the party person so I don't go to the after parties. Sam and I went down and congratulated the guys for a great game. We were about to leave when Sam stopped me.

"Why don't we go to the party at Brock's," she asked.


Liza's POV

Did I hear right? I blinked twice, put my hand on Sam's forehead and said, "Are you okay? You don't seem to have a fever, so what's wrong then? Did you hit your head or something? 'Cause you were talking nonsense just now."

She swatted my hand away.

"I just thought that it might be fun," she said.

Alcoholic drinks, loud music, people grinding with each other, just thinking about it made me shudder.

"I don't think going to the party is such a good idea," I told her.

"Come on, Liza! Just this once? It won't hurt to go just this once," she pleaded.

"I don't know, Sam. Things can get pretty rough in parties like these," I said.

"Hey ladies. What's going on here?" Dan said, wrapping his arm around Sam.

"Liza doesn't want to go to the party at Brock's," Sam said pouting.

Daniel frowned at this, "You want to go to the party?" he asked Sam.

"Well, I just thought that it might be fun," she told him.

Dan looked at me and back at Sam.

"I suppose you can go," he said slowly.

"Dan!" I scolded.

"What?!" Dan said.

I thought he was better than this. I thought he wouldn't let Sam go to this party. By the tone of his voice, he definitely didn't want her to go.

I quickly composed myself and said, "Dan, can I speak with you for a second?"

Dan unwrapped his arms from Sam and walked towards me. We walked a few feet away from a confused looking Sam until we were sure she couldn't hear us.

"Dan! What do think you're doing?!" I whispered.

"What? I'll be there with her, anyway. There's nothing to be worried about," he reasoned.

"I suppose so," I said, still doubting my decision.

Then I remembered. Dan was about to go back when I grabbed his hand.

"Dan, just don't let her drink anything that has alcohol, okay?"

"Why? Well, of course I wouldn't but why need...." he trailed off as realization hit him.

"We don't want a drunk Sam on our hands now do we?" I said smirking.

"Absolutely not," he agreed.

We walked back to Sam who is still utterly confused.

"Ready to go?" Dan asked her.

She looked up at him shocked, then looked at me, "We're going?" she asked excitedly.

"If you mean "we" as in you and I, then yeah. We're going," Dan said.

"Wait, you really aren't coming with us?" she asked me.

I shook my head, "I'll just stay home," I told her.

"You sure?" she asked me one more time. I laughed.

"Positive, now go before I change my mind about letting you go," I told her.

"Bye then!" she said pulling Dan with her running away. But she stopped and reached into her pocket. She turned around and threw something towards me. I caught it and saw that it was her car keys.

"I figured you wouldn't want to walk home," she said smiling and told me she'll see me later.


When I got back home, I went up to my room and got ready for bed. I changed into my pj's and went to check my e-mail. I saw an e-mail from Angela and opened it.

Hey Liza, just want to let you know that there will be another shoot tomorrow at 3 in the afternoon. Oh! By the way, the clients liked the pictures! They said it was exactly what they were looking for. Great work the four of you! Have your brothers ever considered modeling? If they do, I'll be ever so happy to take them in. See you tomorrow then!

                                                                                                                                                      -Angela :)

I laughed at this. My brothers? Models? They were already reluctant on helping us in the first place. I decided to write a reply to Angela.

Hey Ange! Sure, We'll be there tomorrow. I'm glad they liked the outcome. I'm not sure about my brothers though, but I'll tell you if they ever consider. See you tomorrow!

                                                                                                                                                         -Liza :P 

After checking my e-mail, I logged off and looked around. Well, I don't know what else to do. I looked at the clock and saw that it was just 15 minutes past 9. I groaned and flopped down on the bed. After what felt like forever, I sat back up and looked at the time. It read 9:17.

"You have to be kidding me," I sighed.

I looked around once more and saw the book Sam was reading. I reconsidered for a moment but then shrugged it off. I picked the book up and started reading it.


I was already halfway through the book when my phone rang. I didn't pick up at first. I was so into the book. Reading wasn't as boring as I thought it would be. After a few seconds, my phone rang again. Annoyed, I answered the phone. 

"What?!" I said through the receiver, "I'm reading something! Don't disturb me!" I hissed.

"Liza, it's Daniel- Wait, what did you say you were doing?" he said.

"N-nothing?" I stuttered.

"You were reading? I didn't know you read?" he said amused.

"Ha-ha, anyway, why'd you call?"

"Oh God, Liza, you gotta help me!!" he said all humour gone.

"Why? What happened?!" I said standing up.

"It's Sam, Liza, I can't find her anywhere!" Daniel said worriedly.

I knew something like this would happen. I rushed to my closet and changed to some decent clothes.

"Daniel! I told you to not leave her alone!" I scolded him.

"I just went to the bathroom and when I came back to where I left her, she wasn't there anymore," he said.

I wore my jacket while racing down the stairs and went out the door.

"Alright, just...keep looking for her. I'll be there in ten minutes," I said hanging up.

Brock's house wasn't far from ours, so I decided to just run. You'd think I'm crazy running on the streets in the middle of the night alone. Well, maybe it really was a stupid thing to do, but what the heck. After a few minutes of running, I was about to turn to the corner when someone blocked my way. I smacked right into him and fell on my butt.

"Hey! What the hell?!" I shouted, but the person just stood there staring at me. He had a smirk on his face.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" the man said.

Oh great, the typical stupid-girl-walking-alone-at-night-gets-raped situation. How cliche. I stood up and dust myself off. I put my hands on my hips and raised an eyebrow at him. He just looked at me amused.

"What? You're not scared?" the man asked.

"Why? Should I be? I mean, don't get me wrong, this situation would have been some what scary if it wasn't so cliche."

I saw him through the light and saw that he was about around mid-30's, a bit taller than me, has messy brown hair and from what I smelled a while ago, he stinks.

The man stepped forward while I stepped back. He chuckled and took another step forward, but instead of stepping back, I ran to the opposite direction. As I ran away from the creep, another creepy dude appeared from behind the trees.

"Great! How many creepy dudes can one girl encounter in one night?!" I exclaimed while I dodged the other creep. Turns out there were four of them. I tried to think of something to do in order to get out of this mess, when my phone rang. Of course! How could I forget all about my phone?!

"Hello?" I said still running for my life.

"Liz? Where are you? Daniel told me you were going to come and help find Sam. Wait, are you panting? What the heck are you doing?"

"Well, see it's a long story actually. I bumped into a bunch of creeps on the way there and well, here I am running," I explained.

I heard him groan on the other side," So you're being chased by these creeps right now," he said.

"No, Spencer! I'm playing tag with these maniacs!" I exclaimed sarcastically.

"Ok, ok! No need for the sarcasm! Where are you right now?"

"Hey come back here!" one of the creeps shouted.

"Like that's gonna happen!" I shouted back.

"What?" Spencer asked.

"Not you!" I told him.

"Wait, I think I'm a few blocks away from the park," I said.

"I'm on my way," he told me before hanging up.

"Great," I put my phone back into my pocket.

Wait, I stopped running and turned. The maniacs are gone. I looked around and they weren't there. Odd. My phone rang again and I answered it.


Spencer's POV

"Spencer?" a voice said.

I turned around and saw Holly standing behind me.

"Hey," I said walking towards her and kissed her.

"What's the matter? Is everything alright?" she asked.

I sighed. I had to go find Liz now. But when I tell Holly about this, she'll get angry again.

"Yeah, everything's fine. I just need to do something. I'll be right back," I kissed her again and before she can say another word, I walked away. I'll have to explain everything to her that's for sure.

I ran to the park as fast as I can. When I got to the park, I called Liz once more.

"Hello?" Liz answered.

"Where are you?" I asked her.

"I'm at-" she started but then she screamed. I felt my heart stop.

"Liz?!" I said to the receiver. 

"Let me go!" I heard her say to someone.

I heard a bunch of other people laugh and one said,"Not gonna happen, missy."

I felt my blood boiling at the sound of that person's voice. When I get my hands on whoever he is he'll be sorry he ever touched my sister.

"Spencer, I'm-" she started but she got disconnected.

"Aw, f*ck," I said. I looked around. How was I suppose to find her now? That's when I heard someone scream.


Liza's POV

I screamed. He did not just do what I think I saw him do.

"You f**king stepped on my phone!!!" I shrieked.

"What are you gonna do about it?" creep-who-stepped-on-my-phone said.

He came closer and when he was close enough, I kicked him where the sun won't shine. He doubled back in pain and curled into a ball on the ground.

"That," I said triumphantly. That's when I remembered there were still three of them left. I returned to struggling, trying to break myself free. But they just tightened their grip on my hands. Damn, how am I gonna get out of this?

"Don't worry, we're not gonna hurt you," one whispered in my ear. I flinched away from him and he laughed.

God, Spencer, where are you when I need you. I stopped struggling and closed my eyes waiting for what was to come. One of them stroke my cheek and was trailing down to my lips when his hand was suddenly yanked away from me. I opened my eyes and saw someone pull the man back and punched him. The other two straining me let go and started to advance on the person saving me. The person dodged every single punch the creeps sent his way and after a few punches and kicks, every single one of the maniacs were on the ground unconscious. I just stared at the person who saved me. After making sure none of the creeps were conscious, the person turned to me and made his way towards me hurriedly.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt?" he asked me worriedly.

I sighed in relief.

"I'm fine," I told him.

"Thank God," he said and pulled me into him wrapping his arms around me. I pulled away after a few seconds.

"But how did you know I was here?" I asked him.


"Liz?" a voice behind me said.

I turned and saw Spencer standing a few feet away from me looking like he ran a mile.


Here you go!!! Once again I really am sorry for not posting for so long. I hope you continue reading my story :D

Vote and Comment!! :D



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