Becoming Wolf - Sequel to 'St...

By Onadustyrock

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One year has now passed since the truce between the vampires and the wolf shifters, in England, ended. Now a... More

Recap Part Two
The Journey
Finding out
Part One
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Back Story
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen.
Chapter Sixteen
The Plan. Part One
The Plan Part Two
The Plan Part 3
The Plan Part Four
The Plan Part 5
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter 18 Back to Racheal
Untitled Part 36

Recap - Part One

701 31 10
By Onadustyrock

“Rachael,” Max screamed as he finally managed to push Shelby off his lap and onto the floor, “it’s not what you think, come back and let me explain.”

However Rachael was not listening because she did not want to hear his lies anymore. After he had just left her bed and kissed Shelby in her own garden, she had finally decided that she would ask her vampire friend, Charlie, to help her. She planned to drink his blood to kill her wolf and live a completely normal human life. Everyone was wrong she did not have to shift and she certainly did not want to be forced, by him, to do so either.

She was staying human.

Shelby was not expecting Max’s rough rejection; she thought he would give in to her bold advances; he always had in the past. She had made it clear she wanted him; she had practically begged him for a second chance, even after what he did to her she still loved him. But she realised the feeling really was no longer mutual when he did not kiss her back.

Shelby felt it was entirely that stupid half breed freaks fault, she had bewitched him with her pathetic damsel in distress act and she was making Max run, like a lap dog, after her. Shelby was jealous of her, she hated her; she always had. She could not believe that Max actually wanted Rachael and somewhere within her warped mind she believed he was only trying to get her attention or to make her jealous.

However he wasn’t.

Shelby thought Rachael was dumb and she deserved what was about to happen to her. Shelby knew what the vampire was planning because she was helping him to do it. Shelby could not wait until Rachael was gone. Once she was out of the way she was going to concentrate on making Max Robertson hers. She believed he would not be able to resist her advances for long and once she became pregnant, he would have no other choice but to stay with her and in preparation she had stopped taking her pill weeks ago.

Max could feel that something was wrong this whole situation.

As Shelby jumped up from the floor where he had just pushed her, she became desperate as she could sense he was becoming suspicious. She just needed to sleep with him again, to get her plan in motion. She grabbed his arm and pulled at it as he tried to follow Rachael.

“Let her go, we belong together,” Shelby shouted as Max wrenched his arm from her grip.

Max’s heart began to pound as he watched Rachael flee. He could sense she was upset and he roared her name again as a car screeched to a halt in front of her.

Max could not believe this was happening, as he reached the car he pounded his fists on the window but Rachael just looked back at him in disgust with tears welling in her eyes.

“It wasn’t what it looked like. Let me explain.” He pleaded with her.

She just turned her head in the opposite direction because she did not want to look at him.

He pounded his fists again on the window and snarled as the vampire sitting in the driver’s seat of the car laughed at him. Before Max could open the door the cars tyres screeched and it sped away.

He was suspicious; the timing of the vampire’s arrival was too perfect.  As Max inhaled deeply he knew that the vampire had been here for quite some time. His stench was hanging in the air because he had been waiting for her; waiting to take her.

The vampire had been waiting for Rachael; he had brought Shelby to her house and was given strict instructions by his Maker not to return home unless Rachael was with him and he did not dare upset his Maker.

He sighed with relief when he saw Rachael was watching Shelby straddling Max and he drove towards her as she began to run. He had laughed when she had asked him to take her to Charlie, his Maker, his genius plan was really coming together and he slyly smirked to himself as she got into the car because he knew she would not be going home ever again.

Max gave chase but even in his wolf form he could not keep up and he growled and snarled in frustration when the car disappeared out of sight. Apart from feeling angry, he felt slightly uneasy, he almost felt as if he would never see her again.


Max confronted Shelby when he returned to Rachael’s house, he did not believe her lies so he threatened her but when this made her talk even less, he turned on his charm. As he kissed and as he caressed her neck she spewed out everything she knew. He knew the exact spots to work on to make her talk but he could not contain his anger when she had finished.

He roughly pushed her away from him and wiped the taste of her from his lips with the back of his hand. Her expression changed from one of happiness to unease as she watched him.

Max now knew the vampire was planning to take Rachael out of the country and when she drank his blood under the full moon tomorrow, he would be able to control her, meaning she had no chance of escape nor would she be able fight against his wishes.

She explained that he had planned for many years but now that she was gone, they could finally be together.

“Are you crazy, you stupid bitch,” Max roared at her, “can’t you see what you’ve helped him to do. I told you one year ago we were over. I don’t want you and I never have. I just wanted a bit of fun, I was just horny for Draugluin’s sake and I even told you that.”

Shelby fell to the floor as his words cut deep, breaking her heart, again, into two.

Max did not care, he actually wanted to slowly rip out her throat but with the full moon rising tomorrow; he knew time was against him. He had no idea where Rach had been taken and no idea where to start looking. He took fresh clothes Jason had left in his room and he heard Shelby scream for him as he ran out into the night air.

She could go to hell; he wanted Rachael back.

 Only one person could help him now and that was his Alpha, Adam Michaels.

Adam was not hard to find, Max had had plenty of practice, tracking Rachael recently and the scent of the pack was so strong in the air tonight, they had only taken two hours to locate.

Max stopped in his tracks as he approached them, Adam was in his wereman form, something only an Alpha can do. In this form he is able to speak and Max knew that in this form he was ready to create havoc, havoc that had been carefully planned.

Three wolves that had stayed in Dreeko’s pack, were suspended high in the air with their wrists bound together. One of Adams sharp claws was plunged into one of the man’s chest and he screamed out loud as Adam twisted his hand and began digging deeper and deeper.

Blood began to run down Adams arm and drip from his elbow onto the grass as the man continued to scream out in pain.

Max recognised him instantly, it was Mark; Dreeko’s most trusted wingman and Max became worried because he felt his timing was now all wrong.  He feared Adam would not help him because he had another agenda on his mind and that was to find Dreeko.

“Where is he?” Adam roared as he plunged his claws further into Marks chest.

Mark shook his head and rasped out, “I don’t know.”

“Liar,” Adam screeched.

Mark again cried out in pain as Adam pushed his hand in deeper.

“Can you feel that?”

Mark nodded as his eyes rolled back in his head.

“That’s my hand squeezing your heart, one little scratch from my claw is all it will take and your pathetic little supernatural life will be over.”

The pack went silent as they watched Adam.

Max could sense a change in him; he could feel something that had not been there before. Adams usual calm, cool dominating attitude had gone and a morbid violent anger seemed to have taken its place.

“Or shall I kill her instead?” Adam sneered as he pointed to the wolf hanging next to him, Katie, who was Marks wife. “Maybe that will make you give Dreeko up.”

She screamed out loud as Adam slashed at her stomach with his free hand.

Max glanced over at the advancing wolves, the smell of blood and fear filling the air was edging them forward and they circled Adam and the wolves he had hung there. The change in Adam was now confirmed for Max and he was not sure anymore if he wanted to side with him.

“I am now the Alpha so tell me where he is,” Adams deafening roar filled the air as he screamed at Mark.

Mark shook his head, “I told you I don’t know and you are not my Alpha, Dreeko is.”

“You still support an Alpha that has deserted you?”

“Isn’t that what you did, you’ve clearly gone mad Adam, thinking you can come back here and take over so easily, the rest of Dreeko’s pack are on their way so gear yourself for one hell of a fight.”

“Is that so,” Adam sneered as he withdrew his hand from his chest and took several steps backwards. The wolves that were standing behind him now moved to the side, allowing to him pass and as he did they quickly stood in front of him; which again created a circle around those that were dangling from the trees. They all began to whine and growl as they circled clearly waiting for the command to strike.

“I don’t think they are going to like what they find and I bet when they do most of them will not think twice about which Alpha they choose, can’t you see most of them have already made their choice.”

The third wolf that Adam had strung up began to cry and plead for his life as he recognised most of the wolves standing behind Adam.

Max knew what was about to happen and he slowly started to shuffle himself backwards. He was secretly hoping he had not been noticed by Adam, maybe he could find Rachael by himself. If Adam saw him he would be forced to hunt for him and at the moment he did not have time for that.

Adam laughed and pointed at each of them, “you are pathetic, you are feeble and you,” he said as he pointed at Mark, “are foolish and I don’t want you in my pack.”

“I am not in your pack,” Mark coughed back at him.

Adam folded his arms and smiled, “that’s right, you’re not which means you are dead. “He raised his hands in air and screamed, “kill them.”

Before his hands fell to back his sides the circling wolves had already pounced. Mark tried to kick them away, the others lifted their legs to prevent them from biting but all attempts to avert the attack were futile. The wolves were too many and they clambered over one another to strike, each wolf now thirsty for a bite of flesh.

Max still in his human form, standing too far away to be pulled into the frenzy held his hands to ears and just watched until the screaming stopped. He slowly started to walk backwards as the wolves began to fight over pieces of discarded flesh. They were dead within minutes and as Max surveyed the scene he noticed only the arms of dead shifters now remained hanging from the tree.

Max was right, Adam had changed. He was angry, angrier than he had ever been in his whole life. He was letting his fury take over because when he didn’t feel anger, all he felt was shame. He wanted to slaughter Dreeko in front of the entire pack, he needed to.  This time he decided he would rule differently, he would show his pack he was a changed Alpha and anyone that stood in his way would be killed. His attention was caught when he heard a twig snapping behind him.

Max heard Adam growl as he slowly turned around, his eyes shone bright red and as they made eye contact and Max gulped rather loudly. Adam lifted his head up into the air and deeply inhaled, he did not like what he could smell.

“Come Max,” Adam beckoned.

Even though Max now wanted to run the other way he still walked forward towards Adam.

As Max reached him, Adam placed his hands on Max’s shoulders.

“You heard my order, so tell me why did you not follow it?”

Max kept his eyes on the floor, he had no idea what to answer and he was too scared to give his real reason.

“Have you changed your mind who your Alpha is?”

Max still remained silent.

Adam struck him causing Max to fall to the floor holding his bleeding face. Adam prepared himself to strike him again but was stopped in his tracks when four wolves grabbed Max’s jacket by their teeth and quickly pulled him back.

Max instantly knew who they were, it was Jack and Jason’s closest friends.

This influenced him to stand and as he did he looked Adam Michaels straight into the eye.

Adam was shocked by Max’s defiance but he dared not show it and he snarled a warning at Max who instantly lowered his head. Adam could now see the potential Alpha power within Max and it disturbed him. He knew he could easily become his rival and he was determined to keep him by his side. The famous saying ‘keep your friends close and your enemies closer’ was running through his mind.

“You are either with me or against me Max so which is it?”

Max looked at Adam and then at the wolves standing behind him, he was terrified but he kept his face expressionless. He did not like what he had just witnessed, Mark was not given a chance to fight for himself and Adam had ordered the pack rip them apart, the old Adam would never have done that. Max knew he still needed Adams help but he did not want to kneel before him.

“Last chance Max, make your decision.”

Max looked down as Jack nudged his leg with his snout. Max knew he was warning him to back down. Max closed his eyes and inhaled deeply and when he opened them again he looked right at Adam and said.

“I am with you.” He almost spat the words out.

“Then show me Max.” Adam ordered, sensing the hostility in his answer.

Not one wolf made a sound. Again Jack nudged Max’s leg and he looked down at him as he let out a little whimper.

Max without taking his eyes from Adams walked towards him, he took his hand as he reached him and he kissed it before he knelt before him.

Even though Max had done exactly as he should Adam had felt his defiance in the way that he did it.

“Shift and join the pack, we are going hunting.”

Adams eyes widened when Max shook his head.

“I can’t, I don’t have time. I need you to help me find her.”

Adam contemplated attacking him but he began to smile as Max explained the reason for his hostility, little Rachael Evens had been kidnapped by a vampire. If he could find Rachael, Max would be become his ally he would not have to worry about him trying to steal his title.

“Do you know the name of the vampire that took her,” he asked Max.

“He calls himself Charlie but due to the lies he has told, I doubt that is his real name.”

“What does he look like?”

“My height, dark hair and almost covered from head to toe in tattoos.”

Adam furrowed his brow, “tattoos?”

Max nodded.

“I think I know him, I’ve chased him out of this town before. He was always here seen just before a child would go missing and he was always with that witch.”

Adam listened as Max told him his theories.

“I can make him pay, do you know Max what the one thing vampires care about more after themselves?”

Max shook his head.

“Their fledglings, they love those that they have turned.”

“Do you know who he has turned?” Max asked him.

Adam smiled and nodded.

 “I know he turned the entire Fletcher family, they are his favourites especially the two brothers. They called themselves Jeremiah and Isaac and we are going to find them and take them. That will draw him out and until we do find them, I will kill every damn vampire that steps in my path.”

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