Living without games

By kennedi4556

16.9K 474 19

This is a story after the hunger games: Mockingjay! It's about how katniss and peeta live their lives without... More

Back in district 12
Back in district 12
Back in district 12
Finally seeing the boy with the bread
Helping peeta
Happy in love
Falling apart
Without her
Without him
Finally seeing him again
Talking to gale
With you
With you
Everyones engaged
Planning and having fun
Dress shopping
After the coma
New wedding
A whole new life!
A whole new life
A whole new life
Title your Story Part
Now a family
Learning to be parents
Authors note
Adding one more
Authors note
The pregnancy
The pregnancy
Captiol ways
The interview
The boy
Authors note
Bad news
Does it ever end
Does it ever end
Fighting once again
Escaping it all
Home again
Authors note

The reaping

193 4 0
By kennedi4556

Katniss POV

2 weeks later

Today is the reaping. I am dressing Lily in the outfit prim wore on her first reaping. and braiding her hair so it looks just like mine. Then I attack my mockingjay pin that I gave to Lily for her fourth birthday on her chest! "To protect you." I say and with that she wraps her arms around my neck and hugs me tight! Then my family and I walk to the justice building for the reaping. I see Effie up on stage wearing the exact same thing she wore for peeta and I first reaping where we got picked to fight. "hello ladies and gentleman. as usual ladies first." Effie says in a sad voice as she walks over the the reaping ball for the girls and picks up a slip of paper and walks to the microphone. "and our girl tribute for the 76th annual hunger games is.... Lily Mellark." without even thinking I volunteer. "I volunteer as tribute." I say with a strong voice. I look over at peeta and say "what were you do don't volunteer. promise me?" "but katniss-" "no I don't want to hear it, you have to promise me you won't volunteer" I say "I-II- I promise." He finally ends up saying. With that I walk up on stage. "and now for the boys." Effie says. As Effie is walking over to the reaping ball I mouth to peeta "dont volunteer" he doesn't even respond. and our male tribute is.... Ryan Micheal mellark." I feel tears starting to form. "I volunteer as tribute." I hear a familiar voice say. Then I see peeta walking up on stage and I glare at him as is to say how dare you lie to me........

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