
By LRussell18

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King/Medieval AU King Cipher rules Goldiania. A great kingdom known for their rich soil and strong king. Of c... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Taking a Break
Part 9

Part 10

991 25 83
By LRussell18


Part Ten

*Warning- There is blood, gore, a bit of cannibalism, and a sprinkle of smut in this chapter. You have been warned.*


We arrive at Bill's kingdom.

I frown at the new, dystopian world.

I tug on Bill's shirt.

"Can we check my house first? Please?"

"Of course Mason."

We rush to my house.

I open the door to see my family, except they've turned to stone.

I crumble to the ground, crying.

"They deserved punishment... but not this," I whimper, tears falling onto the ground.

"We'll make Gideon pay, I promise," Bill says, kneeling next to me.

I dry my tears and turn away from my family.

I walk with Bill to his old castle and find it abandoned and a mess.

"Do you think he's here?" Bill asks.

I stop as something sends chills up my spine.

"He's here. I can feel it."

Bill draws his sharp blade.

"You mortals were fools to return."

I turn to the voice, but there's no one there.

"Face us like a real man!" Bill demands.

"Ha... I could kill you so easily."

"Then why don't you?" I ask, trying to sound brave.

There's a pause.

"I... I don't need to tell you humans!"

"He sounds scared," Bill whispers.

I nod and take out my daggers.

"What's the plan Bill?" I ask, turning around.

But he's not there.

"Bill? Where'd you go? Bill!" I call out.

Gideon laughs evilly.

"Not so powerful without your king are you?"

He grabs my neck and squeezes.

I try to slash at Gideon as I gasp for Oxygen.

He knocks the weapons out of my hands.

"Now... Let's have some fun~~~"

"N-No!" I cry out.

He leans towards my and presses his cold lips against my bloody ones.

The world fades away as Gideon's darkness consumes me.


I land in the castle's dungeons.

"Mason! Where are you?" I call out.

"He's not here. He's... having "fun" with that monster," a familiar voice hisses behind me.

"Vivian?" I ask as I turn around.

And there the girl sits.

She frowns.

"Of course it's me. Gideon didn't kill me. Just threw me in here to rot," she says, spitting.

"But he did something else. A part of me is missing. I feel... empty..." she adds.

Suddenly, footsteps echo in the stairway.

"He's coming," Vivian says.

Gideon grins at the sight of us.

"So happy you could join us Bill Cipher."

"You're sick."

"You haven't seen anything yet, mortal," he says, neck twisting in an inhuman manner.

He snaps his fingers, and Vivian teleports next to him.


He talks out a sacrificial knife and cuts Vivian's hair off and a piece of her neck.

He continues to cut her hair and skin off.

How is she not dead?!

"Simple really. I just cast a temporary Immortality spell on her," Gideon cackles.

Vivian screams as the demon cuts her arm off.

...but it just grows back.

Gideon keep torturing poor Vivian and forces me to watch.

He eventually grows bored and annoyed of Vivian's screams and snaps his fingers.

"Humans can be sooo boring."

Vivian screams once more and lays still on the bloody ground.

"Anyway, I hope you have fun dying in here!" Gideon says, disappearing.

The cells start to fill with bloody water.

I claw at the door.

I can't die!

Not like this!

I start to cry.

"Dipper... I love you... So much... More than you'll ever know..." I say, even though he can't hear me.

The water reaches my hips.

I love you Mason Pines.


I open my eyes to a familiar room.


This is Bill's room!

Gideon appears from a pillar of flames.

"Hello there pet~"

I try to stand up, but I'm chained to the bed.

"Don't try to resist pet~ Those chains are magic~"

"Wh-Where's B-Bill?!" I panic.

"Don't worry about him... He's being taken are of."

"Let us go you coward!" I shout.

Gideon grabs my neck and squeezes.

"Such a loud mouth... Tsk tsk tsk... Why don't I sew that shut for you?"

He summons a needle and red thread.

I bit his hand, but he only laughs.

"Such a fiery spirit!"

The demon sighs.

"If I sew your mouth shut, it'll be harder to kiss you!"

"Get away from me!" I scream.

"Oh well... The sex is worth it."

He taps the needle on my chin.



I hear Dipper scream.

His voice echoes throughout the chambers.

I have to get to him!

I pound on the door more.

"Let me out!"

The icy water rises to my mouth.

I gasp for air as I keep punching the door.


And then my head goes underwater.


The door bursts open because of the pressure.

I throw up water as I stand up.

"Just shut up you bastard!"

I run towards Gideon's voice.

Which is in my room?

I force the door open and gasp at the sight of a beaten, naked Dipper Pines.

His mouth is sewn shut with red string and tears stain his bloody face.

His chocolate eyes widen when he sees me.

I run towards Dipper and hug him tightly.

"Mm! MMM!"

"What is it?" 

I turn and see Gideon grinning.

"Humans can be soo... noisy! So... annoying..."

He grins.

"So I shut him up."

"You're a monster!" I yell.

"Don't make me sew your mouth too, mortal," he warns.

Mason groans in pain behind me.

"It's going to be ok Mason. I promise," I tell him.

I wince at the blood dripping from his dry and cracked lips.

I hold onto the chains that bind Mason's arms and close my eyes.

I focus on our love for each other.

Then I hear them fall off.

"How is this possible?!" Gideon snaps.

"It's called love. And this love, our love, is more powerful than your hellish magic," I growl.

Dipper snaps his fingers, and the thread disappears.

His body heals as he glares at the demon.

Gideon grins at us.

"You mortals are still nothing compared to me."

"We'll see about that. Right Bill?" Dipper asks, turning to me.

"You are certainly right, my love," I say as I kiss him.

"AGH!!! You both will suffer for eternity!"

I grin.

"Losing your temper Gideon?" I mock.

"Shut up you-"


The demon screams in rage.

Gideon tackles me to the ground and tries to punch me, but Dipper uses magic to send him flying backward.

I run towards the confused demon and tie him up with the chains he used on Mason.

"Let me go! Y-You can't do this!"

He starts to panic as the chains drain his magic.

"I-I'll give you immortality! Power beyond you imagination! Anything!" He bargains.

"We want our kingdom back," Dipper says, grabbing my hand.

"Anything but that! ...I know! I'll mess with your peoples' minds! I'll make them accept you for who you are!" 

Dipper frowns.

"I can't let you twist their minds like that. I  have to tell them. have to make sure they understand this is who I am. have to deal with whatever punishment they think of.  have to do it," I say, stepping towards him.

"...And nothing will change my mind."

I punch Gideon and knock him out.

"Good job Bill," Dipper says, hugging me from behind.

"Thank you Mason..."

He picks up the demon and says, "Come on, we have to give him to the Plant of Insanity."

I nod and help him carry Gideon to the cave where we almost died.

"aHHhhh... KiNG CiPHEr... HAvE YoU BrOughT me WhAT i ASked FoR?" The creature asks.

I rest the demon on the cold floor.

"Yes," I say.

Vines wrap around Gideon's body and drags him into the abyss.

"...yOu ProMiSED mE A DeMON..."

"He is a demon! Well... he should be one," I say.

"Take the chains off," Dipper says.

I hear the chains land on the cave's floor with a *clink!*

"i CAn FeEL HiS PowER... hiS AnGEr..."

The creature groans.

"ToO BaD i Can'T PLay wiTH hiM..."

"Why not?" I ask.

"i'M DyiNG... i'M dYinG CipHER... THis... FoRM of mE... it'LL DiE SooN... BuT... SincE YoU'VE GonE ThrOUGh aLL ThiS TroUBLe... i'LL TAKe thiS DeMOn doWN wiTH Me tO HeLL whERE hE shALL roT fOR aLL EterNiTY..."


"Does Gideon really deserve this? Maybe I could fix him or-"

"No. That demon is far too gone," Bill interrupts.

I slowly nod.

"i CAn fEeL mySeLF fADinG... FarEWeLL HuMANs..."

Black ashes flow out of the cave and sink into the ground.

"Goodbye..." I say.

"You ok?" Bill asks, holding me close.

"Yes... But it feels weird. This whole... mess, it's over! It's strange. Life is strange," I say.

"True... but that strangeness led me to you, and I love you with all of my heart," Bill says, kissing my hand.

I blush.

"Come on... The kingdom should be back to normal by now," I say.

We return to Bill's kingdom to find everything back to normal and people asking, "What happened?" "Where's King Cipher?" and "Where's my servant?"


I grin at my people and kingdom.

"I'll have to explain what happened," I say sadly.

"Yes... but what about us? Will you tell them?" Pinetree asks.

"I... I don't know. If I told them, we could lose everything we've worked for," I say, holding his hands.

"And they might want to hang us, kill us... I don't want to lose you," I say. 

"True... but what if they accept us? Accept us for our love?" He asks.

I think for a moment.

I step onto the wooden podium and address my people.

"People of Goldiania! I know you must be confused. I'll explain what happened to the best of my ability. To be honest, I'm as shaken as you are," I say.

I continue to explain what happened.

The people stay silent as they soak up the information.

My people start to disperse, but I stop them by saying, "I... I have one more announcement."

They turn to me.

"I... I sexually prefer men over women. And... I have a significant other that I have been talking to for years..." I say as Mason stands next to me.

I hold his hand and he kisses my cheek.

(A/N: Like I normally do, I wrote two different endings! BUT! I'll show you the Bad Ending first instead of the Good Ending! Hope you enjoy!😁 P.S. The 'bad ending' is a bit... bloody...)

Ending 1:


The people scream in terror and tie us to a pole.

They strip us of our clothes and take out whips.

The people who I thought would support us, beat us.

Dipper's blood splatters on the ground.

I want to save him.

I want to be able to hold him, tell him everything will be ok.

His sister emerges from the crowd, grinning.

"You are disgusting," she says, taking out a long knife.

I struggle against the ropes as she steps towards my bloody and dying Pinetree.

She unties him and he crumbles to the ground. 

I watch in horror as she stabs Mason's heart.

She yanks out the organ and takes a bite.

"Yum," she says wickedly.

Tears fall from my face as his body falls to the ground.


"Mason!" I scream, finally freeing myself from the rope.

I hold onto my love's dead body.

"No... No! ...I was supposed to protect you... I..." I whimper as I cry.

His sister steps towards me and smiles.

"Your turn to die."

Before I can speak, Mabel's knife is in my heart.

Blood fills my lungs and throat as I try to breathe.

She yanks out the knife and I cough up blood.

"Goodbye, my king," she says as I feel myself fading away.

Before I black out, I see the people beheading poor Ember.

They know that Ember will never be able to come back if they do that.

Tears sting my eyes as they fall.

I feel my body become cold and empty...

...and everything becomes darkness.

(3rd POV)

Two spirits enter a perfect afterlife together.

The brunette sighs at the world below.

"I wish they would have accepted us," he says.

"Me too, my love," his lover says.

The couple watches in despair as their kingdom becomes corrupted and filled with grief.

The brunette's sister becomes a dictator over the land and spreads vile rumors about the couple. 

Eventually, the girl dies, but the damage is done.

No one shall ever remember the couple that secretly saved the world.


Ending 2:


I wince, waiting for the people to kill us.

"My King... We support you and your significant other!" A family says as I open my eyes.

"You... do...?"

The whole kingdom nods.

"Your heart is golden and it's ok that you prefer men," a servant says.

My people smile and nod.

"Thank you everyone... Thank you..." I say, tearing up.

"NO! They are disgusting!" I hear a familiar voice shriek.


She and her family emerge from the crowd with knifes.

Mason hides behind me.

"I'll protect you," I say.

A few of my people pin them to the ground and kick away their weapons.

They tie up Ford, Stan, and Dipper's parents.

"Wait, where's-"

"Behind you!" Dipper yells.

I turn and see Mabel with her knife raised.

I smack it out of her hand and draw my dagger.

She does the same.


I close my eyes and focus my magic into energy.

Relax, but focus.

Relax, but focus. 

Relax, but focus...


"Hjdsk alhkj hasd ufhb vua hfsdal bhfa klheuhayr ewr uioqu equbv," I whisper.

I take control of Mabel's mind and body.

I raise my arm, and she does the same.

I pretend like I'm pressing a knife against my throat.

"Stop! Dipper! Don't do this!" Bill says, yanking my arm away.

Mabel lets go of the knife.

"Sh-She tried t-to k-kill you..." I tremble.

"And she'll pay, but you shouldn't kill her."

I slowly nod, which makes Mabel nod.

Her soft bangs hang in her emotionless face.

"She'll go to jail right?" I ask.

Bill nods.


I let go of Mabel.

She collapses and glares at me.

Everyone scowls at my twin in disgust.

"Take them to the dungeon," Bill says.

I sadly watch as people take my family away.

Bill dismisses his people and takes me back to the castle.

Once we reach Bill's room, we collapse onto the soft, clean bed.

"Are you ok?" Bill says, wrapping his arms around me.

"Y-Yes... I believe so... I'm quite tired though," I say, snuggling into Bill's chest.

"Me too," he yawns.

"I can't believe the people actually support us and who we are," he adds.

"But they do," I smile.

He kisses me.

"I love you Pinetree," he hums.

"I love you more," I say, challengingly.

"Wanna bet?" He asks.

I giggle as he pins me to the bed.

"Why don't you show me how much you love me?" I flirt, grinning.

"Very well my Pinetree~"

Bill leans towards my neck and-

*Knock Knock* "Your Majesty?" A soft voice whispers.

Violet, one of our maids, enters the room.

Bill practically jumps off of me.

"Y-Yes Violet? Wh-What is it?" He stammers, flustered.

"The people have requested for you and your love to be wed," the maid says, trying to hide her smile.

"S-Sounds great!" Bill says, his face even more red.

"I'll notify the people at once. When shall you two be wed?"

"Uh-Umm... I will have to think about that. I'll tell you when I know," Bill says, practically a ripe tomato. 

"Thank you, Your Majesty. I'll tell no one to disturb you," Violet says, closing the door.

Bill turns back to me and covers his face in embarrassment.

"Oh my God..." He says.

"Aww... You're cute when you're all flushed," I say.

"Oh hush... But I can't believe it! We're getting married!" He says, grinning like a boy who just received his first sword.

"Yes! But you haven't proposed," I joke.

He snaps his fingers and Ember flies through the window, carrying a satchel.

Bill takes my hand and slides two rings out of the small bag.

"I've had these for a while actually... So Mason Pines? Will you make me the happiest King in the universe? ...And marry me?" He asks with puppy eyes.

"Of course I will!" I say happily.

Bill lifts me up as Ember squacks joyfully.

My love kisses me and spins me around.

We both slide on our rings.

"They're beautiful... They're perfect!" I say, grinning.

"Only the best for my Pinetree," Bill says, kissing my hand.

"When shall we be wed?" I ask.

"I was thinking... In three weeks? That'll give us time to prepare and get the supplies we need," he explains.

"Sounds perfect... fiance," I say, trying to get used to that word.

He smiles.

"That reminds me... Where were we...?" He asks.

I grin and pull him onto the bed.

His hands slide up my tunic as he kisses me.

Bill rushes to take off our clothes.

"I love you. I love you. I love you..." He whispers with lust in his voice.

He begins to kiss my neck, and leaves a small hickey.

"I l-love you m-more, my d-darling," I say, holding back a moan.

"Let show you how much I love you~" he grins, cocky.

"Go ahead then, my love~"

He flips me over and-

3 Weeks Later-


Dipper walks down the aisle in the finest of clothes.

I smile and kiss his hand.

"We're getting married!" He whispers, attempting to hide his excitement.

We hold hands as the priest says words I don't care about.

All I care about is him.

Mason/Dipper Pines.

We love each other and no one can stand in the way of that love.

He is my wonderful Pinetree.

"You may now kiss the br- I mean... You may now kiss!" The priest says happily.

I pull my new husband into a passionate kiss as I dip him.

We slowly pull away and wave at the cheering people.

I turn to Dipper and smile.

"We made it," I whisper.

He nods and holds my hand.

"We did make it... This life... This acceptance... It's... unreal."

"This is real, and I get to live this life with my husband," I say proudly.

Pinetree grins.

"I have another surprise for you," he says.

"What is it Pinetree?" I ask.

"Close your eyes and don't open them until I say so."

I smile and close my eyes.

I feel Pinetree lead me outside.

"You may open your eyes."

I open them to see a beautiful carriage lead by two strong looking horses.

"I know we really aren't supposed to leave the kingdom but... I thought we could go a traveling honeymoon!" Dipper says.

I stroke the polished wood and step into the carriage.

"What are you waiting for then? Come on!" I say, pulling him into the carriage.

He giggles as I kiss him.

"Thank you for planning this... I know it'll be perfect," I say.

He smiles and knocks on the wood.

I feel the driver leave us.

"I thought we could have some alone time first~" Pinetree says, kissing me.

"Sounds perfect baby~"

*Smut Warning*


Bill takes off our clothes in the blink of an eye.

I feel my cheeks warm up at the sight of Bill's growing d*ck.

I lay on my stomach and wait for him to enter.

He slowly thrusts into my a$$.

I wince and grab onto the cushions.

"Why are you so big?" I ask, still wincing.

"Why are you so tight?" He asks, still thrusting slowly.

He suddenly hits my sweet spot, making me moan.

"Ah~ R-Right th-THERE!~" I yelp.

I head Bill chuckle as he hits the spot, but keeps the pace slow.

"G-Go f-faster love," I groan.

"Aww... I can't tease you?" He asks, leaving my semi-tight a$$.

I let out a tiny whimper at the loss of Bill.

His hands rubs my thighs.

"Still so tight..."

"Bill! If your d*ck doesn't enter my a$$ in the next few seconds, I'm leaving this carriage!" I snap.

Bill only laughs.

"You're so cute when you want me," he says, kissing my neck.

"Just! Argh! Fine then!" I say, pushing him off of me.

I grab my tunic and put it on.

"Aw... Mad at me Pinetree?" Bill asks.

"Yes!" I say as I storm out of the vehicle.

"Don't be!" Bill says, pinning me to the soft grass.

I can't help but blush.

"F-Fine... But please... Just go faster..." I say softly.

"Ok my love~~~"

He flips me over and thrusts into my a$$, hitting the perfect spot.

I grip onto the soft grass as he speeds up.

Moans of pleasure fill the air as I reach my climax.

"Just tell me when you want me to-"

"NOW!~" I moan.

We both release at the same time.

I pant and flip onto my back.

I hug Bill's strong body.

"I haven't had sex that good since... God..." I say tiredly.

*Smut Over*

Bill chuckles and hugs my waist.

I wrap my arms around his neck.

His beautiful tattoos seem to shine in the moonlight.

"Pinetree... I can't wait to travel the land with you," he whispers, kissing my cheek.

"Neither can I..."

(3rd POV)

The couple traveled all across the land.

Their love never faded, nor did their kingdom.

When the lovely couple came back, a massive party was waiting for them.

Bill happily returned to his throne, with his husband as his other King.

They were the first kingdom to have two kings.

The first to have two males as their rulers.

And their legacy lived forever as the two kings that saved the world from a merciless demon.

And of course, they lived happily ever after.


*-3,633 Words- *Not including these! I hope you all enjoyed this story! I'm sorry this chapter was so long! I didn't mean for it to be... it just happened. This was my first time writing smut so I hope it wasn't too terrible! XD Anyway... I thank you all for reading this! Have a wonderful life!!!*

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