Ghost of you 》5 Seconds Of Su...

By _taylinn_

419 23 4

As far as everyone knows Michael Clifford was an only child. That is until he told the world of his twin sist... More

Chapter 1// A phone call
Chapter 2//Visitor
Chapter 3//Familiar faces
Chapter 4//Tally mark
Chapter 5//Late night swimming
Chapter 6//Laser tag and locked lips
Chapter 7//Quality time
Chapter 8//Crowds and Confessions
Chapter 9// Family reunion
Chapter 10//America
Chapter 11// Halloween Party
Chapter 12//Mistakes
Chapter 13//Safety Pin
Chapter 14//Broken Love
Chapter 16//Vacation
Chapter 17//Big decisions and big mistakes
Chapter 18//Ghost of you
Chapter 19// Youngblood

Chapter 15// Roommates

15 1 0
By _taylinn_

Luke's P.O.V

I scratched my scruffy chin and ran a hand through my wet hair as I walked out of the bathroom. Ever since Arzaylea left me I couldn't bear staying in my own home without being reminded of her, her perfume, her face wash, he nail polish, all things that still remained in my home almost a month later, so I moved in with Ashton.

Him and Mena are really helping me through it all. From the start I thought I wasn't going to make it through it all, but the boys reminded me I had them to turn to. I had even texted my mum and talked on the phone with her for a while.

Living with Ashton wasn't bad though. Usually we get breakfast at Starbucks then go to the studio but today we have an interview with MTV so we had to get ready for that.

The only downside to living with Ashton was when Mena would stay the night...Don't get me wrong I love her but her and Ash tend to get a little loud together at night.

"Morning Luke." Mena walked past in one of Ash's large sweatshirts that rested at her knees and a cup of coffee in one hand and her phone in the other.

I yawned. "I hate mornings!"

She spun on her heels walking backwards while she held up her mug of steaming hot liquid.

"That's why I drink coffee." She giggled turning back around to walk into the kitchen.

"What the hell, Luke?!" Ashton shouted from his room at the end of the hall.

"What did I do?" I rolled my eyes trudging into his room to find Ashton rummaging through his dresser drawers, seemingly annoyed at something.

"You steal my underwear all the time so now I can't find any!" He groaned shutting the drawer, turning to look at me.

"Just wear the ones you had on yesterday." I shrugged before retreating back to the guest room where I was staying.

"Uh, no that's DISGUSTING!" Mena shouted from the kitchen.

I smirked. "Well that's what he gets for keeping me up all night with the head board banging up against the wall."

Ashton chuckled softly. "Oops."

Mena's P.O.V

After the boys' interview I waited at Ashton's house watching TV. Suddenly my phone began to ring with a familiar song...She's Kinda Hot my favorite song off that album.

"Hiii Mena!" Calum's voice surprised me when I answered the phone.

"Hey Cal. Where's Ash?" I chuckled.

"Driving. Let me put you on speaker." He replied.

Ashton's voice came over the phone. "Hey babe, sorry I'm running late but Luke's gonna hang out at Cal's tonight so I was thinking we could go to dinner after all I drop all of these guys off."

"Sounds good. Where were you thinking about going to eat?" I asked going back to Ash's room where I had a few outfits since I was here a lot.

"It's a suprise. Oh and I'll give you your early birthday present tonight too."

I stopped. Did he just day that in front of the boys not to mention my BROTHER?! A blush crept to my cheeks.

"Ew, bro!" Calum groaned.

"Thats my sister you sicko!" My brother shouted.

"Guys chill I'm talking about an actual present. Remember Cal?"

"Oh yeah! Alright talk to you later Mena." Calum said.

"Bye! Love you guys!" I smiled hanging up.

I sorted through a couple outfits before I picked out a white shirt, a long grey cardigan, a red scarf, and black leggings with my favorite black ankle boots. But I couldn't help wondering what Ashton got for me since I repeatedly told him not to get anything for me.

Michael and I's birthday couldn't be coming any quicker. Both of us would be turning 20 making me feel old even though I wasn't even close to being old.

After costing my lashes in mascara, covering my eyelids in eye shadow, and layering my lips in lipstick, I ran the straightener through my hair.

The front door clicked open and I heard Ash's keys hit the counter.

"You ready?" He called.

I came out of the bathroom to see Ashton standing at the end of the hallway.

Ashton's P.O.V

My eyes traveled slowly down her body taking in every inch of her. I loved being able to call the beautiful girl, I was currently  staring at, my girlfriend. But I hated how she always got dolled up before going out because every time she did guys would stare at her no matter what I do to let them no she was MINE!

I shook my head. "Nope."

She squinted her eyes. "What do you mean no?"

"Every time you go out looking like that all the guys stare at you like I don't exist!"

I explained as she crossed her arms.

"I don't care if they stare the only person I care about is you, Ash." She smiled walking closer until she was so close if I moved our lips would touch.

Mena leaned forward, pressing her lips to mine then she stepped back, looping her arm in mine.

"Remind me why I love you again, Irwin?" She asks sliding into the passenger side of my car.

"Because..." I close my door, and start the car, looking over at her with a cocky smirk. "I'm the greatest."

Mena laughed her famous contagious laugh that, no matter what, always mad emerging laugh. As we continued to drive we listened to the radio, my hand resting on her thigh while I listened to her sing along to the songs. Then a tune I knew all to well come through the speakers.

Mena gasped, lip syncing the words dramatically while looking at me.

"I wish that I could wake up with amnesia and forget about the stupid little things. Like the way it felt to fall alseep next to you and the memories I never can escape." She sang making me laugh.

We pulled into Mena's favorite restaurant and I turned off the car, walking over to her side helping her out.

"Why thank you Sir." She jumped out and I shut the door behind her.

Once we got seated Mena looked diligently through the menu until our waitress came over looking extremely nervous.

"Are you alright?" I asked a little concerned at her continuously fidgeting, Mena looked up at her with the same expression as me.

"Uh yeah. Um, you're Ashton Irwin and Mena Clifford right?" She stumbled on her words a little making me smile.

"That's us." I chuckled softly.

The waitress blushed, "Sorry to bother you like this but could you sign my phone case for me?" She handed me a sharpie and her white phone case with a picture of the boys and I on it.

I quickly signed it then handed it back while Mena watched with a small smile. The girl then handed the phone case to Mena.

"You want my autograph?" Mena asked a little confused.

"Totally! You're amazing!"

I could tell Mena was excited about her first autograph which only made my smile bigger if that was even possible.

After we ordered Mena bounced in her seat with a goofy grin on her red lips.

"She wanted my autograph!" She cheered.

Soon after we finished eating I remembered her birthday present. I reached in my pocket to grab it then kept it on my lap so she couldn't see it yet.

"So, like I have this really amazing girlfriend..." I watched Mena's face as she sensed my joke, playing along.

"Oh really?" She raised a playful eyebrow. "Go on." She gestured for me to continue.

"Her birthday is coming up like really soon."

She nodded anxiously.

"And she likes this band called Green Day a lot so..."

Her eyes grew wide. "You didn't!"

I help up the V.I.P, meet and greet tickets and she put her hands over her mouth.

"Oh my God Ash..." She whispered grabbing the tickets from my hand to look them over closely while I handed the waitress my card.

"Thank you!" She screeched. "I love you so much."

I giggled at her excitement and gestured to the Billie Joe Armstrong quote inked on her arm.

"Now you can see him in person." I grinned.

She hugged the tickets to her chest and smiled.

"The boys are coming with us too se we'll all get to meet them." I said as she looked up at me and her smiled got even bigger

"You're the best."

==============Mena's P.O.V=============

I opened the door to see Michael, Luke and Calum standing on our door step.

Calum quickly grabbed me by the waist, spinning me in the air, making me laugh.

"Are you excited to meet Green Day?!" He shouted, setting me down.

Mikey and Luke cheered as Ashton watched with a grin. I never saw Ash as a huge Green Day fan until I'd look on his phone any time he would listen to music to see them playing through his ear buds.

When we got in line to meet them it inched closer and closer making me get more and more nervous everytime we moved forward.

"Alright now remember-" the guard looked up and he smiled. "Oh hey boys go right in."

I took a deep breath as Luke pushed through the curtain, all of us shuffling in one by one.

"Hi!" Trè greeted us, spinning a drumstick between his fingers like Ashton would always do.

"So what's your guys' names?" Mike Dirnt came out from behind the table where Billie sat completely absorbed in his phone.

Calum stepped forward slightly. "Uh, I'm Calum."

"I'm Luke."

"I'm Michael."

"I'm Ashton."

I stared at the pictures on the table debating on which one I wanted then to sign. Ashton's elbow hit my side making me snap my head up to see everyone who were all conveniently staring at me.

"Oh, um I'm Mena." I smile awkwardly as Billie looked up, setting his phone down.

"I don't know how to work those damn things. Sorry about that." Billie apologized then he smiled. "You are the guys that covered American Idiot a couple of years ago right?"

"5 seconds of summer, that's their name." Trè blurted.

Michael gave them a dorky grin and I knew his inner fanboy was going insane.
"That's us." He nodded.

"And you're the bass player." Mike pointed a finger at Calum.

"Yup." Calum smiled.

"Sweet! You're really good. The bass can be tough." Mike smiled.


Trè put a hand on my shoulder and leaned in close to my ear. "What's his name again?" He asked pointing to my boyfriend who was talking to Billie with Michael and Luke.

"That's Ashton." I replied with a soft chuckle.

"And you're Mena Clifford right? I saw you on MTV a couple times, something about fights?" Trè asked and the boys turned their heads in my direction knowing the fights were something I didn't like to talk about.

Trè felt the tension and sighed. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have said anything, but I just thought that was fuckin funny what you said to that chick. That was pretty cool."

I grinned. Trè thought that what i said was COOL. I was going to have to calm down before I exploded.

"Thanks." I stammered and Bollie nodded.

"Ashton, your drumming skills are great, you guys should do a collab with us sometime." Trè turned to Ashton.

Ashton's eyes sparkled and his face scrunched up into a huge smile. His role model since like forever had told him he was a good drummer, and I could tell he was on the verge of bursting into million pieces of happiness, his dimples digging deep into his cheeks. I smiled over at him loving every second of this day with him and the boys.

The next day was Michael and I's birthday party and that night i went back home with Ashton since we both could never go a night without caving in and having a sleep over.

We walked in and Ashton turned on the lights to reveal a trail of Hershey kisses going through the kitchen, turning down the hall.

I smiled back at Ash as he gestured forward followed by a wink. I followed the trail down the hallway and back into his room  to find a small envelope on the bed. I quickly opened it then read the note quietly as he pressed his big body against the back of my body, wrapping his arms around my waist, watching me.

"What does it say?" He asks resting his head on my shoulder.

"Will you move in with me." I read and quickly turned around and smiled.

"Really?!" I asked my heart beating a miles miles a second.

He giggled. "Yeah."

I jumped up on him wrapping my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck.

"Of course I'll move in with you!" I smiled into his neck, breathing in his scent that I adored.

Ashton laid me back on the bed, pressing his lips to mine, crawling on top of me. He quickly removed his shirt then continued our extremely passionate kiss.

"My girlfriend's bitchin' cause I always sleep in. She's always screaming when shes calling her friends-" My phone rang from the back pocket of my jeans.

"She's kinda hot though." Ashton murmured  against my skin, peppering wet kisses in my neck.

I reached and grabbed my phone my pocket, but he didn't stop kissing my neck making me moan softly.

"Ash...I gotta get this." I looked down at the screen and I frowned when I saw Karen's mother.

I push Ash back gently and sat up, answering the phone slowly.


"Happy Birthday, Mena!" She sounded happy and it disgusted me.

"Thanks..." I muttered.

"Well we already called your brother and thought we'd call you too."

"Mmhmm." I replied rolling my eyes and Ashton looked at me confused.

Karen sighed. "Look, Mena you need to get over this. Me and your father did so why can't you?"

All my hate and anger resolved into hurt and tears filled up the wells of my eyes and I looked down.

Ashton saw my tears and grabbed the phone and looked angry, but I didn't care about what he was doing just as long as i didn't have to talk to her anymore.

"Mrs. Clifford this is Ashton. I just want to inform you that it is not in the slightest way Mena's fault. You ripped her away from her home, family, friends taking any chance of her experiencing a normal high school life. So please don't call her again and act like this is all her doing because we all know it was you and your husband who I might add needs to shut his mouth to refrain from saying something stupid like he did to Mena when she came over. Other than that I hope you have a nice night." He says his goodbye in a fake, nice tone and hangs up.

I look up and hug him all pain fading to suprise and the butterflies in my stomach erupted.

"I love you Ashton." I smiled.

He rubbed my back as he held me tightly then let go, pulling the covers back on the bed throwing me one of his shirts that I usually wore to bed every night.

Once we got changed he climbed into bed with me and held me close to his bare chest. His body pressed against to mine, keeping me warm.

"I love you too." He kiss my neck softly and I smiled softly before closing my eyes and drifting off to sleep.

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