In Too Deep

By HeavenlyDreamerBlog

13.8K 601 309

Meet Lexy. She's heading for a new life in LA, hoping to leave behind traumatic family memories in Louisiana... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 9

357 13 2
By HeavenlyDreamerBlog

"Give me one reason why I shouldn't fire the fuck out of you Lexy!" Yes, as I guessed Carrie was major league pissed by the time I arrived, five minutes later than agreed and no doubt looking worse for wear.

"I'm sorry Carrie but like I said I have been working ... it's just my phone was on silent and I missed all the calls and messages." I knew this wasn't going to wash. She'd obviously had a liquid lunch and then had to deal with my shitty client and his ridiculous demands.

I wondered the best way of handling the situation. I hadn't had enough time to work out the best plan of action with other things weighing on my mind. I took a deep breath. "Pass all the emails, voice mails and messages and let me deal with the crap." I decided to own the situation. "I made a mistake, so let me sort it all out and you go home."

Carrie stood up, stacking piles of paper next to her laptop and placing pens into a holder on her desk. She looked up, taking in my slightly dishevelled appearance. "Lexy, I don't want to know what's been happening but please don't fuck up this job. I've given you this chance so don't blow it." She pulled on her coat and approached me. "He's not an easy client Lexy. He'll make demands on you, he'll want total control. Just remember he's the boss and you're just the party planner. Do as you're told and please don't let me have to take any more of his pissy phone calls." She smiled when she said that last part. Did this mean I was off the hook?

"I understand Carrie. Have you sent me all the messages, so I can get down to work?

"Yes. Check your emails. They're all there." She looked me over again. "Lexy, get some work done but don't leave it too late. You look like shit." A smile crossed her face as she said that. "One last question before I leave: How did the meeting with Jared go?"

I let out a long breath. The pause must have been a beat too long. "That good was it?" Carrie asked.

"It was full on. I know I've got my work cut out Carrie but I won't fuck up. Promise." With that I gestured with my hand to the door. "Go home for the night and let me get on with this work."

I powered up my laptop, made a coffee and settled down for a night in the office. I dimmed the lights so I could better concentrate on the job at hand. I worked my way through two messages about the night's catering and fired off replies. Champagne was ordered, the DJ booked.

Then I came on to the messages from Jared, each one more urgent that the last.

Jared: Lexy, when you decide and realise who's the boss in this partnership, just call me. The sooner the better. You know my number.

Fuck. The only word that sprang to mind in that moment. I knew Jared would be with Shannon. I also knew he'd be waiting on my call. I decided to message him instead. Play safe and hope he'd call me later.

Lexy: I've just got your messages. I'm in the office working. When you're free, give me a call.

Keep it business-like and simple. No apologies. I wanted him to know I wasn't frightened by his demands. Take charge Lexy, I thought to myself as I pressed send on the message.

Two minutes later, my phoned pinged and the screen lit up.

Jared: So you finally decided to respond. Tell me what you're working on Lexy.

It was unnerving, almost as if I could hear him speaking the words next to me. I hesitated before replying.

Lexy: Sorting out the catering, bar and DJ. Should all be ready for the night. What about you?

Jared: Just hanging out with my brother. I'll let you get on with the work.

Just like that, he was gone. My phone went silent. I gathered my thoughts and carried on for another hour, helped by caffeine and adrenaline.

It was 11pm when I finally wrapped everything up and decided to head home. Jess had promised a late supper, maybe not quite this late but I'd kept her updated on my progress. I dropped her a text, closed my laptop and locked up the office.

Outside, the night air was cool and lights from surrounding businesses flooded the sidewalk as I made my way to my car. As promised, Emma had had it delivered to a parking lot next to the office. I flicked the fob and the door unlocked. The traffic downtown was quiet at this time of night and I pulled out, heading for home and that promise of food.

I didn't care how late it was, the smells coming from the kitchen were too good to resist. "Jess!" I pulled her into my arms, resting my head on her shoulder. "OK. That was one of the best and worst days of my life." The words tumbled out. I couldn't hold them back. I felt Jess's arms wrap tightly around me, her face questioning as she looked at the exhaustion written across my face.

"God Lex. What's been happening?" she asked, pushing me into the nearest chair and placing a simple Italian pasta dish in front of me. "Let's eat and you can fill me in," she said.

It took as long to explain the day's events as it took to devour the food in front of me. Jess kept prompting me to continue when I descended into a long silence, every now and then reassuring me that things would be OK.

The pasta was washed down by a couple of glasses of Merlot, taking the edge off the day. "Jess, I'll never get to sleep after the day I've had. And now all this," I said, laughing and pointing to the empty plates and wine glasses. "

"I think food's the least of your problems judging by the day you've had. Let's get this straight," she said, taking me by the hand and leading me to my bedroom. She pulled back the sheets and we lay there, picking apart the bones of my hellish day.

"So ... you've managed to bed two brothers without knowing they were brothers. And Jared and Shannon don't realise either? Shit Lex, you've fucked up well and good on this one."

"Thanks for the wise words Jess." I punched her on the arm and turned over, burying my face in the pillow.

"You can't hide away there hun. What if Jared finds out?"

"No!" I shouted, the sound muffled by the pillow over my face. "Don't go there, please."

"Lex, we'll sort this out together.

"Anyway," she giggled, "which brother came out best?"

My hand snapped back to deliver another punch but Jess dodged the blow, laughing at my obvious discomfort.

"Jess, I didn't ask for this. Now I've got to work out how best to keep them both apart." I lifted my face from the pillow, trying to adjust my eyes to the sudden brightness of the lights. "Jesus Jess, can you dim those for a moment."

It was well gone midnight and I was still wired. "Whatever happens keep all this from Carrie, please."

That's all I needed was her to find out what was happening. The night's silence was broken by the slam of a car door. "What was that?" Jess said. She peered out of the window but shrugged her shoulders. "Can't see anything." She pulled closed the curtains just as a knock sounded on the door.

We looked at each other. "Who calls at this time of night?" I asked, stepping out of bed and heading downstairs. "Lex, hold on. Don't go without me."

She followed, slowing me down as another knock echoed around the hallway. "OK. Calm down," I shouted, annoyed by the persistence at this time of night.

I put the chain on the door, before opening it. I looked out and felt my stomach tighten. Under the porch light, Jared met my gaze, signalling me to take off the chain.

"We need to talk," he said, walking in as if he owned the place.

"Jared! It's gone midnight," I said, trying to keep my temper under control. "What are you thinking banging on my door at this time?"

"Like I said, we need to talk."

Jess turned to leave. "I'll let you two have some space. I'm upstairs if you need me Lex." She walked off, leaving me to face off with Jared.

"How did you know where to find me?" I knew he didn't have my address.

There was silence before he told me how he'd waited outside the office and followed me home. Of course I'd stupidly told him where I was in that text message. "So you stalked me," I said, accusingly, unable to believe even Jared would go that far.

"Look Jared, say your piece and then just let me go to bed. I'm tired, it's been a long day and tomorrow looks as if it's going to be even longer." I looked at my watch, hoping he'd take the hint and go.

But lightning quick, he moved to grab my arm, locking his eyes on me. "It's not as easy as that Lexy," he said. "Put on your shoes and follow me."

I froze, unable to move. What had Carrie said about him wanting total control. He watched me flinch before he shouted to Jess that we were heading out.

"Jesus Jared what are you thinking." I grabbed a pair of trainers and the door keys before he guided me outside to his truck, hidden by an overhanging tree.

I climbed in and he started the engine, easing out into the LA traffic. "Where are we going?" I asked, breaking the silence. For someone who wanted to talk, he was pretty bloody quiet.

I shifted in my seat, feeling uncomfortable as the silence continued. The houses and businesses slowly gave way to more wooded areas and secluded hillside homes. Where the fuck was he taking me, I wondered.

Suddenly, he pulled off the main drag and headed up a rutted track, the truck bouncing over the rocks and stones. It was pitch black and after about five minutes of rocking and rolling, he killed the engine.

We sat there, the silence by now almost tangible. Our breath started to mist over the windows, the heat hitting cool glass. Jared turned to me. "What did I do wrong last night?" Those blue eyes were masked by the darkness but I could feel the intensity of his gaze.

He leaned over and pulled me to face him. "Look at me!" His raised voice, forced me to sit up and listen. Slowly my eyes became accustomed to the dark and I made out the shape of his jawline and the whites of his eyes.

"Please," I begged. "I didn't want to mess up my first party plan. I crossed a line and ..."

"... And?" he asked.

"And I was scared. You're older than me, you're famous, you're my client ...." I didn't finish the sentence because Jared climbed over to my seat, shifting me aside. He lifted me so that I was sitting on his lap, my back resting against the muscles of his chest. I knew at this point I was surrendering all control to him. My heart was aching for Shannon, yet my body was reacting in a whole different way to his brother.

Jared eased my head back on to his shoulder, tracing his fingers along my cheeks, down my neck and coming to rest on my nipples. I gasped, angry at his control and my lack of self control.

"Easy does it," he whispered, his warm breath on my neck as he moved his hand under my shirt, pushing aside my bra to touch my breasts. He started off gently, rolling my nipples between his fingers, sending an overwhelming ache down to my core. Then suddenly I screamed as he pinched, a bolt of pain cascading across my oversensitive skin. "Let me pleasure you with pain." That whisper again sent me over the edge. I could feel his erection digging into my back and our breathing was in tune, shallow and desperate.

The outside world had disappeared behind misted windows. Whatever happened now was just between me and Jared. I knew I would give in to his every demand, powerless to say no, totally submissive to his needs.

He unzipped my jeans, easing them down so he could drag his fingers across the wetness of my panties. I felt him harden, his cock twitching as his hand pushed aside the silk, opening me up so he could feel my walls tighten as he slowly finger fucked me.

"Remember the rules Lexy?" I nodded slowly. "Not good enough babe. Let me hear you say them out loud." He withdrew his finger from inside my core, making my body arch upwards and my breath catch in my throat. "I only cum when you say I can cum," I murmured, knowing surrender and obedience were important to him.

"That's right baby girl," he said. "And what'll happen if you don't obey?" I could feel myself freeze. He laughed quietly, feeling my body tense. "Punish you with pleasure ... pleasure you with pain Lexy. Remember those words ...

"At some point, you'll beg me to stop teasing your body and only then will I ... fuck ... you ... senseless." The words were barley audible, his mouth pressed against my neck, nipping and biting my skin.

I felt his fingers press deep inside me, my walls tightening as he pushed in and out, hitting my G spot again and again, my body shivering against his touch.

"No!" I shouted, aware that I was edging ever close to orgasm. I knew I had to back off but it was so difficult. I zoned out just as Jared's fingers pulled out of my dripping wet core, leaving my clit twitching and aching for more.

"Good girl, good girl. Bring it under control Lexy." I was lost to him, submitting myself to his control, wanting more of him, more of the agony and ecstasy he was inflicting on me.

"Take a deep breath and let's find that edge again," he muttered, thrusting his fingers hard inside me. The ache was so intense I felt myself drifting off, desperately trying to rub my clit against the palm of his hand as his fingers probed and thrust ever deeper inside me.

Then suddenly his hand pressed around my throat, cutting off the air and I gasped. The ache in my pussy intensified to the point where I couldn't hold back any longer. And I couldn't speak or scream because of the pressure from his hands. My mind was starting to black out.

A tear escaped, running down my cheek as I realised my body was caving in (without permission) to the rhythm of his fingers. I fisted his shirt as I tumbled over the edge. "Fuuuck Jared," I screamed as every fibre in my body tightened and released as the orgasm hit me in waves.

The pressure on my neck eased and I groaned, my body thrusting against his fingers, powerless to resist. I couldn't stop shaking and more tears spilled down my face. My whole being was shattered and rocked by the sheer intensity of the climax.

His fingers traced across my stomach and breasts before resting on my lips, easing them open for me to taste myself. "Naughty girl Lexy!" I felt him grip my hair. "That was your pleasure Lexy. Remember that because you'll have to pay for it. Your next lesson baby girl is pain, that's the cost of your disobedience."

I wanted to feel him inside me, but just as my orgasm faded, I felt him soften. That self control of his was back, leaving me wanting more.

He gently shifted my body so that he could cradle me against him, his arms wrapped tightly around my waist. I shivered and felt the muscles on his chest flex at my sudden movement.

"This is just the beginning baby," he murmured. "Those shivers are just the beginning."

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