Jelsa ❄️ One-shots

Por nooneknowsyall

19.2K 446 363

The title should self explanatory... Cute Jelsa one-shots. Nothing more than pg or pg-13 Highest ranking: [#... Mais

-Beach day: part 1-
-Beach day: part 2-
-Heroes don't fall for villains-
-I'm not drunk-
-Kiss Cam-
-Sticks & Stones-
-All nighter-
-F*ck, take a bullet for, murder-
-Break ups to proposals-
-I tried-

-Worth the wait: Part 1-

1.2K 29 27
Por nooneknowsyall


I sat at my desk and twiddled a pencil between my fingers, waiting from my laptop to load my documents. I am the founder of Arendelle fashion, a clothing company that I had started after college with my sister Anna, and cousins Merida and Rapunzel. Its been running for 3 years now and it seems like we've finally hit our big break. Another fashion company in Paris has notified us that they were considering a partnership for our winter clothing line, which is a huge deal I might add.

My documents finished loading, they were some design ideas for out new winter line. I saved them then grabbed my bag and laptop and headed out the door. Anna, Merida and Rapunzel had left already because it was nine o'clock so I locked the office then hit the elevator button to go down to the garage.

I was driving home when my phone began to ring, I put it on speaker.

"Elsa Arendelle, how may I help you?" I answered robotically.

"Is that a good way to greet your best friend?" The person on the other line said.

"Jack!" I exclaimed, looking down in shock at my phone, it was indeed his number. "I'm sorry, I didn't know it was you." I apologized.

"No problem, I just wanted to ask where you were."

"I had to stay at the office late, I'm heading back to my condo now." I answered, turning into the parking lot of my condominium. "Why do you ask?"

"Because I'm right outside your door." Jack laughed. "You didn't answer the door so I called you."

"Ok, I'll be up in a second." I said, walking up the stairs. Jack was waiting outside my door wearing casual clothes and a smile. I blushed slightly.

"It took you long enough." He joked, I quickly hugged him then opened up the door.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, slumping down on my couch.

"I brought you some food." He held up the take out bag that he held in his hands.

"Really?!" I said grinning.

"No, Its just a bag full of garbage that I brought." He teased. I punch him lightly in the arm.

"Just give me the food." I walked over to the kitchen and grabbed a plate. "So you just came over here to deliver me food?" I asked. He nodded.

"I know that you take your work a little to seriously sometimes and forget to do other things, like sleep and eat."

"Don't exaggerate. I only skipped meals a couple of times to finish a huge project." I defended, taking a bit of a piece of pizza that Jack brought.

"When was the last time you actually slept." He questioned. I paused for a minute. "Exactly."

"Well, I appreciate it none the less." I thanked. Ok, so the thing about Jack is that he's been my best friend since high school, and I've kinds developed a little crush on him... and by 'little' I mean huge... So thats my secret, I'm in love with my best friend but I could never confess to him because he doesn't feel the same way.

"You seem nervous about something?" He said, looking at me with his ice blue eyes, that was the first thing that caught my attention about him, well that and his white hair.

"Its.. Nothing, really." I lied but he knew me better.

"Is it about Arendelle fashion?" He continued, I nodded. "You're business is doing amazing, why are you worried? All of people in town are wearing your clothing and its in almost every fashion magazine."

"You read fashion magazines?" I asked.

"I see you name on the cover of every single one I've seen at stores and doctors offices." Jack emphasized.

"Its about this possible deal with a company in Paris, if we get the partnership, Arendelle fashion could be known world wide." I explained.

"And even if that company doesn't give you the partnership, others will. You're designs are unique and original, people would be stupid not to offer you a partnership." Jack comforted. I smiled, he always knew how to make me feel better. "Now go get some sleep and don't stay up late." He warned.

"Yes sir." I saluted, then we hugged for a second before he walked out the door. I sighed, wishing he could stay longer but he was right, I need sleep. I didn't bother changing out of my clothes so I flopped down on my bed and closed my eyes.


After I left Elsa's, I drove back to my apartment. I wish I could tell her that I liked her a lot but she didn't feel the same way and it would ruin our friendship. I'd rather be friends and at least be able to spend time with her than to never see her again because I ruin the relationship.

I hope Elsa's company gets the partnership, I know it would mean a lot for her and her business.

Once I was home I slumped down on my couch and turned on the tv., but no more than ten minutes later I fell asleep.


I rubbed my eyes and realized it was the morning, 8 am to be exact. So I went to my room and put on a pair of navy blue, casual dress pants with a light brown belt and then a white dress shirt and rolled the sleeves up. Then I threw on a pair of vans and headed out the door.

I am the head of a company tech company that designs new laptops, iPhones, desktops, iPads, you name it. My friends Hiccup co. owns the company with me.

I made a quick stop at Starbucks to grab a coffee, then continued my way to work. I opened the glass double doors and made my way to my office. It had a great view of the city and I always loved watching the occasional plane fly over head.

"Jack, hey whats up." Hiccup's voice interrupted my thoughts.

"I just got here, what about you?"

"Me too. So about that touch screen desktop, theres a part that we need but its been discontinued so if we wanted to keep the idea going, we need to figure out someway to either make the piece or we could find an alternative." Hiccup explained.

"We need that part to make the desktop function so we'll have to make it ourselves." Hiccup nodded and left room. I turned on my laptop and looked over the blueprints for the desktop and started to brainstorm ideas of what the new part will look like.


I had rushed into the office early that morning and was slowly spinning around in my desk chair, the company in Paris said that they would call today if they wanted the partnership with us.

Anna walked in with a cup of hot chocolate, she placed it in front of me then sat on my desk.

"Did they call yet?" She asked. I shook my head and stared at the phone, hoping that that would somehow make it ring. "Don't worry, they will." Anna comforted, but even she was nervous.

"You always seem to stay on the positive side of things." I laughed a little. I haven't even told Anna about my feelings for Jack because knowing her should would tell everyone.

"I guess its just part of my amazing personality." She joked in a self absorbed way, flipping her braid back.

"Yeah, right next to you're craziness."

"I've never acted crazy in my life." Anna defended, acting insulted. I was about to say something but them my phone rang. I reached for it so fast that it slide off the table but I luckily caught it.

"This is Elsa Arendelle." I answered, looking at Anna who had anticipation painted all over her face.

"Hi Ms. Arendelle, this is Chloe Sharp, the head of the imagine Paris company and I'd like to offer you a partnership with us for our winter clothing line." The women at the other end of the phone said. Inside I was jumping with joy but I managed to keep my tone normal.

"We would love that, thank you very much." I nodded at Anna and she jumped up and did a cartwheel.

"So I have arranged for you and your sister and cousins to fly over to Paris and meet me so we can discuss our plans." Chloe said.

"That is wonderful, thank you again. What time will we be leaving?" I asked.

"I have arranged for you to take a private plane tomorrow, does that inconvenience you in anyway?" She asked politely.

"Oh no, not at all, we will see you soon." I said.

"Great, now I have emailed you the information, just be at the airport at 11am tomorrow." Chloe said. I thanked her again then we hung up.

"Anna, we're going to Paris!" I yelled joyfully. We both ran down to the design room where Merida and Rapunzel were. "Guys, we got the partnership and we are heading there tomorrow." I cheered, the others joined in.

I almost skipped back to my office and dialed Jack's number.

"Jack! Guess what!" I said excitedly.

"I don't know-"

But I cut him off "We got the partnership with imagine Paris and we're heading there tomorrow." I explained.

"That's amazing, great job." He said. Then reality hit me like a ton of bricks. Considering how long it would take to plan then actually make the clothes, Rapunzel, Merida, Anna, and I could be gone for months, maybe even longer. Thats means that I wouldn't see Jack and it felt like someone just punched me in the gut.

"But.. we won't be able to see each other for a really long time." I said, I could barely force the words out of my mouth. There was a long pause between us and I knew the truth had hit Jack hard. "I'm really sorry, I hadn't thought about that, maybe I shouldn't-" but he cut me off.

"No, don't you dare say that you are going to decline this offer. Last night you would've given anything for it and I know you're dream hasn't changed. It will be fine, we can still call and FaceTime each other. I'm not going to let you give up this offer." Jack said.

"Thanks for understanding." I sighed, suddenly I had a headache.

"Always, Elsa. Now go and get ready for you're trip." I knew that the he was forcing himself to sound positive.

"Ok, Why don't we grab lunch." I suggested.

"Sure, how about Marco's?"(I just made up a name, its supposed to be an Italian restaurant)

"Sounds good, I'll meet you there in an hour." We hung up and I walked into the restroom to splash some water on my face.

Come on Elsa, snap out of out of it! I mentally kicked myself for even having these feelings towards Jack, I keep telling myself that you're not supposed to fall in love with your best friend but I can't stop this feeling. You're being silly, its not like he would ever love you back, you're just inflicting this on yourself.

I told Anna that I would be back in a little bit then took the elevator to the ground floor. Since Marco's was only a block away and it was always hard to find parking, I started to walk there. I entered the restaurant and saw Jack waiting near the hostess stand.


Don't get me wrong, I'm happy for Elsa but I don't think I'll be able to go that long without seeing her face to face. I keep telling myself to just stuff my feelings for her deep inside me in hope that maybe then they will go away but it doesn't help.

"Hey Els." I greeted her when she walked in the door. I tried to smile at her but it turned into a weak grin. I could see the guilt in her eyes and it made me feel awful.


"They're getting a table ready for us." I informed her, Elsa nodded and stood next to me, I was afraid to talk because I couldn't keep my tone positive.

"This way please." Said the hostess, I let Elsa go in front of me and the lady led us to a table in the back of the restaurant. It wasn't very crowded because we were having an early lunch.

"When will you be leaving?" I asked.

"Tomorrow morning." She answered. I felt my stomach drop.

"So what is the first thing you're going to do when you get to Paris?" I asked, desperately trying to start a conversation that would make her smile.

"I think I'll probably sleep, jet lag will be awful." Elsa answered. I chuckled, she would always give a practical answer, its one if the many things I love about her.

"I mean something fun, like getting a drink or going to see the Eiffel tower." I added.

"Probably go eat a croissant." She giggled.

"So you're in one of the most beautiful cities in the world and the first thing you do is to go eat a croissant."

"I mean yeah, what would you do." Elsa said.

"Probably the same thing." Elsa smiled at me and I felt my stomach flip, but in a good way. Then her face turned to a frown.

"Its not your fault, Elsa. Its not anyone's fault. You need to take this opportunity because this could mean hitting the big leagues for your business, if you don't do this you will regret it." I said. Elsa gave me a weak smile and nodded.

A few minutes later the waiter came a took our order. After we were done, Elsa went to the bathroom and while she was gone I paid the check. She would always insist on paying for the food and I respect that but she didn't need to, I was fully capable of paying so we made it a kind of competition. I remember one time we literally both raced to the cash register, Elsa won but only because she pushed me. She'll tell you that I tripped but thats a lie.

I walked Elsa back to her office and said hi to Anna and Merida who were packing things for the next day.

"Bye, Elsa." I said, giving her a brief hug that I didn't want to break.

"Bye, Jack." She replied.

"I can take the morning off and pick you up to drive you to the airport." I offered.

"Sure, that would be great." She nodded her head and I smiled. After I reluctantly left Elsa's office I walked past Rapunzel and Anna, they were both snickering at something.

"What are you two laughing at?" I asked, they both stiffened like it was a secret.

"Nothing!" Anna blurted out and Rapunzel put a hand over her mouth.

"Its nothing, just excited about going to France." Rapunzel explained.

"Yeah, I hope you all have fun and get you're company out there." I said then walk back to my building that was a few blocks down. I knew Rapunzel because she dates Flynn who is one of my best friends, Anna dates Kristoff, and Merida was friends with Hiccup who I obviously knew.

I slumped down in my chair and tried to focus on work but my mind was blocked by Elsa.


The next morning I drove to Elsa's and helped her load her luggage into my car, then we drove off towards the airport. I turned on the radio but neither of us really felt like talking. The airport wasn't very crowded and Elsa spotted the other three so I guess I should leave.

Then she turned and gave me tight hug.

"I got my ticket for the long way round

Two bottles of whiskey for the way

And a sure would like some sweet company

I'm leaving tomorrow what do ya say." She began to sing, have I told you that she has the voice of an angel.

"When I'm gone, when I'm gone

You're gonna miss me when I'm gone.

You're gonna miss me by my hair

You're gonna miss me everywhere

You're gonna, you're gonna miss me when I'm gone." I finished with her and I don't have a bad voice myself but Elsa far surpasses me.

"I'm going to miss you Jack, but I'll be back." Elsa reassured me.

"I know Els, I'll miss you too. But now you need to go live you're dream, go get Arendelle fashion out there. I'll look up the time change and call you tonight." I told her, she smiled and gave me a quick peak on the check, then grabbed her luggage and walked towards Anna who was waiting at the gate for her.

It was like watching a silent movie, I saw Anna smile knowingly at Elsa and Elsa punched her sister in the arm. Anna looked like she was about to yell something at me but it resulted in getting another punch in the arms from Elsa. Then Elsa gazed back at me a waved, then Anna grabbed her arm and dragged her through the gate.

I still was dumbfounded that Elsa even kissed me on the cheek. Well, if theres one thing to say about Elsa, she's worth the wait.

Hello, I know I probably should have made this story just one part but Part 2 will be filled with more jelsa so... Read, vote, comment, and enjoy


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