The Wallflower

By strawberryM1KO

51.8K 3.5K 1.4K

"You know that person you see who stands to the side at dances or parties? The one you automatically overlook... More

Nightly Disaster
Meeting Kota
The Warning
First Days
Lunch, part I
Lunch, part II
A Fleeting Moment
Mr. Hendricks
A Most Unpleasant Dinner

New Neighbors

4.6K 313 103
By strawberryM1KO


My footfalls took me far, through random yards and over high fences. Jade lived in a more upscale, residential area compared to Sunnyvale drive, which was surrounded by forests as far as the eye could see. It was a small cul-de-sac but it was home, I guess. It would be a bit of a walk to get there and I hoped I could use that shortcut through the woods but with how dark it was, I didn't think that was a good idea.

The sirens were distant but quickly fading with my every panting breath. My pursuers were far behind me, but I wasn't taking any chances. I had to avoid North and Silas; if they ever desired to look for me after I all but ran with my tail between my legs. My shoulders slumped at that thought and once again, I was brought back down to my sad reality. I'm such a loser, I thought dejectedly.

After a while, the streets grew quiet. The residential area bled away and I stuck close to the light poles with my hands stuffed in my pockets and my head down. I huffed out a tired breath as I walked silently down the empty sidewalk with my eyes alert. I had no desire to spend the night locked in a jail cell and I knew father would skin me alive if he found out he had to bail out his youngest daughter because she was caught at some high school party. It wasn't so much the party but the illegal activities that had me worried, though. And the car! Oh god, the car!

I slapped my forehead, berating myself for letting Marie take the keys. If Dad found out the car was missing, Marie and I were dead meat. I just hoped he'd drunk himself into oblivion again and that he was passed out on the sofa so I could sneak downstairs and just double check. I don't think he'd care either way.

These days, dad rarely ever saw me, if he ever did at all, I'd never know. I still wasn't going to take any chances, sometimes he got violent when he drank too much. I just hoped Marie was either sleeping over her boyfriend's house again or already upstairs with the car safely parked in the driveway. Wishful thinking on my part, of course.

Maybe it was the adrenaline running through my veins or the second-hand smoke I could smell upon my clothes but my head felt foggy, almost lightheaded as I turned the corner of Sunnyvale Drive. With my head down and my hands tucked into the sleeves of my sweater, I quickly made my way to my sad, two story house near the end of the lane.

Halfway down the street, I noticed a dark colored sedan driving down slowly with their headlights dimmed. Frowning, I halted my footsteps and just managed to duck behind a massive, soccer-mom van that most likely belonged to Mrs. Bennett across the street. My breath fogged up the glass as I tried to place whose car it was but my mind was drawing a blank. I tried to ignore the nervous shiver that rode up my spine at that thought but I didn't recognize the car from around here. I knew almost everyone up and down Sunnyvale Drive and we never got new neighbors. Had someone finally moved into that empty, grey house near the end of the lane?

My curiosity burned and I was instantly filled with the need to find out. I had other worries though and my late-night musings could wait for another time when I wasn't ducking behind objects and avoiding strange cars.

Through the van's rust-colored windows, I tried to pick out who the occupants of the car were but their windows were too dark, a likely product of the dark tint they sported. Thankfully, it passed by me without pause and I released the breath I hadn't known I'd been holding. Laying a hand over my chest, I stood to my full height and just managed to catch the heads of two dark-haired individuals. On closer inspection, I realized that one of them was a redhead, the dim glow of the streetlights illuminating his sun-kissed features and that of his companion, whom bore dark framed spectacles upon his face. They were both clad in dark clothes and their striking features were unmistakable, even in the dark.

When their mysterious forms disappeared into the house, my curiosity came plowing through to the forefront of my mind at this new bit of information. Gossip around these parts was common and I knew without a doubt they'd be the talk of the cul-de-sac sooner or later. With those thoughts in my head, I quickly made my way down the street and decided to slip through the back instead of sneaking through the front.

I'd had enough excitement in one night to last me a lifetime. But even then, I had this strange feeling it was only the beginning.

Early sunlight woke me the next morning. My body ached and I was sure there were dark bags under my eyes from lack of sleep. I tossed and turned all night, unable to get a wink of sleep because my mind kept bringing up images of last night. I was so foolish, so stupid. The way I acted with North and Silas made me feel ridiculous. How could I so easily go with two guys I didn't know? Stupid, Sang. Stupid.

My brows furrowed, and I frowned, shaking my head and the worries that lay dormant at the back of my mind. At least Marie didn't see me, I wearily supplied, officially pushing those worrisome ruminations away. My clothes from last night lay in pieces on the floor, a bleak reminder, but I shook my head again and grabbed them up from the ground, throwing them in the nearby hamper by the door. Crossing the room, I stepped out into the cold hallway and did my business in the bathroom before heading downstairs to see what awaited me.

If I knew anything about my father, it was that he could drink himself so drunk, he'd wake up the next day not knowing what he did or even what day it was. He did it so frequently, I often wondered if he would one day drink himself to death. I decided not to think about it, pushing that depressing thought to the back of my mind.

I heard low snores coming from the living room as I descended the last step, stopping at the entrance to the parlor to see the slumped form of my father with his mouth wide open and his head tipped back. Well, there went my worries at being caught sneaking out last night. There was an empty beer bottle in one hand and a crumpled-up photo in the other as he sat sleeping in his favorite armchair. It was a tattered thing, an ugly brown color with an odd floral pattern on one arm that looked like it'd been stitched there to cover something. I didn't know why he kept that ugly thing but it obviously meant something to him if he absolutely refused to get rid of it.

Adjusting my glasses, I rubbed at my face tiredly as I resisted the urge to sigh at the sight he made; beer bottles and cigarette buds scattered all over the place. Some were still on his lap but there was a single, fizzled out cigarette bud on the table. The bottle in his left hand was about to slip, and it probably would have, if I hadn't dived for it as it was dropping.

Cleaning up was a familiar routine I'd long grown accustomed to; Dad was always like this day in and day out. Some days, he cleaned himself up and he looked like my dad again. But most days he looked like the world had tore him down one too many times and he was finally at the end of his rope, waiting till whatever god up there came for his life.

I took my glasses off, rubbing the bridge of my nose tiredly. First thing in the morning and I was already exhausted.

"Runa?. . ." The groggy voice had me standing up a little straighter as I threw the last of the cigarette buds into the nearby trash bin. It was nearly full, so I busied myself with cleaning it out as a distraction as my father woke. I could hear the groan in his voice and hear the slight crick my father always had in his neck as he slowly sat up in his chair. I only knew because he did this every time, and he always mistook me for my mother.

I was a ghost to him, like an apparition that haunted his every waking moment. The name was like a constant stab at my chest, burrowing me further and further into the dark. Sometimes I didn't know whether that should make me laugh or cry.

"Oh, Sang, it's you. Sorry, uh, for the mess, I promise I'll clean it up next time." I turned with the waste bin in my hand, avoiding his gaze as his words slipped through the cracks in my head. He said them all the time, always empty words to me. But I'd never tell him that.

"It's fine, dad. I didn't make breakfast yet, are you hungry?" I asked him as a distraction. It was full now with nothing but beer bottles, cigarette buds and some Chinese takeout from the previous night.

He shook his head, already pressing another cigarette to his lips. "No, just make enough for you and your sister. Is she still sleeping? At this hour?" he asked me, moving towards the open window where an ashtray sat. I panicked a little inside, nearly forgetting about the missing car last night but I spied the red Toyota in the driveway and nearly wet myself in relief.

Nearby was an opened beer bottle that he kept eyeing but I moved over and took it out of his sight before he got any ideas. I hated it when he drank first thing in the morning.

"She, uh, has practice later with the team. So, she needs the sleep." The lie came out easily, slipping off my tongue like water. I hated how normal it felt and how I felt absolutely nothing every time.

"Well, make sure you wake her up soon. She doesn't have the luxury of sleeping in all day." He told me before slipping out of the room, leaving his lit cigarette in the ashtray. I put it out because the last time he accidentally almost lit the house on fire. I doubt he'd remember it though, he barely remembered anything these days.

After I cleaned the mess in the living room and aired the house out, breakfast was a small and very quiet affair. Marie joined me later, dark circles under her eyes and her hair a wild rat's nest. I spied a large hickey on the right side of her neck that nearly made me bug my eyes out and choke on my eggs. God, dad was not going to be happy about that.

"Jeez, what the hell are you staring at?"

I put my fork down, willing myself to look away but it was so dark and huge, I couldn't look away even if I wanted too. How did it get that big? Why did it get that big? I was both curious and a little weirded out.

"Seriously, Sang. It's just a damn hickey, it'll go away in time." She rolled her eyes at me and made herself a plate of the bacon and eggs sitting on the stove.

"You know dad isn't going to like that, right?" Better to tell her now then let her find out later but then again, Marie rarely cared about dad and his rules. Or anything to do with him, really. Which explained why she might've taken the car last night and refused to hand me the keys.

She scoffed around a mouthful of eggs, swallowing down a laugh before giving me the 'look'. The look she always gave me when she literally didn't give a damn. "Like I care, he can go fuck himself. He probably doesn't even know what day it is because he's drunk all the damn time or wallowing in his damn sorrows."

I said nothing, suddenly finding myself without an appetite. My eggs seemed way more interesting than what Marie was spouting but it wasn't anything I hadn't heard before. Still, didn't make her words any less true and that stung, every time.

As usual, after every tirade Marie had whenever it concerned dad, she went upstairs and blasted her music just to get back at him. I waited for all of two minutes before I heard it: "Marie! Turn your damn music down, I have a splitting headache and you're not fucking helping!"

A door upstairs slammed opened and closed -- most likely Marie's, she was vindictive like that. "Fuck you! It's my stereo!" 

There was pounding but above the blaring music coming from Marie's room, I could barely hear it over dad's yelling. "Marie! Open this damn door, now!"

And in Marie-fashion, she turned the music up even louder if that was even possible. The house was beginning to shake a bit, I could feel the vibrations in the countertops and in the walls so I took that as my cue to leave. They were going to go at it for a few hours and then die down by the time afternoon rolled around. Marie would go to her boyfriends and Dad would leave to blow off some steam wherever he disappeared off too all the time. It was the same vicious cycle day in and day out. I was so sick of it.

I had to escape. The need was so strong as I listened to their shouting and bickering coming from upstairs. If our neighbors didn't hate us already, they must absolutely despise us now. Great, another thing to add to the already mounting stress and anxiety I felt on a daily basis. God, my life was a big, fat depressing hole and I hated it.

Would things ever change? Most days, I hoped and thought it would. But my reality seemed bleak and the only way I could see things changing is if I just escaped it all. College was close, but still out of my reach. I'd drown before I even got the chance to see the light.

My hands shook as I mounted my bike, a faded blue thing with the paint chipping and tires that made an annoying squeaking noise every time I rode it. Mr. Bennett down the street absolutely hated it but it was my trusty bike, Charles, and got me through thick and thin.

Just as I was about to mount Charles and let the wind take me, Miss Rose waved me over from next door. I smiled, delighted and more than a little glad to get away from my depressing house. Parking my bike near the porch, she waved me inside as I went up the steps and followed her into the house.

"I have something for you," she signed to me once I settled myself at the counter in her kitchen. My favorite part of her home had to be the kitchen, because it always smelled like a home should smell like. It was full of the warmth of her love and I could feel it every time she baked something. My depressing mood from earlier seemed to melt away bit by bit as I perked up at the smile on her face.

I stood, hovering behind Miss Rose when she bent down over the open oven and pulled out a delicious looking apple pie. It smelled heavenly, the entire kitchen bathed in  cinnamon and apples. I could stay in here forever, content and entirely at ease. In most ways, Miss Rose reminded me a bit of the grandmother I'd never had.

"This one's for you," she told me, gesturing to the pie she had wrapped in a beautiful cloth before doing the same to the next pie she took out of the oven. "and I have another one for our new neighbors across the street. Would you be so kind to take it to them? They just moved in a few days ago and I'd like to make them feel welcomed."

My smile nearly faltered as I remembered the two boys from last night and their dark sedan. They moved in a few days ago? Why hadn't I seen any moving vans then? Or any cars at all for that matter? Up until last night, that house had been empty. At least, that was my belief. They seemed a bit odd and I was more than a little nervous at the prospect of actually having to introduce myself to them after last night. Hopefully they didn't catch me sneaking around.

Nonetheless, I could never say no to Miss Rose. "Of course, I will! These both smell delicious, I'll take it over right now." I signed back to her, taking both the pies in hand. Luckily, my bike had a little basket in front because they were both pretty heavy as she led me out the door. She smiled at me from the porch as I placed them both in the basket and led my bike across the street where the old, grey house sat.

In the early morning sunlight, it didn't look as ominous as it had been whilst empty during the time I'd been living here. As I got closer, it seemed the house got a new paint job and even the yard looked brand new. In the driveway sat two cars; the dark sedan I saw from last night and a sleek, BMW that was silver in color. The car next to it paled in comparison. I frowned, suddenly very curious. Parking my bike against the side of the house near a closed window, I took one of the pies and knocked on the door.

I heard voices, mostly murmurs that sounded masculine in tone and footsteps approached the door as I held my breath and willed my hands to stop shaking. God, if I dropped this pie I was going to run home and hide underneath my bed until I was old. And avoid Miss Rose forever.

I didn't know what I'd been expecting when the door opened but it certainly wasn't the shirtless redhead who looked like he just tumbled out of bed. Or maybe that was just his hair. Up close, it looked more brown with flecks of red. Like an auburn red. I wondered idly how soft it was or if he'd think I was weird if I asked him if it was softer than rabbit fur.

"You can touch it if you want, I've been told it does feel soft. Not sure if it's softer than rabbit fur though, I never had the chance to find out."

I blinked. Then realized in horror that I'd said that out loud to him. "Oh my god, that was so rude. I-I I'm so sorry! I-It's just, I-I have no filter and tend to blurt out random things that make absolutely no sense and now I'm rambling like an idiot and here, this pie is for you, it's very delicious please eat it." I all but shoved the pie into his hands, my face hot all over as I turned on my heel, ready to flee like a bat out of hell.

"Wait!" he called out to me, grabbing my wrist. He let go once I turned back to face him, nervous and more than a little confused but mostly still mortified I blurted that out at him. "I'm Nathan," he said, extending a hand to me with a smile on his face. He placed the pie inside and closed the door behind him. I noticed, as the sunlight hit him, that he had little freckles dotted over his face and a slight dimple in one cheek when he smiled. And his eyes, they reminded me of the ocean on a sunny day. The blue contrasted nicely with his red hair and freckles.

My heart skipped a beat. "I'm Sang, it's nice to meet you." I gripped his hand, noticing that while his callous fingers didn't quite swallow mines whole, there was power in his arms and a strength I didn't realize before. He was definitely built and the six pack he was sporting told me he most likely worked out a lot.

My face flamed and embarrassment flooded me when he caught me staring. He winked, his smile stretching even wider, if that was possible.

I tried to ignore the way my stomach flipped-flopped at the way he looked at me. It was strange and I didn't understand it. That same feeling from last night came flooding back and suddenly, my loud, two-story house seemed like a good place to be right now. Or maybe anywhere but the cul-de-sac. Yeah, that sounded like a better idea.

"Look, me and a few of my. . .friends are heading to the mall, do you want to come with us? It'd be nice to have a girl around for once." he told me as he rubbed the back of his head. He seemed bashful all of a sudden, like this wasn't something he normally did and the thought struck me as odd considering his looks. If he was going to attend Ashley Waters, I was more than sure he'd become the next heart-throb of the school.

And then he'd want absolutely nothing to do with you, Sang. Stop kidding yourself.

Dejected, I shook my head at Nathan, knowing I was going to deny him one way or another. "Thanks but, I have a lot of things to do around the house and homework to catch up with." I moved over to grab my bike and naturally avoided Nathan's pressing gaze as I turned to make my way back home. But of course, I wasn't actually going home. I'd just take a cut through the path behind my house.

"Well, I guess I'll see you around then?" Nathan called to me, still holding onto the pie with one hand while the other was in his pocket. He almost looked crestfallen somehow, but that was ridiculous, right? Of course, probably just my mind playing tricks on me.

I stopped, unsure how to reply. "I guess. It's a small neighborhood, so maybe. Anyway, nice to meet you again, Nathan." With my cheeks more than a little heated, I turned tail and quickly went down the driveway and across the street where my house finally seemed to calm down.

Leading Charles around the back, I dropped the pie off into the house through the back door and sped off on my bike through the worn path that led to the woods. Maybe a trip to the bookstore would help distract me from the embarrassment I just put myself through?

Idiot, I berated myself. What a facepalm moment! His first impression of me and it's me rambling like a bumbling fool. Could my life be anymore lame?

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