KHR: Fire Within

By Blaze_girl

33.6K 806 429

Moving on. That was the hard part. After all he has done, for the world and for his friends, he suddenly just... More

#1 - His Last Words
#2 - I Don't Mind Truths
#3 - Reunion
#4 - Growing Future
#5 - Explanation
#6 - Plan Start!
#7 - Vongola The Builders!
#8 - The Clock Ticks
#9 - Take The Time
#10 - Double Zero's History (Part One)
#10.5: Double Zero's History (Part Two)
#12 - White Dragon
#13 - Operation Save World, COMMENCE
#15 - Old Friends
#16 - No Choice
#16.5 - I'm Sorry
#17 - Wake up, Eat, Prank, Fight, Sleep
#18 - Found
#19 - There is A Choice
#20 - Vongola Vs. Millefiore
#21- Reaching The Sky!
#22 - Reunions Come
#23 - A Little Game Of War
#24 - Just Getting Started
#25 - Final Stage
#26 - Final Reunion
#27 - My Past
#28 - One Final Choice
#29 - Simple Hello and Goodbye
#30 - Fire Within
#000 - Flames Of Recollection
#??? - The Flames
Fire Within Trivia!
[EXTRA] Enzio x Hiroshi (72Turtles)
Apology For Hiatus
Author's Note

#14 - Not Enough

481 11 12
By Blaze_girl

Chapter 14: Not Enough

The Pineapple will PAY.



"I will bite him to death, I will bite him to death..." Hibari or Henry, repeats. But no one could take him seriously because of his appearance.

Hiroshi had to wear his ring or else Byakuran woudn't meet with him.

The main three arrived at the Shopping District's entrance, seeing Enma, Adelheid and Shitt P. outside, sitting on the bench and chatting. They didn't even make eye contact and made sure to ignore each other. Of course the three were disguised.

"Listen here, brats." Verde said from the Vongola Underground base, communicating through the listening devices and communication devices they have on everyone. So basically, everyone can hear what everyone is saying or doing.

"Maggots, this mission's priority is rescuing Uni, nothing else. Do not engage with the enemy unless necessary. I repeat, this mission's priority is rescuing Uni, do not focus on the enemy."

"Roger that." Everyone replies,

The main three arrived at the Underground Shopping District and the place was very crowded. Much to Hibari or Henry's distress. Henry growled, shaking his head.

"Hiba-Henry, calm down." Hiroshi said, only for Henry to glare at him. Hiroshi looks away, holding onto his stomach.

"Are you okay, Sawada?" Ryohei or Chris asked.

"I-I-I'm fine..." And it was just Hiroshi holding in laughter. He cannot take Henry seriously with a hilarious glare like that, but Hiroshi froze when he felt Henry's blood-thirsty aura ooze out of him. "Y-Yeah..."

The three walk around the shopping district, trying to find the mafioso who will lead them to the base. They pass by the department store, and Koyo, Rauji and Lambo were looking through clothes, acting like Lambo's parents because Koyo was disguised as a woman and Rauji as a business man.

Right across the Department store was a cafe, where Mukuro, Chrome and Julie rest. They silently drank tea and coffee, with Mukuro ordering anything that had chocolate with Chrome. Right beside the Cafe was an Electronics store, where they saw three kids browsing the gadgets, Gokudera, Yamamoto and Kaoru.

And a few stores away from the Department store was the burger place where three teenagers ate burgers like no tomorrow. That was Dino, Romario and Iemitsu. Everyone was set in place. Everyone had their disguises and they were all ready.

"Now where is..."

"Excuse me, The Tenth Boss of the Vongola Famiglia?" They heard a voice call. They turn to their side and saw two men, one in a black suit and the other...

"Hello! You must be Hiroshi-kun~" The voice sang, "I'm Byakuran."

Everyone froze.

Everyone heard him because of the communication device. Hiroshi mentally slaps himself and smiles, "Hello, it's nice to meet you! You didn't have to personally greet me here."

Byakuran looks at Hiroshi's hand, his eyes gazing over the Vongola ring before responding.

Byakuran hums, "It's no problem! I don't mind~" Byakuran approaches Hiroshi and shows his hand, "After all, I would like for us to have a...good relationship."

"Likewise." Hiroshi replies, shaking Byakuran's hand.

It was right next to the cafe. Right next to the cafe was a corridor that leads to the bathrooms and they were right there! Right behind Mukuro, Chrome and Julie and right in front of the Department store and Burger place.

Hibari, calm down...Hiroshi mentally said, knowing the Skylark wanted to bite the bastard to death. Chris places his hand on Henry's shoulder, an attempt to stop the angry man.

"Anyway, let's go to my base." Byakuran said, "It's better to talk there than here. Oh, and here."

Byakuran's man seemed to be carrying a shopping bag and gave it to Hiroshi.

"What is this?"

"Oh, just a little welcoming gift." Byakuran said,

Hiroshi opens the shopping bag.


"W-Well, thank you very much. I'm sorry, I didn't get you anything." Hiroshi apologized, giving the shopping bag to Chris.

"That's fine, don't worry about it! Your visit here is already enough!" Byakuran replies, "Shall we go now?"


They follow Byakuran down the corridor and Chris comments about how they hid their base by the bathroom as a joke, which gave everyone the information they needed as to where the base is.

They walk inside the equipment room, which Hiroshi comments to,

"This is a pretty hidden base..." Hiroshi says, "I mean, in the equipment room?"

"Hehe, it's just safety measures." Byakuran replies.

"This is pretty cool though.." Hiroshi said, "Like in the movies."

"Hm, is that so?"

Suddenly, they felt the floor shake and drop slowly. They were going even more underground. It was like an elevator. They looked up to see the floor covering the hole and they went down. Everyone seemed to get it was some kind of elevator, judging by the noises they heard.

After a few minutes,

The elevator paused and door opened. It revealed a long white corridor with many doors and rooms and men walking around. Hiroshi swallowed the nervous lump in his throat and followed Byakuran out the elevator.

Everyone greeted Byakuran as they passed by,

"This is big..." Hiroshi said in awe, looking around.

"It took a while for everything to look the way it does now." Byakuran says, "I hope you like it."

"Yeah, it looks really cool." Hiroshi replies, "Like we're in the future..."

"My office isn't that far," Byakuran said, "We'll be there soon."

"Oh it's alright..."

A few more minutes of walking and they finally arrive at Byakuran's office. Byakuran looks at Henry and Chris,

"I'm sorry, but I would like to discuss things with Hiroshi-kun privately."

Damn, he's going in alone. Colonnello thought,



Stay calm in there, Baka-Hiro...

Don't do anything dangerous..

Remember the code words..

"Okay," Hiroshi said, "Chris, Henry, just stand by here."

Hiroshi's two men nodded, and stood by the door. Henry looked at Hiroshi's hand, waiting for the signal. Byakuran opens the door to his office and Hiroshi looks in. Hiroshi curls his hand into fist and entered the office with Byakuran closing the door.

Henry looks at Chris and nodded,

Uni wasn't inside the office.

"Mist..." Henry whispered.

So Uni isn't there, huh...

Tsk, this is bad..Now we have to find her in a huge base.

" you wish." Mukuro said, focusing his illusions and creating Henry a clone and Hibari invisible.

"Hibari, Vongola Kid, Sun Guy, you have thirty minutes or an hour. If Uni is nowhere to be found within that time limit. You know what do."

Hibari immediately gets to work and runs around the base, looking around. When someone opened a door, he walked in with them and exits with them. He looks around in every corner and every hallway.

He was fast that's for sure.

Timer starts now...Hiroshi thought. He looked around Byakuran's office and it was very...normal.

"Come take a seat." Byakuran said. There was coffee table in the middle of the room and two couches on either side. A desk at very back of the room and a few bookshelves. On top of the coffee table were two teacups, a teapot and a bowl of marshmallows.

Hiroshi takes a seat across from Byakuran.

"I hope you like Hot Chocolate."

Hiroshi laughs, "Shouldn't Tea be in the Teapot rather than Hot Chocolate?"

"Hehe," Byakuran giggles, "It's fun this way..."

Byakuran pours Hiroshi a cup of Hot Chocolate and himself as well.

"So..You said you were in training?" Byakuran questions, his fingers playing with the edges of the tea cup.

"Yeah, you know...I was wondering why you didn't call Vongola Ninth. I mean, he is the current boss of the Vongola." Hiroshi said, "And I'm still just a candidate and in training. I'm not worthy of your presence and to be in this position to meet with you."

"Nonsense," Byakuran laughs, standing up and walking to Hiroshi's side, sitting down with him. Hiroshi felt sweat drop from the side of his face. Their enemy, the one who slaughtered Enma's family, probably killed Tsunayoshi and kidnapped Uni is right beside him.

Byakuran grabs Hiroshi's hand gently, "The one who bears the ring, the symbol of the boss, is you."

"Y-Yeah, but it's really not official or anything..." Hiroshi said. "Just..trying it out. Part of training, you know?"

Byakuran lets go of Hiroshi's hand and places his arm on the back of the couch.

"Well, enough about me. What about you? Byakuran-san?"

"Me? Oh, I'm nothing special." Byakuran laughs, "I'm more interested in you.."


"Ne, ne~" Byakuran suddenly pushes Hiroshi down on the couch, staring him in the eyes. His hand cups his cheek and smiles, "You have...very fiery eyes."



What the hell happened?

They all heard the sudden sound of being pushed down.

"Did you know...A person's eyes can tell so much than words..." Byakuran comments, causing everyone to panic mentally. Byakuran giggles,

"I like it." Byakuran said, "You're...a very determined person."

Hiroshi couldn't help but tremble slightly under him.



Is he trying to say..

"Hiroshi-kun?" Byakuran calls, "Is something wrong?"




"R-Rather than me, your eyes are pretty cool too!" Hiroshi said, "You don't see the color purple everyday, haha..." Hiroshi chuckles nervously,

"And your hair too!"

Byakuran blinks at him and pulls away, playing with the tips of his hair. "Really?"

"You know..." Hiroshi sat up, "You look..."


"Kind of Normal."


Byakuran chuckles, "I get that a lot..."

"O-Oi, didn't Juudaime say-"

"Hayato, Calm down."

"Hiroshi...So..He felt in danger right?!" Enma said,

"Should we go down there before anything else happens?" Dino asked,

"No." Reborn said firmly, "We wait for them. If they don't say the code words then we do nothing."

"Yes," Fon agrees, "Do not do anything rash or reckless."

"We only have one chance, understand?" Verde said.

And everyone went silent,

Okay, Hiroshi...Calm down. Hiroshi told himself.

"Hiroshi-kun, what do you think about an...Alliance?" Byakuran asked, consuming a marshmallow.

"Well..." Hiroshi scratches his chin, "I'm not really in the position to, a decision like that. I'm not the official boss..So.."

"I'm asking you what you think.." Byakuran says, sipping the hot chocolate. "Would you...form an alliance with me?"


"I'm asking for your personal thoughts, Hiroshi-kun..." Byakuran said, "It has nothing to do with what your position is. Would you form one with me?"





Hiroshi remains silent for a few seconds and chuckles, surprising everyone. Hiroshi smiles softly at Byakuran,

"If we were friends, I would form one with you. Without a second thought."

Byakuran smiles back,

"Well, I guess we have to get really close then."


"We just met, we're acquaintances, but..I'm sure we can do just that, right?"

"Do you wanna try?"

"...Yes, I would like to be friends with you, Hiroshi-kun." Byakuran said, "So let's play a little of game of getting to know each other. Why don't you go first?"

"What are you after?" Hiroshi asks, "What is your goal? I understand wanting to form alliances with other Famiglias, that's common, but what is your goal?"

Byakuran hums. A few seconds passed before he answered, "That would be...Fun? To find something..? Meaning?"


Byakuran only giggles, "My turn. What about you, Hiroshi-kun?"

Hiroshi looks at Byakuran in the eye and smiles, "Simple. To live peacefully with my family."

"You really care about them, huh?"

Hiroshi nods, "If something were to happen to them..." He smirks at Byakuran and grabs a marshmallow, staring at it. "I don't know what would happen...Or rather, what would happen will the dark."

Woah, The Vongola's playing a really dangerous game here.

The kid's got guts, I'll give him that...

Kufufufu..How interesting.

"Hehehe," Byakuran giggles, "How scary."

"Really?" Hiroshi asks, eating the marshmallow, "My turn. So, you combined the Gesso and Giglio Nero Family, right? Since Uni was the boss of the Giglio Nero, what does that make her now?"

"Second-in-command." Byakuran simply answers, "She agreed to it."

"And...Where is she now?"

This Vongola...

Stay calm, Hiroshi...

"Oh, she's busy right now." Byakuran answers, "She apologizes for not being able to meet with you. She was pretty excited about seeing you, but you know, duty calls."

"Is that so?"

"Yes, yes~" Byakuran cheerfully replies.

"My turn." Byakuran stands up, startling Hiroshi,

"What is it?" Hiroshi asks, sweat dropping.

"Did you know I had a spy on your side too?"






All their communication with Hiroshi...

Was cut off.

"EVERYONE CODE: RAINBOW! GET VONGOLA DECIMO OUT OF THERE!" Skull was practically screaming on the mic.

"LAWN-HEAD!" Gokudera screams,

Everyone ran to the bathroom, heading to the equipment room.

"I got it!"

Ryohei was about to punch open the door, but then.

"Don't move."

He was surrounded.


Everyone, including the group outside were in the equipment room.

"Stand back," Iemitsu raised his fist of flames and punched the entrance open. The elevator there for them. They all jump in, luckily, the elevator had been large enough. The reason being to load in cargo and large items. Enma slams his hand on the only elevator button.

"Faster, faster, faster!" Gokudera screamed, slamming his fist on the door.

"HAYATO CALM DOWN!" This time, Fon was also in a panic.

"Tsk, all of you calm down!" Verde said,

"Hibari!? What's going on there!?" Skull asked,

"Kyoya, are you there!?" Dino called,

They kept calling but there was no response.

"G-Guys! All communication with the Cloud Guardian was cut off!" Spanner announces, "I'll try to get it back!"


"And what the hell did that bastard mean that we have a spy here!?" Koyo asked angrily. Mukuro had lifted their disguises, except for Hibari's and Ryohei's.

"Is there a goddamn traitor!?"

"Calm down, he might just be saying that to provoke us!" Lal said,

"How would he know!?"

"Now's not the time to deal with that!" Reborn said, and just in time, the doors opened. They all burst out the elevator.

"Hiroshi!" They call, putting Byakuran's men unconscious with their strengths.

"Juudaime!" Gokudera calls.


"Get away from me!" Hiroshi yells, kicking Byakuran away. He raised his flaming fist and luckily, he still had his Vongola ring.

"Don't be so cold, Hiroshi-kun!" Byakuran said, managing to block his kick. "We're going to be friends, you know?"

"Like hell we are!"

Hiroshi heads for the door, only to be pulled by back Byakuran and slammed against the wall.

"Argh!" Hiroshi falls to the floors, "W-Where is Uni!?"

"And why would I tell you that?"

"SAWADA!" They turn to the door to see Chris, a pile of bodies surrounding them from behind.

"TCH!" Hiroshi makes a run for Chris, Byakuran, unable to reach Hiroshi. Hiroshi and Chris make a run for it,

Byakuran stares at the door with a smile, "You're not getting away that easily..."

"Guys, Hiroshi is safe to the extreme!" Chris informs everyone.

"Juudaime!" Gokudera says in relief, "Come on, let's get them outta there!"

They continue to run, hoping to meet up with them. The Illusionists lifting Ryohei's disguise away.

"THERE THEY ARE!" Ryohei yells, pointing ahead.


"Juudaime/Hiro/Hiroshi/Vongola!" Everyone calls,

"Come on, let's get out of here little brother!" Dino says,

"Boss!" Chrome calls in worried, pointing at his back.

"Y-You're injured!" Enma and Gokudera said in unison, noticing the bleeding behind his head, falling to his neck and back.

"I-It's nothing, let's go-Ah!"

"Come on, son!" Iemitsu said, carrying Hiroshi over his shoulder.

"W-What are you-Hibari!" Hiroshi said frantically, "We need to find Hibari!"

"The others are trying to find him, don't worry!" Yamamoto said,

Hiroshi noticed it was only Gokudera, Yamamoto, Enma, Adelheid, Iemitsu, Dino, Romario, Mukuro, Chrome and Kaoru. The rest off to find Hibari.

"We need to get you out of here, come on!" Romario said and everyone ran for the exit. Ryohei trying his best to heal Hiroshi's injury while running.

"Dammit, I'm sorry guys..." Hiroshi cursed,

"What are you trying to apologize for?" Enma asked, "This is in no way your fault!"


"No buts, Hiro." Yamamoto said, "This is not your fault."

"Let's just focus on escaping."


"Guys!" They pass by another hallway and found the rest of the group, with Hibari by there side.

"Come on, let's go!"

But suddenly, Hibari dashes for Mukuro and slammed him to the wall, shocking everyone frozen. Hibari smacks Mukuro's face with his Tonfa,

"I'll bite you to death!"

"M-Mukuro-sama!" Chrome calls in worry, running and grabbing Hibari's shoulders, trying her best to pull him off.

"Kyoya!" Dino shouts, rushing to Chrome's side, doing his best to pull of the carnivore. "If this is about the disguise, then now's not the time!"

"This Herbivore..." Hibari growled so violently and dangerously, causing Dino and Chrome to freeze in fear.

"What happened?!" Hiroshi asked the group that searched for Hibari.

"W-We don't know!" Julie answers,

"Yeah, The moment we found him, he was surrounded by a pile of bodies and a lot more of them off the distance!" Koyo explained.

"Hibari, let go of him!" Hiroshi orders, finally off of Iemitsu.

But Hibari growled and was about to pound his Tonfa on Mukuro's head,


Hibari's Tonfa went flying off to the side. Chrome and Dino managed to pull him off finally, and they restrained him on the floor with Adelheid and Romario's help. They looked for the source of the gunshot, and right in front of them.

Was a man with red hair and glasses.

Nobody could believe what they were seeing.


"Irie Shoichi?" Reborn questioned.

"That's enough." Shoichi said to Hibari.

"Hehe, good job, Sho-chan!" Then they saw right behind Shoichi, Byakuran walking to his side. "It'd be such a shame for Mukuro-kun to die!"


They all looked at Mukuro who got up and chuckled, "Kufufufu..." Their minds went blank the moment they saw Rokudo Mukuro walk to Byakuran's side and smirked.

"Did you guys know?" Byakuran places his hand on Shoichi's head,

"This man here...Was the one who shot Tsunayoshi-kun~"


"M-Mukuro....Shoichi..." Hiroshi mutters in disbelief. "You..."

"Kufufu...It's such a shame for things to turn out like this, hm?"

Dino, Chrome, Romario and Adelheid get off of Hibari, who stands in fury.

"Y-You're the traitor!!" Gokudera screams, "You bastard!"

"M-Mukuro...." Verde mutters his name.

Mukuro takes off the listening devices off him and smashed them with his trident. "Oya? Such a shame..."

A group suddenly appears by their side.

"And let me introduce you~" Byakuran said, "These, These are the Funeral Wreaths!"

One had red hair,

"Idjits," He said, spitting. One was a girl with long blue hair and blue eyes,

"Hey!" She greets, sticking her tongue out. One had dark green hair, holding a stuffed toy.

"Hello..." He greets. Right beside Byakuran was a man with long lighter green hair.

"O-ho.." He simply said, smiling at them. And the last one wore a red oni mask. He remained silent, staring at them.

Enma looked at each one of them and nodded.

"I'm sorry, but you're not getting away..." Byakuran said,

"Yeah!" The girl said, grabbing Byakuran's arm. "None of you can escape!"

"You damn bastards..."

"BOO!!" The girls replies,

"Now, now Bluebell.." The one with lighter green hair said.

Suddenly, the floor beneath them began to shake and they all began to float. Everything around becoming distorted.

"W-What kind of illusion!?" Julie panicked. Chrome stayed frozen in shock, tears falling from her eyes. Julie grabbed onto her. "Hey, get a hold of yourself!"

"GYAAA!" Lambo screamed, "Traitor, traitor, traitor!"

"Zakuro, Kikyo." Byakuran calls,

"Right!" Zakuro, the one with red hair released a large amount of storm flames to their direction and Kikyo, the one with light green hair, sending a wave of cloud flames towards them.

"S-Shi-" They all shut their eyes, awaiting the impact, when..


They all heard a child scream in pain. They look and saw Lambo in front of them, screaming and crying in pain, taking the large amounts of damage.

"LAMBO-!" Verde calls, but suddenly, all communications were cut off.

Spanner slams his fist on the table, "Dammit!"

"G-Get them back!" Skull screams,

"I'm trying!" Spanner said, slamming his fingers on the keyboard, along with Giannini.

"Tsk, this is bad."


"Lambo, stop!!" Hiroshi screams,


The waves of attacks stopped, Kikyo and Zakuro lowering their hands. Lambo panted and looked up. "I..I did it..."


"I'm sorry." Suddenly, in front of Lambo, was Mukuro with his trident.


Lambo was hit by the trident, luckily the sharp ends didn't pierce him. But he was hit on the head, causing him to fly back and fall to the ground. Julie immediately makes his way to Lambo, grabbing him and cradling him.

"O-Oi kid!?" Julie calls, "Can you hear me! Wake up!"

Blood began to drip down from his head and mouth.

"O-Oi....Wake up!"


"On it!" Ryohei already began to tend to his wounds, "...T-This is.."

"What's wrong?"

"His wounds are critical and deep, and there isn't much time...and...It'll take a while, but I can do this! I'll try my best to the extreme!" Ryohei said, spreading his sun flames around Lambo's small body.

"Come on buddy, don't do this to us..." Julie whispers.

"Lambo..." Rauji calls in worry,

"T-They're strong..." Gokudera admits, shaking.

"T-There's no way we can beat them..." Koyo admits in shame, his fist tightening, blood dripping. "W-What was all our training for!!?"

"Just give up." The one with the stuffed animal said,

"It'll be easier that way, idjits..." Zakuro said,

"N-No..." Hiroshi's head was breaking, the light in his eyes fading away.

"We're not giving up!" Enma screams, grabbing their attention. "Right, Hiroshi!?"

"...Enma.." The light in Hiroshi's eyes returning, "Yeah! Sorry you bastards, but we're not giving up here. Never in a million years."

"...You've made your choice." Byakuran simply smiles and everyone charges for them with their flames bursting with power and fear. Everyone, Vongola, Shimon and the rest charge their flames and break out,

Then suddenly, Byakuran's flames joined in, clashing with theirs and pushing them back. The Milliefiore...Was powerful. They were too strong and their flames and attacks pushed them back. They fell, they were slammed against the walls and...

"You lose."


"G-Gah..Ah..?" Hiroshi coughed and coughed, smoke surrounding everyone's sights. Nobody could see a thing.

And suddenly, Hiroshi heard a familiar voice.

"...Un Vero Eroe..."


+ Rescue Yuni

+Build the Base
+Find the Arcobaleno
+Find Allies
+ Make Plan
+ Train



AN: Well, Heyo everyone! Did  you guys enjoy this chapter and plot twist? I hope so, lol. Sorry about Mukuro, I had to. So, who is this mysterious voice, huh? Do you guys remember a certain phrase that a certain someone says all the time? I hope so, hahaha. Anyway, I apologize once more for the long wait, thank you for supporting the Hiroshi series and for all your guys' patience. Thank you for reading,

KHR: Fire Within


Next: Old Friends


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