Under the Blood Moon~ The Gui...

Від StefanieMorton

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Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Author's Note

Chapter Eighteen

47 8 0
Від StefanieMorton

Under the Blood Moon



I feel sick to my stomach. Any second now, I'm going to throw up. That's how I've felt for the last three months. I've been trying so hard to keep myself together, for Esmerelda and Valerio's sakes. I know it's wrong, but I can't see either of them hurt. Not after everything Esmerelda has gone through to get back to where she is. She's made so much progress in her recovery. The light in her eyes is back finally, but it's still not the same as before. I don't think she'll ever get back to where she was. But, she's happy now, at least as happy as I think she can be. She smiles more often now, and will even say Achilles' name out loud, but only if we're alone and in the privacy of her office or bedroom. She's come so far. I just don't have it in me to tell her the truth. She'll hate me when she inevitably finds out, but for these last few months, the smile that's been on her face tells me it's not time.

Nearly a year ago, Septimus learned that Rita and her pack had been put under a spell by Achilles. The spell made them do whatever he had said, without question or hesitation. When I ripped his heart out, the spell had broken, leaving Rita and her pack in chaos. They had no memories from their time as his slaves. All the time they spent with Achilles was just erased from their minds.

It took nearly five months to get them all together after they fled from Italy. Then, another three months for Rita to settle everyone. And that isn't even the worst of it. I made it a priority that someone from our group checks in on them every so often. Just to make sure everything was working smoothly. Three months ago, however, when Eric went to check on them, they weren't in the same location. I had ordered that they stay there, and no one can disobey my orders. It's like Rita and her pack had disappeared again.

In my bones, I knew right then and there that Achilles was back. I know he somehow cheated death, again. And that's what I can't bring myself to tell Esmerelda. I haven't even told Miles. He'll tell Hope, and then Hope will tell Esmerelda. Neither of them are fully recovered, and I can't see them go back to shutting everyone out and hiding away for days in Esmerelda's office. I have no proof that he is alive, it's just a constant feeling. I know he's alive, just like I know the sun will rise and fall each day. I check every dark corner three times. I listen more intently for anything suspicious. I've even gone as far to make sure someone always has eyes on Esmerelda and Hope. Their 'walks' are monitored, up until one of them teleports them elsewhere. We've yet to find their hiding spot, and in those times that we can't find them, true panic consumes me.

The thought of Achilles coming after them again alone is enough to make me paranoid about everything. The whole group knows my theory, apart from Esmerelda, Hope and Miles. I hadn't meant to tell them my suspicions, but Luke and Nikiya hear everything, even if I don't want them to. They can't help it being vampires. They had heard me telling Septimus, and took it upon themselves to quietly search for him. Luke told Eric and Abigail, who immediately left to look for him in Italy. We had told Esmerelda, Hope and Miles that they were taking time away to spend time together. When I told Septimus my theory, his reaction was to sit in the chair in my own office completely still for over three hours. Ever since Rita and her pack went missing, I've made the three of them that stayed at home start training even harder. I told them to make it appear as fun and just a game, but we know the truth. That's why Septimus and Nikiya are always going on runs. Why Luke started helping Septimus and I train against someone who was so fast. So that way we could get faster.

"Any word yet?" I ask Luke in a hushed tone as Esmerelda waves to me that she's going to Hope's greenhouse.

Luke shakes his head slightly, keeping an eye on Esmerelda. "Nothing. Are you sure the animal is back?" He asks lowly, his eyes meeting mine briefly.

I watch Esmerelda go into the greenhouse, and I shake my head at Luke. "I'm not absolutely sure, it's just a feeling. He's back though. Trust me on that."

"I do trust you, Cauis." Luke says honestly. "It's why Nikiya and I are doing what we're doing. We won't let him get close to either of them again. I give you my word."

I put my hand on Luke's shoulder. For the last two months, Nikiya and Luke have scowered the area, going through every town and village, just trying to find anything that confirms what I already know. If Achilles is indeed back, he won't be in this area though. I killed him, violently, again. He'll be in Italy. According to Esmerelda, the spot of his death was already charged with power he could channel. She said it had been because of how he died, violently. Since I did the exact same thing, it's safe to say he has even more power now. As long as I keep everyone away from Italy, which shouldn't be a problem, maybe I can keep them safe. I don't see Esmerelda, nor Hope, going back there anytime soon, doubtfully ever. But, we had been in Florida when he first made an appearance, and was able to get Hope and I all the way across the world. At anytime Achilles could get them back, and it terrifies me knowing he will have even more power this time. How are we supposed to defeat him now?

"Thank you, Luke." I say to him as Esmerelda and Hope come back out of the greenhouse. By the look on their faces, I know they're about to leave. "I want you to try and follow them again." I whisper to Luke.

"Hope and I are going for a walk." Esmerelda calls over to us, already going for the back gate Luke left open for Septimus and Nikiya.

I feel my stomach tie in even more knots. I hate when they leave. It makes it difficult to protect them, and by them not knowing Achilles is alive, I can't tell them no. Using magic was what brought Hope back to us. I know she's powerful, but I have no idea how powerful. If they come across Achilles on their 'walks' I just pray they have enough power combined to subdue him long enough to get away. I force a smile and nod my head. "Okay, be safe!" Please, I beg internally.

Esmerelda promises to be safe, turning her back to me. I quickly take Gavin out of Luke's arms, and nod my head for him to follow them. Wherever they go to practice their magic, it's far enough that none of us have even caught their scent. And if they combine their magic to get even further away, they could be anywhere.

I watch in horror as Esmerelda and Hope step into the tree line. Before I can blink, they're gone. Luke looks over his shoulder to me, giving me a look. He hadn't even made it to the gate. I shake my head at him, growl at Hope and Esmerelda, and then go back inside. Gavin squirms in my arms, and then nips my right forearm.

"Ouch!" I let out a deep breath, and put him in the play pin that's in the living room. I'm just grateful that his bites aren't fatal to me. And I'm the only one he bites. I sigh deeply again, and then make my way to my office on the second floor.

Achilles very well may be in Italy, but for all I know, he's using his magic again to spy on us. The thought alone makes my skin crawl. If Achilles is in fact alive again, and he's channeling himself; again, then he could be anywhere. As I get to my office, I grab the file from Eric that I have hidden away, and toss it down onto my desk. I take a seat, and open it. I pour myself into rereading everything, hoping that something will stick out, or click in my head. I've read these papers enough to know them by heart, so I don't know why I'm wasting my time. Eric is very detailed in his reports, even though they're filled with useless information. They haven't found Achilles, and there's no site of Rita or any of her pack there. Out of everyone, I felt Eric and Abigail going would be best. Eric may look just like Septimus, but he has the talent of staying hidden just like Achilles. It's gotta be something in their blood that makes them so good at going unnoticed. Even Septimus sometimes can hide in plain sight, although Eric is better at it. And well, with Luke being half vampire now, he can easily stay hidden. But I didn't want Luke going. I needed him here just in case.

My computer suddenly dings, alerting me to an email. I open it, and read the one line message from Eric: Another report incoming.

I stand, and go over to the fax machine. Eric and I had agreed that sending information like this in an email wouldn't be secure. The link for our pack has its limits, and being all the way across the world makes it impossible for us to communicate that way. If he faxes me his reports instead, he can immediately burn his copies, and there's no trail.

I stand at the fax machine, tapping my fingers impatiently. After a few more minutes, I hear the machine come to life. Four pages spit out, making my eyes go wide. Eric's reports are never this long. Maybe two pages at most. I snatch the papers off the holder, and begin reading them before I go over to my desk. I set the papers down, and lean over them.

Your theory is correct. I have not seen Achilles, but Abigail spotted Rita today in the market. She bought a large metal container that, after bribing the merchant, said is being delivered day after tomorrow. We don't know what it's for, but whatever it is, it's going to big huge. The container is just as large as a cargo freight container. Actually, I think it might be one. Abigail didn't get a good look at it. Abigail followed Rita, where she disappeared back into Achilles' fortress. So we know he's there. Abigail and I also found a member of Rita's pack, and have him subdued in the basement, awaiting further instructions from you on what to do with him. His name is Reed, and he's Rita's third. I'm sure by now they know he is missing. It's only been a day, but he is a high ranker.

Something is going on up over the hill. There's been a lot of construction going on the last week. If you want, Abigail can try and infiltrate it. Go disguised as a worker or something. We haven't heard any talk in the village about all the noise over the hill. That makes Abigail and I believe you're right. It's like they can't even see it.

Following pages are our movements around the town, down to the hour. If you want us to change anything let me know. Let me know what to do with Reed as soon as possible please. Hope all is well at home. Eric.

I scream as I read his report. I grab a book that's sitting on my desk, and throw it across the room. Achilles is alive. The fucking bastard had found a way to escape death. I knew it. Eric didn't have to see him for me to know he's alive. The fact that Rita is again back in that village, and going back to that fortress, tells me everything I need to know. I cuss out a string of profanities, and hurl another book across the room.

My office door crashes open as Luke comes inside. "What is it?" He asks alarmed.

I growl at him, my lips pulling over my teeth. I throw Eric's report at him, sending the papers scattering in the air. Luke flashes, and then suddenly he's standing on the other side of the desk, reading the report. His eyes begin turning red as he reads. When he's done, he slowly looks up at me.

"Give me my orders." He spits at me, his anger clear by his eyes.

I turn my back to Luke, and stand with my fists against the surface on my desk. I clench my jaw and growl. Achilles will surely see us coming. Who knows how much power he truly has now. He already had that entire village on lock down last year. There's no way we can get in there without him knowing. There's just no way. From what very few details Esmerelda has told me of her attack, I also know that her magic will be useless. Hope may have learned control and how to really use her magic, but if she sees Achilles again that might just all go out the window. Plus, that means I have to tell them Achilles is alive again.

"Cauis?" Luke says behind me. "What do you want to do?"

I growl, keeping my back to him. For the first time, I have no idea what my next move should be. I don't know how to go about killing Achilles again. Even with Eric and Abigail holding a hostage, there's no way for us to get in there. In fact, them holding a hostage might make things more difficult. As much as I hate to admit it, Achilles is a smart man. He already knows someone is missing. Which means Eric and Abigail are in serious danger.

I rush around my desk, and start typing an email to Eric, telling him to release Reed and to get out of the town as soon as possible. I hit send, silently praying that it's not too late for them. Luke continues to stand there, waiting for instructions. I shake my head at him, not knowing what to do.

With knowing for sure now that Achilles is still alive, I know that it's time to tell Esmerelda. I close my eyes, knowing she is going to hate me. I let out a deep, shaky breath. I've been trying so hard to keep her safe. I understand now fully why she had kept it a secret that Glabodus and our pack was going to die. She did it to protect me.

I open my eyes, and look up to Luke. "Leave me." I order him. Luke is gone in a flash, and I see that he left Eric's report on my desk.

I swallow, and pick them up putting them with the others for Esmerelda to read. I have to tell her, now. There's no way I can hide it from her anymore.

Esmerelda? I reach out to her, willing my thoughts to stay level.

Yes? She replies after just a few seconds.

I take a deep breath, and say, I need you and Hope to come home. The two of us need to talk. I know Esmerelda isn't naïve. She's know for some time that something is going on, but she's let me handle things. Every time she's asked what was going on, I would just tell her that it wasn't something I wanted to concern her with. I kept promising her everything was okay, but with Achilles back, there's no way we can face him without her magic.

Everything okay? She asks me.

I can't tell her what's going on in our link. I need to tell her to her face. I owe her that. We'll talk when you get home.

Okay, we'll be right there. Esmerelda informs me.

I put Eric's report into the folder, along with his others, and leave my office. As I'm coming down the stairs, I see Esmerelda. Her face is hard as she chews on her bottom lip. I stop on the stairs when she spots me. She arches an eyebrow at me. I close my eyes, and take another deep breath. When I open my eyes again, Esmerelda has came up the stairs, and is standing on the one right below me. I can't tell her out in the open like this either. I know she will tell Hope, but I don't want Hope to hear it by accident.

"Let's go to our room." I say to her and grab her hand.

I pull her behind me as we walk in silence. How could I have kept this from her for so long? The man went after her, and I felt it was my call when it wasn't. I wanted her to recover, and now I'm about to undo all her hard work with three words: Achilles is alive.

As I step into our bedroom, I pull on Esmerelda's hand, and shut the door behind us.

"Cauis, what is going on?" She asks me when I don't turn around right away.

I take a calming breath, and slowly turn to face her. "Take a seat." I tell her softly.

Esmerelda gives me a look, but does as I say. I follow after her, and kneel in front of her. I take another deep breath, let it out slowly before I begin. I look up into her eyes and say, "I love you. You know I would do anything to protect you, right?" Esmerelda doesn't say anything. Instead, she just nods her head at me. I sigh, and force myself to continue. "Almost a year ago, Septimus learned that Rita and her pack had no memories from helping him. It took months to reorganize her pack, but we were able to get them under control. About three months ago though, Rita and her pack went missing again." Her eyes widen, and I'm sure she already knows. "Eric and Abigail aren't on an extended vacation. I sent them to try find them. I sent them to the only place I know he would be." I take another deep breath. "For months now, I've had this feeling. A feeling that," I pause, not wanting to tell her that the man who stole so much from all of us is still alive and well. I set my jaw, and rush through my words. "A feeling that Achilles is alive again. Today, Eric sent me a report." I bring up the folder for her to read them. Esmerelda doesn't take it. She just stares at it. "They found Rita. In Italy. Eric said she was spotted, going back into the fortress." I finish.

Esmerelda's jaw locks and she stops breathing. She looks away from me, looking over my head. She doesn't need conformation that Achilles is alive either. We both know exactly what it means for Rita to be where she is. I watch Esmerelda closely, seeing the fire in her eyes burn out. I drop my head, silently cussing myself for keeping such a thing from her. She didn't deserve this. Keeping this from here wasn't protecting her, it was protecting myself from seeing that look in her eyes again.

Esmerelda suddenly lets go of my hand, and pushes them away from her. Esmerelda brings her hand up, and suddenly I'm levitated off the floor. She holds me away from her, keeping me in the air as she stands. "You..." she whispers harshly at me. She shakes her head and I see her anger come to the surface. "How could you? After everything!" She shouts as she flicks her wrist, sending me flying across the bedroom, making me crash into the wall above our bed. "You lied to me! For almost a year! How could you? Cauis do you know what this means? It means you have broken my trust! You, my mate and husband!" She fumes as she tosses me around the room again. "After everything!" She screams. I crash down on the couch, letting her take her anger out on me. Esmerelda stills, holding me in the air again before she tosses me somewhere else. Her breathing is ragged, and she refuses to look at me. "Get out of my sight." She spits at me, flicking her wrist.

Instantly, I'm back in my office. I yell in frustration, not knowing what else to do.


I'm so furious I can't even see straight. I levitate the desk chair from the floor, and throw it out the glass floor-to-ceiling window. I've never been so angry that I've used my magic to hurt anyone, let alone Cauis. How could he have kept something like this from me? Had I even thought for just a second that this was what he was hiding from me, I would have intervened a long time ago. When I kept it a secret from him that Glabodus and the pack would die, I did it to make sure he was the best Alpha he could be. I hadn't wanted that knowledge to overshadow every decision he made. But for him to have kept this from me, it doesn't make us even. He hadn't been attacked like Hope and I. His life was never in danger back then. I mean, it was, but I knew he would live through the vampires' attack that day.

I start pacing the room, my hands in fists by my sides. Achilles will come for Hope and I, without question. He will find a way to get to us.

I stop moving, and snap my head up from looking at the floor. Achilles will come for Hope and I. Instead of terrifying me like it should, it brings me clarity. I curl my fingers, and pop Hope into the bedroom. As soon as she sees me, her body straightens and her eyes go hard.

"What is it?" She demands coming to me.

I hold my hand up, making her stop. "Achilles is alive." I spit at her. Hope's eyes go as wide as saucers, but I don't allow her to ask questions. "I'm going after him. Without Cauis. Are you in?"

Hope's jaw locks as she too forms fists with both hands. Her eyes turn harder, just like I'm sure mine are. For a year, Hope and I have lived with the pain and guilt over what he did to us. But we're not the same people we were a year ago. We're stronger. And Hope has learned how to use her magic.

Hope lifts her chin, and takes a deep breath. With a ferocity I didn't know she was capable, she says, "I'm in." 

Thanks for reading!


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