Double Up

By 4everandalwayscastle

35.9K 1.6K 57

"Kate knew it was time. After all those months of appointments with the doctor, ultra sounds, aches, mood swi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43

Chapter 30

778 38 2
By 4everandalwayscastle

Chapter 30

He sat up and put his t-shirt on and leaned back against the headboard, and she got up, went to the bathroom for a minute and returned wearing her robe. She sat beside him, reached for a phone and called Alexis.

As they waited for her to answer the call, Castle put his arm around her and kissed her ear. "You're great you know that?"

"Hmmm" she smiled and bit her lip.

"Remind me to show you after this call how I appreciate it when you compliment me"

he wiggled his eyebrows and kissed her cheek, feeling the need to be kissing this beauty in his bed at all times.

Alexis suddenly popped up on the screen


"Hey honey, I hope we didn't wake you up" Kate spoke.

"Oh no, not at all, I was just serving ice cream for grandpa and the twins."

"Ooo... what flavour?" Castle chirped in, trying to see if he could see the ice cream in the video feed.

Alexis turned her phone so that her dad could see

"strawberry! Jo's favourite" she said

Kate chuckled. "Yea, she'll probably ask you to serve her some more, but if you want her to sleep at night, do not give in to her demands."

"Advice noted" Alexis chuckled.

Just then they heard Nate's voice

"Lexi is that mommy?"

Kate sat up straighter, eager to see her son.

The phone was shifted around and then his sweet innocent face came onto the screen.

"Mommy! Daddy!" he squealed in excitement

Castle waved to the boy. And Kate spoke

"Hey sweetheart, how's it going at grandpa's place?"

"We had so much fun mommy, we played games, we watched movies and now Lexi's giving us ice-cream!"

"That's great, where's Jo?"

"Jo?" He looked around, and then he began running. The phone shifted around a bit again, and then when he lifted it back up, he was seated beside his grandpa, and Jo was in his lap.

"Here she is mommy!"

"Hey dad, hey baby?" She greeted her father and her baby girl. "Are you having fun with grandpa?"

Jim laughed and said "Oh these two have got energy like no other kids their age I must say."

"They get it from their father" Kate said, looking at Castle, who looked back at her and said "You love my energy. You said so yourself when I..."

"Okay. You guys don't need to hear that." she interrupted and looked back at the screen.

"I take it you guys sorted things out." Jim asked with a smile.

"Yea we did Jim" Castle kissed Kate on the head and she smiled back at him. And they saw the way Nate and Jo's eyes lit up.

"Okay kids, I'll let you say goodnight to mommy and daddy and then we can go have ice cream. And soon after that, you go off to bed" Jim told the kids.

"Okay grandpa" they said in unison. Jim said goodnight to Kate and Rick, and then got up to go help Alexis.

"Mommy, I miss you" Jo said sweetly.

Kate brought the phone to her lips and kissed her two children. "I miss you too Jo. That's why your dad and I are coming over to grandpa's place first thing in the morning"

"Yay!" Nate squealed.

"Mommy has the weekend off, so we can spend it anyway you like" Castle told them.

"Daddy, let's go to the beach!" Jo squealed.

"I'll do you one better, how about we take off to the Hampton's for the weekend"

Kate looked at him "Actually, that's a great idea" she kissed him.

"Lexi! We're going to the hanptons tomorrow"

Nate yelled out to his eldest sister.

"Awesome" came their daughter's voice. "Can't wait. I'll get packing right away."

Castle chuckled and said "But before any of that, the two of you should get a good night's sleep okay?"

"Yes daddy… we will" Jo said.

"Come on now, why don't you two go finish your ice-cream, and then go off to bed and by the time you wake up tomorrow, your daddy and I will be there"

"Okay mommy, Goodnight" both of them gave fly kisses to their parents and they did the same.

Nate and Jo could see that everything was alright between their mommy and daddy now. And that made them happier than ever.

Castle and Kate fell asleep that night, spooning, and with dreams of a beautiful weekend at their house in the Hamptons with the three most important people in their life.

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