Arms | JASPER HALE [02] ✓

By rebelspies

53.5K 1.7K 193

"You put your arms around me and I'm home. I know I haven't been the same, but please don't leave me, Jasper... More

[10; epilogue]
authors note + book 3


3.7K 135 15
By rebelspies

November, December, they all passed by Aaron and Bella in a blur. Aaron just kept getting in trouble with the cops and the school. Though, Charlie was always there to bail her out. It frustrated her that he did that. A part of her just wished he'd let her get sent to jail. It might be a better way to live her life than what she was doing now anyway.

As for her relationship with Bella, you could say it was a bit strained. Over the course of these months, Aaron had become super protective of her. Worse than Charlie and worse than what Edward ever was. All she did was sit there and mope out the window and at night she screams so loud the two of them had to rush to wake her up.

One good thing to come out of this is that Aaron found out she loved to run. She had gained extra energy and now has shaved a considerable about of time off of what she used to run. It was exhilarating to her. It releases all that pent-up energy and anger she has been feeling lately. It also pleased Charlie as well to see one of his daughters getting out of the house for a bit.

Currently, Aaron was on a run flying through the forest. Branches and leaves hit her, but she wasn't feeling them. It was like she was invincible. She stopped to take a breath and soak in the bit of sunlight that peaked through the clouds.

Her trance was broken by a rustle in the trees. She moved a bit closer before seeing a big animal. Aaron gasped before running further into the woods to try to get away from whatever it was. She was a bit terrified because nothing like that should exist.

Suddenly, huge wolves were running next to her. She slid to a stop as they circled her. Aaron held her breath hoping that they would leave her alone. She believed that she was going to die until a dark silver one brushed its head up against her side. She felt an instant connection like she knew this wolf before her. The wolf wiggled it's butt signaling that it wanted to play. The young girl smirked before bolting off.

It confused her on how she was okay with this. That a five-foot wolf was real and they were running together. Aaron thought that she should be panicking about it all. Then again, she dated, no one but two vampires. The rest of the wolves had joined them.

They all were confused on how she was keeping up with them, but to get their answers they ushered her towards Emily's house. Every time she almost went off the path, they pushed her towards the house.

She stopped up on the porch turning around to find the wolves, only she was met with shirtless boys. "I should have seen this. How did I not see this," she questioned herself running her hand through her hair with a laugh. The young human felt like an idiot for not realizing some of her best friends were supernatural creatures.

"Aaron, how did you keep up with us? It was, it was inhuman," Paul questioned in disbelief not bothering with the fact that she was having a crisis. The girl was human, but there was something wrong.

She shrugged. "I'm stronger now too. Like things that I used to struggle with are now ten times easier." The boys were shocked at her answer. They never thought other things existed besides Vampires and Werewolves.

"I'll ask around. In the meantime, be careful Aaron," Sam ordered before going to walk into his house. He paused briefly before looking back. "Also, if you tell anyone we're werewolves, I'll kill you."

Aaron just blinked at what he said trying to figure out if he was being serious. He gave her no time to ask since he just walked into the house. She assumed that he was being serious and instead, she turned at the others before putting her hand on her hip.

"Well? When were you all going to tell me your big secret? I thought we were friends!"

The boys laughed because it was clear she was joking. They fell into endless chatter, her asking questions about being a werewolf and them asking questions about why she dated a vampire. Not just one, but two.

"I didn't know at first Murphy was a vampire. He was just there for me. My family was there but hardly bothered with me. He swooped in and fixed that. Now Jasper? He fixed all the damage that Murphy did to me," she told them picking a piece of the log off.

They had found themselves with a cooler of soda down at the beach and placed themselves on various objects. She grabbed a soda before taking a sip.

"Then he left and smashed the pieces he had fixed. I'm not going to say that I'm over it, because I'm not. But I am working on it," she informed them with a smile. "I'm working on the girl that I used to be."

Paul smiled at her. "I'm glad, Aaron. That night I found you on the road, you just seemed so lost. I have never seen you like this before. It's kinda refreshing," he remarked making everyone laugh.

Aaron threw some sand at him. "I've been too dependent on other people for so long. It's time that I retake that. You know, have people become dependent on me," she said with a winking making them all laugh.

It was true though. All Aaron has done since her parents cut off the love they had for her is to be dependent on others. She was tired of it. Even if Jasper came back into her life, she was never going to forgive him. She needed him and he left her.

They sat there for the rest of the day joking around and finding out more about each other.

Days flew into one and Aaron found herself running with the wolves. Literally and figuratively. They went on runs together and started training together. In their human form, they began sparing with each other teaching her how to fight hand-to-hand.

Aaron already knew how to do some of it, but it was more in the moment type of thing. She never had any real training on how to fight. It was refreshing to actually know how to do it. Though, she could feel the bruises forming.

Just because she was stronger, that didn't mean that she was invincible.

As for the search on why she was like this? Well, it was at a stall. Sam hasn't spoken to her about it at all and when she has asked, he brushed her off. Aaron tried to do her own research, but every time she wrote in her symptoms it came up that she might be a vampire.

And the last she checked, her eyes weren't blood red and she didn't have the urge to rip someone's throat out.

"Sam thinks Jacob is going to phase soon," Trent remarked when they were taking a break from the training. Aaron almost spit her water out, and some even dribbled down her chin as she mumbled out a 'what.' "Yeah, he's part of the tribe and is due to phase anytime. Didn't you know that?"

She shook her head praying that this didn't backfire on Bella. The only solstice that her sister has found in a long time is Jacob Black. The girl was smiling more and actually has been getting out of the house. Because of Jacob, Bella has started seeing her other friends again.

Aaron doesn't want that to go away and if he phases, then it'll all disappear. Her finding out was pure luck due to her newfound abilities. Now, Bella was stubborn as hell and there was no doubt in her mind that she wouldn't find out.

The problem is what happens between that time.

"Is there any way that you can prevent the phasing?" She innocently questioned making the boys laugh. "I'll take that as a no," she mumbled already feeling protective over the situation. Aaron mumbled that she had to go before grabbing her bag and walking to her motorcycle.

As she straddled it, she couldn't hear the wolves calling out for her. No, the mind of this young human was filled with plans on how she can save Bella from this misery coming towards her.

"Aaron, what is wrong?"

Her concentration broke as she looked into the eyes of Paul. "I have to go," she whispered before yanking his hands off of her handlebars and peeling away, leaving a group of boys staring after in disbelief.

The boys were the best thing to ever happen to her since the Cullens had left her. If they all turned on her, it would be like the world ending to her. As for Bella, it would be losing the last person who wasn't family that cared for her and that terrified her.

Bella wasn't home when she got there, no doubt spending time with Jake, so Aaron took to pacing back and forth in her room. A pile of homework sat on her bed, laundry that needed to be done in the corner, and a plate that was growing mold sat on her computer desk and yet she didn't even bother to take care of them.

The girl placed her hands on her hips, trying to calm down. It was like an uncontrollable force took over her and the only way to get rid of it was to make sure Bella was okay.

Aaron had to fight the urge to rush out of there and go straight to Jacob's house. She knew Bella would get upset with her due to the protectiveness. She scoffed.

So when Edward was protective of her and shoved her into a shelf full of glass it was okay, but when Aaron broke a dudes nose for calling her a pitiful loser she got an earful.

The girl grabbed the back of her desk chair, trying to keep her grounded. Her eyes squeezed tightly shut and her knuckles white. The pain was just too unbearable. The burning sensation of rage overtook her and the next thing she knew her chair was in pieces on the floor.

"Aaron? Aaron! What the hell?" Charlie questioned looking at his daughter in disbelief. He had no clue she was strong enough to throw and break a chair.

She looked at her father with surprise and fear on her face. "I don't know. Daddy, I'm scared," she whispered making him pull her into a hug. It was always Charlie or Dad, never Daddy which is how he knew something was terrifyingly wrong.

"It's okay. I'll clean this up. Why don't you get some rest and we'll talk tomorrow, yeah?" He gently told her before pulling her to the bed. He tucked her in before cleaning up the mess.

Aaron lied there in shock and fear of what she had done. How had her anger got so out of control? The question was met with silence.

Two bright headlights shined through her window signaling that Bella was home. It made her physically relax to the point where she drifted off to a deep sleep.

It made her miss the text message from Sam informing her he had information.

It made her miss the boy with golden eyes standing in the corner of her room staring with longing eyes. If she would have just opened her eyes a bit, things might have been different, but they weren't.

authors note: if i wrote a vampire novel just exploring Aaron's character would you read it? also, i made an instagram! @/fallenperidot ! check it out :)

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