15 years

By BellaCO117

41 4 2

This is a FNAF fanfic. This is an adventure story. This is my first work. This is 15 years. 15 years is a FNA... More

Actual Beginnings.
Karoke night!
More of them.....?
The world shaking
Aspects and AUs


1 0 0
By BellaCO117

Sorry its a bit late! I went down to Whitianga for a couple days.


Bonnie was terrifying when angry. His eyes were black as he paced in front of the two girls. "I said, why did you run off?" Fedelma wrung her paws. "We got Springtrap," she said. "I don't care!" he thundered. "You could have gotten yourselves hurt or worse!" Boswell stood to the side looking just as grumpy. Deliah stood by him. Chica and Freddy were behind the girls. Toy Freddy, Toy Bonnie, JJ and BB were off with the Puppet, who had brought them here. "Bug-faced crawly pizza eater," Toy Chica muttered. Fedelma doubled over and laughed. Boswell's eyes went what Fedelma called glitchy. "Right, that's it. You are not leaving the stage for the rest of the week," he snarled. Fedelma raised her eyebrows. "Since when did you have the authority to ground me?" "Fine. This time. But Fedelma.." Fedelma braced herself. "Please. We are part of your family, aren't we?" Fedelma's face fell and she hugged Boswell. Deliah's face flashed with something like anger. Toy Chica yelled something incomprehensible and stalked out the room. Everyone stared after her. Bonnie's eyes turned violet. "Oh. Damn. Boswell, got your toolbox on you?" Boswell nodded and handed it to Bonnie. Bonnie rushed out the room. Fedelma bit her lip. And then she realized. "Boswell! You aren't acting weird. Your all ok!" (<- OMG what happened to my speech skills XD) Boswell nodded. "I don't know why, but something cleared up when Toy Chica left... It's good that you got Springtrap. Wa-was he possessed or something?" Fedelma nodded. "But he's back to normal. And grumpy," she nodded towards him. "Hey! I'm NOT grumpy!" Fedelma snickered. "See?" Springtrap gave her a look that only an olive green half rotten rabbit can give. "Well, now that we are back to normal, can we talk about something?" Boswell looked slightly bemused. "Um. Yeah. So when Toy Chica and I went off, we had weapons. I hope you're glad to hear that. Anyway, we got those weapons, it was from a variant of Toy Chica, Celeste," Boswell's eyes glitched again. "What?! Please tell me her name wasn't-"


"Ok then. Flip."

"Boswell, could you stop glitching?"

"Didn't know I was."

"If it makes you feel better, Deliah is as well," Fedelma said purposefully. Deliah snapped back to normal. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have to do something. Is Jamie around?" Boswell nodded. "He's with Chica. Trying to not be terrified of the first generation," he said. "Is that what we are calling them now?" The lights flickered and Deliah looked up, then strolled out of the room. "Yeah. Freddy, Chica, Foxy, Bonnie, and 'Goldie' are first generation, the toys are second generation, and we are the third. Oh, and Springtrap." Fedelma nodded and with a glance at the Puppet headed to the kitchen. "Hey Jamie? You there bud?" Jamie skittered out. "Can we talk?" The only human nodded. "Alright. So. Could you check up on some animatronic papers. If there was ever an animatronic called 'Celeste'. Toy Chica variant, black cheeks, light turquoise eyes and waistband," Jamie frowned and pursed his lips. "I'll check up on it," he turned to the door. He nodded to the clock. "It's nearly 6:00. We're making plans for Mangle and Foxy to be in pirates cove, Freddy, and Chica and those ones on the stage next to you, the toys are movable. But Fedelma- they aren't sure what to do with you." Fedelma went cold. She was helpless in the day. "I'll do what I can. But I can't promise anything," he walked out and Fedelma scrambled to the stage just as the clock chimed.

The night passed with nothing unusual. Then Fedelma woke to Deliah staring at her. "What?" Fedelma yawned. "Come on, I found something you might like to see." Deliah turned her nose in the air and stalked off. "What's getting up her nose?" Chica came up behind her. "I don't know. She's just really grumpy. Holy wow!" Fedelma finished the paper that Deliah had handed her. "What is it?" asked Chica. "I'm probably not going to be scrapped!" Fedelma threw her paws in the air. "Ha!" Chica smiled.

"Fedelma! Hello?" Toy Chica shook Fedelma. "Run!" "What?" "No time, just get out of here. Purples!" "Wha-" Fedelma woke up and whacked Bonnie one. "Oh my god! I'm so sorry!" Bonnie rubbed his jaw. "It's fine. Just, Goldie came back to us. And Springtrap- he's spazzing out!" Fedelma felt a stab of panic. "What, Springtrap? I'll be right there!" What was that about, Fedelma? Don't tell me you like him? she questioned herself. She reached his location about the same time he collapsed. "Springtrap! You okay?" He lifted his head and his eyes flashed purple. "Springtrap?" "Meh. What happened? Ah. So that's what's been happening. Flippin brilliant. That's what it is. Flippin brilliant," he said. Fedelma frowned. His speech was harsher, he stood stronger. "You want to know what happened?" Springtrap asked. "Your friend Cleo and I swapped personalities." Fedelma stumbled. "WHAT?" Springtrap grimaced. "The Purples - they can dissect souls. They swapped Cleo and my personalities so she would join them," he mumbled. "How do we have personalities anyway?" Fedelma switched the topic. "You wouldn't want to know," Springtrap curled his lip. "What's wrong, you liked the old personality? Well too bad. I'm not changing anytime soon," he strode off. Well, that happened, Fedelma's conscience remarked. The moment you start to like him, he turns to the personality of a sun addled camel. "Great. I'm talking to myself now," Fedelma said aloud. "What?" Toy Chica came up behind her. "Nothing," Fedelma turned away. "What, is it about Springtrap?" Toy Chica's eyes flickered. "You like him, don't you?" Fedelma glitched her eyes. (How what who why sorry guys) "I said, it's nothing!" Toy Chica backed off, sensing tension. "Alright, alright, I'm sorry," she said. "Oh, I'm sorry, it's just, Springtrap told me-" she hesitated, "Never mind." Toy Chica frowned. "If it's something vital to the plot..." "Plot?"

"To someone we're probably characters in a book."

"That's too weird."


"If that's the case, someone is writing as I speak."

"Hey, whoever is writing this, do you know what happens?"

(OK.. Wow Bella.... Nice try Fedelma. You just broke the fourth wall. I'm so proud. Resetting that thought now..)

"Anyway, it's probably nothing," Fedelma shrugged. "What is?" Toy Chica raised her eyebrows. "What is?" Fedelma spoke without thinking. "That the Purples can dissect souls and that they switched Springtrap's and Cleo's personalities..." Fedelma's eyes returned to normal as she thought. "Excuse me for a moment," said Toy Chica. She ran out of the room. "You fool Fedelma! Whatever made you say it out loud?!" she heard a snigger from the door. Springtrap. "I heard everything," he said. "That's just sad. Fancyin' me? There could be nothing worse. Stay away from me, vixen." Fedelma wrinkled her nose and used the wall to spring off through the door. She headed to her room. As she went through the door, Celeste sprang up from nowhere. "Oh hello. Finally decided to show up, did you?" Celeste shrugged. "You two ok?" Fedelma nodded. "Springtrap?" Fedelma froze. "What did they do to him?" Celeste sounded slightly fearful. "He's fine, they just swapped his personalities with Cleo," Fedelma's voice sounded slightly strangled to her. "Oh yes. The Purples can dissect souls, can't they?" Celeste nervously licked her lips. "Fedelma! Jamie's looking for you!" Toy Freddy was calling her. "Alright, coming! You'd better go, Celeste," Fedelma got up. "Why are you named Celeste?" The chicken looked at her funny. "After the ship Marie Celeste. Because I was lost, and no one knew where part of me had gone." Celeste started to fade. "Wait!" But Celeste was gone.

"Ah, there you are, Fedelma." Jamie hurried over with an armful of papers. "I found some interesting things. Celeste was never supposed to be built, a project abandoned halfway through building. However, her A.I took control and she fixed herself. Since then, reports of a Toy Chica variant have followed the pizzeria chain. She will appear in the office and just stare at the night guard. Then strange things would happen. The fan would be spinning wildly out of control. The monitors would malfunction. She was believed to be a hallucination, as reports said she was accompanied by flashes of the words 'Save them', 'It's me', 'Help me', and 'You can't', along with images of a ghostly rabbit and a purple bear. This was especially true with Mike Schmidt, the first generation night guard. However, Toy Chica hadn't even been planned then. Celeste has passed into Pizzeria legend. Why did you ask?" Fedelma looked shocked. "Um, no reason...." Jamie raised an eyebrow. "Do you know her?" It was Fedelma's turn to frown. "Noooo....." Jamie shrugged. "Either way, there is something I've been keeping from you. Read this," he handed her a few papers. Fedelma skimmed over them until she found a labelled diagram. She dropped the papers. "What?!"

(I'm just gonna put a looooooooooong suspenseful silence here................................)

"The other pizzerias are being rebuilt here!" Jamie nodded. "Guys!" Fedelma called. Freddy came first, then Chica, Foxy, and Mangle, and then the rest in a large clump. "Does anyone remember their old Pizzerias?" she asked. There were nods and murmurs of confirmation around the room. "Well, I have good news! Every old pizzeria, and Fazbear's Fright, is being rebuilt, right here. You can all go back to your homes!" Silence. Then; "Hahaha hello?" *Translation for non BB speakers: But, won't it be too crowded with all the buildings?* Fedelma shook her head. "They'll be spaced evenly around each other, so, no, not really," she shrugged. Then someone started clapping in joy. Then another. And the reality of the situation sunk in so everyone clapped and there were some cheers as well. Fedelma spied the clock. "It's nearly 6:00, so, guys?" Everyone cleared up. When they were gone, Celeste appeared in the middle of the room. "Look, what do you want? I know what the humans know of you, but apart from that, you just appear and disappear and be mysterious!" Celeste gave her a look. "I told you who I am. I'm a former member of the Purples and then I quit, went to you guys, and I'm here now." Fedelma yawned. "Why did you appear to those night guards?" Celeste blinked and now her eyes were glitches and she was beakless. "They were the ones who destroyed Freddy and Chica and Bonnie and the rest, all those years ago. They deserved what happened to them."

"And what did happen to them?"

"They all died. Horribly."

"Well that's nice. Tell me who each one was."

"Do you really want to know?"


"Well, I guess I can tell you a few things."


"Who Springtrap is."

"Oh joy."

"A murderer."

"However did I guess?"

"He murdered you."

"What?!" Celeste winked, then faded away. Fedelma sat down heavily. Boswell walked up. "You ok Fedelma?" he rumbled. "Yeah," said Fedelma. "Yeah, I'm fine."

"Jamie!" Fedelma was bright and early that night. "Can you help me with something? Again?" Jamie raised an eyebrow, but he strolled over. "Where do you get all these files?" Jamie brushed his dark brown hair away from his eyes. "I still officially work here, although everyone thinks I'm crazy. They still don't think you guys are alive. Apparently it's impossible for you lot to live. Either way, I still do maintenance. Now that there's so many of you, I can be here every night, doing 'work'. I suppose getting to know your clients is good?" Fedelma chuckled. "Actually, I heard about JJ and BB, what they can do. What everyone can do. What can you do?" Fedelma shrugged. "I don't know yet. I haven't tried." Jamie blinked. "So anyway, I need to know about a certain animatronic, and some humans. And maybe murders." (Wow. Scott would be proud of me XD.) Jamie considered it, then said, "Well, maybe you'd better come to the file office with me." Fedelma grinned. "Wait- will there be humans there?" Jamie shook his head. "The girl who works there only comes in the day. Humans sleep at night, remember?" Fedelma tilted her head. "Yeah, I forget humans are weird."

Jamie showed Fedelma the small office building just by the Pizzeria. "Wow. How many murders have taken place in the pizzerias?" Jamie peered over a stack of papers. "A lot. Hey, there's someone here who was found dead with pizza still in her mouth." Fedelma screwed up her face. "Well, that's the last time I eat pizza." Jamie chuckled, then trailed off. "Fedelma. Come see this. Quickly." Fedelma leaned over. She looked at the title, then stared curiously at the papers. They were labelled Fedelma and Springtrap (Jasmine and Luke) 


Fourth wall breaking. Why not? Prepare to have the fourth wall shattered.

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