Under the Blood Moon~ The Gui...

By StefanieMorton

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Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Author's Note

Chapter Seventeen

46 8 2
By StefanieMorton

Under the Blood Moon


One year later...

Nikiya and I dance in the living room, laughing at each other. Valerio comes running into the room, his arms flailing around, followed closely by Cauis as he chases after him. I bend and sweep him up into my arms. A hearty laugh shakes him as I spin us. The sound of my son's laughter always puts a huge smile on my face. They say laughter is the best medicine, and I completely agree with that statement.

For the last year, Valerio has been the one to make me feel alive again. His smiles and laughs are contagious. If it hadn't been for him, I honestly think I would still be living in the pool house. Yes, Cauis has of course helped me get back to my true self, but Valerio started it. When I saw him walk for the first time, that's when I started healing from Achilles' attack. My son was growing up, and I was missing it. It took nearly three months after for me to move back into my room with Cauis. At first, I couldn't sleep in the same bed as him, which he understood. Cauis had then bought a fold out couch, that way he could still be in the same room while we slept, which was fine by me. Cauis and I may able to sleep in the same bed now, but we still have not done anything. I'm too scared. Something inside me keeps telling me that if we do become intimate again, all I will see, and feel, is Achilles. I know it's irrational, but I just can't bring myself to do it. We haven't even tried.

It pains me to know Cauis is going without, but he never complains. He never gets angry when I pull away from a heated kiss. I constantly tell him he can take care of it himself, but each time he just says that he went two thousand years without it, and that he can go a little longer. His devotion to me and my recovery always makes me feel grateful for having him in my life. I truly got lucky it was his life I saved so many years ago.

Hope and Miles are better, but Hope still lives in the pool house. Miles has moved in too, but sleeps in the second bedroom. I overheard him and Cauis one day talking. Miles had asked if I still have nightmares, which I do. Apparently, Hope has one at least three times a week. She's getting better though. She's able to come and go from the main house, but still prefers to stay away. The two of them frequently come to the main house for dinner, which is always a great time. There are times, that we all forget about what happened. Those times are truly magical, and are becoming more often. Hope, nor I, have told anyone the details of what happened to us, but things seem to be getting better. We're both dealing with it in our own ways, and moving on with our lives.

Hope had started a garden, but then begged Cauis and I to get her a greenhouse so she could plant all year round after winter hit and killed everything. She actually got on her knees to ask, which was hilarious because we would have gotten it for her without the theatrics. Flowers seem to have brought her back to life. And anything that helps Hope, helps all of us. In secret, we've been practicing our magic, and Hope has become just as powerful as me. She's able to do anything she sets her mind to.

Nikiya gave birth to a boy on September 23rd, and they named him Gavin. It's so adorable seeing Valerio and him together. Valerio will put the now six month old in his lap, and hold him while he watches cartoons. For only being just over two, Valerio is huge. His growth is somewhat alarming. He's as big as a five year old, and doesn't seem to be slowing down. He's been like this ever since he was born. Cauis and I don't know what to make of it either. Ronald has given him his normal check ups, but doesn't see anything abnormal about him. It's like his growth is normal, but we all know it's not. His mental capabilities are advanced as well. He doesn't talk like a two year old should. His sentences are full and he articulates well beyond his age.

Things are looking up for all of us. It's been a tough year, but one full of growth. Lately, our pack has begun sparing with each other. About four times a week, Septimus and Nikiya will race. This has been going on for the last three months, and Septimus is able to almost our run her now. The first time they came in at a tie, Nikiya made it obvious she didn't like it. Nikiya has been the fastest amongst us all this time, and now she has a rival.

As I continue to spin Valerio and I, I spot Septimus coming into the room. I haven't really talked to him much in all this time. I just feel there is a rift between us that cannot be closed, regardless of how much I've healed. It was his son that hurt Hope and I. I know that he had disowned him, but even that makes me feel worse. I know exactly how much Septimus wanted to be a father, and that was taken from him. It was his only regret of coming with Cauis and I. For his son to turn out the way he did, I feel as though Septimus still hasn't recovered from that blow.

"You ready, Nikiya?" Septimus asks her as he walks to the back door.

Nikiya stops dancing with me and Valerio, and then flashes outside when Septimus opens the door. "Ready to kick your ass!"

"Not today." He replies cheerfully as Cauis and I come outside with them. Septimus looks over to Cauis with a smile already on his face. "Make sure she doesn't cheat this time."

"I didn't cheat last time!" Nikiya exclaims loudly. "You tripped all by yourself. I didn't touch you."

Septimus scoffs at her. "Still telling that story huh?"

"Whatever." She says waving her hand at him.

I shake my head at them, and look up to the overcast sky. "The sun is going to come out in an hour," I inform them as I search the future. "That means you have to stop, Septimus." I chide at him. "It's not fair if Nikiya has to stop and you keep going."

Septimus looks over at me, his mouth open in shock as his hand goes to his chest. "That would be cheating!" He looks over at Nikiya. "And I don't cheat."

Nikiya squints her eyes at him. I chuckle to myself as I reposition Valerio on my hip. I search the future again, needing to know how long they will have to stay hidden. "The sun will only be out for about ten minutes."

"Good." Septimus says stretching a little.

Nikiya looks him over, shaking her head at him. She looks over at me, her smile growing wider. "Apparently some need to prepare."

Septimus stops stretching, and then shifts. Bring it on, old woman.

Nikiya gapes down at him. "Name calling? Really?" She laughs out loud. "Besides, what are you, over a thousand?"

Septimus growls at her.

"Must you guys do this every time?" Luke asks as he comes outside with us. He's holding Gavin in his arms as he fusses. Sophie was a much easier baby. Gavin kinda does as he pleases, much like Luke. Sophie follows after her father, joining us outside. She looks just like Nikiya.

Nikiya flashes over to him, and gives Gavin a kiss on his forehead. "He started it." She tells Luke.

"Oh, I'm sure." He replies sarcastically giving her a kiss. "Go kick his ass, baby." He says smacking her butt as she walks away.

Cauis sighs deeply. "Are you guys going or not?" He asks them.

She's old, give her a minute. Septimus answers him.

Nikiya tisks him, but takes a position next to him.

"Remember, one hour." I remind them. Knowing them, and how competitive they get, they very well may forget.

"We got it." Nikiya retorts.

"Luke," I say looking over at him. "Go open the back gate for them."

Cauis comes up beside Septimus. "In, three, two," he pauses for dramatic effect. "One."

Septimus and Nikiya are gone in a flash. It still amazes me how fast Septimus has become. I think he uses the grief he has over Achilles as a motivation or something. Regardless of him disowning him, Achilles was still his only son.

Sophie comes up gracefully to my side. "Momma will beat him." She tells me in her angelic voice.

I squat down next to her, setting Valerio down on the ground. "I'm sure she will, Sophie. Why don't you and Valerio go play while we wait for them to get back?"

Valerio immediately takes her hand, and together they run off to the swing set. With Valerio being as big as he is, and Sophie being half vampire, there isn't much worry of them getting hurt. Valerio broke his arm about six months ago, but being part lycanthrope, he was able to heal almost instantly. I knew when he was born that he would be part wolf, but I wonder still if he will also have magic like me. It's still too soon to tell. If he does, I know Hope and I will be able to train him properly.

As I stand back up, I spot Hope in her greenhouse. I get Cauis' attention as he talks quietly with Luke, and motion to him I'm going to the greenhouse. He nods his head, and then turns back to Luke.

There's something going on that he's not telling me. It's been like this for almost eight months now. He'll talk quietly with Septimus, Luke, and Eric, always cutting the conversation off just as I'm coming up to whoever he's talking about. Whatever situation is going on, he won't tell me, not that I've really pushed for an answer. I feel if it's serious enough though, he'll tell me. And to be perfectly honest, whatever it is, I don't want to know. I just want to live my life as peacefully as possible. If Cauis wants to keep something from me, like I had done with our old pack, I feel he has that right.

I make my way over to the greenhouse, spotting Miles inside as well spraying some flowers with water. He's never far from Hope anymore, but still keeps a respectful distance. They're always in the same room at least.

"Esmerelda!" Hope exclaims when I step inside. She rushes around one of the rows of many flowers she has, motioning for me to come over. "Come look at the Lilies!"

I nod my head at Miles as he smiles at her retreating back, and follow after her. I come to her side and look down at the flowers. The big pink and burgundy petals blend beautifully. I lightly trace my fingers over one of the petals. "They're beautiful, Hope. You're doing a great job with them."

"Oh!" She breaths moving away from me. "I made a new flower! It's a mix between my lilies, and the tulips. I call them Litups."

I look over to her, arching my eyebrow. "Litups?"

Hope nods her head looking down at her creation. "Because they lite up my life." She explains the odd name to me.

I look back down at the flower, examining it's beauty. "They're beautiful, Hope."

She smiles at me, and then gives me a hug. "Thank you, Esmerelda. I couldn't have made them without you." She breathes quietly.

When Hope releases me, I shake my head at her. "You would have found your calling eventually. There's no need to thank me." I look over my shoulder to Miles, who has turned his back as he begins spraying another flower. I look back at Hope, and ask, "Are you up for another walk?"

Going for a walk is our way of asking if the other wants to go practice magic. I've kept my promise to her. No one knows just how powerful Hope has become, and continues to grow every time we go for a walk.

Hope nods her head eagerly, her face lighting up. Hope looks over my shoulder to Miles. "You can stop, Miles. I'm sure they have enough water."

"Oh thank God!" He says happily setting the spray bottle down. "I love you, and your flowers, but I don't know if I can handle this anymore. It's just so," he pauses looking around at the assortment of colors. "Girlie."

Hope and I laugh at him. "You're such a man!" Hope says through her laughter. She comes up to Miles, and wraps her arms around his neck. She gives him a quick kiss, and then backs away from him. From what I can tell, this is as far as she will go with him. It's progress though. And any progress either of us make always lights up Miles or Cauis' eyes. The two of them have been so patient with us, allowing us to come to them in our own time.

"I love you, Hope." Miles confesses to her as she takes her step back. "Have fun on your walk."

"I love you too, Miles." She tells him as she comes back to my side.

We turn and start walking back outside. Luke and Cauis are still in a serious conversation. Luke looks just as angry as Cauis.

"Hope and I are going for a walk." I call over to them.

Cauis' head snaps over to me, quickly rearranging his face into a forced smile. "Okay, be safe." He tells me in a stern tone.

"We will."

As soon as we make it into the tree line, I look over at Hope. "Do you want to do the honors today?"

"Absolutely!" She replies with a huge smile on her face.

Hope flashes us into our spot, where we've created a peaceful area for us to practice. Over the last year, we've built a small hut here, keeping certain herbs and potions for whatever magic we're wanting to practice.

"What are you in the mood for today?" I ask her as we make our way over to the hut.

"I'm not sure." She says as we step inside. "How about some protection spells?"

"Again?" I ask. Protection spells are Hope's favorite.

"One can never be too prepared." Hope explains as she grabs a jar from the shelf.

As Hope and I prepare, I look over at her. She's grinding up a root in a bowl furiously. "You okay?"

"Fine." She answers a little too forcefully. Hope stops grinding the root, and huffs. "No, I'm not. Miles wants to move into the same bedroom as me. I'm not ready, Esmerelda. I know, it's been a year, but I still see him."

"I do too," I tell her quietly. "But, Cauis being in the same room as me while I slept helped a little."

Hope starts grinding the root again, smashing down on it. "I just," she pauses as she picks up a knife. "I just feel that he's wanting me to take steps I'm not ready for." She finishes as she pricks her finger and puts a few droplets into the bowl.

"So tell him that." I say to her as I leave my own bowl to come stand beside her. I put my back against the wall next to her, and cross my arms over my chest. "Miles will understand if you're not ready for that yet. At least, he should."

As Hope mixes the ingredients, she looks over at me. "Have you noticed all the secret conversations Cauis and everyone seem to be having?" I nod my head at her. These conversations do seem to becoming more frequent. "What's going on?" Hope asks.

I shrug my shoulders at her. "I have no idea. If it's serious he'll tell me. For now, I'm happy to let him handle whatever it is."

Hope lifts her bowl off the work bench, smiling down at it. "And that's why I want to keep practicing protection spells." She looks over at me, her face going serious. "Whatever is coming, you and I need to be prepared. If they aren't going to tell us, then we have to be ready for everything."

Thanks for reading!


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