The One That Came Back (REPOS...

By Pinkfloyd_415

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Important Message
Chapter 1 (Edited)
Chapter 2 (Edited)
Chapter 3 (Edited)
Chapter 4 (Edited)
Chapter 5 (Edited)
Chapter 6(Edited)
Chapter 7 (Edited)
Chapter 8 (Edited)
Chapter 9 (Edited)
Chapter 10 (Edited)
Chapter 11 (Edited)
Chapter 12 (Edited)
Chapter 13 (Edited)
Chapter 14 (Edited)
Chapter 15(Edited)
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
⛪️Church Annoucements⛪️
New Instagram
Getting Back To Us
IT'S HERE!!!!!!!
⛪️Church Announcements⛪️

Chapter 31

9.5K 415 71
By Pinkfloyd_415

Jason's POV

**The next morning**

I rolled over to cuddle with Tia, only to be meet with an empty cold spot. 'Where the fuck is she?' I thought, sitting up and looking around the room for a sign of her. When I didn't see anything, climes out of bed and made my way to the bathroom that we shared the o wash my face and brush my teeth. Oddly the usual things that Tia leaves in the bathroom wasn't there. 'Maybe she put it in her beauty room.' I thought, shrugging it off and going about my business.

Once I was done in the bathroom, I go to wake up Aiden, thinking Tia's probably downstairs cooking. When I open the door... he's not there. His bed is neatly made and the room is oddly clean to belong to a five year old boy. 'Somethings not right.' I thought making my way downstairs.

"Tia....Aiden!?" I called

No answer.

I feel panic takeover me as I run upstairs to Tia's beauty room. I opene the door to see that everything is gone. The room is empty... like she was never here in the first place.

I run downstairs into the kitchen, hoping that this is some sick joke. Praying that my Bambina hasn't left me again. Praying that she's right where she's supposed to be. But instead I'm met with my worst fear.

There's a note on the island that simply read 'I could never marry a monster like you.'

She's gone.... again









I woke up in a start, sweat forming on my forehead. "Fuck." I cursed, sitting up. I quickly threw on some shorts and made my way down stairs as quick as I could.

When I walked into the kitchen I saw Tia at the stove cooking and Aiden at the island eating a bowl of cereal. Relief flooded through me as I watched the two reasons that I live and breathe go about their morning businesses.

"How come you ran down here Dad?" Aiden asked through a mouth full of milk and lucky charms.

I was taken aback by his question and Tia must of been as well because she turned and cut her eyes at me. I had to be quick and think of something, because there's no way I can tell my son that have the same nightmare every night about his mother taking him and leaving me.

"Um... I smelled your momma's cooking." I save with a smile, sitting next to him and ruffling his hair. "Good morning Bambina." I greet my queen as she puts a plate of eggs and bacon in front of me.

"Morning." She says with a tight smile. "Hurry up so you can get ready Aiden." She instructed as she put pans in the dishwasher.

"Where's he's going?" I asked, taking a sip of coffee.

"Your parents want to take him to Central Park." She says. "And I have some interviews today."

"I thought you were going to wait till Aiden started school." I say with a raised brow.

"Women like to have they hair done when they go on vacation Jason." She points out.

"There's only about a month and a half left of summer." I counter.

"And that's a month and half worth of money." She quips. "Plus there's going to be the people going back to school and taking senior portraits."

"I'm done momma." Aiden interrupts, before I can say respond.

"Okay... Go get dressed, I left your clothes out for you." Tia says, taking the bowl from his hands and kissing his cheek.

"Yes ma'am." He answers, scampering off.

I waited until he was upstairs to say something. "Tia we talked about this already." I say sternly.

"Is there's a reason you ran down here like you were looking for something." She asking, abruptly changing the subject.

"What are you talking about Tiana." I really don't want to talk about this right now.

"You looked relieved when you saw me and Aiden." She clarifies, though she really didn't need to because I was guilty of what she's accusing me of.

"I just had a nightmare is all." I say with a shrug.

She looks at me through narrowed eyes before turning around. She began wiping down the counter, to make it look like she was busy, but I could the sniffles that she was trying to hide. Feeling like an asshole I go to comfort her but her words make me pause.

"If you don't trust me Jason then we shouldn't get married." She says in a hurt tone.

"Baby I do trust you." I say honestly, moving so that I could wrap her up in my arms. She moved lay her hands on my arms and then leaned her head back on my chest.

I've already foregiven her. If I'm being honest with myself I've just been taking my insecurities out on her and that wasn't right of me. But I couldn't help it. Tia was perfect in every way. If she wanted she could leave and find some one way better than me. Someone who wasn't a killer. Someone who had a normal job and didn't have to have security on her and Aiden every time I was away. She wouldn't have to look over her shoulder all the time because someone was pissed at me.

She could have a normal life with some regular guy that would love her and Aiden unconditionally. It wouldn't matter that he would more than likely have less money than me, because I know my Bambina doesn't care about that kinda shit. She could leave me if she saw the monster that I really am. No she would. And it would be completely justified.

"You don't act like you trust me Jay." She says tearfully, effectively breaking my heart.

"I'm sorry Bambina." I whisper softly.

"Don't say sorry of you're going to keep doing the same things over. Because then you don't really mean it and it's a waste of breathe, time and energy." She says moving to break free of my embrace

"Can't you just except my apology without catching an attitude." I say letting her go and throwing up my hands.

"Fuck You Jason." She spat. "Don't get mad at me when I say the truth. You do this shit all the time. You apologize and say you've forgiven me, but you hen you go right back to acting the same controlling way that you always act."

"I'm not controlling." I defend weakly.

"Like hell you're not." She laughs humorous lessly. "You come to Atlanta find out I've kept Aiden from you, so you tell me to marry you or you'll take him away. Then when I argue with you about you go and choke me out. Then we get to New York and I'm thinking everything is good when you buy a shop. I'm thinking your coming around until you tell me that I can't open it until Aiden starts school. I agree because I choose my battles.

But then you get upset about me not wanting to get married in November and then when I change the date you find something else to pick at which is the damn preacher that I've wanted since I was eight and you fucking know it.

You have been keeping me in this tight leash since you've come back in to my life and it's choking me to death. At this point I don't even care about that stupid fucking shop. You can have it. But I will never let you take my child away from me. Even if I have to be in debt till the day I die I will never let you take him from."


"I love you" She cuts me off. "I love you so much and I want a family with you. I wanna marry you. I wanna give Aiden everything I've never had with you. I want all of that with you. But I can't do that if you keep acting like this."

And with that she walked off. Leaving me standing there with a lot to think about.







For the rest of the day I was in a bad mood. I yelled at employees and gave Natasha the hardest time I think she's ever had in her career here and that's saying something. I had a short fuse for mistakes today and my patients was at zero.

"Um, sir" Natasha's voice came through the speaker of my desk phone, interrupting my work.

"What?" I asked in a not so nice tone.

"You're father is here to see you." She answers timidly.

"Send him in and take a lunch." I instruct, going back to my work.

A few moments later I heard My office door open and close followed by my father's voice. "Hello son" he greeted.

"Hey Dad." I say not looking up from my paperwork.

"Are you going to use the manners that your mother and I have and look me and the eye?" He asked, but it's formed as more of an order than a question.

Sighing heavily I look up into my fathers eyes, which were the same as my own. We've always looked just alike. While Isa and Damien took after our mother, I was Dad's twin. We talked the same, acted the same, walked the same, and we looked the same. Maybe it's because he trained me to be the perfect leader, or maybe it just a first born thing, because Aiden looks and acts just like me.

"I heard you've been in a mood lately.." he says with a smirk.

"Me and Tia had a fight." I say simply.

"I figured as much." He says with a sigh. "I've been meaning to talk to you about the two of you"

"Why?" I ask with a raised brow. My dad wasn't really the type to get into his kids relationship problem. That's more of Ma's forte.

"You're mother told me about everything that happened in Atlanta." He says with a hard look on his face.

"Oh" I say dumbly, knowing that he's not happy with me.

"Is that all you have to say for yourself." He ask in an angry voice. "I'm very disappointed in you and I have half the mind to cut off your fucking pinky." I looked down at my pinky finger, suddenly very aware of it. "I have never once taught you or your brother that it's okay to put your hands on a woman!"

"Dad I-"

"I don't want to hear an excuse for what you did Jason because there is none." He says firmly. "I can not believe that you would do something so disgusting. I raised you better than that and you know it. And now your mother is telling me that your trying to keep her from working... is that true son?"

"Yes sir." I answer in a shameful tone.

"Son if you try and keep that girl on a leash, she's going to end up cutting it." He informs sagely. "That girl didn't go to school just so she could stay home cook your meals and push out your kids."

"I know that." I sigh.

"Do you Jason." He judged with a raised brow. "Because it seems to me like you don't. I think you're trying to keep as much control as you can over that girl. I know what she did was wrong, but either you forgive her and get the fuck over it or you can just let her go."

My breath hitches at the thought of letting Tia go. "I don't wanna let her go." I say.

"Then stop pushing her away son." He says, standing.

Just then his phone rings and mine starts blowing up as well. "Hello." We answered in unison.

"Boss something bad happened." Tristan's panicked voice came through the phone.

"What happened?" I ask calmly, though my brain was going through a thousand different scenarios.

"They took her boss." He says solemnly.

"Jason..." My Dad says in grave tone.

"Yeah?" I ask still letting what I just heard sink into my thought process.

"Aiden is missing."

Sarah's POV

He's mine now bitch

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