The One That Came Back (REPOS...

By Pinkfloyd_415

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Important Message
Chapter 1 (Edited)
Chapter 2 (Edited)
Chapter 3 (Edited)
Chapter 4 (Edited)
Chapter 5 (Edited)
Chapter 6(Edited)
Chapter 7 (Edited)
Chapter 8 (Edited)
Chapter 9 (Edited)
Chapter 10 (Edited)
Chapter 11 (Edited)
Chapter 12 (Edited)
Chapter 13 (Edited)
Chapter 14 (Edited)
Chapter 15(Edited)
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
⛪️Church Annoucements⛪️
New Instagram
Getting Back To Us
IT'S HERE!!!!!!!
⛪️Church Announcements⛪️

Chapter 27

11.5K 432 157
By Pinkfloyd_415

Tiana's POV

    "Sarah Daisy Russo!"  Elaine exclaimed. "I CANNOT believe this language that you are using right now!"

    "Oh shut up mother." Sarah sneered.

    Serena had a really embarrassed look on her face, Isabella looked a bit shell shocked and I was unbuckling my shoes and grabbing a pintial holder from my clutch and was putting my hair back. "This is not the place for this Sarah." Serena scolded.

    "Whatever Serana." Sarah said, walking over to our table and taking a seat across from me. "Wassup."

    "What's popping." I asked, keeping my cool.

    "How does it feel to be a man stealing bitch?"

    "First off watch the way you talking me trick." I warned. "I can't steal what was and is and what will always be mine." I watched as the smirk she had on her face turn into an ugly, angry sneer, then came back.

    "He won't stay." She said in a sickly sweet voice. "He has an image to uphold and there's no way he's staying with a fat black bitch like you."

    "And you think he'll stay with a whore like you."

    "I'm not a whore and you will not speak to me that way." I just rolled my eyes. "But don't worry, I'll make sure Jason comes and see's his bastard kid.. Maybe I'll even adopt him and raise-"

    She didn't get to finish her sentence because I grabbed snatched her up and smacked the fuck out of her. "DIDN'T I TELL YOU BITCH!!"

    "LET GO OF ME" She screamed.

    "SHUT UP BITCH..I told yo ass I didn't I bitch." I growled still holding on to her hair. There was a pair of arms that came around me.

"Let go of her" Tristan's voice ordered.

I didn't listen. I just kept on punching the bitch and wouldn't stop. That's when he made an attempt to pull me away from the fight, and that's when Sarah slid across the table and went tumbling to the floor. "OH MY GOD!" Someone cried from across the yard.

That's when I heard a voice that thoroughly surprised me. "LET HER GO NOW TIANA!" My whole body stilled and I looked up from Sarah to Niccolo, Jason,Damien and Issac standing their with a man I didn't recognize. Niccolo was the one to order me to stop.

I immediately let her go and Sarah fell to the ground with a 'ommf.' I felt my face heat up, embarrassed that my future father in law saw me step out of character like that.. Jay's face didn't hold any emotion that I could read, but Isaac and Damien seemed to be trying to hide their snickers. "Alejandro is there a reason that your daughter feels the need to disrespect my daughter." Niccolo's voice held power and authority and it was a little scary.

"I'm under the belief that you only have one daughter and I do believe that the woman who's being held back by your men is the one that put her hands on my daughter." The guy, whom I believe is Alejandro said with a sneer.

I don't think that Jay liked that very much. He turned to Alejandro with a calm mask, but there was a blazing fire behind his onyx eyes. "I do believe that your daughter opened her mouth to disrespect not only my fiance, but our child as well." Jay's voice sent a shiver through me. "I don't take to kindly to my family being threatened, nor do I take to kindly to your daughter talking about my son in such a way."

"I understand that Jason but there is no reason for your 'fiance' to act in such a way."

"Last time I checked Alejandro Sarah is a whore." Niccolo said with a straight face.

"Niccolo I will not have you disrespect my daughter in my house!"Alejandro's face was turning red at this point, which I guess I can understand. No dad wants to hear that their daughter is a whore... Even if it is the truth.

"It's true Daddy." Serena spoke up, shocking everyone.

"Watch your tongue Serena." Elaine scolded.

"What Mom it's the truth." Serena said. "You like to sweep it under the rug so that Daddy won't find out but it's the truth. You let Sarah do whatever the fuck she wants and if I even step one foot out of line you're down my throat." I looked on shocked. 'This some Mona Scott shit' I thought. "What is it you want at least one kid that's a virgin so that you can sell me off to the highest bidder."

"You watch how you talk to me Serena." Elaine warned once more before Alejandro spoke up.

"What is she talking about Eliane?" He asked, clearly confused and genuinely not knowing what the hell was going on.

"Sarah's been fucking and sucking half the 1% of New York Daddy." Serena answered the poor man.

"WHAT?!?" Alejandro yelled.

"She's lying Daddy." Sarah cried, being held up by one of the servers.

"Oh yeah, why don't you tell him where that porshe that you got last month came from... Or all the purses and shoes and clothes and the rolex she got you for your birthday."

"She told me they were gifts from Jason." Alejandro said, confused.

"That's definitely a fucking lie" Jay jeered.

"Is what your sister saying true Sarah?"

"No Daddy" Sarah lied, but I could see in her father's eyes that he didn't believe her.

Alejandro's face turned very red. His face displayed anger, confusion, and heartbreak. "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU SARAH.. DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW EMBARRASSING THIS IS." He yelled. I felt bad for the man. It was clear that he had no clue what was going on and he obviously looked at Sarah through rose colored glasses, as most fathers do with their daughters.

"See what you've done Serena Danielle." Elaine accused Serena, as if she wasn't the one allowing her daughter to fuck whoever and then lie about the shit to her husband.

'These white people are better than Love & Hip Hop' I thought as continued to watch the Russo Family bicker.

"Do NOT put this on her Elaine." Alejandro said to his wife firmly. "You are the one who allowed this behavior from Sarah and then hid from me. It's no wonder no one will marry the girl. I am ashamed of both of you."

"Alex." Elaine gasped, hurt by her husband's words.

"There is no excuse for this. This is shameful and wrong." He said to her, before turning to his eldest daughter. "Sarah you return that ca and everything else whoever you've been with has given you. You will be coming home until I feel that you won't go prancing around New York like a harlot." Then he turned to his youngest daughter. "Serena meet your fiance" He said coldly, pointing to Damien.

"Really" Serena smiled.

"Really princess." He smiled before turning to walk into the house.

Damien walked over to Serena at the same time Jay was walking to me. He took my hand and pulled me out of the backyard, through the house and out to the car.

"You have blood on you." Jay accessed as he opened the door for me.

"You know damn well it's that bitch's blood." I snapped at him playfully, sliding in the car.

"That's my girl." He praised, "And Tristan has your shoes by the way."

"Okay." I nodded.


When we got home I changed out of my clothes and into a tube top and some boy shorts. Jay was in his off. I turned on my Love & Hip Hop recording. I was watching Karlie Redd make a fool of herself with Caesar bald headed as, when Jay finally came back in the room.

"Why do you watch this shit?" Jay asked stretching out his limbs.

"Because it's entertaining." I shrugged. "I'm so tired of Karlie ass I don't know what to do. She to old to be acting like this."

Jay just rolled his before grabbing the remote from me and pausing the show. "That's enough of that."

"I was watching that." I snapped at him.

"And now you're not." He said firmly. "I don't wanna hear that shit while I'm talking to my Bambina."

"Nigga you ain't nobody Daddy." I said without thinking.

"You sure about that." He quipped before popping me on the thigh.

"Serena seemed happy that she's marrying Damien." I said changing the subject due to the fact that I'm still sore from last night and this morning. 'My pussy needs a damn break.'

"Of course she is." He shrugged. "They've been dating in secret for a year now."

"How did you know that?" I questioned

"I know everything my love." He smirked earning a glare from me. "One of my men saw them sneaking into a hotel and I had to do damage control before anyone found out."

"So did you make sure they got married."

"Yeah I did. I like Serena, she's nothing like her sister and she makes my brother happy." He explained. "Plus Alejandro was going to marry her off in the first place, might as well let her marry someone she loves."

"That's sweet of you." I smiled at him.

"It was nothing," He said casually. "It doesn't take much to get someone to marry their daughter off to a Dellucci."

"The name holds that much power?" I asked, beginning to feel overwhelmed (which is feeling that I'm becoming way to familiar with lately)

"It does." He stated matter of factly. "It's a blessing and a curse, but you'll get used to it."

"Don't really have a choice." I muttered.

He sighed heavily before responding to what I said. "Speak up Tiana."

"You obviously heard me if you responded to what I said." I jeered.

"And I'm asking you to repeat it." He said in a raised voice.

"No you didn't." I argued. "You told me. There is a clear difference between the two."

"What the fuck is your problem?" He groaned.

"Don't worry about it." I grumbled, regretting letting the initial comment slip out of my mouth. It was bound to start an arguement, because Jason whenever Jason hears something he doesn't like, he gets defensive and him getting defensive means yelling and I don't feel like yelling at him right now. I snatched the remote form his hands and pressed play.

That only angered him more. He grabbed the remote back and turned off the TV all together. "Do you fucking mind!" I yelled at him.

"Yeah I fucking mind." He growled out. "Now what the fuck is your damn problem Tiiana."

"Right now it's you." I said dismissively.

"Watch your fucking mouth." He sneered.

"Fuck you!" I spat back at him. "I hate when you do that shit!"

"Hate when I do what?!"

"When you talk to like that when we are having a fight. Last time I checked you only have one child and I ain't him. Don't talk to me like I'm a kid because I said something that you don't like. I'm an adult just like you are."

"I don't treat you like a child." He countered.

"Yes you do." I said loudly. "Every time we argue about something and I say something it's 'watch the way you talk to me', or you grab at me or you slap my ass. That's treating me like I'm not equal to you."

"Is that all you're fucking mad about?" He exclaimed, frustrated

"No it's not all I'm mad about. Everytime I try and talk to you about something it ends up like this. That shit is annoying I shouldn't have to tiptoe around yo ass trying to bring a concern to you. I should be able to tell you something and we have a constructive conversation and not a yelling match." I explained.

"We do have conversations about the problem." He argued, clearly not listening to what the fuck I'm saying.

"See?!" I cried. "That's the shit I'm talking about. You never listen to what I say."

"I heard you." He grunted,

"Yeah you're hearing me," I started. "But you're not listening to me. If you were listening then you wouldn't have said that shit that you just said to me. I want you to take in what it is that I'm saying before you open your mouth to say something. I really don't get how it's so fucking hard for you to listen to me and take in account my feelings instead of trying to shut them down and never talk about them. All that does is let little things pile up and create a bigger fucking problem."

"Well then what is the problem." He snapped at me.

"Watch your fucking self Jay." I warned, getting real tired of him talking to me crazy when he's mad. "I'll slap the dog shit out you ass."

He wisely took a deep breath before saying what he was gonna say. "Will you just tell me about what it is that you mean when you said what you said."

"I'm very pissed, because I feel like you threw me into something that I had no clue about. I have no clue on what I'm doing." I explained. "I feel like I'm just being forced to fit into the square box," I met eyes with Jason and he had a look of confusion on his face, that just pissed me off even more.

"I told you everything when we were in Atlanta." He said.

"No you fucking didn't. You told me about the mafia stuff. You didn't tell me that I would have to be around all these bougie ass white folk who either looking at me crazy or saying some shit to say on the low. And I have to act above all that shit?!?" I yelled frustrated that he isn't getting the point.

"Yeah cause that's what you did today." He said sarcastically, with a smirk that didn't last long because I slapped his ass right across the face.

"Go to hell Jason Dellucci." I yelled, taking off my ring and throwing it at him. I walked out the room and went downstairs into my beauty room. I threw on some clothes and grabbed my keys. I went to the garage, hearing Jason screaming and hollering for me to come back, but I continued to ignore his stupid ass.

I got in my car and drove off, leaving him standing in the garage looking mad as hell, but at this moment I gives no fucks.

I drove, not really having a clear path before ending up at Jason's parents house. Not really remembering how I got here I shook my head before walking to the door and knocking. Ms. Gina was the one to open the door. "Tiana?" She had a confused look on her face. "What are doing here? I thought you and Jason weren't getting Aiden until the morning."

I couldn't make words come out before I bursted into tears. Ms. Gina didn't say anything. She just pulled me into the house and sat me down on a couch. "What's wrong Tiana?" She asked concerned. "Did something happen?"

"It's nothing. Me and Jason just got into an arguement." I said tearfully.

"Where's your ring." She asked, looking down at my left finger.

"I threw it at him." I answered trying to wipe the tears from my face but the just kept coming.

"What was the argument about?" She asked, with worry in her eyes and voice.

I thought for a moment. Part of me knew that if I told her what the argument was about I was more than likely going to have to tell her everything. So that's what I did. I told her everything from when Jason told me that I have to marry him to keep my son up until today. She sat there quietly, taking in everything that I said. I couldn't really read her face, but that was probably due to the fact that by the time I was done telling her everything, my vision was slightly blurry from the tears streaming down my face.

"Do you love my son Tiana?" She asked, still masking her facial expressions.

"The only person I love more is Aidan." I told her honestly.

She gave a small smile at my confession, placing her hand over mine. "Then you have to fight for the relationship."

"I'm trying." I said weakly, knowing that I was only fight the outside forces and not fighting the issues that we have between just me and Jason.

"No you're not." She said bluntly. "You're letting my son walk over you and I have already told you to not let yourself to become a doormat. You to can not solve everything by just sweeping it under the rug. You need to actually talk and resolve the issue.'

"How do I do that?" I asked, feeling lost. I didn't really have any examples of loving, functional relationships. My parents' marriage was a disaster and was probably doomed from the start. Granny was married, but Pappi died when I was around five. None of my aunts and uncles were married except for one aunt and her and her husband rarely come around because they live in California. Viv's parents are off and on and can't ever seem to get along for more than two months. It's no wonder I probably let Jason get away with a lot more than I probably should. I was just used to dysfunctional relationships and didn't know anything different.

"Well the first thing you need to do is to take Aiden and go home. Then you need to sit down with Jason and have a talk about seeing a counselor." She instructed.

"Do you think that it will help?" I asked, wiping away the rest of my tears.

"I speak from personal experiences." She said matter of factly. "I understand where you are coming from Tiana. I didn't have anyone to look up for relationship advice. My mother was an alcoholic up until I got married and my father ignored me because I wasn't a boy. He made my mother go through miscarriage after miscarriage because he wanted a son so bad. He didn't care that it broke her a little inside everytime she lost another child. He was a selfish, cold and unfeeling man. He only cared when we were in public or when he found out about Nicky. I didn't know how to love Nicky. I didn't know how to show him love. It caused a lot of problems in the beginning of our marriage."

"So you went to a marriage counselor?"

"It's not that bad." She explained. "They're really just a mediator for an argument. They give you the tools that you need to make your relationship work and grow."

"Okay." I agreed. "I'll talk to Jason about it."

"Good now let's go get the boys from outside. Nicky's been teaching Aiden how to throw a baseball." She told me with a smile.

"Is he any good?" I asked, glad to be talking about a lighter topic.

"I wouldn't know." She laughed, as we walked outside to see Aiden and his grandfather throwing a baseball back in forth. Niccolo threw the ball real fast and Aide caught it with as much ease a a five year old could.

"Great job Aiden." Niccolo praised with a proud smile.

"I'm getting better Nonno." Aiden smiled brightly. It was good to see Aiden enjoying spending time with his grandparents. My dad was great when he was here, but he was overseas a lot and my egg donor was somewhere out in the world, fucking for money and trinkets. I'm glad that he gets a grandmother, along with granny that cares about him and does all the things that grandmas do with their grandkids.

"You definitely are champ." Niccolo said taking notice of me and Ms.Gina. "Hey Tiana."

"Momma!" Aiden exclaimed, running over to me with his arms out.

"Hey Baby Boy." I smiled, hugging him back. "Are you ready to go."

"Yeah." He answered looking behind him. "Where's dad?" He asked with scrunched up eyebrows.

"He's at home, waiting for you and me to get home." I answered smoothly, "Now go and get your things."

"Can we go to McDonalds?" He asked with a little pout.

"Yes, now go get your things." I told him.

I watched as he ran into the house and up the stairs. "What are you doing here?" Niccolo asked.

"Her and Jason miss their son and we've been hogging him all weekend." Ms. Gina covered for me.

I gave her grateful smile, before turning to Niccolo. "Yeah.. What she said." I smiled

"Oh well we have been haven't we." He laughed, seemingly buying our story. "Are you to coming to dinner at the Russo's on Monday."

I raised my eyebrow at him. "I'm not sure that's the best idea..."

"Don't worry about Sarah." He assured me. "Alejandro promised that she will be on her best behavior and if not she will be dealt with accordingly.

"Okay we'll be there." I agreed, still a little unsure of everything.

"Don't worry, you won't have to drag anyone across any more tables." He chortled, just as Aiden was coming back down the stairs with his bat man back and coat.

"I'm ready to go Momma." Aiden chirped walking over to me.

"Okay Baby let's go." I smiled at his eagerness to leave.

"Bye Nonna and Nonno" He waved to his grandparents, as we walked out of the door. I helped Aiden in the car before hopping in myself. I drove the way home, unsure if Jason was still which Jason I would get, once home. The sweet, loving attentive one, or the crazy and angry one

'We shall see"

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