The New Animatronic of Freddy...

By LexieTheNymph

3.7K 99 13

(Sequel to The Second Afton Daughter) The new pizzeria has been built and Freddy's group seem to be troubled... More

~Chapter 1: Isabella's Return, Maybe?~
~Chapter 2: Apology~
~Chapter 3: Toy Bonnie's Hate for the Old~
~Chapter 4: Deciding & Cleaning~
~Chapter 6: Sarah Solution~
Next Book
Next Book Pt. 2

~Chapter 5: Old Chica's Little Brother~

380 11 3
By LexieTheNymph

*Bell's POV*
I managed to get everything cleaned up and I sighed, 'Finally. Now, I just need to be able to clean myself off. Maybe I should ask Mangle or one of the Chicas if they could spare some clothes for me to use for now.' I thought, sighing. I thought about how each one dressed and I groaned. 'Never mind about the Chicas...just Mangle...' I left the room and I headed towards Kids Cove. Mangle was sure to be there, at least.

When I got to the Kids Cove, I opened the curtains to see it had the same sort of set up as Pirate's Cove used to have except without all the pirate-y things. I kinda miss that touch about it. "Hey, Bell!" Mangle exclaimed standing on the ceiling. I looked up at her.

"You startled me a bit but, I guess I'm doing fine. Besides Marionette forcing me and Foxy into cleaning up paint in my room." I sighed, rubbing the back of my neck. Mangle giggled a bit.

"He's always been like that in a way. I guess he's always had that kind of demeanor. Usually he's shy but he also has the leadership skills." I gave her a confused look.

"He didn't act very shy around me." I stated, confused.

"He probably knew you before then." My eyes widened slightly and I thought over it. "Go ahead and start getting cleaned up. I'll get some clothes set up for you." I nodded and left Kids Cove. I went to the Supply closet and grabbed some animatronic cleaning supplies. I was just going to clean myself off as an animatronic since it was probably easier this way.

*Time Skip*
When I finished cleaning myself off, I had everything put back and I changed into clothes Mangle gave me. They were comfortable, but, I felt a slight need for an eye patch cause I felt like I was cosplaying a pirate or something. Oh well. I could live with it. I kinda didn't feel the need to get one though.

Cause I think it would've meant snagging one from Foxy. And I don't think Foxy had a very thoughtful liking to that. He was kinda crabby when I first met him as an animatronic. Well, at least when he was the animatronic, not me.

I heard footsteps walking and I instinctively looked at the curtains with Mangle. They didn't sound like another animatronic's footsteps, which were usually heavy and obviously metallic.

"When is the transfer coming over?" Someone asked and another voice sounded.

"It'll take a little bit, all right?" It sounded like Dad. "Just get it done!"

"But, sir-" I heard the voice say and I peeked through the curtain slightly to see my father and a man with blonde hair and blue eyes. "H-How would we be able to put Golden Freddy on stage or something? B-Besides, the Old Animatronics are already taking up some of the space in the Parts and Services." He said, nervously.

Even I couldn't blame him at this point. Dad can be pretty intimidating a lot of the time but he really isn't trying to.

*Sarah's POV*

"Tch, damn animatronics. They killed my Mikey." I said, frowning. "And it is all because of him." I stared at my computer screen that replayed the tape that I had cut out from the store's security camera. "But, I got something in return. And I figured out your little secret." I chuckled to a small laugh. "Considering, you even let your own children fall victim to each one of them. I guess that I could've done better on my project than he ever did. Vincent Afton."

I grabbed a remote and smirked, before pressing a button. "But, she's not all that seems, I suppose." I pressed a button with a skull on it and laughed. "Let the fun begin~. This for you, Mikey-poo~."

*Third Person POV*

At about the time the button was pushed, Bell's scream was heard for moment, but then silence which made Marionette and Foxy head towards her room in a rush of worry. "Bell?" All the Old animatronics, Mangle, and Toy Chica ran to the room as well.

When they got to the room, Bell was cowered in a corner, with her hands over her wolf-like ears and her tail curled around the side of her. "Bell?" At Old Freddy's voice, Bell's head rose a bit, with her hands uncovering her ears.

What's happening? What's going on? She thought and yet, when Old Chica came over, Bell's adrenaline was going up for some reason.

"Hey, are you okay?" When Chica put her wired hands on Bell, Bell quickly turned and bit into the part of Chica's arm that was still there. To Chica, Bell wasn't herself.

Marionette was surprised at the sudden attack with Bell's attack. 'This isn't her!' He thought and everyone watching was surprised at her attack. Old Chica managed to get Bell off from biting her arm by a shock at Bell's neck when she flew back from the sudden shock at the neck.

She ended having boxes crashed on top of her as well, so it pretty much kept her slowed down enough. Old Chica backed up enough to not have Bell attack her again. But when Bell sat back up, Bell was confused.

'What just happened?' She thought and she looked to see a couple of them were scared, especially Old Chica and Toy Chica. Marionette seemed to be suspicious of something.

"What's going on?" She asked, completely confused.

"Everyone leave." Marionette said, with his head lowered. Foxy had a worried expression and pointed at Bell.

"Look, mate. I didn't come running here just cause I wanted to! I was worried about the lass!" Bell was a bit taken back from what he said and Foxy almost did seem angry at the fact that Marionette was telling him to leave.

"Foxy," Foxy's attention went straight to Bell as she looked away. "It'll be fine..." She said and Foxy sighed to calm himself down before he nodded and left with the others.

'Why did I react that way?' Foxy thought as he walked away.

Marionette sighed and went over to Bell, while shutting the door. "You okay, Bell?" He asked and Bell nodded.

"Y-Yeah. Why? What happened?"

"You ended up attacking Old Chica for some reason. Why did you do that?" The memory flooded back into Bell's mind and she frowned, looking at the ground.

"I....I don't even know myself. I just heard some sort of high pitch and then I wasn't myself exactly..."

'Why did I have to see her of all people???' I thought and Marionette seemed to look worried.

"Try to rest for a little while." He said and I frowned a bit.

"But, what about Chica and the others?"

"I'll explain it to them. For now, just rest." He put his hand on top of my head and I fell asleep.

'How did he do that? I'm sleeping even though I'm not tired.'


"Hey, Bells!" I looked to see my older brother, Brandon running over towards me. "Aren't you going to join us?" Brandon asked and I smiled a bit.

"Sorry, got side-tracked for a bit." I said, standing up and he grinned.

"Come on, Bells! I can't wait any longer!"

"Kick the Can won't change if I'm a few seconds late, Brandon." I said, smiling and we joined with everyone.

"About time, guys!" Felix exclaimed, coming over and Kate was with her little brother, Kevin. Other than that, it was the usual group.

"Why are we playing this again?" Frederick asked and I smiled, a bit evilly.

"Well, since you ask that, it's because it's fun. And since you're questioning it, you're it!" I exclaimed and Frederick groaned a bit.

"But why? It's not like I asked to be it."

"But, you were the one who spoke out." I smirked and Felix laughed.

"Nice try, Freddy." Kate said, patting Frederick's back in support.

"Quit laughing, Felix!" Frederick yelled and Felix grinned.

"Sorry, but it was pretty funny." William sighed.

"Can we please get into the game now?"

"Yeah! I'm really excited!" I heard Daniel exclaim and I laughed a bit.

"Come on, Fred! It's not that bad." Kevin said, putting a can on the ground. Frederick sighed and then kicked the can. He went after the can and kept his back turned towards us and crouched, placing the can in front of him before counting. All of us laughed and went to hide. I simply climbed a nearby tree.

"How did you climb all the way up there, Bell?" Felix asked and I smiled, putting a finger over my lips.

"That's a secret, come on." I helped him onto my branch and smiled. "Only a few people have found my hiding spot before, so it's pretty easy for me to win Kick the Can and Hide and Seek." I said, grinning.

"I'm coming now!" Frederick called and I tapped Felix's shoulder and pointed up before I climbed higher. He climbed up with me after a moment.


I woke up and found that I was alone right now. I sighed and looked around the vacant room. I stood up and I noticed a box and I opened it to see a small plushie that looked like Foxy. I sighed and sat against the wall and stared at the plushie.

I heard the door open and I tensed up before hiding the plushie. I saw Old Chica at the door, in human form. "Hey, Bell." She said and I sighed, frowning.

"Hey, Chica. Look, I know I probably a bit out of control earlier, and I'm really sorry about that. I don't know what got into me."

She smiled. "Don't worry about it. Marionette explained to us what you said before." I sighed in a bit of relief.

I mean, I know that she was a friend if mine when we were little, but it had me worry a little more if it'd happen again. I sighed, looking at my hands.

"Chica," she blinked and sat across from me. "What if...I was built to get back at somebody?" I asked and she seemed taken back at the question.

"What do you mean?" I stood up and faced a wall.

"It only makes sense. I mean, I ended up getting killed, I'm having to be trapped inside this body, and we always have to go against the nightguard's cause our facial scanners are completely wrong when it comes to the adults." I said and she blinked in confusion.

"What are you talking about?" I took a deep breath.

"I..." I hesitated to say that I had my memories back now and would've bit my inner lip, if it weren't for the fact that they all think that I don't have them back. "Never mind. I guess it was just a random thought that I had." I know it's usually against my character to say that kind of thing, but I had to.

"Bell, you don't have to tell me why you think it's like that. I mean, there is the fact that we have certain instincts." Chica said and I frowned, changing into my human form.

"But we've only been acting like we're killers. I'm not sure if I can live this way all the time." I said, sitting against the wall. "It just doesn't make any sense." I said, scratching my head.

"Calm down, Bell. You don't have to kill the nightguard. I mean, look at Balloon Boy. He just makes the nightguard unable to use their flashlight while the nightguard freaks out."

"I guess, but you know what I mean, Chica." I said, sighing and looking downwards. "I guess I'm just being a worrywart."

Chica smiled. "And who said it was a bad thing? You're surrounded by friends, Bell. Whether or not you realize it. Toy Bonnie's even worried and I don't think she really worries about many of us." I smiled a bit and chuckled a bit.

"I guess according to her personality." I said, and I heard metallic footsteps come towards the door and I looked before Old Bonnie suddenly showed in a split second, like a jumpscare. "GAH!!!" I yelped and instinctively hid behind the nearest box. I felt my heart racing at about 100 miles per hour. I was trying to get my breath back since I seemed to have somehow lost in at a startle.

Chica laughed. "Careful, Bonnie. You scared her."

"It's fine. Just a little jumpscare." I said, raising my arm out.

"You alright? Sorry for scaring you like that." Bonnie said, nervously. I smiled and came out once my heart rate slowed.

"Yeah, just got startled." I said, smiling. "That's it. I think I'm gonna have to become the nightguard, just to get used to getting startled." I said, smiling at Bonnie. I was pretty sure Bonnie smiled. My tail dropped along with my wolf ears. "Then again, I think I'll be going through quite a lot of them in the time we're here." I said, smiling.

"Eh, well you do get used to them after a while." Bonnie said, coming into the room.

"Yeah, even though I feel like I should get used to them already." I said, smiling. They both laughed.

"Well, I'm pretty sure the others are alright from what happened earlier, even though Foxy seemed really worried about you."

"He was?" I asked and Chica smiled.

"You don't have your memories, so he's kinda been down a bit." I blinked and looked at the ground. They both seemed concerned.

"Are you all right?" Chica asked and I sighed.

"Do...animatronic's always start this way? After death?" They both seemed a bit taken back and I quickly shook the thought from my head. "N-Never mind. That was stupid of me to ask." Chica gripped my shoulder.

"It's fine, Bells. It always starts out this way for us. That's why we know that you'll get your memories back soon."

'If only I could just tell them the truth...I feel like all I've been doing is lying to them...which is true, now that I'm thinking it.' I sighed and nodded.

"All right. I'll trust your guys' word on it." I said and they smiled, before leaving. I sighed and I heard a bark from the vents. I moved the box from in front of the vent and saw Snowflake. I smiled. "Hey, Snow. You've been coming sort of frequently."

"Long story short, Vincent kinda let me go for a walk by myself for now. He doesn't know I left the property, hopefully." I knelt down to her level.

"He'll find out if you don't get back before six. Hurry and go. You can see me when he brings you to the restaurant again." I said, worriedly.

"Alright, I'll head back then if you're that worried, I'll head back. But, he's after Sarah and that's all he's been after since he found the footage..."

"Footage...?" Snowflake nodded before turning and headed straight to the exit.

'I wonder what she meant by that...' I thought and I frowned a bit in concern for my father. 'Wait...I was killed in a maybe dad took the footage from them?'

I clenched where my heart would be and thought for a moment. 'Wait...would animatronic's be able to leave the restaurant?' I thought before I clenched my hands into fists and grabbed the cell phone I had hidden.

I left and went to the exit of the building. It was raining outside and I clenched my fists tighter. I stared and Marionette was suddenly next to me. "Is there no way to go out there?"

"Only if you're programmed to be able to, Bells." Marionette said and I glanced at him before I looked at the cell phone I had.

"So, I can't leave?"

"Not until your transfered or something. Even though, I don't think has happened for any of us other than the old animatronics." I sighed.

"I've been wondering though...are we really even the same? Most of us are completely different. That's why Toy Bonnie just shows she hates the older animatronics. She'd overthrow any of them if she could..."

"True, but...sometimes consideration of their past is true as well." I looked at Marionette before sighing.

"I guess...but still..."

"Also, if you'd rather tell everyone the real truth, I'd suggest doing it soon." He said, patting my shoulder and leaving me alone. My eyes widened and I looked at him as I watched him leave.

Does he know? I thought, confused.

Hey guys! Sorry about not posting this chapter sooner. But, I am also recently going to school so I might be able to work on it some more. I'd be really glad about it if you guys could vote, comment, or even follow me! That'd be great! See ya'll next chapter and thank you so much for sticking with me this far.

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