SOTUS: Found you

By Snowyxox

105K 4.1K 245

this is a fanfic story about Kong and Arthit , Kong is a dangerous guy yet a softie at heart who wants and ne... More



1.8K 88 1
By Snowyxox

Groaning sounds were heard from the boyfriend who was squished in the embrace of his lover. Adjusting his eyesight he saw the room was shrouded in darkness 

Trying to get up but to no veil he couldn't beat Kongpob's strength even when he's unconscious "Kong....Kong" the boy who was being called to be awaken from his slumber not only pretended he didn't hear his boyfriend but had the nerve to squish him tighter if that's possible..

Arthit felt he had no choice but to be harsher, bringing his hands that were under the blanket closer to the skin of someone next to him. Kongpob felt a slight touch on his body but it didn't bother him until he got tickled totally bringing him to up.

Kongpob sat up with his eyes wide opened from the shock of being tickled so suddenly "you're up"

"P'Arthit, you didn't have to do that you know?" Arthit had gotten up finally feeling free from that tight grasp around his body "you wouldn't let me go what would you expect me to do"

"wake me up like a normal person" 

While closing the curtains and turning on the lights and also talking with his boyfriend who was rubbing his eyes from just having to wake up "you're not normal" hearing a chuckle from the other, not feeling offended at all.

"we haven't eaten anything since we got back, want me to make anything"

Kongpob looked at the time "after that nap with you i'm fully charged up"

"i'm serious tomorrow we have a big day you know?"

"wait did you call them?"

"i left them a text it's too late to call now"

Kongpob suddenly got hit in the face with a towel that was thrown at him "go take a shower"

A visible smirk was shown on the others face "you don't want to join me?" as he also was moving his eyebrows up and down but all that he got in return was a pillow thrown at his face "stop being creepy and go shower, we also need to pack"

Kongpob being rejected got him disappointed which was unexpected because this is the way Arthit has always been, seeing this made Athiit upset so he called out to him

Hearing his boyfriend call out for him made him look behind him to see him very close and then a kiss on his cheek was planted then being pushed to the bathroom "now go shower"

Kongpob felt content and was all happy once again.

A few minuted later Kongpob came out to see a familiar scene "are we doing this again P'Arthit"

Arthit felt awkward and embarrassed "i told you no unnecessary stuff"

Him being in just a towel made Arthit speechless and blank minded, the wet half naked guy walked closer to his boyfriend who was going red in the face to help him with the organisation of the suitcase.

Arthit couldn't contain his excitement of seeing his boyfriend like this since it's been awhile.  The younger boyfriend organised the bag once again and was oblivious to Arthit's reaction "you can go shower now P'Arthit" handing him a towel without looking at him.

Arthit hurried himself before he got caught...

[ Time skip to the next morning ]

Arthit had woken up before Kongpob feeling nervous and stressed about today...

Arthit's POV

I woke up earlier than Kong but it's more like i couldn't sleep at all, i have no idea what's going in that head of his. All of a sudden asking to meet my parents when i could only stay there for one day.

I understand this is what i have wanted but was hoping we would talk more about it when he was ready. I look over the guy sleeping next to me not knowing how he could sleep so soundly when tomorrow is going to be one hell of a day.

Deciding i can't sleep in this state at the moment i get up and go to the kitchen to maybe get a glass of milk to help me.

The sound of the floor creaked as he walked his way to the kitchen, the fridge light shone around the place.

Arthit who was hunched down grabbing the carton of milk, felt there was weird vibe behind him like someone was there. He hadn't heard any footsteps that indicated were Kongpob so taking the risk and chance he turned around to find the person he was hoping it was but still managed to yelp from the shock.

"don't sneak up on me" as he put his hand on his chest right where his heart is "you get too scared easily P'Arthit"

"you sneak up one someone when it's this late at night plus without making noises, how did you even do that"

"hmm i'm pretty sure you could've at least heard some creaking of the floor as i came by or was your mind occupied with something you didn't notice?"

I closed the fridge and pushed my way past Kongpob to get to the lights since now he's awake as well ignoring what he just said.

"P'Arthit are you worried?" 

putting the carton of milk on the counter with his back facing his lover, just standing there frozen in place not being able to look at his lover who seems concerned,

"P'Arthit about tomorrow, we can talk about it if you want"

Arthit sighed not from relief but from stress "i do want to talk about it but i have no idea what to say to you"

Kongpob who was behind went around the counter to be in front of his lover and sat down on the stool.

i realised he was in front of me now so i had no choice but to look at him while he took my hands that were fidgeting from nervousness "you thought i was asleep didn't you? but really i couldn't sleep just like you"

"so you were pretending?" receiving a nod from the other "i just want you to know whatever happens i'm not giving up like 3 years ago"

"not like i'll let you" 

we both smiled while holding each other's hand "you want warm milk?" 

Tonight we both had realised that we were both afraid for what's to come and i thought i was the only one feeling like this out of the two of us.

The next day we both got ready and left on our way to my parents, without them knowing i was bringing him along

Third Person POV

Once they got dropped off by the taxi they had finally reached the front door of the house Arthit was brought up in. Kongpob admired the place as it felt very homey. Kongpob knocked on the door and the person who answered was the mother he had met 3 years ago.

Her bright smile that was greeted at the door vanished in an instant, the sight of the guy she thought she wouldn't see in person again had her boiling in anger as her first reaction was to slap him in the face without letting anyone speak

"MAE!" Arthit yelled as well as shielding Kongpob who had started getting a red mark on his cheek..

His mother looked at her son protecting the guy behind him "Oon" her anger had subsided and only sadness was shown in the eyes that were staring at her son.

She had enough of this sight and started to walk away, but Kongpob wasn't going to give up and suddenly everyone in the room heard a soft bang on the ground catching the attention of his mother, seeing Kongpob on the ground on his knees "Kongpob what are you doing?"

Arthit saw nothing but a desperate guy trying to make this right but how could Arthit look at this without doing anything seeing a helpless Kongpob in front of him

"P'Arthit it's okay" his eyes were pleading Arthit, his mother came towards them and looked at him "you think i'll accept it if you do this?"

"you were the reason my son almost died 3 years ago, i don't know why you are here, why my Oon wants to be friends with someone like you" 

The parents hadn't known that Kongpob and Arthit were not regular friends, her disappointment at seeing her son bring him instead of a girl who she thought he might have in secret was not a great idea.

Kongpob sat there on the cold ground looking down wards hearing her speak but then having the courage to bring his head up not caring even if it is shameless "Ma'am i might seem rude, i might seem like an arrogant and selfish prick for coming here after what had happened but there is something you need to know.."

The middle aged woman stood over him, awaiting for him to complete his sentence

"i love your son more than anything"

Out of all the things he could have said the 3 words came out of his mouth, his mother not knowing how to react...the father standing there behind his wife just as speechless as she is...Arthit who didn't think it would be brought up this fast 

Seeing his boyfriend confess his love for him in front of his parents made him start laughing  hysterically but then slowly faded into a more awkward laugh, feeling that the vibe was depressing and serious

"look i don't know who you are to come here in my house telling me you love my son, no matter what kind of relationship you guys have, i won't accept it, and if you were planning on staying here tonight don't get too comfortable because i won't let you"

She walked away with those last words as a signal for him to leave.

Arthit being quiet finally spoke up to his mother "if he's not staying then i'm going with him" the objection was an abrupt to her

"do whatever you want" said with her back facing them

The two left with suitcases in hand "P'Arthit why did you do that?"

"i aint leaving you alone"

"what about your mother she's going to be more heartbroken"

His older boyfriend sighed and tried to change the subject "where are we going to stay now" Kongpob brought out his phone to call a taxi "I already booked a room at a hotel"

Kongpob didn't want Arthit to hurt his own mother but then sometimes Arthit can be stubborn and won't listen to you.


Seeing his reaction made Kongpob laugh and called for a taxi...

Checking into their hotel room, Kongpob flopped himself on the bed already exhausted even if it was just a few minutes from having to deal with his parents.

Arthit sat down next to him "Kongpob you realise i have to go back tomorrow, what was the point on doing this now"

"P'Arthit don't be mad at me but i need you to go back alone" 

"wait what are you talking about?" 

Kongpob sat up to talk and look properly at his lover "I think it's best if i do this alone" the older guy who had no idea what was going on stood up so fast that he almost caused himself a head rush "Kongpob, why do i have to let you do this alone? can't i help they're my parents i know them best"

Kongpob didn't mean to make Arthit go mad about this so he pulled Arthit on to the bed and sit down to finally calm down and talk properly "that's right you know them best, maybe you can tell me somethings about them"

Arthit stared in to the eyes of his lover to see what he's thinking but nothing, he could tell he was absolutely serious about being left here alone and doing this himself...

'you know i could call my work and tell them i'm not coming back for a while" as he tried to bring out his phone but got stopped when it was taken from hands "P'Arthit i'm not letting you do that"

In the middle of this serious discussion the phone in Kongpob's hand started ringing, looking at the ID it was his mother.

Arthit took the phone and answered, it was rather a quick phone call as she hung up without even letting Arthit speak. 

Arthit looked at Kongpob "she wants to see you tomorrow" 

This could mean anything but at least she's willing to see Kongpob 

"P'Arthit you go home tomorrow okay?" Arthit having no choice and nodded..trying to tell himself everything will be fine and that Kongpob is a strong person.

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