Rainy days

由 Fandomtrash4020

14 0 0

Logan had lived on the streets his whole life. It's all he ever knew. It was a rough life, but he accepted it... 更多

some info-
Chp2- A Lovely Time Skip~

Chp1- Rainy Encounters

2 0 0
由 Fandomtrash4020

Marshal sighed. He had a long day at school, being assigned extra homework and detention on Sunday would probably ruin anyone's day. He took the bus home, drawing on the foggy windows. Foggy because of the light, yet dark rain. The bus came to a stop and marshal stood up, it was his stop so he got off as he waited for the bus to move. He quickly jogged across the street, and began walking down the sidewalk. While looking around he saw many homeless people. He lived in the city, so it was a common occurrence. It still made him sad though, to see so many people on the streets, without homes, jobs, actual food. Marshal didn't know how he hadn't ended up like one of them after he moved out of his dad's house. He looked up, in the distance he saw a small boy sitting on the sidewalk: white long hair, dirty and messy, his clothes scarce, torn and filthy. He himself hadn't looked good either. Marshal couldn't help but feel bad for him. A starving, homeless, kid. How could people even let him get like that? Marshal quickly jogged up to the boy, kneeling beside him. The albino looked up at him, with large, curious, purple eyes.

"Hey, you look like you could use some help?"

He said, holding out a hand for the boy.

"The names Marshal, you?"


The boy said quietly.

"Well Logan, mind if I lend you a hand?"

Marshal asked.

"What is that supposed to mean?"

Logan asked wearily.

"Well, I was thinkin' of bringing you back to my place, letting you shower, eat. Maybe get you some new clothes"

He smiled, and Logan looked away.

"It's fine. You really don't need to..."

He said, tracing circles onto the cold, wet, concrete.

"No, I insist. You need the help"

Marshal said, Logan nodded and took the strangers hand.

With an attempt to stand up, Logan fumbled, nearly falling to his knees. But, Marshal caught him just in time. He swooped Logan up into a bridal hold and Logan blushed.

"H-Hey! Its fine, i-I'm fine. You don't need to-"

"Nope, can't change my mind"

Marshal smiled. He began walking towards what Logan presumed to be his home.

"Am I sure this is a good idea? He could easily take advantage of me considering our size difference.... what if he's kidnapping me? What if he wants my kidney...?"

Logan was muttering under his breath about the possibility of his kidney being stolen.

"I'm not gonna steal your kidney,"

Marshal chuckled.

"Wait, you heard me?"

Marshal nodded.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry! I shouldn't doubt you, cause your doing so much for me already. I mean, it's incredibly nice and generous that your helping me so I should be more grateful, a-a-and I'm sorry for being rude"-

"Logan. It's fine. I would be scared for my kidneys to, but don't worry. I'm not gonna hurt you, okay?"

Marshal smiled warmly at the smaller boy, while Logan looked down with a small blush.



Marshal set Logan on his feet after entering the building,

"You can walk fine now, right?"

Logan nodded.

"Okay, now we have to go check in"

Marshal said, taking the albinos hand. He was lead to the front desk,

"Hi, I'm checking in for the day. This is Logan, he'll be staying with me for a while."

Marshal smiled at the receptionist.

"You do know our rules regarding guests, right Mr. Dedito? He may not stay longer than a month before we begin to charge you."

She spoke.

"I know I know. He should have a good place to stay by then."

Marshal smiled at Logan.

"Have a nice day Mr. Dedito."

The receptionist waved us off, and went back to her work.

"Why do you need to check into your apartment?"

Logan asked.

" Well, when you leave the electronic door locks. So you check yourself in, they shut off the feature, so your room key will work."

He said holding up his key. It looked similar to a hotel key, where it was a card you swiped pass the scanner as Logan nodded.

"What did you mean when you said I'd be with you awhile?"

"Well, my plan is to keep you until I find you a good, permanent home-"

"Nonono, you really don't need to do that!"

Logan said pulling his hand away and backing away from Marshal.

"That would take forever, nobody wants me. Just... trust me on that one."

Logan said, averting eye contact.

"That's not true, I want you"

Marshal said sweetly.

Logan blushed.

"Wait, that sounded wrong. I'm sorry, I'll stop."

Marshal said with a small blush.

"N-no it's fine, you didn't mean it."

Logan said with a smile, and they began walking again, going up the elevator to the second floor. They walked down the hallway to room 104.

"This it it."

Marshal said with a flick of his card.

"Y'know, going back to my accidental joke, how old are you?"

Marshal asked.

"I'm twelve."

Logan spoke.

"Your twelve? Wow. Well, I mean? Ehh? You look so small, like a kid, but... you also look mature? Like a teen?"

Marshal stared in awe.

"Yeah, So? I'm twelve. End of story. But anyhow, how old are you?"


"Huh, why are you living alone then?"

Logan asked.

"Well, my dad was abusive. So I moved out as soon as I could."

Marshal smiled sheepishly.

Logan nodded.

"So, I guess you should wash up now. The bathroom's down the hall on the right, I'm gonna get started on dinner soon, does pasta sound good?"

Logan nodded again.

"Help yourself to whatever!"

Marshal shouted after Logan.

Logan quickly hopped in the shower, taking his time since it had been awhile. Once he finished, he dressed in the clothes marshal laid out for him: an oversized t-shirt, and some very oversized sweatpants. Makes sense, since marshal was a much larger individual compared to Logan. He walked back out to the kitchen, hearing Marshal whistle while he cooked. He quietly stepped in the kitchen, making sure not to disturb Marshal.

"You're finished?"

Marshal asked.

"Wah- how did you? Never mind..."

Logan swore he didn't make a sound, so how did he hear him enter the kitchen?

"I heard the shower stop, if you're wondering."

He turned, smiling to the smaller boy as Logan smiled back.

"Dinner done yet?"

"Yep, just gotta dish it up. Just take a seat at the table for me."

Marshal said, hinting toward the table.

Logan sat at the round table, taking the corner spot. Marshal sat down a bowl of white pasta, taking his seat soon after.

He took a bite before fumbling.

"Oh, do you want a drink or something?"

He said standing up, and rushing to the fridge.

"Uh, waters okay."

"Nope, your having apple juice."

Marshal said, pulling the carton out, followed by pulling out two glasses.

He poured the cups, and gave Logan his glass.

Logan picked up the glass, swishing the juice around.

"You ever had apple juice before?"

Marshal asked, taking a sip of said drink.

"No, it was rare to even get water...."

Logan spoke.

"Try it dumb dumb, it's good."

Logan took a sip.

"Oh, oh I don't know what to think about that."

He muttered.

Marshal let out a chuckle.

"Is it good?"

Logan nodded.

"It's okay. I'm not used to it, that's all."

He smiled.

They finished dinner, and watched a movie.

Logan was amazed by the special effects, it'd been so long since he watched TV.

"That was so good!"

Logan laughed.

"Eh, I've seen better."

Marshal smiled.

"Well, it's not like I have anything to compare it to, idiot."

Logan nudged marshal.

"Right. Sorry.."

Logan laughed.

"It's fine, you really don't need to apologize for that."

Marshal smiled sheepishly.

"Well, it's getting late. We should head to bed, you can take the bed, and I'll sleep on the couch-"

"No, wait! I... can you sleep with me?"

Logan asked quietly.

"It's just- being in a new place is scary, and I trust you, and you make me feel a little better about it."

Logan fumbled, twirling his thumbs, his face flushed.

"No, it's fine, I get it. New places are scary, but. What about this "me making you feel safe" thing?"

Marshal smirked.

"Shut up!"

Logan threw a pillow at marshal, trying to cover his embarrassment.

Marshal changed into his pajamas, while Logan just stayed in the clothes he was wearing. Marshal wore a tank top, and some lose sweatpants.

"Normally I sleep in just my boxers, but your here soooo.."

Marshal spoke with a chuckle.

"Well, it's your fault for taking me in!"

Logan joked.

"Hey, be grateful brat."

Marshal said, throwing a pillow at the albino.

He laughed.

"Hey! Don't throw things at me! I'm fragile."

Logan said with a pout.

"Sure you are."

Marshal joked, crawling into bed. He reached over the shut off the light, darkness quickly flooding the room. Logan took in a sharp breath,

"You afraid of the dark?"

Marshal asked.

Logan looked over to see marshals silhouette, his features barely visible as he nodded.

"Do you want me to turn the light back on?"

"No, it's fine. Just, uh, yeah. . ."

Logan said, slowly laying down next to Marshal, who quickly put him in a stronghold.

"This okay?"

He murmured.


Logan whispered back.


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